Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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As Anton was about to square off with the two, he felt a small pull of power from with in the place then a loud scream from inside. The horse and the ox was a little taken a back at the scream and before they knew it they were being thrown aside by magic and the Winged rabbit moved back inside ducking through all of the people that was going out of the tavern. He moved along the edge to find out what was going on. When he first came into view of the scene, his first feeling was him being really disappointed in the succubus for letting this happen. He started to move towards them as she started to let the hedgehog down a little bit and the bartender pulling out a very large gun. He was ready to protect them from the bartender but kept a watch one everyone.


 The emaciated wolf glanced from suspended hedgehog to lupine, his bloodshot eyes narrowing, and with somewhat a grimace stood suddenly. He was about to speak, when Keaton spoke to the hedgehog first, her reason emerging along with Garret's rifle. Cog sat down again quickly, his mouth shutting with a click.

His ears twitched, however, and he looked at Mr. Petersohn with a somewhat disdainful glance. He raised an eyebrow. "Look, Keaton can take care of herself, yah?" he sighed, taking off his hat and running his hand through his hair again. He seemed to mumble under his breath.
"Nobody's stupid enough but us and Garret to get involved with her, anyway..."


"Hrmm... Good paying job. Can't say for sure I usually do bodyguard or security jobs myself. Half the time I either get paid half what was agreed on or they get me arrested. Can't trust these people as far as you can throw them"
Zilla started to scratch his chin while he though. Suddenly the whole commossion happened by the door happened and reminded him where he was.
"What in the holly....."
Zilla absent-mindly moved in front of Paige when he saw it. He stoud there waiting to see what was gonna happen next. He was ready in case trouble broke out. Once it seemed like the tensen was slowly fadeing he relaxed a bit. He then looked at the bartender as he loaded his rifle. He shook his head and went back to the pool game.
"Don't see that much around here"
He took his shot and missed. Sighs and looks at Paige.
"Your up"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt turned back to Keaton, and raised one eyebrow at her description of the money. He cocked his head to one side, thought for a moment, then swapped hands on the glass, spat in his paw and held it out. His spines relaxed, and he hung from the jackal's tentacle like a sack of potatoes.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Cross gave a silent sigh of relief as the two of them came to a truce, if not an agreement.
Relaxing, he returned the bucket of dirty water (complete with sponge) to its place on the bar.  Pouring it over their heads would have made things awkward later, but it would have stopped the pair of them in their tracks.

Nonetheless, he kept an eye on the barkeep.  The rifle might be used for stopping fights, or it might be used for stopping Creatures, period - in which case things could still get very messy.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha's own patience was already nearing an end.  It was like nobody else had paid attention to any sort of protocol for a decent pause.  At least long enough to let everyone introduce themselves.  If not for Cogidubnus having come back from whatever he was doing and officially welcoming them, Aisha would have figured that nobody heard anyone.  But she was right on the edge of just charging the source of the noise.

That is, until the jackal did just that, unable to fight her own anger.  The panthress stepped back in surprise, seeing the method that she used to snap up the hedgehog.  Tentacles.  There was only one creature, rather common, that was quite well known for using them.  "Succubus," she nearly growled and took out her boomerang.  A fellow Creature, yes, but she didn't know anyone who got along with the kind.  And if she was going to be involved in killings...

That was when the other wolf stepped up to stop her, with what seemed like a working effect.  Of the people in the bar whose heads were craned and whose eyes were wide with fear and fury, only Cogidubnus looked rather calm.  And soon, so did Keaton...after the bartender grabbed a rifle and was aiming it around at the trouble.  Well-prepared, she had to give him that.

"Sangre de la Madre...this is why I like doing things alone," she muttered and leaned back.  At least the Demon felt a little more at ease when there seemed to be less Beings in the group than realized, however dangerous the other was.

The panther relaxed, letting the blade arm rest to the side.  "Well, now that's settled...I wonder how long we have to get going before someone's inevitably arrested."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"That was very interesting, folks." said Navarro, a short ways off from the action.

