The Castle (IC) [M] {04}

Started by Prof B Hunnydew, August 05, 2007, 11:00:41 PM

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"I thought you spoke to Keaton to get rid of me."

This statement made Keaton's expression adopt a slightly ugly edge, pierced eyebrow lifting in a rigid arc over her organic, untarnished eye and upper lip drawing upright just slightly, enough to expose her canines in the scowling grimace which had become characteristic of her. What did they take her for, some sort of lowly hitman? She shouldn't have felt offended by that statement, especially when there was so much more to feel irritated at, but perhaps the expiration of her long-malfunctioning and finicky artificial eye had made her feel a little unnecessarily sensitive.

The look marring Keaton's features didn't last long, fortunately, and vanished before anyone could notice it. Cogidubnus was walking past her, still speaking. Keaton followed him with her uninjured gaze, looking slightly bedraggled and sourly damp from the whirlwind conjured up previously combined with the water saturating her clothing and fur. By this point, superficial appearance wasn't something Keaton was doubly concerned with.

Surprisingly, she had no response to Cog's statement, other than a slight, unreadable huff. Didn't have the energy to make it sound noncommittal. Nor the strength to care about whether or not it was misinterpreted. Other than that, Keaton was totally silent, watching Cogidubnus leave, defeat and devastation accentuating every step the bone-soaked lupine took.

Keaton's ears laid flat as she glanced to Stygian, not looking depressed, not even looking disappointed or infuriated. She just looked thunderstruck after all that happened, as though a thousand different shreds of information had been crammed into her head all at once. Sighing, she removed her stare from Stygian and walked back to the castle, taking the same route Cog had wandered down.

And once she was safe, Keaton removed her hand from her side of her face, exposing her eye, glazed over with lusterless, syrupy bronze, resting in her scorched socket like a dead stone.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had chuckled, listening to Ketefe as she quickly calmed Ian down about her scar.  The panthress had little care when it came to battle, scars were either merits of honor or badges of shame, depending on how one viewed them, and their experiences.  But she figured, that was left up to Ketefe.  Heh, I wonder what she and Gareeku, and others with scars would say if they knew Mistress Rynkura could remove them...

Shaking her head and finishing the last of the tea, leaving her chilly body with a warmer sensation, Aisha turned her attention to Mel after bidding Ketefe good luck on finding Bam.  She had expected the dragon's incredulous response, for the panthress was in much the same way herself.  But the words that really caught her aching ears were those that gave the prospect of a warm bath.

"Yeah, I'd better," she nodded in assent and pried herself from the chair, grabbing her cape as she started out through the kitchen door. "Good night, you guys, and thanks again."

With the horrid sounds of the rain pouring outside and the natural lightning flashing away, Aisha made her way to the baths and closed the door behind her.  Soon she had disrobed and was enjoying the warm water, banishing the afflictions of the cold that was trying to sneak up on her as her nose twitched and caused her to sneeze again.  I'm a jaguar, for the sake of cielo, she thought, irritated.  Rain shouldn't make me ill.  Stress, perhaps, not rain.

Throughout the bath, and the decision to just head to her room to sleep for a while, Aisha couldn't help but think of those getting themselves separated and lost in the castle...the events going on that probably should never have happened...and finally, if perchance there would be a good time to leave.  Maybe there's hardly a thing here to find anymore.  Well...maybe we found more than we was worth it just to know we freed someone...

She ended up shrugging away the warring thoughts as she made the short trip from the bath to her room, setting her clothes on the sill to dry alongside the fancier borrowed ones from earlier in the day.  She just collapsed on the sheets, eyes closed even before she walked in the door.  What dreams may come, Aisha was just going to try to give up on the day entirely.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

lucas marcone

"I wouldn't mind. So long as the library don't burn down before i get there." Ian liked useing that phrase because it reminded him of a friend long passed. He would often use it when Ian was being impatient.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel shook her head, "I guarantee nothing in regards to this place. But considering that the last time I was there a smallish mage fight did set a few books ablaze it is probably due for a flood next."

