02/05/08 [DMFA #899] - Shorter speeches

Started by Tapewolf, May 02, 2008, 04:58:32 PM

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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 06:08:27 AM
Quote from: Naldru on May 03, 2008, 11:19:36 PM

#6, 7, 11, 16...

#142 and 176 in Cellblock A are amusing.
I guess I shouldn't find anything about good guys monologing since this is the list of hints for the evil overlord.  After all, Aliyka doesn't really have Dan at her mercy in this scene.

Somehow, Fa'lina's comment seems more appropriate here as well as the tvtropes section on Talking is a Free Action.

Should we start a new list for good guys:

! When the villain says "I'll surrender peacefully to the authorities if you grant this one request", he (or she) is lying.

2.  Don't try to exchange yourself for the hostages the villain is holding.  He (or she) will simply keep both you and the hostages.

3.  People who lie, cheat, and steal for a living can seldom be trusted.

4.  If the villain is about to kill hundreds of hostages, it really is okay to kill him (or her) from ambush.

5.  If you are in a duel with your opponent and you manage to disarm her (or him), don't give your enemy a chance to regain the weapon before continuing.

6.  It's okay to hit a woman if she's trying to kill you.

7.  If the villain demands the return of the final part of his doomsday device in return for not killing an innocent person, don't give the part over without first making it inoperable.  Sure it's cheating, but he's probably going to kill the two of you anyway.

8.  When you capture the vital piece of the villain's doomsday device, render it inoperative immediately.  Magnetic media can be erased by using a strong magnet.  CD's and DVD's can be rendered useless by scraping off the surface and then using a blowtorch.  You can then glue a second disk to it so that it appears undamaged unless closely examined.  Better yet, fill the part with explosives so that it will kill the villain when he tries to activate the device.  Having the villain hoist on his own petard is actually desirable.  (In case you are wondering what that actually means, it means to be blown up by your own hand grenade.  The timing devices on early hand grenades left something to be desired.)
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.