"I see we're going to get along well for this op. Definitely a sign of future success, huh?"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt glares over at the canine in the green jacket, obviously nettled.

"Well, you were doin' your best to keep things under control, then, weren't you?" he utters, witheringly, then huffs, shrugs his shoulders, and turns his back on the "schoolteacher".
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

"Damn, looks like I'll be paying my way back to the mainland then..." Paige said before she heard the commotion over by the group that had been forming, then Sheabus blocked her view. Scooting over to the side to get a good look, she was rewarded with the sight of the black jackal hauling a porcupine being off the floor with a...Tentacle?

Kind if not kin this piqued Paige's interest, she hadn't met many of her own kind since the attack. As the little event wound down She decided that she'd go have a look at what what up, but there was something she needed to take care of first.

"Thanks." She said as the reptile gave way to let her have her shot. Setting herself up Paige started slotting her remaining balls one by one till she was left with the eight. "Corner pocket." She announced pointing to her target with the cue. As she bent down a predatory grin graced her muzzle, the cue came back then shot forward. Struck, the white rocketed across the felt, smacking into the eight ball causing it to bounce against the sides of the corner before sinking into the pocket.

Grinning she fairly bounced up to Sheabus. "Thanks for the game Zilla." She said as she extended her hand.


Zilla smiled at Paige and shook her hand.
"I had a feeling you where a pool shark"
He then looked over to the group by the door.
"I think I'm gonna go over and suggest they head out. I know what happens when that gun comes out. I've had it pointed my way a few times"
Zilla put his stick away, nods to Paige and walks over to the group.
"Geez I'm usually the one they causes him to bust out the gun. Might I suggest we find a new place to talk. I know a bar where it would be easier for you to conduct your business. Not to mention their alcohol is cheap"
Zilla leans towards the group and whispers.
"And it's not so watered down"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny moved herself a little further down the bar when the bartender decided that it was time to demonstrate his persuasive skills. But she kept an eye on the jackal and wolf, they had said a few phrases that caught her attention, Kytharion Sabanethei being the main one. Some very nice art pieces had been involuntarily redistributed and rumor had it the Sabanethei family was behind the appropriations. With the boss's latest request safely tucked away the fisher was at loose ends until the person who lost their item stopped looking for it quite so intently. Perhaps a side trip to find some more mislaid items would be interesting. The boss wouldn't begrudge her a shopping trip of her own, would she? Penny ordered another drink while she debated the issue.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Cog gave an irritated glance around the room, and then a look at the nice, new sign that Mr. Pettersohn had placed up in front of their other, rather ratty-looking cardboard mess. He gave a sigh, blowing a bit of hair around with the exhalation, and looked over at the red-clad panthress with a sardonic expression, shrugging.
I suppose we're bringing him, then. Joy.

The pieces of red glass sliding into his brain had stopped, as had the screwdrivers - Cog felt better than he had in some time, actually. The craving was still there, but without that soul-rending migraine he could think a little clearer. He stood, putting his hat back, and stuffed one hand into his pocket, the other one gesturing at the disarming bartender.
"It's alright, Garret. We'll be out of your hair inaminnit." he said, looking at the people gathered around their table. The group had grown nearly double in size in the last fifteen minutes, and it seemed like they'd really gotten the cream of the crop here, as far as fighters went. Hard to make them stop, really.

That girl canine from before was approaching the table, as was the lizard. He spoke to the wolf and those gathered, saying it might be a good idea to leave the tavern and get somewhere else. Must be a local, if he's familiar with Garret's aim, Cog thought.
"Maybe I like this bar." Cog said, narrowing an eye at Sheebus. "And who the hell're you? Actually, wait." Cog glanced around the tavern. "Let's get this organized. I know you three." he said, looking at Aisha, Navarro, and Mr. Peterson. "And you," he said, looking at sharply at Witt. "I...didn't catch your name, if you please." he said, biting his tongue.

He paused, looking around the tavern. He seemed to think for a moment, before raising his voice and bringing his hands up to his mouth like a megaphone. "That's for all of you! You saw the sign, and if your interested, now is the time to say something."