Mel led the way down a hall from the kitchen and into a laundry. She had found it during the same expedition where she had acquired the coats before the freeze spell. Past the boilers and mangles and ironing boards stood a series of linen cupboards. Sheets and tablecloths and towels to supply an entire castle stood in neat little piles on their shelves. Grabbing one stack of towels and handing it to Ian she pulled a second stack for herself. She retraced her steps back to the kitchen then out to the front foyer. On the way Mel decided the towels smelled a touch musty after spending 150 years sitting on a shelf. One quick spell had the towels fluffed, warmed, and lightly scented of calming lavender. She smiled a bit to herself at the gesture. People foolish enough to stand out in the pouring rain to have an argument deserved dusty smelling towels. The dragon and the rat arrived before the foyer doors just as they swung open.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

Ian stopped to look at a painting on the way and was left behind. He was standing at a juncture and had no idea where he was. "Ummm Mel?" He squeeked out in a small voice.


First Cog walked away, oozing depression thick as the rain that dripped onto him, and then Keaton paced off without so much as a word. Stygian stood left out in the drizzling rain, ears hanging and face blank, shirt wet and shoulders drooping. Way to go, asshole, he thought to himself. Beginning to see why they all abandoned you yet? He mentally told himself to shut up and go back to Hell, and after a puse to straighten his shirt and comb his ebon claws through his hair to get it out of the way, he walked up after the other two, deciding that even though he felt like beating his head against a wall quite a few times, he would be able to better do so or something else if he returned to his quarters.
   Once he came inside though, Stygian caught Keaton standing in the entry hall, tending to her damaged eye. He stopped, slowly closing the doors behind him, and looked over his shoulder toward the jackal. He wasn't sure how offended she had been, what with her demeanor and her being cubi, but even creatures like her had their limits. 'Keaton... I'm not sure how you feel about this,' he said as he walked toward her, 'but I want to apologize either way. Things like this happen all the time when I don't keep myself in line.' He sighed and looked down a bit, scratching the back of his neck while trying to pull together the nerve to look her in the face. 'I don't know... Next time I start to make an ass of myself, would you please go ahead and just smack me one with that mace of...'
   Quite suddenly, Stygian stopped to look at her. 'What are you doing?' he said.

- -

If it weren't the darkest hallway that Ian had seen, then the one to his right would do pretty well too. But he didn't seem like the guy to know many dark hallways. In either case, the sudden sensation of being alone in such a large and dark building hit him hard. It didn't help either that the sound of Mel's light footsteps had faded eerily fast from when she had moved off. The aura of the castle was thick and murky, the sensation of something watching in the dark strong. The occasional sounds around held none of the clear and even qualities of company, but rather some eerie living quality, the whispering of wind from outside windows like breathing and some inaudible but palpable thrumming just out of sight getting to the rat's very bones.


Jeremiah remained in the library, his search through the various books renewed. Magical psychosis suppressor, magical psychosis suppressor, magical-
Having trouble there, greasy?
Shut up, Bal.
Why, so you can keep up your search? So you can find this latest McGuffin to make all your problems go away? WE'RE HERE, JEREMIAH.
That hum that had started with the Lunacy's arrival, it's manic attempt at speech.
Jeremiah squinched his eyes shut, rubbing his forehead. SHUT THE HELL UP!
You honestly think that we'll be gone one day, don't you? HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WE DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE YOU EVER EVEN MET THAT STUDENT OF YOURS!?

The frog's eyes snapped open in shock, but Bal was done talking. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he returned to his search. Magical psychosis suppressor...


Only partially did Keaton realize that Stygian had followed her inside the castle, the latter occurring much to her infinite shock. She had easily suspected that he would've spent some time in isolation, perhaps to brood and consider all possibilities to remedy or rectify the series of mistakes which had sprouted over the past, roughly estimated half-hour or so. Keaton normally would've devoted her attention to the chiropteran's arrival, but the irritating sting of her eye after its impromptu contact with the rain was starting to affect her nerves. Normally it would be a lot more resilient, but the lightning's contact with it combined with how finicky it was to begin with--apparently its earlier malfunction after she was regurgitated from the shadows had triggered something--had led to this.

