
Started by Tezkat, May 12, 2008, 12:33:30 PM

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I'll keep that in mind, but at the moment this guy is sending 200,000 troops in one wave, and at most the guy can get is 25 allegiance. I'll just have to monitor the situation until the damage starts to drop. BTW, if you are in the middle of sending troops to another province, and are attacked, which province does the in transit troops count?

As a record, I have gotten 5 progression on the second province. I decided to pity the guy and not steal anything from his final one.

Oh, I also remember reading on the forum about  someone complaining about not getting enough resources from their victim, and the admin replied: "Steal more progression" or something along the lines. Anyone care to test this out?


Quote from: Darkdragon on August 02, 2008, 03:32:31 AM
BTW, if you are in the middle of sending troops to another province, and are attacked, which province does the in transit troops count?

Neither. Troops that are attacking or in transit are out of the system as far as defending troop counts go. With respect to being wiped out by province defeat, they belong to the destination province. So if defeat is imminent, evac them to another province any time before his troops hit.

Oh, I also remember reading on the forum about  someone complaining about not getting enough resources from their victim, and the admin replied: "Steal more progression" or something along the lines. Anyone care to test this out?

Hasn't been implemented yet. It was just a suggestion, and he's on vacation right now.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Hows it going over here?


Fine, thank you. I've taken your suggestion very well in mind.


As of right now, Tezkat is guild admin. I've been putting it off for a while because there's been no real call to resign, but I figure he's way more interested in this than I am. :V

llearch n'n'daCorna


All hail our new overlord!
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ZOMG... I've seized control of the government... in my sleep! :dface

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Incidentally, Tez, just how many people buy 300000 units of wood at a time?
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Probably nobody (although you could go through that much pretty quickly building siege toys)... :animesweat

That's up there because I've been keeping track of movable resources as a function of progression. There's a cap of 500k resources per transaction, but it turns out that the total amount of movable resources keeps rising after 910 prog. So I need to stick a bunch on the market to get my remaining cap under 500k.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna


Did you want me to update the spreadsheet I'm keeping for you? Or are you pretty sorted for those details?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


...Alright, what's the deal with the tanking price of food?


Quote from: Ganurath on August 12, 2008, 11:51:09 PM
...Alright, what's the deal with the tanking price of food?

many people are starting to realise how valuable food is and they are causing the supply to out-pace the demand resulting in an over-all shrinkage in food prices.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


I'm of the mind that the economy is now lacking gold; with the recent change in attack range is causing people to pelt at other people with substantial armies, causing larger loss and a greater need to create troops. Since for the most part troops are gold-heavy (id est cost a lot more gold than food), people are now selling food, of which they have a surplus of because consumption of gold outpace it, to obtain more gold.


As a temporary nudge to the wood/stone problem, I've lowered the cost of food per land and raised the wood/stone for structures. This is NOT A PERMANENT SOLUTION. I haven't even begun reworking finances yet. This is just meant to keep wood/stone from scrapping the 1 ppu mark too much until I have a chance to sit down and recalculate the entire financial system.


Yup. It's most likely a gold thing, precipitated mainly by the new exploration costs. Think of it this way...

I have a fairly food-heavy empire, and I produce ~25 gold for every 1 food.

Progression costs me 50 gold for every food.
Troops cost me ~50 gold for every food. (It's less for smaller empires, but the big ones are buying disproportionately more troops.)
Land now costs me ~21 gold for every food (up from ~15).

It used to be that I could buy prog, then buy land to fill the new prog, and that would more or less even out to what I was making. Now, gold is a bottleneck for everyone the way food used to be (and still is relative to other resources). So the price of food will keep declining until Sandro does something to inject more gold into the system.

On the good side, it's becoming increasingly worthwhile to build houses/roads, which I consider to be a plus. If you haven't been building them, now's a good time to start, especially with the prices of wood/stone still in the gutter.

If you have any food stockpiles (heh... does anyone have food stockpiles?), I'd sell now before the price drops much further. :dface

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 10, 2008, 06:35:48 PM

Did you want me to update the spreadsheet I'm keeping for you? Or are you pretty sorted for those details?

I'm still missing a lot of data from the sub 400 prog range. Been a little discouraged about data collection recently, though, since Sandro's been making sweeping changes that render huge swathes of my old data obsolete...

By the way... I sent some spaiz to you, Kasarn. They were successful. Did you receive any kind of notice at all?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I have a little food stockpile, but I tend to use most of what I have.

And, of course, I tend to chew up the wood and stone a lot, too.

I should calculate out those numbers for me, too...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I *did* have a food stockpile but then sold it for 7.8 mil a few days back.

As for troop production, it's far easier to keep the ball rolling than starting it. What I mean is, once you have a healthy amount of troops in line, you can just add 720 troops per type per province per collection made after collecting. At my size I still turn a surplus in gold alone over 160k, and should be no problem.


Heh... I've actually stopped building troops for a bit, at least until I hit 1400 prog. It now costs me up to 12 mil just to upgrade a unit when a new armoury toy comes in. :dface

Our guild has one of the highest units/member counts around, which is kinda cool, especially now that unit counts per empire are sekrit. >:]

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd assist, but I'm a hippie. I have one of each per province, just because I like to play with toys, but that's it.

Incidentally, I just hit my third province. I'm thinking possibly swamp/plains or forest/coastal or something.

Any comments?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


You're not going food/food because...? It's not like Sandro is gonna fix the economy anytime soon. :mowtongue

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

... mostly because the major limitation on how fast I can grow at present is wood and stone.

And exploration time. And build time.

And I've already got plains/coastal and hills/coastal. Isn't five of six enough?

Oh, and your guide is missing that link to the calculator.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Um... wood and stone cost nothing to buy on the market. Sell 1 food, get 10 wood and stone back...

Plus food provinces give you more gold from commerce.

Which calculator are you talking about?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

That one.

And you have a point. It seems a bit boring to have a country that is all plains, hills, and coasts, though. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well... you could always make a food province, grow really fast, and then do some landscaping to mix things up once Sandro installs a province reset. Best of both worlds...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna


I just spent 3 million of your change in the bank to purchase.. er... 2000 units of plains and hills. Should take two days to explore, by which time I might have the food lying about to explore the other 2000...

do be do be do...

Er. Don't go making a full withdrawal immediately, or the bank will go bust... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tezkat on August 14, 2008, 10:55:28 AM
By the way... I sent some spaiz to you, Kasarn. They were successful. Did you receive any kind of notice at all?

Nope... but then, they were successful.


I made a deposit of 2 million to you llreach - mainly just to hide resources from attackers.

Incidentally, how much progression would that buy?
Are we to use "Deadly Muffins For All" as a guild name? I've written a dry draft version of the ODP in my spare time the other day and can be found here.

I'm also in for improving political relationships with other guilds to improve upon neutrality. Although it might drastically reduce the number of potential raid targets (which doesn't actually seem to be a problem since we lack an active raiding history). Any comments, suggestions etc.?



Just an update on the front, even 150k troops is not enough to deter a fight at levels so consider staying in peace mode or build troops. And I mean a lot of them.

With that said, I think I'll stick to being in peace mode and build troops until the penalty gets turned back on. However before I do that I'd have to end the two wars. One guy returned and said "Sorry, I do not negotiate" and the other one ignored my request. *sigh*