Is Portrait of Ruin a Castleroid?

Started by hiteX, May 11, 2006, 12:37:57 AM

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Somehow all online gaming publications played the game and did not answered this, do, is it?


More than likely. You're supposed to be able to find paintings and wander into them to new areas, and while they could do this in a straight side scorller, I doubt they have.


It is confirmed, Gamespot´s new videos show the map.


It´s weird the thing of enter in the pictures..................


I dunno that it's confirmed... but it is IGA. I figure it's almost guaranteed.


From the screenshots and article in the newest Nintendo Power (yes I am a geek and still have a subscription) it is in fact a castle-roid.



Iga is so old,he need go to the retirement castle of Springfield


Actually he doesn't look any older than mid-40's. But that's just his appearance. He's probably more around late 30's.


Well,IGA,not is old,she is a very young,young man

Nimrods Son

Oh, she is? Anyhow :givesafuck , but a striaght sidescroller, that could have been top. I loved the idea that it could come out as a zwo-player-simultaneous thing in bloodlines fashion. well :redrum


hey!!!,this guy have something weird?

Nimrods Son


Nimrods Son

Accepted. I took that as a compliment, anyway :)


Nimrods Son

naaah, being 'weird' is something good to me! I'm a musician, you know, it helps a lot being weird and stuff..
At school, me & tha gang, we were very proud of being nerds (better nerd than herde, no?), & why else should I play videogames at my age?
I'm sorry if you thought I'd taken anything seriously  :zombiekun


I understand what is to be foreign,if you know,I live in Mexico
and in another place I got some problems for that,i don´t say the name........

Nimrods Son

 :D I'm foreign, too.. :D to many of us, it's a lot of fun to be weird - we very much like the writings of Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett,
just like for example the English enjoy their Englishness with a little bit of selbstironie.


for that reason my broken english,rigth? :bunny

Nimrods Son

it's okay.. noone has been speaking perfect English since Shakespear's times ;)