She supposed that the destruction of her eye had resulted in her getting a burn somewhere in her socket. That obviously needed to be tended to as soon as possible, preferably by a distinguished or seasoned healer like Mel or Rynkura. She wasn't entirely used to the lack of depth perception after so long, so walking into the castle was rather dangerous--she had nearly bumped into several objects or pieces of furniture, tripping at least once or twice. Turning around to face Stygian, she blinked, then addressed him, groping around the back of her head.

"Honestly, I didn't take any offense to what happened," Keaton said, prodding slightly at the back of her head. Where was that depression she was looking for? "The only thing I'm concerned about is you two. I had no idea about the complications of you two... well... doing it, so I think I'm somewhat responsible about this incident as well."

Unconsciously, she flinched. Accepting responsibility was something Keaton wasn't entirely intimate with, not to mention something she was comfortable with doing. Especially when it was something to this emotional magnitude.

Finally, she felt her finger tap at the depression in her skull she was searching for, aligned perfectly with her eye. She felt her eye deactivate completely, the pain dulling down to a slight throb as it flickered and died from a dull bronze to a glassy, translucent texture. One by one, colored pixels began to flash and appear on the surface of her eye, becoming nearly identical to the texture and appearance of the corresponding lens of her glasses.

Then, with this completed and all feeling from her eye detached, Keaton reached into her socket and literally scooped out her dead eye. All of this finished, she stared intently at Stygian. "And also, I tried smacking you with my mace before if I remember correctly and it didn't end all that well. But that's irrelevant. And--"

She finally heard Stygian's question, and blinked at him. "Oh. I'm just removing my eye," she said, perfectly unperturbed. "It got deactivated somehow..." she sighed and glanced down at the aforementioned stone resting in her palm. "I think I got burnt a little bit too. I need to see Mel about that."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


 Dripping water, Cog walked wetly back inside, Keaton and Sebastian not far behind him. He stepped into the foyer slowly, his boots squishing, and looked up to see Mel waiting for them, the dragon setting a handful of towels on a chair. Cog's body tensed somewhat, wondering if the pantheress had said anything - and almost immediately relaxed again. His eyes closed, and then looked back down at the carpet. He simply didn't have the energy to be worried anymore.
He walked up to the chair and picked up a towel, and paused. It was...warm, and smelled like lavender. He looked at the dragon, his expression almost bemused, and gave the dragon a soft smile. He walked up to her and threw his arms around her, somewhat forgetting that fact that he was dripping, and gave her a hug before walking behind her and towards the hallway.
"Thank you.", he said, starting to dry himself off. He was headed to his room, and probably from there to a hot shower, and then sleep.


The bat raised one eyebrow and drew the other down, not staring at Keaton's empty eyesocket but rather right at her with a plain sort of unsettlement. Still, considering how hard it had seemed to throw him off so far, it was pretty good as shock went.
   Stygian coughed into his hand. 'Well...' he said, and looked back up at the jackal. 'I'm not going to ask you right out what happened to your eye, even though I thought cubi could regenerate such things...' He looked down again, looking as if he almost wanted to bow to her in apology. 'I'm still sorry. And I'm sorry for... talking as I did back in the tower.'
   When Keaton didn't say anything, whether out of confusion or hesitation, Stygian turned and began walking off. When he had taken about half a dozen steps, he stopped and turned back toward her. 'And I'm sorry you had to see these things too. I won't stop you if you have more you want to discuss, but right now...' He paused, sighed, and walked away.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was a bit surprised when the wolf gave her a damp hug. Scented towels were nice, but not that nice. As he disappeared towards the stairs she guessed that he was in a sensible hurry to get warm and dry. The other two seemed to be distracted by something in Keaton's hand and in no hurry to dry off.  She retrieved her stack of towels to carry them to those in need and looked around for Ian, only to discover that he wasn't anywhere in the large foyer. "Ian? Where are you?" She raised her voice a bit, "Ian?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


In response Keaton merely shrugged, still unflappable even on a topic which would be considered universally sensitive. How she lost an eye wasn't exactly an issue to her--it was the events which surrounded that occurrence. "I actually don't really mind," Keaton said casually, keeping her empty eye-socket closed. She was starting to wish she had brought an eyepatch or some bandages to use as a makeshift eyepatch. "And as for why my eye hasn't regenerated, it's a very long and boring story."

