The eternal battle rages on.

Started by Xuzaf D, April 13, 2006, 11:50:46 PM

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Xuzaf D

Crap, I wish I could scan my gameinformer up. Anyway both DC and Marvel have action RPG's that probably will have a similar release date. Here's the IGN page for the Justice League game:

The magazine with information on JL I had has been given away since that was last months, but I do have the issue that talks about the Marvel game. It will actually be called "Marvel Ultimate Alliance" and will have "At least 120 licensed Marvel charactors, 20 of which will be playable." These are rough qoutes though... I'm to lazy to look up the exact qoute, but those numbers are right.
DC will only have 7 playable heroes and ten major bosses.


The Marvel one sounds cool. For DC, you do have to consider this is really their first action RPG for the gaming market. They porbably just want to start small to get a feel for it, much like "Marvel" did with XMen Legends. (I know it was Activision, but you get my point)

Xuzaf D

Yeah, but if they don't dive in and just get their feet wet they won't be able to compete with the Marvel game that will probably be released within months aside it. I'd actually like to see a DC game that makes me care about those second and third string DC heros.

By the by, have you played XL2?


Played, beat, started in on New Game +. I just have to find the time to play it more.

I agree with you on the DC front. Until the make the roster big enough to compete, their game will be a pale shadow of the Marvel ones.

Xuzaf D

Is it more of the same? Becuase I don't want to buy it if it's too similar to the original.


Well, it is and it isn't. It certainly is very similar, but really, it's a far different game. The RPG system they throw in is drastically different from the previous one, which, combined with new takes on ld characters and new characters as well, makes for a fresh new game.