The ban game, v04

Started by Ren Gaulen, May 24, 2008, 06:55:30 AM

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Ren Gaulen

Meany is banned by Nurgle. He is then attacked by hordes of tiny Nurglings.


Ren is banned by a nerd and attacked by hordes of tiny nerdlings

Ren Gaulen

By the power of the Geekskull, I've got the POWER!! And with this power, I utterly and completely ban Shadowterm and banish him from this realm! JUSTICE!


Ren is banned as I dance on the corpse of his beloved Emporer. :B

Ren Gaulen

Meany is banned because the Emperor is dead! He is no longer among us! But on this Golden Throne, and in this broken body His spirit continues to live on, leading the Mankind through darkness and fighting the forces of Chaos! Adeptus Astartes, the Emperor's finest: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ren Gaulen is banned FOR THE HORDE!
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch is banned. For pie! :B

Ren Gaulen

Meany is banned for pony!!!


Ren is banned because Spoon is a better battlecry.


Slowtini is banned, for Spoon is only a good battlecry.

Ren Gaulen

Cog is banned because the best battlecry ever was in "Worms: Armageddon" and it was called just "Battlecry". It is completely impossible to spell it properly, though. It comes from your very soul and cannot be converted into cold and unfeeling letters.


Ren Gaulen is banned because he rambles on and on and on and on and on and on...

Ren Gaulen

Yakanaj is banned because my rambling numbs the senses of my opponents leaving them wide open for my attack. And I strike without fail and mercy. BAN-KAI!


Ren Gaulen is banned because I'm laughing at his Bleach reference.

You should see my Ban-Kai. It involves little blue squirrels bursting out of nowhere and using their own little Ban-Kai's on my enemy, enabling me time to run away and hide. HAHAHAHA


Yakanaj is banned because My Ban-Kai is ultimate. It involves much, much, tar. And Many assorted feathers.


Slowtini is banned by my inability to tear myself from new webcomics and stories. (seriously, I don't eat or sleep until I read the archive unless I'm forced to. It scares me.)

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is violently torn from the webcomics and banned with much power.


Ren is banned because new evidence has arisen. The Emporer was in fact....a Cubi! :B [[Blarghety to the one hundred and forty-second power.]]

Ren Gaulen

Meany will be banned as soon as I finish powering up my light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation system, for at that moment that which is whoop will verily be shooped.


Ren is banned for  A CHARGIN' HIS LASER!1!!11 elevantyone

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned as I discharge my laser at him.


Ren is banned because my power level is OVER 9000!

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned because Vegeta is not amused with his antics. He will now apply Galic Gun to Shadowterm until he starts to behave.


Ren is banned because Boo turned him into a chocolate bar and ate him.

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned because even as a chocolate bar I still managed to kick Buu's ass, so he had to turn me back to my normal form.


Ren is banned for commiting trauma to buu's ass.

Ren Gaulen

I commit a ban upon Slowtini's person.


I commit a ban upon Ren's soul.


Meany is banned by this posts page number.

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned by ninja nuns of Bene Gesserit (I wish I had a picture for that).