Cog stopped, looking back at the lizard. "Right then. So. Who the hell are you?"


Satisfied by how the situation's tension seemed to wind down, the bartender-lizard, Garrett, appraised the motley menagerie with a sharp, calculative golden eye, then lowered the rifle somewhat hesitantly. Sighing in relief, Keaton waited for her hackles to stop prickling, then watched as Witt spat in his hand and proffered it as the punctuation to their agreement. Without flinching, Keaton returned the favor, spitting onto her palm and then closing it around Witt's, giving it a shake just before she lowered the pacified hedgehog-thing back to his feet. Their deeds done, the tentacles withdrew quickly into Keaton's back and vanished, their owner gazing around the room. From afar, Garrett was still fingering the rifle, although in a manner less menacing than before. Surprisingly, he listened to Cogidubnus.

"You have ten minutes," Garrett retorted in Cog's direction, and replaced his rifle in its niche under the counter. Ten minutes was surprisingly generous, in Keaton's opinion. Either the bartender was used to such outbreaks occurring, or he was just a little too patient.

Being-shits never made a lick of sense.

Keaton shook her head and absently wiped her hand off on her shirt. Many of the patrons of the bar were still on-edge after Keaton's little demonstration, which meant they'd have to leave soon. Keaton couldn't handle the input of emotional flow from large groups of assorted races - too overwhelming for her. Instead she fortified her mind with as many mental barricades as possible which stifled the emotional reception to a few, muted trickles; just enough to provide her with decent sustenance. Sighing, Keaton eyeballed Cog, then watched with some apprehension as Paige and her looming reptilian companion approached. The aforementioned reptile, Zilla, leaned in and whispered something, to which Keaton shook her head at.

Cog rose to the challenge of gathering their recruits. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he called out to all those whose interests had been grabbed. Good way to shepherd their "valiant warriors" together... brusque but effective. Keaton shuffled where she stood, anxiously observing the collective group for those who would accept their challenge, or decline.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


After Keaton's impromptu demonstration of her race, the atmosphere in the bar was not going to approach normality for some time after they left, Cross reasoned.  Whispers might even reach the Dragons and that was not to the good.

"I think you should consider the kid," he told Keaton.  He was speaking in a low, quiet voice so that as few people as possible could hear.  "He's got a full mind-shield.  I think he's one of us."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt raised an eyebrow at the suddenly much more stable wolf. "I said, just before Pettersohn there stuck his oar in," with a wave of his hand at the grey wolf in the long coat "Call me Witt."

He took a long pull from his drink; after all, if they were leaving in ten minutes, he'd have to hurry to finish it.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well now, this puts a new light on the situation, Fal'taq thought as he watched things go from tense to possibly disastrous. A 'Cubi, revealing herself and flaunting herself so openly — she must be mad! The mole watched cautiously as the bartender brought a large-calibre argument for good behaviour into plain view. That decided Fal'taq not to get directly involved just yet. Follow, watch, and when the time came, join them in the guise of a more timid and less powerful mage. If the jackal — or the hedgehog, for that matter — did anything else stupid enough to get the whole group mobbed or killed, too bad. While it would be satisfying to strike at Sabanethei right now, he had no intention of putting himself in unnecessary danger in the process.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Epyon was both relived. and worried at this. Things were calming down in part because of he bartender and in part because of one of the other would be participants. Epyon signed. whispering "i must be made to still be here" but here he was ready to continue this mad quest if the rewards were great enough to offset the risk. Still thought about the target and the power behind him. what there a chance of success? who know but as his grandfather said before passing " as long are you are able to live in this world there is hope.

" hope the flower that dies yet returns with out fail every year. hope the carrot on the end of the stick. hope the ever present edge of mad needs pushing both being and creatures alike to try harder and do more in sane this for the sake of success. yes this was madness but sometimes madness works were sanity failed.

