Hijacked Thread: Favorite Strips! (formerly DMFA #780)

Started by Hermie, December 12, 2007, 02:06:45 PM

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I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: sweets8 on December 13, 2007, 06:50:59 PM
Question on #514 too. Is Dan wearing something to do with nintendo, and is the other one wearing some kind of peach or sailor moon outfit?

It's called Captain N: The Games Master, a cartoon series that hit around 1990. Essentially, in the intro to each episode, we saw live action footage of a guy getting sucked into his TV while playing his Nintendo, and the series was about him and a bunch of video game heros(Mega Man, Kid Icarus, Simon Belmont, a man size Gameboy)  battling a bunch of video game baddies(Mother Brain, Eggplant Wizard) in this video game world. The guy had a Nintendo zapper and a NES control pad strapped to his waist, both of which were helpful at times (he could "pause" the game world) and time characters from other games would make an appearance. It was a decent enough series, though the show wasn't often accurate to the characters it showed). In the strip, Dan is playing the guy, Abel is playing that princess who wasn't from any video game, but was with the guy for most of the episodes (and reigned over some land or something, it's been a while)

Interesting to note, in the series they guy would often twirl the Zapper on his finger like a cowboy. As a friend pointed out to me around the time, that's sort of impossible to do as a Zapper doesn't have a fingerguard. Nice to see that in the comic strip, Amber corrects this problem. (If this starts a side conversation into Captain N, split it off into another thread immediately).


I'd also consider myself a fan of http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_293.php

Neat to see that when Fae get very angry, they seem to sprout/split/whatever extra little sets of wings.


Maybe it's like "Kickass mode activate"? :b
Help! I'm gay!



I'm a moron. ^^;

It took me until now that the thread title was changed!  :mowdizzy

But anyway, I don't have time to referrence the strips, but I'll say a couple other favorites off the top of my head.

That one where Wildy answered the door shirtless when the nuns and priest came to the door... The line at the bottom got me. XD I lol'd. In a library. I had to force myself to stay quiet.

I'm actually living with Jehova's Witnesses... I know how they are.


Quote from: Sofox on December 14, 2007, 06:25:00 AM
Abel is playing that princess who wasn't from any video game, but was with the guy for most of the episodes (and reigned over some land or something, it's been a while)

You mean Princess Zelda?


Quote from: Hermie on December 14, 2007, 02:08:10 PM
But anyway, I don't have time to referrence the strips, but I'll say a couple other favorites off the top of my head.

That one where Wildy answered the door shirtless when the nuns and priest came to the door... The line at the bottom got me. XD I lol'd. In a library. I had to force myself to stay quiet.

I'm actually living with Jehova's Witnesses... I know how they are.
Here it is
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on December 14, 2007, 09:06:42 PM
Quote from: Hermie on December 14, 2007, 02:08:10 PM
But anyway, I don't have time to referrence the strips, but I'll say a couple other favorites off the top of my head.

That one where Wildy answered the door shirtless when the nuns and priest came to the door... The line at the bottom got me. XD I lol'd. In a library. I had to force myself to stay quiet.

I'm actually living with Jehova's Witnesses... I know how they are.
Here it is

Love that one, never fails to amaze me.

the 99 life thing. it doesn't exist.





The humor in these is the best.


#424 I love the setup of this one.  It makes you think that you aren't going to see the new character's face, and then Amber surprises us.
#518 I love the way Dan says it is valuable to him and then Abel goes and ripes it in half.
#540 Dan walked into that one


Quote from: Naldru on December 14, 2007, 09:06:42 PM
Quote from: Hermie on December 14, 2007, 02:08:10 PM
But anyway, I don't have time to referrence the strips, but I'll say a couple other favorites off the top of my head.

That one where Wildy answered the door shirtless when the nuns and priest came to the door... The line at the bottom got me. XD I lol'd. In a library. I had to force myself to stay quiet.

I'm actually living with Jehova's Witnesses... I know how they are.
Here it is

Ahh yes, one of the many reasons why Wildy is awesome, lol



Quote from: Raist on December 14, 2007, 08:17:42 PM
Quote from: Sofox on December 14, 2007, 06:25:00 AM
Abel is playing that princess who wasn't from any video game, but was with the guy for most of the episodes (and reigned over some land or something, it's been a while)

You mean Princess Zelda?

No, like I said, she wasn't from any video game, her name was *checks Wikipedia* Princess Lana.

