[Story] Paranoia: Schizo's story

Started by schizo, November 07, 2007, 03:32:07 AM

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One of the many ideas that popped into my head while making schizo,was his history.
I wanted him to have a good story,and being DMFA is the reason i joined i placed it in that universe,alot of stuff from the DMFA universe seemed to fit my ideas anyway.I guess you could call this a prototype chapter,it is also the first written work i have ever done so,there are most likely alot of mistakes,it is somewhat short but i like it,other than the glaring mistakes.


Logbook entry #276 Date:05-04-07

            This will most likely be the last thing i will ever write.
As I write this,a renegade experiment is rampaging through this facility,
I know he is getting closer to this room and the exits are all sealed in an attempt to contain him.
When we first abducted the subject for experimentation i did not fully grasp the boss' plans,It seems he
had the insane idea of creating a super army to try and conquer all of the planet.His plans will not
come to pass it seems,as the subject has escaped containment and will likely destroy the entire facility.
The boss' orders should have tipped us off,mixing 'cubi blood into a being,it will allow for the being to
have the powers of the creature we took it from,I do not know how and thought it was an insane idea,but it was already proven before.
His increased anger,and irritation over the last few days should have tipped us off,but we ignored it,and now we
are paying the price.
I can only hope he becomes unstable and collapses,this is however unlikely,as his body is practically that of a 'cubi now,
and all of the experiments WERE success',however eventually his anger took over.....We should have never played god,all we did was create a monster.
End entry

                                                                                       Six months later.......

            The bar stunk of beer,smoke,sweat and every other type of sewage of the organism.Creatures and beings both occupied the establishment,
many were talking about a strange person that has been seen over the past 6 or so months,and most recently right in the town they were in.

"Who do you think he is?"one asked

"more like what,I heard that he caused the sci-tech lab to fall"someone replied

"You really think he could have reduced an entire building to rubble?"another asked

"If the rumors are true then,yeah i do."

           For the past six months rumors of a creature people call the "black shadow" have been circulating around furrae.Nobody knows who he is,or where
he came from,most DO believe he was involved in the Sci-tech incident,people who claim to have fought him say he must be schizophrenic,as he would go from
happy,to angry,to sad in the course of the fight,and that he had a disturbingly polite manner for his look,This got him the name"schizo",others comment on how fast he would move,saying he was more or less a blur,but for some reason he would never kill anyone that he fought.

          There was a loud bang,as someone burst into the bar,"It's schizo,He's right outside!"He yelled,many of the bars patrons stood up,and went outside to get a look
for themselves,sure enough,walking down the middle of the road was one of the strangest looking people any of them had ever seen,He had long pruple hair and wore
a demented looking mask,his entire body,save for an arm sticking out,was covered in a long flowing cloak of brown fabric,his arm was covered in a type of black and golden colored armor with a spike at the elbow.

            Everyone just sat there,watching him waiting to see if the rumors about him were true,that is until one person decided to find out for himself.He was an adventurer,a bobcat it seemed,he was covered in silver plated armor,and carried a large two-handed sword,they looked to cost quite a bit of money.
"Let's see if what everyone says is true!"The adventurer yelled,before charging at schizo full force,raising the sword to swing.Sword came down and slammed into the ground with surprising force,spraying up dirt as it impact on the ground.Schizo dodged the attack only to have jump over another one made by the adventurer as he swung the sword in a sweeping motion rotating in a complete circle.While he was in the air schizo swung his leg forward slamming a foot right into the bobcat's face,as he landed his arm started to glow green,after a moment he slammed his fist into the cat's gut,causing him to fall backwards,holding his stomach and crying out in pain.

".......I did not feel like being bothered today."Schizo said to the bobcat in almost a whisper of a voice.

         Perhaps seeing what they thought to be one of the stronger adventurers taken down in such a short time may have convinced them,but the town's residents
soon retreated back into they're homes and returned to the bars,quietly whispering about what they just saw.


                       Schizo's POV
                       I had managed to escape the town's guards,and was now in a forest on the outskirt's of the town,i guess he was the "Town hero",saved the town from a pack of demons sometime back,would not be surprised to find out he was one himself.

"I hate walking through towns,people always wanting to fight me,and i don't even know why......"schizo sighed"At least in the forest i can be alone,and not be attacked by morons........

"So your the elusive schizo"

"Spoke to soon" Schizo thought as he looked around for the source of the voice.

"There's no need to get tensed up im not here to fight you,,just to warn you"

".....Of what?"he asked

"You have caught quite a few people's interest,such as the creature-being council,and SAIA's headmistriss"

"Oh, wonderful ,just what i need,more people after me."

"Your being watched closely,keep that in mind"

"......Thanks, i will"

"farewell for now"

      This is some very strange news......Im not surprised about the council,but SAIA?
why would they be interested in me...........,and who was that girl,why did she warn me about this?


                                   "He knows we're watching him,someone warned him."the council's 'cubi delegate said

"How would anyone find out?"the being asked

"It would have to have been someone working here,an inside job."The being stated

"No,we would have noticed something"

"Then who would it be?"

"Someone who has reported maybe...."

"Would it not be better to just get rid of him then?"

"We still do not know the full extent of his power,attempting to eliminate him poses a chance of causing a disaster,if we attempted that and failed he could revert back to the monster that destroyed the entire sci-tech lab."

"We just wait and watch,perhaps having him around could be a good thing...."

Sienna Maiu - M T

Unlike other stories, I was not completely (or in this case at all) bored, I was almost compelled to finish reading it (but in a non-violent way)

I wish I could comment better, but maybe at a later time.