And there was the jackal. he was unsure what to make of here. He'd seen undead with tentacles inside of them. fortunantly as far as he knew he had no such mutation but those this were sent. the looked like little heads and changes shaped. whats more there was not scent of decay when she released them. he closed eyes twitted wanting open what to get a good look at thins woman and the rest of the group but he fought the urge. maybe later he would take a real look at them but for now there were things that the didn't want to know. things that he was better off not knowing.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Paladin Sheppard

Paige waited for the grey wolf in the tench coat to finish speaking to the jackal before introducing herself. Stepping forward she looked the jackal in the eyes. "So you're looking for adventurous types I see. Got space for a spellsword?"


Epyon was intrigued but this. he'd studied spell swords and knew they drew form a variety of sources. some of which were very powerful again creatures and specify undead like himself. even thong he was just another prospective member he had to ask. "do you specialize in any special field? " he asked not wanting to assume anything as he knew from his research it was a wide and varied field.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Anton walks over to Cross and the Wolf named Cog. He was still a little uneasy of the cubi revealing herself but wanted to still help out the best way he could. He looks up at both of them. "The name is Anton Opver Devate but anton is just fine. I was hoping to join you all." Kind of feeling like a fool when there are so many others near them but it doesn't matter.


"Witt, right." Cogidubnus said, curiously avoiding looking straight at the fellow. Several phrases ran through the wolf's mind, most of them involving the word 'half', but he kept his thoughts to himself. He took a look around the room, adjusting his hat and glancing at Garret for a moment before looking at that weird little kid from before.

What is he, twelve? Cog thought, staring at the strange little fellow. Judging by his clothing, he must be poor also, if he couldn't afford to even dress himself. It looked like he'd outgrown most of his apparel long ago. We can't take a kid with us. It'd be... Cog paused. Glancing from one side to another, he looked intently at Anton. On the other hand, the more people in front of me, the better.
"Welcome aboard, Anton." he said, extending a hand. "Treasure and artifacts beyond your wildest dreams await."

Well, presumably.

Paladin Sheppard

In answer to the mythos' question Paige held out her hand, concentrating she willed two orbs into existence: One of ice and one of light, which then proceeded to form complicated patterns in the air above her palm.

"I'm familiar with most magics but my strongest is Ice and Light based." Paige said before the two orbs disappeared when she closed her hand.


Stop me if you've heard this one: A crazy Succubus and a junkie walk into a bar...

Ah, but do they gather because of her madness or in spite of it?

They're prancing around with their wings out. We don't need a fucking fortune cookie to tell they're nuts.

+ + +

A golden-haired black jaguar sat at the end of the bar, seemingly unfazed by the commotion. He raised a glass of amber liquid to his lips and sipped. His tail swished slowly from side to side, a band of gold at its tip glinting in the lanterns' soft glow. The black leather trench coat--which he still wore indoors--accentuated his musculature. Although he carried no obvious weapons, he projected an aura of quiet confidence.

+ + +

But you're intrigued. As are the others who look like they should know better.

Yeah. Good hunting tonight.

Ah, but hunting who?

Heh. Does it matter?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


"That is interesting." says Epyon and thong it was not his intent when he asked he saw and option here. when he asked about her spells he was worried about her mastering magic again the undead like himself but even if that were true ( he was unsure of light mags effects having only come across rumor and hearsay in his research)  there was an opportunity here and one that he must try to make use of. " i know a few  low level  spells but i specialises in healing magic. the problem is with the world the way it is,  well sometimes you need more fire power then to just enough to light a camp fire and more frozen bite then what it takes to keep your lunch form spoiling along the journey to you next destination. i was wondering can you teach me a little in you spare time? "

though he did not expected a positive response at first he'd already prepared his counter arguments to convince her other wise. he would tell her how if he were to learn stronger spells while in the party then is use in the party would be increased and he could used his abilities for low level  spells during camp so that she could save up her power for for when it ware really needed. through for some reason he knew she had a lot of power he also knew that like most it was not unlimited in its use.and if all else failed he had one option left
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Shouts, curses, shapeshifting and firearms. Things got so much more interesting so very much faster. Was the little fellow mentioning me? He thought hard, trying to remember if he'd seen the being before. He'd made a lot of enemies in the past, but didn't recognize the diminutive hedgehog in the slightest. Far more interesting was the succubi's display, and the reaction of the barkeep. Good show, keeping a firearm on hand. Forethought. The other mythos in the room had his attention as well; if he was an enemy, Ty wouldn't know until the last second. He tended to expect the best of people; contrary to popular belief, this did not make him a moron. Other mythos were a danger. He kept his eyes glued to another random bystander, hoping this one didn't go the same route as the short man. It could be so difficult to mind your own business sometimes.


