Xbox 360 thief! The great moron.

Started by Suwako, March 23, 2008, 06:27:16 AM

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Translate: google + Aiyno's editing, lots of Aiyno's editting

You have those moments that confirm why the Internet is a wonderful medium. And this is one of those moments. Imagine, you are a blogger and you get home, in fright you discover that your Xbox 360, Powerbook an tv where taken from your home

Although the police is unresponsive , still good fortune is still on your side. The thief has contacted you through Xbox Live an has left a voice message in which he says he wants to sell the stolen  Xbox 360. The stupid thief has made the message on his own gamertag, you again have a connection for the investigation into the identity of the intruder.

Your decide to post your findings on your blog, including photos of the thief and his message. Digg is switched on and now the wheels of the Internet really roll. In the reactions of the digg article is to see that slowly but surely the identity of the thief is being revealed. It is currently clear where he lives, but before  they had practically revealed all his online alter-egos. Here is a summary view of all the information gathered. The minor thief is has not yet been arrested by the police. How this story will end remains to be seen, but it seems likely that the law will prevail.

[end of snipped]

On a side note, this guys photobucket has pictures of his little man on it.. as such it is NSFW


This guy had his brain misplaced, or is an inbred..

[end note]




further proof that human stupidity is the best form of entertainment

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

llearch n'n'daCorna


On the other hand, it'd be worth thinking about the web of trust you're relying upon to start picking on the guy directly.

ie, where your information is from, and who's involved in pointing fingers for you. "I saw a post on the internet that said you were guilty" isn't enough proof, to me, to have two thousand people accusing someone of guilt...

Stupid, yes. Are we pointing at the -right- stupid person, though?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I wonder If he has tourettes syndrome, every other word out of his mouth is %*9ger.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Can I say "Owned!"

Also.  What is with the police!?  They're supposed to protect and serve, not sit on their butts and take their sweet time.  This is the second incident of theft where the police said basically "You've got all the evidence we need, but we're not going to help."  Also, in the United States, if someone breaks into your house and you call 911, by the time the police arrive, you're probably already dead, and the burgler has escaped, never to be seen again.  Of the 32 deaths at Virginia Tech, 30 were caused after the arrival of the police.  When some bison escaped a meat packing plant last year, the police fired round after round of ineffective small-arms fire into the animals until they died of blood loss, instead of pulling a reasonably-sized tranq or hunting rifle and dropping the critters quickly.

This just fuels my claims that police aren't for stopping the bad guys, they're for cleaning up the mess after civilians have stopped the bad guy.