Portrait of Ruin Videos

Started by ilpalazzo, June 01, 2006, 09:53:37 PM

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Xuzaf D

It looks like you can get the double jump at the beginning of the game, or maybe that only happens in the demo. :(

Destina Faroda

Is it me or does this game have a Mega Man feel to it from the videos?
Sig coming...whenever...

Nimrods Son

I'm absolutely fallen for:

a) the great parallax fx
b) the cute heroine
c) the way John moves (that's dandy, not gay!)

yikes! it seems there's no inventory? I mean that auto-eaten pork chop in the third video..


In acord with Angatyr,Charlotte caugth all my atention...................

Nimrods Son

She's hot. I always wanted to have a Witch-Apprentice Mode rather than the boring "antagonist-freidn" mode after beating a castleroid.
Now I feel satisfied.


yeah,Charlotte is very(more very) hot....I love she!!!!


He looks absolutely nothing like he does in Bloodlines. He doesn't have blonde hair and he dresses alot different. Somehow I don't think guys died their hair in World War 2 so thats gotta be a different JM then the one in Bloodlines.


Its' John Morris' son, Johnathan Morris.


Way to keep us out of the light Moonie boy.


I think Yuzo Koshiro is very good though with music. I'm curious to see what he does with helping out POR.


sound very good the music,it's impressisive