welcome to earth [occ] call for intrest and sign ups

Started by namelessblade, November 17, 2007, 06:11:25 PM

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lets start with additions to rules i have heard of twinks before so all character vs character battles one of four judges will be refeereing the judges are: me,Azrial, (maybe)techmaster-glitch and rammenstein  if we cannot be reached the most experienced RPer will work
now then the story this is a very open RP. A company was experimenting with a new bio weapon for population control dropping the population to 1,000,000,000[based on genetic markers for Great genes] however a cult called the brotherhood of chaos has messed with it and now as opposed to dead people you have zombies [they are smart, fast, vicious zombies] or mutants [almost anything possible there]. The us govenment actually knew of aliens called the zazabeen who they had been tradeing with [they need carbon dioxide/ the other resources we have and we  need tech]. area 51 was actually where first contact occured.
the factions:
remnants: people with very good genes who are desperatly trying to recreate civilization they have mostly improvised equipment think modern stuff like osh axes with football pad armor [axes and stuff you could find at osh or home depot] that a civilian could get ahold of.

slayers/paramilitary:surviving humans who were every concivable unit in the militarys all over the world who have formed one unit all modern tech is they're gear.they desperatly protect remnants with a xenophobic distrust of everything else.
B.O.C.[brotherhood of chaos]:belives end of the world will bring peace theyre slowly dieing off due to over mutation. they want the remnants for a cure. mostly mutants with modern gear incorperated.
O.H.M.[order of the harvest moon]:belive in using people by ability they survive by pressure suits and gas masks to keep them unchanged  they have semi-futuristic gear
ex.a lightsaber with a solid core and a baterry pack the B.O.C's arch rivals they both had people on columbus's  ship one night a fight even broke out.
psychos: people whos brains have mutated they are beacons and officers for zombies they seem to be looking for something..... treat there gear as you would a paramilitary.
A.T.[animal tribes]:the   animals have also mutated into sentient human sized things  or really massive slightly smarter things but not human level like the others [even bugs are human sized now]
Freaks: mutants who hate boc and are working with the zazabeen very powerful but mostly want to be left alone blame humans for there mutations.
zazabeen: a alien race that is extremly powerful very good a controling energy they can be war oriented but mostly are practical cold beings with some exceptions.

please for your character give me this information :name,weight,hight,looks,and equipment along with any abilities


Oh lookie, a baby RPG.  And lookie, it's Roleplay-themed, instead of stats-themed.

With your permission, I've had a character I wanted to try out for a while, and this is a fine opportunity.

You see, he doesn't exist, he's a figment of the imaginations of those around him, a collective hallucination who has somehow gained sentience.  It would be challenging to play him properly, but I think I'm up to the task.

If you OK the character, I'll provide full details.

Name: Mazin Cain


Well, you'll have to put him in one of the eight factions, and give all your info on him.

And yes, namelessblade didn't say, but anyone can be in any of the eight factions. They actually want at least one person in each.


I'll provide all his vital stats as soon as Namelessblade OKs him.  I just wanted to make sure I could before I went to the trouble of statting him up for this system.


Thats fine im extremly curious to see what faction he choses and how he'll
interact his persoality would be very odd to say the least itll be fun to see how you play him 


and there are 2 characters[npcs] like him who are "heroes" already in existance but there different from this guy in a way too i wonder how they will interact ?


i probably should have said this earlier but the virus is sentient the other two are like the collective will of the virus because theres actually 4 versions of it

Black:creates zombies 
Green:was boc created can animate objects was the first sentient version it was added too the other 3
crimson:is the mutagen its what created the freaks and the animal tribes [who i should have mentioned are all mentaly linked]
silver: a form that eats the others

so theres five wills because green has 2 and it feeds on wave energy like thought and sound [important] so your guys very possible here   


Ok, nameless, something you need to learn really quick. I didn't want to say it a few minutes ago, but now I must, before someone else does. People here rather frown on double posting.
and you triple posted. That's a big no-no. You can edit your posts, it's a button to the upper-right of a post.


thanks for the tip i didnt know about the edit button


yep just give the required data along with what city hes in at the start


Alright, but what are the cities we can start out at?  Is it like modern earth cities or different?  Also have you posted the rp yet...I seem to be unable to find it.


I dont watch Heroes, so any similarities must purely be because great minds think alike.


Name: Mazin Cain
Faction: Remnants

Quote: "Despite all contrary evidence, I do not exist."

Background: Mazin Cain was born in 1936 to a single mother after an extremely agonizing and painful night of contractions.  The midwife noticed the baby was stillborn, but before she could do anything, Maria Cain demanded to see her baby.  Faced with a woman of intense resolve, the midwife deposited the dead child into its mothers desperate arms.

Maria Cain never noticed that her son was dead, even when his body began to rot.  She treated him as a living child all the same, feeding him, caring for him, and changing his diaper.  She insisted that he awoke her in the middle of the night crying, that he slept like an angel while she fed him, that he would giggle and smile whenever strangers paid attention to him.  When the maids could no longer bear it, they took the rotting corpse and burried it in the yard, thinking that would be the end of the matter.

It was not, however.  It seemed Maria's madness was so deep-rooted that even without the physical body, the hallucination of Mazin still remained.  She would sit for hours feeding, rocking, playing with a child which, to all observers, did not exist.  The maids, not knowing anything else to do, played along.

And then, they saw it.  Baby Mazin was a tiny, cute bundle of joy.  They could never agree on his eye color, or his hair color, until his mother insisted, "He has baby blue eyes, and his hair is brown," but they could see him.  They insisted he had his mother's face, they heard his joyous giggles, they felt his hands grip their fingers.

Mazin grew up.  He developed a separate consciousness, his own personality.  In school, he always did well.  In sports, he always did poorly.  He was never alone, for it is difficult to exist when there is nobody to imagine you.  He dated several girls, got a job with a friend of his, moved in with another friend, and then something odd happened.

Mazin Cain ceased to age.  As long as there were people to know his name, Mazin would never die, until he was utterly forgotten.  Until no human on Earth knew his name, Mazin would continue to wander the Earth.  Immortal, but intangible.

Weight: Mazin's perceived weight is whatever a given person experiencing it perceives it to be.  If a person announces a particular weight, then Mazin is perceived to weigh that much to those people until the indicated weight is forgotten.
Height: same as Weight.  Mazin is exactly as tall as those around him think he is.  If a person asserts a height, then Mazin will be that height to those people.  Note that Mazin can not see anything which can not be seen by the people hallucinating him.
Appearance: same as Height and Weight, Mazin looks exactly the way those looking at him expect him to look.  He will only appear in a photograph if the viewer knows who he is, and knows that he was in the photograph.  All others see nothing, until they are told he is there.

Equipment: Mazin has exactly what the people around him think he should have in any given situation.  However, none of the equipment is tangible.  Weapons may inflict pain on enemies, but never cause actual harm, ropes will break the moment a real person touches them, etc...  Items given to Mazin by other characters will appear mysteriously in a random character's inventory, or be left behind, at the Referee's discresson.

Abilities:  Mazin can not see or hear anything which those around him can not see or hear.  Mazin can not perform stealthy actions unless at least one person thinks that he is being stealthy, and then he is being exactly as stealthy as that person thinks he is being.  Actions done to or by Mazin are treated as if they are done to or by either someone else, or by nobody at all.  Whenever Mazin goes to perform an action, he does so at the highest skill level of all people available, as if that person were, in fact, the person who did the action(which, indeed, is the truth.)

Note that this means that while Mazin can ride shotgun with a single other driver in a car, and may even fire at enemies, the enemies suffer no effects unless they think Mazin is in the car, and if they do, they suffer only pain.  Also, Mazin will not spot incoming enemies which the driver himself could not see.

Yeah, it's long and involved.  What do you think?


 to azriel:  i havent posted the in character yet and yes chose a currently existing city the still functioning ones are london, new york,chicago,los angeles,los vegas,san francisco,mexico city, paris,hong cong, tokyo,kyoto,hell [michigan] and last moscow if you are a alien you may chose the starship ravager as your start point

To raist: i like it dose his pesonality change based on imagination too so if i imagen hes a jerk he is if i imagen hes nice he is because then in a battle of pcs verses bad guys dosent that mean the bad guys could in theory enslave him


I'll start in Las Vegas, then.

Mazin is an excellent poker player, since he knows exactly what his opponents' hands are at any given time.  He does run into trouble, though, when he realizes he has no idea what his cards are.

He usually tries to let at least one of his opponents see his cards, so that he knows what he's got. :rolleyes


Vegas? Heheheh...you're starting in the city that's going to be controlled by Luck...he's an Irish Psycho who's managed to keep some sanity, and has attained such control over his zombie hoard that they act as a brutal secret police in Las Vegas...anyone is welcome, but if you break a rule...heaven help you when the zombies swarm you.


A: tell me about the slave thing
B:what faction is he[i think freak]

C:heres the details on vegas the city fell slowly and now the crimson virus's will is in its new king a man called luck his zombie police kill cheaters/law breakers mercilessly hes extremly powerful and his home is the excaliber hotel/casino he carries explosive poker chips  and a bladed glove  his song is the ace of spades by motorhead/kiss my irish ass based on mood all are welcome and can work in harmony here

D: the reason for the song is simply this music stimulates diffrent parts of the brain and when a characters song is heard by him it makes his brain waves seem tastyer to the virus thus more of it goes to him than normal which makes him stronger [for example casters dont get tired from spells and warriors are faster and stronger snipers dont shake all that good stuff.


I think Mazin should keep his core personality, or else he'll just be an NPC.  Enemies wouldn't be able to enslave him, anyway, because they'd imagine him to be hostile towards them, which means he would be.

He's a collective hallucination.  His vital stats aren't necessarily perceived the same by different characters, but his actions are.  People just imagine him to be doing things which, in fact, they themselves are.

This does mean that an enemy could get into close combat with him and end up cutting himself up, because he's actually fighting himself.  Whether this happens or not, or if the guy's not fighting anyone, and therefore escapes unharmed, or if the guy is fighting someone completely different, is up to the Ref.

I already chose "Remnants" for the faction.  Mazin has been around for a long time, and would honestly rather stick to what's familiar.  Granted, he can't remember anything that the people around him don't know...

Not sure what you're talkin' about with the song.  Ultimately, Mazin's "song" will be either none, or randomly chosen from the people around him, since Mazin himself doesn't have a brain, and therefore, can't emit brainwaves.

Whether the zombies go to Mazin's perceived location or not depends entirely on whether zombies have the sufficient mental capacity to hallucinate.


Actually, the song thing I think only applies to the NPC heroes. When you hear a certain song playing on some radio nearby, you know that they're nearby and who they are.


glitch is right it only applies to npcs [unless you choose to have a song] mostly its a status thing the song also proves theyre stronger than your average bear however because of this bards/musicians can walk right through whole zombie hoards by calming the virus with a song[a special adaptation to control sound better bards are born not trained] so of course theyre rare but useful and are usualy a place you can sleep safely and provide a way to talk to other players when used as mailmen


Something else I believe NamlessBlade forgot to mention: what kind of an RP specifically this is.

This is a highy faction-based and oriented RP. You chose your faction, the you do things that advance the interests of your faction. Speaking of which, Nameless, you need to put up the relations/alliances chart as well as with the exact goals of each faction.


yep and here it is the facton interaction chart way simpalized and please remember these are general stats that can change during gameplay

remnants are neutral to all things except paramilitary who they like and boc who they hate with passion

paramilitary only like remnants

freaks neutral to everyone except zazabeen and at whom they like/have alliances with

boc hate everyone except remnants who they try to kidnap
ohm neutral to everyone except boc who they kill on sight
psychos attack absoultely anything
AT they like everyone
zazabeen are neutral to everyone except zombies who they dislike slightly and freaks/at there friends

now for there specific goals and remember there are npc heroes who arent part of a faction and have there own goals and are a faction unto themselves who wont be mentioned

Zazabeen:want planet to become a good tradeing partner again and be safe/ more organized otherwise will destroy whole planet there are two other alien[you wont see them unless your zazabeen] races helping to keep this whole mess secret but other aliens are comeing to capitalize on earths weakness who if arive will force the zazabeen to initiate planitary destruction
psychos: there brains can read the zombie minds and anchor them to our world otherwise the zombies would be in the afterlife and are life at the same time and unable to do anything they belive peace can only be achived through everyone becoming zombies and treat killing as converting someone to a religion [the one exception is luck]
At: they like everyone and want peace but dont want to back into animls they figure that worry can wait till after the whole planitary destruction thing has passed there mind link
makes communication excellent
Boc:belive that the end of the world will cleanse the universe of us and want us to die in a natural way they revere nature but want to save there members lives thus they try to kidnap remnants for a cure to overmutation
OHM:bocs archrival and complete oppisite they belive humans can become extremly useful to the galactic community and are intrested in a way to find coexistance as we are a very dont cry over spilled milk mindframe and adaptable mentality there very logical and sane and tend to treat they're gear as holy relics
Paramilitary:powerful warriors who dont care about politics and seek only to protect the remnants
remnants: want the old way of the world and are trying to find a way to do just that they're minds are easily changed
freaks:are happy as long as the world isnt destroyed beyond that they just want to be left alone however there considerable power means thats not likely theyre pretty individualistic

and should i put up the in character yet


Wait, I though the Freaks hated the Remnents because they see humans as the reason they have become what they are, and the resent anyone who wasn't mutated? Or was that changed?


true but that is kind of something that wouldnt matter much because they live more or less alone so for simplicity's sake i left that out till a freak player comes along.