Cross looked about, with his eyes and with his mind.  His interest was briefly aroused by a feline figure in a trench-coat, eerily similar to his own.  What really took the cake was the mental probing... the cat had a mind-shield too.
Dammit, he thought.  Another wannabe.

Casting his eyes around the room he mentally assigned faces to races, as near as he could guess.  By the gods... how many Creatures are there here?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


An expression of great satisfaction manifested on Keaton's muzzle as she watched the amount of volunteers increase, her eyes occasionally wandering to the bartender in case their alloted time expired unexpectedly. As Cross leaned in towards her ear and whispered something, she hissed something under her breath and glanced to him, an eyebrow quizzically raised. He seemed to be interested in the kid standing nearby - the same kid Keaton had thoughtlessly dismissed not too long ago. In response, Keaton would have had a snappish comment prepared, but something Cross said disarmed her of any immediate retorts. She blinked, staring down at Anton, scratching behind one of her ears.

Cogidubnus didn't seem to have any arguments with accepting Anton in their group, but Keaton was still uneasy. She peered at Cross warily. "You sure he has a mind shield? And - uh?!" Between that sentence, Keaton's attention was finally grabbed from its cloudy concentration and firmly shaken by the implication behind Cross's statement. Both the kid and this "Pettersohn" guy were Incubi? Of course, Cross had actually concealed his heritage... regardless, it came as quite a surprise. A big surprise. Shaking the bewilderment from her features, Keaton sighed, then ran her hand down her face... only for her to mercurially break out into a wide grin from behind her hand.

This - this was perfect. Two Cubi in the party? It lessened the amount of Beings, not to mention it increased the raw power behind their team. While this was a surprise, it wasn't an unpleasant one. For a moment, Keaton's stability faltered as the urge to snicker, then outright laugh started to clench around her subconscious.

It was disintegrated, however, when Keaton was addressed from behind. When she heard Paige's voice, Keaton tensed and spun around to face the fellow Succubus, albeit somewhat out of shock and impulse. Being frightened never yielded very good effects with Keaton. Reminded her too much of vulnerability. Scared her. Paige's eyes were leveled confidently with Keaton's own. Reprocessing Paige's question, Keaton shook her tension off, glancing to Garrett another time before returning her gaze to Paige's.

"We need all the battle skills we can get," Keaton explained. "Unpredictability. Kytharion has a shitload of bodyguards and assassins... so we need variety. Lots of it. Who knows what we'll run into."

As Paige turned away to address Epyon, another voluntary adventurer, Keaton sighed and smirked to herself. Excellent. Absolutely excellent. Their group was growing. Just a few more minutes and then they could start.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Sheabus suddenly spoke up when Keaton had finished speaking.
"I know some of their bodyguards. I've had to work with them before. Same as the assassins, granted it was more against them than with them. They have some good bodyguards but they don't have the best"
Sheabus seemed to smile abit as he finished speaking.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Without excruciating pain to dull his mind and his sense, Cog found it much easier to concentrate on things, like trying to recruit more member's for Keaton's little plan here, and perhaps less importantly to Keaton minor things like correct posture and sight. Whatever... Mr. Pettersohn had done, it had let him think a little clearer. It hadn't done anything for the cravings, though.
Cog sucked in a shuddering breath. The glass taped to his thigh burned like a red hot icicle.

He coughed, and glanced at the other wolf furtively through the patchwork of his straw hat. He paused a moment, just-almost glancing over his shoulder, and regarded the lupine intently.
"Something bothering you?"


"Hmm?  Me?"  Cross said, spinning round to face Cog.  "I may be wrong, but there seems to be an unusually high number of Creatures here..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E