With her eye still closed, Keaton watched Stygian, ears pricked. Still, she found herself at a loss for words, judging by her slightly reticent, hesitant expression. After all that had proceeded previously, she just wasn't certain about how to react, especially on how to offer decent advice about how Stygian could repair the situation about him and Cogidubnus. Keaton wasn't a relationship person. She had even failed Seduction in SAIA's courses, being considered too violent and too capricious to make a lethal seductress. Noticing her silence, Stygian made one last remark before he left, leaving a silent Keaton standing there, feeling like the world's biggest bitch.

Keaton glanced at the ground, sighing and cradling her damaged eye. For a minute, she stared down at the ocular stone, allowing her thoughts to wander, then left, searching for Mel or Rynkura. She was almost certain she could hear Mel's voice nearby.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Leaving Keaton behind, Stygian found it hard to simply return to his rooms, knowing full well that things were bad. He usually slept more or less ill even under normal circumstances, and even though the night's weather was soothing he knew it full well that he would feel even worse in the morning if things remained as they were. So he walked for a while, passing by the library and those within, and the southern garden, where he thought he could see a green light through the windows, before ending up back in the round ballroom, where the towering windows admitted a view of the rolling clouds and the half-obscured moon. He stood there for a while, thinking.

   Cogidubnus had all but just gotten out of the shower and into his room when an almost chilly sensation made him feel like he was not alone. Before he could do much though, a voice confirmed the feeling.
   'Don't say "do you ever knock" please. I have gotten that one too many times already,' Stygian said, leaning on the inside of the closed door. 'And I think you want me here either way.' He slowly strolled over to the large reading chair placed by a coffee table in a corner, and sat down on the armrest. 'I'm doing this for your sake.' His look was serious, on the border of being grave.
   After a pause, the bat looked down and put his hands on his knees. 'If you want to say something to me, or shout or beat on me, then please do. It's the least I can do for you,' he said.


Once she left the kitchen, it occurred to Ketefe that she didn't know which way Bambi had gone. She sniffed the air carefully; she'd been around Bam long enough to know her scent.  Once she'd picked out Bam from the other scents, she started tracking her as best she could.

The fae's scent got stronger as she headed south (or at least, it felt like south - Ketefe wasn't much when it came to directions). She tracked her scent on a rambling path throughout the castle, ending at some sort of courtyard full of trees. Ketefe stood in the door to the courtyard for a long time, trying to decide whether she should really walk out there and look for Bam when it could take so long.

"Bam?" she called once, trying to make herself audible over the rain and thunder. She took a tentative step outside, edging towards the woods and getting thoroughly soaked.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


 Cog briefly shuddered as he walked into his room, a wave of chills managing to get its way past his fur, when he heard Sebastian's voice call out right behind him. He turned slowly, regarding the bat with a somewhat tired expression as Sebastian walked by and sat down, speaking to him.
Cog looked at him, wrapped only in a towel and dripping, his hair matted down in his face from the water. He brushed it out of his eyes as he regarded the bat, and tied a knot into his towel, freeing up his hands.
"I don't want to hit you, Sebastian." he said, walking over to one of the fireplaces. "I don't want to shout at you either. And...I don't really..."
Cog sighed, and busied himself with the wood set out by the fireplace, stacking the wood inside and whispering something under his breath. A rather thick spark shot out from his finger onto the wood, igniting the lowest piece. The small fire began to grow quickly.
"I don't know what to say, really." he said, standing and turning to look at the bat. "I mean...I feel the same as I did, Sebastian. But..."
He regarded him sharply. "Hearing you say those things broke my heart. I thought you felt the same as I did. And trying to...well, I don't know. Hook me up with, pass me onto, whatever you call it, with Keaton, well...I felt betrayed." he said, regular thumps hitting the carpet as water dripped from him. "I understand...why you feel, the way you do. Perhaps I was stupid. Perhaps I am stupid. To expect something so soon...but..."
He sighed, looking down. "If you need time, you need time. And it would be wrong of me to expect otherwise. And simply don't feel that way towards me, do not." he said. He took in a deep breath.
He picked up his clothes, and began to set them on a chair next to the fire. "I'm not mad at you, Sebastian...yes, I am. But I'll get over it." He turned to look at the bat, his yellow eyes reflecting the firelight. "But... I am still your friend, Sebastian." He said, making a half smile. "If that's quite alright."


The bat sighed and closed his eyes. His voice and face were both weary and sad as he spoke. 'I just don't know what to say to you. I do feel for you. I do,' he said, looking up at Cog, 'but it's very hard to even keep it up when you act like a woman. And even more so since I know that what you want would be...' He exhaled deeply and hard. 'Well, what do you expect? Does it seem like I would be a good choice? If it's more than just the face or the power you desire, and trust me, I know from experience that's hardly the more probable case, then you still know I'd hardly be good for you. It's not a good deal.'
   Drawing up his shoulders, Stygian lifted himself off the chair and smoothly slid down, walking up to the wolf and folding his arms across his chest. 'Everyone who has ever said they loved me so far turned their back on me, and everyone who thought they did is dead. I don't know how old you are, but I thought you were old enough to know the chill of life by now,' he said solemnly. 'Old enough to take what warmth you could get...'
   The bat paused for a second, before his face soured and he shook his head. 'No, I'm sorry. The fault is mine,' he said, and smiled jadedly. 'Cubi have their charm, and I still have an angel's presence. I've got to learn.' He looked up at Cog, straight into his eyes. 'You can be my friend, or whatever you want. But I think I know what to consider you, Cog.' His smile gentled.

Mel Dragonkitty

Forgetting her errand with the towels Mel started back in the direction she had just come. "Ian? Where are you?" She hadn't gone far in retracing her way to the kitchen and laundry when she heard footsteps behind her. But it wasn't the rat, it was Keaton. "Sorry. I was bringing you these and got sidetracked." She handed Keaton the two towels she was still carrying. It was then that she noticed the missing eye and burned socket. "What happened to your eye?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 Cog quirked an eyebrow at Sebastian's remark, sitting down next to the fire. A few thumps still sounded as he dripped on the carpet, Cog still looking rather like a wet dog. He placed his hat over the mantle, a few hisses coming from the fire as the thing dripped water.
"Like a woman?" he said, looking nonplussed. "Perhaps I'll just go down a bit of whiskey and brood then, shall I?" Cog looked at the mantle, his eyes still reflecting the firelight.
"I'm sorry. That was rude." he said, sighing. "Yeah, I know I'm being a little...well, yes. But..." He turned to regard the bat. "I haven't had any time to digest any of this. It's been one after another since...Keaton. I'm probably a little emotional."
He sighed again. "Not that it's an excuse. But, still. It's not your face, Sebastian. It's not your power either. I keep saying it: it's you." He looked straight at the bat, his eyes strange. "I am not lying. And I mean what I say." he said, scooting the chair a little closer to the fire. He crossed his legs. "And, yes. I do know."
"But...I'm not going to turn my back on you. Dying, well. Here? Maybe. But no more than here anywhere else."
He looked at Sebastian. "Consider me what you will." he said softly. "But I am here. And as long as you are...well. I'm not going to...I'm your friend, Sebastian. For whatever it's worth."


Stygian chuckled. 'It's worth quite a deal. And I'll know where to turn then. But if it becomes unbearable...' he said. He turned from Cog and toward the door, silent for a second. 'I don't know how long I'll be here. I will try to remain, but...' He shook his head and exhaled. 'I want to find some way to change. What I am or how I am, I don't care.' If it could even be done. He had offered up himself to a darkness that he knew was already within him from the start, something that was no longer just ingrained in him but what his whole being was built around. If he could not change, then...
   'I'm here too,' Stygian said, turning and looking at Cog. For a moment his appearance seemed... hazy, somehow, and the wolf thought he could see an outline of something large and dark behind him. It passed so quick it might have been a trick of the faint light though. 'And to know you are... Would you be willing to help me?' he asked, stepping close to the wolf again, his glowing pupils flaring with the candles.


 Sitting in a chair, soaking wet and wrapped in a towel, Cog gave Sebastian a soft smile, meeting the bat's eyes with his yellow and nodding.
"Whatever you need, Sebastian." he said, picking up one of his boots and pouring the water out of it. "Although I might not be the most helpful person right this moment. But, if you do need something, I am more than willing."


What was Stygian to say? There were too many obvious answers for any of them to be right. He thought hard before settling on a course of action. Failing to show Cog that he cared wasn't an option, but neither was tying himself down.
   'I want...' Stygian said, with just a hint of hesitation. 'I want your help in surviving, and in finding some way to... either change or to cope with my darkness.' He looked at his hand, black claws tense and extended over near-white fur. 'Just something to help me with this.'
   The bat stood, then slumped to the side of the bed and sighed. 'And I'd like to know that you don't get furious with me for being as I am. Seriously,' he said, and looked at Cog with eyes that were almost pleading. 'I'll try. If it takes some sacrifice, or some pain, then that's that. I just need to know what to do.'


 Cog regarded the bat with a surprising degree of softness, and brushing a bang of drying hair out of his eye he stood, shivering briefly as he sat down next to the bat.
"It is for precisely that reason, Sebastian, I feel the way I do." he said, and shook his head, his eyes distant. "I promise not to get furious with you, for being you." Cog gave the bat a half-smile, sighed, and stood up. "Whatever you need."
He stood and sat down next to the fire again, trying to dry himself off. "I don't know how much help I can be. But I'll help you, however or with whatever I can." he said.
He yawned, his tail curling up just a bit, and he sighed as he sat next to the flames. He regarded the bat, and suddenly bowed his head.
"I apologize for trying to kill you earlier." he said, a few pops coming from the fireplace.


'It is... quite alright,' Stygian said, distantly. He hadn't thought the wolf would have taken things this levelly. 'You're not the first to do that...' It looked like he might actually be able to straighten things out for once. He could back out right then and there, and be done with things. He'd done right. Was it really so hard to think? He stood up.
   The heat of the fire struck his sensitive nose, and Stygian looked over at Cog, tending to the flames. He didn't really feel like leaving right away. There was no reason. And right then...
   It was only with the slight sizzling sound and the brush of cloth that Cog was alerted, before he felt and saw the arms close around him, and felt a warm something press against his back, embracing him. 'Thank you,' the bat said, voice and presence changed into something much more pleasurable. 'I'm sorry for all this. And I'm glad for you.' She held him there for a while.
   Just when the room seemed to have grown completely still, the only thing truly alive the everdancing flames, Stygian spoke again. 'Actually, there's something you could do...' she said, trailing a hand up through Cog's fur and over his shoulder. 'I'm still kind of thirsty...'


 Cog blushed as felt her embrace him from behind, and simply sat like that for some time, and enjoyed the warmth from the fire and from the body behind him. The flames were hypnotizing, after awhile, and the smell and heat the flames afforded was simply...comfort.
As she murred behind him and ran a hand up his shoulder, Cog quirked an eyebrow for a moment, not quite certain what she was talking about. If she was thirsty, the liquor was always in quick reach to her. What...
Cog's eyes suddenly widened as he realized exactly what she was asking. He took a deep breath, and looked down into the fire for a moment. He brushed a silver hair out of his eye, and swallowed loudly.
He sat silently for a moment, her hand still on his shoulder, and finally, and without a word, he inclined his head upwards, exposing his neck.

lucas marcone

Ian a bit bewildered by the castle pulled a classic Ian move. He picked a direction useing "eney meany miny moe". He figured someone would find him eventually.


Looking slightly crestfallen, Keaton remained where she was after Stygian departed, still feeling enormously downtrodden after being unable to reassure the aforementioned bat. It was a momentary defeat, however, and she managed to shake her head clear of encroaching thoughts of self-depreciation. Just as she resolved to exit the room and search for someone to heal her burnt socket, Mel entered on cue, apparently searching for someone.

"Oh, hey!" Keaton said, infinitely relieved to have encountered the dragon so soon. She accepted the towels, draping one over her sopping wet hair, where she started ruffling her unruly hair free of moisture, and then slung the second one around the back of her neck. "Thanks for that. I really needed this."

When Mel realized she was missing her eye, Keaton sighed, then shook her head. "It's a long story, but I'll say first of all that the eye I had before was removable and false, so it's not a huge loss..."

Well, easy for her to say. Depth perception was overrated anyway.

"But my eye-socket's a bit burned," Keaton pointed to her eye socket for emphasis. "Do you think you can heal it before it gets sort of bad?"

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Stygian didn't make a sound, waiting for the wolf's response. The bat held Cog when he tilted his head, and gently stroked the scruff hair of his neck to the side, exposing the skin right over his jugular vein. A slight growl escaped her lips, just before Cog felt her sharp teeth sink slowly into his neck.
   The bat didn't drain him for too long. Cog could feel just a little dizziness coming on, the strange warmth of his wound turning cold in a while, before Stygian stopped and took her fangs and tongue from his neck. She let go of him for a while, but before he could move her hands wrapped around him again and pulled some black cloth around his neck, tying it behind his back. She gave him another embrace from behind and kissed his neck, before standing up and silently leaving the room, closing the door behind her with only a slight clack.

- -

The lost rat wandered alone for some rather unnerving minutes, the castle empty and silent enough that one might have thought it was changing as he did to mislead him. The sensation of another presence and the fear of being lost began to grow on him.
   He had just made it to what seemed like a corner of the structure, tall windows looking out over the cliff below, when suddenly things came rushing out at him from the darkness, flapping and clawing. He felt a number of shapes beating at him and rushing past, and high-pitched screams that jarred his hearing which had been attuned to the almost complete silence of only moments before. The things passed quickly though, fortunately, rushing off back into the dark. Whether he had scared them or they were searching for something was impossible to tell.
   The relief that washed over Ian after the sudden shock was not diminished by the dark. Bats. Very large ones, but only regular bats. That must have been what he had felt all the time.
   Suddenly and without warning, a snarling voice sounded from behind him. 'Who the Hell are you?'

Mel Dragonkitty

"Have a seat right here so I can get a good look." Mel gestured to a rather uncomfortable looking chair in the corner of the foyer. It looked just like the chairs Grandmother kept around for people she didn't want getting relaxed. But there was nothing else available.  Once she had Keaton arranged so that she could get a clear look the dragon saw that the burn, while bad enough, was mostly on old scar tissue. It looked worse than it would feel. Cool, gentle touches at various points around the eye started the healing. "Are there any other wounds that need tending? I understand that there was a fight outside. I saw Cog had a split lip but he did not stay to have it mended." The question was casual, Mel wasn't really expecting to catch any stray thoughts from a cubi. But it had been a very frustrating day and she was beginning to feel like the small child in a group of adults, with everyone in on the joke but her.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

Ian took out his guns and was shooting at the bats as they whizzed by him, from the spots of blood on the floor it was evident he clipped one. Pumped full of testosterone and the slight feeling of power from weilding guns albe it small ones (twin 9mms), would not bode well for such a cocky and arrogant rat as the voice called at him. Overly confident he let his guns hang at his side. "Ian. And don't give me any trouble .....Ain't in the mood tonight."


 Cog rubbed his neck through the black cloth, his hand passing over both the bite and spot where she had kissed him as he looked at the door. He sat like that quietly for a moment, his hand on his neck, the wolf finding himself very suddenly, alone. He sighed, shaking his head, and stood, gripping and falling back into the chair as the room spun.
Blood loss. Right. He placed a hand on his neck again and felt the marks beginning to clot beneath his fingers - it hadn't hurt nearly as much as he'd thought it would. Her fangs were...warm, and very sharp.  Felt like no more than a nick he might give himself practicing. He'd barely felt it, really. Still. Hearing someone drink your own blood...
He could have sworn he'd heard her murr, between swallows.
He stood again, and took a few deep breaths, letting the room settle before he tried moving. Walking just a little slowly, he placed his drying clothing on the chair next to the fire, and stiffly walked towards the bed, disrobing and crawling into the sheets. A quick snap of his fingers sent a small gust throughout, extinguishing the candles and darkening the room as he laid down. The glow of the moon outside, and the warm radiance of the fireplace were the only lights in the room as Cog settled down, the tired wolf finally letting himself relax and untense.
He slept more soundly than he had slept in a very long time, the werewolf simply exhausted, and weary, from the day's events.