Princess Zelda did make an appearance though, I vaguely remember this episode where she says something happened to the Triforce and then collapses. The guy asks someone else how she knows something happened to the Triforce and the response is that Zelda is connected to the Triforce somehow and anything that happens to them happens to her and I think that's pretty sucky.


Gannon holds the triforce of power link holds the triforce of courage and Zelda holds the triforce of wisdom if i remember my super Mario brothers super show correctly
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I'd do the same thing if i wasn't allergic...

It's good to know others of my kind are out there.

All around the country and the coast, coast...

For the same reason everyone loves it. C'mon.

The second and third panels won my heart.

The comic that made me laugh till I couldn't breathe.

I'm an Arachspearian fangirl, and I blame this comic.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...



Ahhh!!! He's talking, he's TALKING!! Such conspiracy, bwaaaahhhh!

*and now the twists and turns unfold*


Wait, what? Are they gonna jump Chuck Norris, or is that Chuck Norris and they're seeing if he can really kill a fae?? =O


Yeah, tell it sister! Haha, I've been working on a book lately, and even though I have things that slow it down, I make sure to keep with it.

(Besides, if I stop after a while, I will have greatly strong feelings to work on it, and a week seems like it's been forever if I haven't. It's like an addiction o_O)


So Fluffy IS a guy, but wears a bow? Hmmm....


Noooo! I'm at the end T_T

That's a really good pic though. It's all serious, but I can think of a great title for it.

*Week 6 and Abel is still shut up in his dark room*

:P Who said it couldn't be humorous??


http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_388.php The first and (currently) only appearance of my main girl!

[http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_615.php I love this one, and the one right after it.

http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_480.php such a peaceful little strip with a good song refernece.

I've also enjoyed pretty much all of the QFTR strips.

EDIT: slight syntax error fixed.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


If you know what I did... Then kudos to you.


Quote from: Hermie on December 14, 2007, 02:08:10 PM

That one where Wildy answered the door shirtless when the nuns and priest came to the door... The line at the bottom got me. XD I lol'd. In a library. I had to force myself to stay quiet.

I'm actually living with Jehova's Witnesses... I know how they are.

lol, great place to read comics, at the library....

anyways :P Yes, I loved that one! Especially the one who seemed to want to stay a bit longer X3


OKay, these r all from that whole Abel side story thang that I just discovered *glee!* but have already finished *sadness*

So if ya look at any of those links, know it's rated pg 14 wit da panda and all that whatevers. Blood, swearing, violence, you are warn-eds....

(and if I posted this in the wrong place, please let me know! This is about the only place I've been posting really, so I don't know if there was a specific place for these ones, I didn't see anyways.... I'll be glad to post it in the proper place if this is not!)


What is that picture in the background?! It looks bloody with broken glass =O


Muahahaha, I feel her inner evil coming out >:3


Yeaaaaah, sunshiine and cookies....


lol, I know those are prolly her fangs, but from that far away, her expression reminds me of a hippo XD


Talk about from the frying pan to the fire D: Isn't that his special mark for sumthin or other, I forget....


Ahhh! Don't you hate it when chars. die? Well, happens irl, so.... On a happier note, what is her dad? Looks like a dove or sumthin' oh tah ironyz....


Grrrrrss.....that's all I have to say about that >:X~~ o O O


Wow, what a scene o_O Who knew Amber had that in er....lol. Yes, sorry for teh deaths an' all, but still, it's life. (by the way, what is the blue guy? His tail interests me ^_^)


Whoowee, the others eh? Sounds like she slept around or sumthin' *eep, bad mommy, don't kill your kids!*


Dang, does anyone know what the last panel says? It's too little and faded for me to make out 3:
Oh, that's the thoughts, mmhm....


lol, the beginning of this makes ya think that's what she's gonna do to him o_O;


Whaaaaaat?! The only reason he's still standing is cause of the confusion. Otherwise, he'd be dead by now >:X~




*lot's of muttered obsceneties, and a mob*


Looks like he din' know what he was doing, eh?

Still, I seriously am getting very angry over this (even though I know it's a comic, it's still boils ma' blood to see that! I wanna rip him apart, gaaaarooooh!)

Huh, this little side schtory thingmajig explains why abel stays in his room like he does....

MT Hazard

Vol 392 is still may favourite. Emotional insight into a character, a little background info, a good shot of Dan's wings and wing tentacles with draconic heads, a good range of facial expressions and a punchline. Some comics don't manage that in weeks worth of strips.

Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic)