05/10/08 [#79] - Step Above Naked

Started by Fresnor, May 10, 2008, 11:16:33 PM

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Curious what it looks like now, since that sure doesn't look like shoestring bikini with matching stamp size top...  which I believe is the step above naked...

llearch n'n'daCorna


Are we collecting questions for Jig? If so, I have one or two...

  Questions moved to the other thread, since Jigsaw asked me nicely...
  --  llearch
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


to be honest i was expecting something in a bathing suit style myself, jigsaw seems more of the kind of person to favor freedom of movement over durability

then again i wouldn't be caught with anything less then Kevlar, and would prefer some nice scale maile
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd settle for anything that covered most of my limbs, didn't restrict movement, and was able to resist small to medium-arms fire and blades, as well as impact.

And flame, if possible.

Note that "medium-arms fire" varies depending on the state of the art in weaponry, so something that would be considered heavy weaponry here and now might well be considered "pifflingly tiny ammo" for there...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch, what you just described is currently being developed in reality D:

llearch n'n'daCorna

For current tech, yes.

For the sort of "medium arms fire" that Jig has wandering around her comic, I don't think so.

Given enough tech, you can accelerate slivers of, say, ice, or something, to supersonic. Like, 3000 fps muzzle velocity, which is a little bit more than your average rifle ammo these days. Getting hit by something like that will remove whatever limb it touches and spread it all over the room.

Hydrostatic shock is hardly on the same scale, and defending from that is much much harder.

Of course, you can also throw all sorts of multi-layer defence out there - force shields, reflective layer for laser fire, hard coating ablative pads, and then the liquid layer underneath that, just to drop a few ideas into it. If you can do the shield, you can slow down incoming fire enough to have it bounce off the next layer... and use the shield for plasma type fire.

Of course, you also have upgrades in fire types - plasma as an update to flame-throwers; more powerful explosive to make concussion grenades either smaller, or more effective, or both; faster fire rates and faster ammo; portable laser fire; electromagnetic effects on the neurochemical system (eg pain guns); and, if you really want to get into it, you can always throw hypervelocity weapons into the mix. That's firing bars of whatever comes to hand at significant fractions of the speed of light.

Assuming, say, a 1mm square bar (I'd use round, but it's easier to calculate square ;-] ) and 10mm long of, say, Uranium (about 19 grams per cubic centimeter), that's about 0.001 cubic centimeters, or 0.19 grams. I dunno about you, but I can carry a lot of those. However, at 10% c that makes about 5 696.0567 m kg / s, or, roughly, five and a half thousand Newtons of force.

According to this link a rough guess for a 26 gram bullet is about 2300N force.

If we say a 3mm HVW shot, 3x3x10mm, that's about 1.71 grams. That works out at 9 times as big, and nine times as much force. That's a heck of a lot harder hit...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears