Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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The coast was silent, with the sound of the foaming waves echoing up from the crashing surf just half a mile behind them. Shadows flickered in the darkness, as though by torchlight, although they fisher couldn't see any obvious source of the light. The jungle itself, nearly enclosed about the ship, right up next to it but for the brief clearing, was still and lifeless. The wind was the only source of motion, brushing wet leaves against each other, and carrying smells of sea-salt and overripe fruit along with it.

* * *

The ship was entirely dark, and in the brief stillness following, telltale creaks and groans of the crashed ship became ominous and terrifying. A breath in the dark was mysterious, in the enclosed rooms of that ship. A bump into a shelf or cabinet a brush with the unknown, a caress of breeze or cloth an insidious touch. It was quite nearly impossible to see.

And the knowledge that somewhere, was that creature, somehow not yet dead. Who knew when it would awake? To those who listened carefully, too, there was a strange liquid sound emanating from somewhere, and feet splashing. Blood, perhaps, or something equally as insidious. Remembering the layout of the ship suddenly became very important.


Epyon quailed  almost jumping back. what had he done? the lighting in the corridor had gone out and that was not a good thing. With all of his eyes open  he could make out some sort of liquid spilling from the cut he'd made in the wall but what was it?

the sound of the spilling would have alerted him to the blunder in the dark  if nothing else but now he was worried.  the power was out, the wolf still trapped and something  was spill from the wall. something that he seriously doubted was water. ah well damage done but now with a rip in the wall he could at least try to peek in on the wolf.  but first using his sai  he opened the cut in the wall a bit more above were the  liquid was splashing out and going up as opposed to down in hopes of avoiding causing more damage. he only hopped that this wasn't some kind of flammable fuel spilling out of the wall because then all it would take would be a spark to start a fire and he hated fires.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny had just decided that the situation outside of the ship was as uninspiring as that inside of the ship. She had just turned to try to find her way back to where Epyon and Cog waited when the lights went out. Retreating back to the door and it's dim light she began rummaging in the small bag on her waist beside her quiver. Working in the dark was a job requirement and she was equiped for it. Except that she usually didn't have to find her equipment IN the dark.

After an impatient moment of fumbling through the contents she picked out a pair of glasses and settled them on her nose. The magic in the lenses allowed her to see quite well in the dark without resorting to a guard-alerting light. Satisfied with their placement on her face the fisher once again started up the ladder to where she left Epyon watching the wolf's door.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Claws clattering against metal, the spider moved in the dark, tapping a foot here and there to try and orientate herself from the vibrations. Her vision didn't seem to be adjusting quickly. That, or more probably, there simply was so little light slippering into the ship that neither she nor most anyone else could have made anything out. She was fortunate though. With her senses and instincts came a sense of direction and memory of location that was hard to beat. She could 'hear' something trembling and fizzing through the hull as well, which made things even clearer for her. Now, if...
   The spider was just about to try tapping her claws against the wall, when she heard Witt's and Paige's conversation from up front. If what they said hadn't been enough to surmise what was happening, then the scent she was picking up, coupled with the movements... The spider shook her head, then paced smoothly over the leaning floor against the both of them. Silently, so as to scare them. She stood still for a moment, listening and feeling in order to perceive just how they stood. And then...
   Suddenly, Paige just had to ask what Witt thought he was doing with his third hand. And then a pair of hard somethings pinched down on the hedgehog's ear and pulled on it until he was standing on his toes. Something clacked rhythmically from below, a claw tapping against the metal floor.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt rose up on his toes, his eyes widening slightly. For just a moment, he thought Paige was playing with him; and then he heard the claw tapping, and realised what must have happened.

He coughed, gently, and commented "It might be time for a little light, do you think, fuzzybutt?"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

"Oh if you insist" Paige purred and summoned a pair of lights which she sent to each of the armory's corners.

"I guess I'll leave him in your capable hands my dear." She said and slipped out the door heading back to the cockpit to find Pandora and report the destruction of a fair amount of her weapons stockpile.

As she padded down the hallway she put up light spells to aid the others in moving about the darkened ship.


Despite the rage that was clearly evident in Cross's ear-ringing shout, nothing but darkness answered him - perhaps those around him being too stunned by his shout to answer. Whatever the reason, it was no impossible to see one's hand in front of one's face, the inky blackness totally obscuring. Finding some source of light, or getting out of the airship, seemed imperative.

* * *

As Penny returned to the area where she'd left Epyon, she felt something splash beneath her feet as she rounded the corner. Epyon was standing in front of the wall, the metal peeled back as though a can opener had been used on it. Something was gushing out of the wall, and the occasional spark of a circuit almost completing itself flared through her glasses. Epyon seemed to be looking through the wall, one Sai in his hand. Penny could see Cog nearly crushed beneath a bed through the crack - the drug addict from before, not the strange monster.

* * *

Paige wandered for a bit, balls of light following her around like sprites as she wandered the narrow corridors. Finding her way back to Pandora didn't seem to be too hard a task, but as she returned she felt something hot splash against her ankle. A few balls of light flew down the corridor, where one of the strange fellows from before and the girl with the crossbow were staring at a wall gushing some sort of fluid. A glittering knife was in Epyon's hand.


"Pandora?" Cross asked, creating a small globe of illumination and offering her the pad again.

"You designed the ship.  If the power went out - which is has - where would you look first?  Is there one central point which connects all the different circuits?  Did you have multiple redundant generators?"  Gods help her if she says 'no', he added mentally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt turned the sawnoff over, muttered something about "Oh, so that's how it works", folded the butt away, and buried the gun somewhere inside his coat.

After which, he rolled one eyeball at Sal, and raised the bushy eyebrow over it. "Do you suppose I could have my ear back, now?" He coughed. "Not that I'm complaining, or anything, but standing here on my toes isn't the most comfortable of places, and I'm sure the rest of the guys would like some help. Or at least some hindrance, if that's what we can offer."

He shrugged, or, at least, made an effort to shrug without tearing his ear off in Sal's grip. "Or we could just stand here. Not like I've got anything better to do..."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ty had found his way to the hallway near the cockpit before the lights went out completely and he froze. After the initial adrenaline rush where he went through all the ways in which this was NOT the usual situation in which he couldn't see (such as that incident early on in his barbarian years, where tar was thrown in his face, or later when a wizard had blinded him, or yet later when Ugar the Dishonorable had tried covering his eyes mid-combat...) he finally calmed down and set to finding his way to where there was some light. He eventually made his way to one of the halls along the side of the ship, light from the portholes creating eerie patches of light in the pitch darkness.


The spider stared blankly at Witt with that same disapproving look she had been using for him practically all the time since they had first acquainted themselves with each other throughout his whole monologue. Only a second or so after he had ended did she let go, letting that hand hang while a couple of her other ones were set on her hip. She shifted her stance, and cocked an eyebrow at the hedgehog in return, as if to say 'Well, what?'.
   When Witt rubbed his ear after sinking to the floor again, spines glistening and his face that seemed permanently tainted by a sort of drunken sullenness lit by the dim amber of the hanging spells, the spider took the opportunity to break in with a bit of communication, hands flashing. She thought it might be the last she got to speak to the little man, considering that he'd most likely find every opportunity to avoid her after this.
   It's none of my business, but that doesn't mean I can't butt in anyway, was the first thing she signed, cryptically, while her face retained most of its seriousness. The next set of words and meanings lit a little glint in her odd eyes, and caused the corners of her equally odd mouth to quirk up a little: Just you try and stop me. You know what's curious though? I took you for a married man when I first saw you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt sullenly rubbed his ear, eyes watching her explain why she butted in. One eyebrow quirked at the comment about butting in; he smirked when she mentioned stopping her; when she reached the final statement, though, his face closed down like the shutter on a bomb shelter.

"Oh, I'm nothing like drunk enough to talk about that. Not by a fucking long shot. And, as you say - it's none of your bloody business."

And with that, he sniffed, turned, and headed deliberately out the door and back towards the cockpit; not storming off, but not stopping, either.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Keaton nearly jumped out of her skin when Fal'taq unexpectedly appeared before her, an uncharacteristic and possibly insincere smile on his face. In Keaton's state of surprise, he looked almost sinister; preventing herself from yelping and instinctively kicking him in an automatic demonstration of self-defense took a tremendous effort on her part. When Keaton had essentially spent most of her life among people who victimized and mistreated her, she believed she was entitled to behave a little jumpily. Instead, Keaton stumbled back a little, her eyes wide.

"Fal'taq! Jesus, you scared me," Keaton mumbled begrudgingly to Fal'taq, lifting her index finger. "Don't do that."

After a moment, she sighed in visible relief, some of her tension alleviating. "Good to see you're in one piece, at least. Do you have any injuries?" Keaton looked over Fal'taq's body studiously for any external wounds, almost offhandedly answering his question. "The junk monster? He died in the crash. His head was taken clean off."


...Pandora and Axiyne:

Pandora admired Cross's metal-conjuring skills, then patted him on the shoulder, fortunately without the strength with which she had slapped Paige's back. "Y' did good. Jus' take a rest f'r now," she reassured him. Just as she said this, the lights went out again, and Pandora narrowed her eyes in a display of irritation that any Cubi in the vicinity would have palpably detected. "Oh f'r FUCK's sake..."

Before Pandora could bellow her displeasure at whoever was responsible for making her ship malfunction, Cross conjured up another luminescent, compact orb of magical light, levitating it over to her while proffering the pad. Pandora accepted the drawing pad and sighed, clicking the pen open again and beginning to illustrate another, rough sketch of any necessary parts. In response to his next question, Pandora thought for a moment, still looking quite agitated, and compulsively adjusted the straps of her overalls with her thumbs. "Yah, I have one o' those," she replied, before begrudgingly adding, "I c'n turn it on, assumin' whatever keeps knockin' out th' lights didn't damage th' generators..."

Axiyne chipped in helpfully. "I can go look," he offered. Around Pandora, he didn't seem to have a stutter, at least. Pandora sighed a little, cursing as she apparently screwed up on a minute detail with her drawing, and flipped to the next page of the pad. She started over.

"That'd be great, Ax," Pandora murmured. "Bu' are y'r goggles still...?"

"No," Axiyne answered. To demonstrate, he pressed a switch on one of his goggles, and the undamaged lens lit up. The other one remained unlit, as it was still broken. "I'm still good. I'll be right back, alright?"

Pandora nodded. "Be careful," she advised the Gryphon as he exited, using his headlights as illumination to guide him through the darkness. With that out of the way, Pandora returned to her drawing, furiously sketching.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny realized there was a strong chemical smell in the air just before she felt the first lapping wave of the growing pool of liquid against her feet. The liquid was coming from the jagged hole in the wall Epyon was peering through.

"Did something happen while I was away?" she managed to ask before coughing a little on the chemical smell in the hallway. She didn't relish the idea of wading into unknown chemicals, but they still had to retrieve the other half of the leadership, such as it was. She could see Paige coming down the hall in the other direction. Perhaps she knew an efficient way to rescue the were. If worse came to worse Penny could disarm the mole's locks but that was a last resort. While most had realized she was a thief she wasn't ready to reveal that she was very good at what she did.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"I listened throng the wall and heard the wolf's ragged breathing. i was afraid he was in dire straits and no that i see him his bed  and something are laying on top of the poor  being, er were or whatever he is " Epyon shook his head. " that form of his it must be cursed other wise i don't see how he could have survived" anyways i need some, help cutting through the walls so that we can get him out but i kind of cut something wet and caused this mess."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Fal'taq's expression didn't change as he noted the way Keaton jumped and bristled at his sudden appearance. For a moment, though, there was a glitter of dark amusement in his beady little eyes. "I am well," he said somewhat gruffly in reply to the jackal's question. "A little bump like that? Hah! Hardly worth worrying about." If she didn't know how close the mole had come to losing his lunch when his cascade of nested shields began to tumble, he certainly wasn't about to tell her.

Keaton's next statement made him blink, though. "His head...?" he repeated, his snout and whiskers twitching. His shoulders shook a little, and he started to laugh, the same shrill giggle that had grated on the jackal's nerves like claws on slate back in the bar in Holiday, except now Fal'taq wasn't at the other end of a noisy barroom, he was standing right in front of her.

Hehehe. Hehe. Hehehehe.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


"Rest now," Pandora had said.  Cross was reluctant to admit it, but she had the right idea.  Shaping the damaged parts had drained him a little more than he liked.  Keeping one eye open, he leaned back against the hull and waited for the gryphon to report back.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

With a sigh Penny waded into the growing lake of chemicals and walked over to the door. Her shoes were probably going to be ruined and she wasn't entirely positive about the safety of the feet inside. "You should try to figure out how to stop that flood. Who knows what it is or what is going to happen now that it isn't going where it is supposed to."  She then took a closer look at the locks. There were lots of them but nothing like the vaults she usually dealt with. Just the common sort of magical locks one might find on a house. Taking a few tools from her pockets she began efficiently and steadily moving down the locks. Finally, with a click, the door swung open.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


epyon watched amazed as penny quickly and efficiently  unlocked the door., " i didn't know you could do that" he said and he wondered about the tools that she used. as well they were her tools he'd not touch them. instead he checked the hole that he'd cut in the wall and reached into his bag to find anything he could use to repair the leak that he'd started.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"So," Cross said - to anyone who would listen - "Has anyone done a proper survey of the ship's exterior?"  And who's expendable enough to send out as a canary?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Wading up to Epyon through the liquid, Paige gently bumped him out of the way. "Oh let me" she said as she reached into one of her back pockets and pulled out one of the repair patches she used on her armor.

Mentally commanding one of her lights to hover just over the hole in the wall, the succubus using the same technique she used on the door earlier cut away part of the wall without touching any of the pipes underneath.

Now that she could see the damaged section, Paige  smoothed the pliable metal patch over the cracked pipe and held it there till it magically hardened. "That should hold it" Paige purred as she stepped back admiring her work.

The wolf girl clapped as Penny picked her way through the lock's mechanisms to spring it open. "Oh nicely done!" She said as she lofted a light into the room for them to see by. 


Epyon had not resisted when she pushed him aside. he was better at fixing the living then he was these machines. still he could not help but respect how quickly she seal the leak he'd caused. on top of that it looked like she used metal all he'd found in his bag so far was rubber tree extract. he walked after the wolf girl and looked in on the wold suddenly fearful of the pool of liquid. when he got the the door he was grateful to see that the wolf was not drowning in his mistakenly released flood, even if it now looked like the wolfs bed was sleeping on him instead of the other way around. " i wounder if he might be under..." the number. " of maybe he's just really stoned form that transformation he went through.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


 The wolf succubus's magic seal managed to seal the leaking pipe well, and the fountain of antifreeze stopped quickly. It was luck that the sparkling wires didn't twist and bite her hand or arms, but the wolfess managed to keep herself intact while fixing the more prominent problem.
A few steps into the room and a magic light revealed a somewhat comical scene. Furniture was strewn everywhere, but the wolf's tail could be seen peeking out from underneath the bed. It moved - Cogidubnus seemed to still be alive, then.

* * *

Standing somewhat aloof in the cockpit, only silence answered Cross's question. Before he could formulate an answer, though, he noticed something odd.
Light was streaming through some of the vegetation matted to the front glass, illuminating spangles of dust in the air.

Wasn't it night?

Paladin Sheppard

Smiling at her handy work but frowning at the sparks, Paige left the exposed damage to someone with electrical repair skills that were far better then hers.

Slipping into the bedroom she moaned at the sight of the damage, she had liked the bedroom quite a lot. Spotting the tail twitching about she padded over to it and got to her knees. With a playful smile she grabbed hold and gave a gentle tug. "Wakey Wakey mister Mithlome, we can't have you laying down all day!"


"are you sure that's Wise ms. Paige" asked Epyon wondering if the wolf even felt the pull. he wondered also if the wolf would transform when in pain as he'd heard some creatures do. crossing over he heaved the bed off of the wolf with ease as to him it was not that heavy but even so he worried about what he would find when the wolf was fully free of his confinement.  suddenly he remembered Penny and looked around for here wondering where she'd gotten to. 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny hadn't gone far. She was resetting the locks so that once the door was closed again no one would be able to tell she had opened them. More habit than anything, she always reset the security if she had the time. "Maybe we should drag him out of here. I'm not sure that any of us should be wandering around until Pandora gives the all clear. This ship can't be in good shape after smashing down all those trees."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Hey, guys!" Cross bellowed.  "There's some glowing shit out there!"

Extinguishing the light source, he headed off into the corridor, going by his psionic senses.  If no-one was happy to volunteer, the next best thing was to grab the first person weaker than himself and throw them out through the hatch.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Epyon's upheaval of the bed revealed, without fanfare or explosion, a bedraggled, slightly-bent looking wolf, sitting on it's head and looking a bit uncomfortable. His eyes were firmly closed, however, and he breathed with the regular breath of the sleeping. It was fairly clear that it was simply the drug addict from before, and not that thing.

Paige's orbs of light kept the room illuminated, but even then, with three people in it, it seemed small and confined, especially with the furniture in such a state. Getting into the hallway would probably be a good idea, especially with the uncertain status of the airship.

* * *

By stroke of luck, the first person Cross barreled into was much smaller and shorter than him. That damned muskrat, magician thing. Easier to carry than the giant reptile, anyway.

Paladin Sheppard

"Well we can't very well leave him here" Paige said to Penny and Eypon "I guess we should take him with us."

Morphing her wings the succubus took a hold of the wolf and picked him up off the floor and held him in a position behind her.

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny nodded agreement of the succubus's actions. "I found an open hatch to outside earlier. Perhaps we should retire to there until Pandora gets the ship checked out. Standing in mystery liquids can't be good for any of us." Taking the lead she exited the small room and turned down the hall, retracing her steps to the outside. She thought she was hearing voices nearby. Perhaps Pandora was nearby and they could get an idea of how badly the ship was damaged.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.