The Castle [02] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Gareeku, March 17, 2007, 04:35:13 PM

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The bat groaned loudly and sighed upon Bambi's entry, rolling to her side on the bed she had been laying on and tossing the notebook on the bedside table. She snarled at the cat's remark.
   "I wasn't interpreting it that way. And I'm more the Eagle, anyway..." she muttered. She laid back and struck out her hands, looking up at the ceiling with empty eyes. "If you're looking for the ferret, last I saw she was in the kitchen being dragged around by you people..."
   With that said, the bat rolled over to the side with her back to the feline, laying still.

   "I was just sent to carry out orders. And it's hard not to see what he did to our family. My masters... He is an abomination. A disgrace to the family. He has to be destroyed," the spider said, then stopped and looked up at them again, now with anger in her eyes. "You're not going to kill him, are you? You're making a mistake. If you live, you'll wish you hadn't. Lived, that is."


My. but our boy does have quite the history. This family...
"What we shall do regarding him is our business, and will change depending on his actions," Jeremiah replied, "It would help if you could give possible reasons as to why he would have done such a thing, more details as to your orders, and whether or not he was a disgrace before or after he started killing people," I'm being remarkably calm about all this. Why? Then it hit him. I'm looking at Stygian as a student who's been picking on other kids. Well, if the childish outburst from earlier is any indication, maybe I should. The best kill or cure for anger issues is someone with no sympathy whatsoever. "You know, it's rather awkward for me to talk to you like this. Would you like a hand in sitting up? Another pillow, perhaps? After all, there's no reason not to be civil after you've been kind enough to share the information you have."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Look Sebastian, I am trying to be friend and joke around little with you,  You have been alone along time.. And I know You don't trust other people easily.  But You are going to need people to trust sooner or later... the Powers that be are going to find out what happen here. or is happening here.  If they don't already know. And, you'll need people to know your side of the story.

"The others would like to be your friend and give you the benefit of the doubt, but they will also need to know who they are dealing with.  But your silent is  like a lie, and lying is the quickest way to destroy trust.  You should think about that  Well, I am here if you need to talk to someone.  And I should use a drink, too?"

PBH gets up to leave.  She waits a moment at the door to see If Sebastian calls her back.  Then she will go back and listen to her.  If not PBH heads to the kitchen, And hopes to find the Ferret and a drink.


Aisha deCabre

Watching Jeremiah interrogate the spider woman, she just had to roll her eyes a little bit.  The poor girl probably would have traded the day her troubles started for anything else.  Yet the panthress did nod in agreement with the frog's testimony, briefly glancing back out of the room to where the bat had left.

I think that if he had something in store for us, he wouldn't leave us with the obvious choice to leave anytime we want... she thought, looking at the mostly empty library.  "We've just stuck to Sebastian's good side all of this time...the past is the past, regardless," she pointed out on the side...probably something more for thought than to be replied to.

But the woman sounded insistent, which only piqued Aisha's curiosity a little more.  A hand was resting on the pommel of the holy blade.  "And anyway, how would we expect to kill him?  A sword through the heart didn't."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"He can't be hurt by the physical." Cog said idly, flipping pages in the book. "As we've seen. He snuck up behind me once, and when I turned and swung my sword, he simply caught it." Cog chuckled, in spite of the dry reading material. "I was somewhat surprised. There is one thing I don't think he likes though. At least, if he's anything like the other shades in the castle, light, and lots of it, should either kill or hamper him." Cog looked up from the book he was reading.
"That being said, I'm not completely sure we should be talking about killing him. Or harming him in any manner." He quirked an eyebrow at the spider lady. "We are to believe the one that's put us in this mess, unwittingly or not, over the one who actually has actively helped us? She could be lying, and indeed, she would have great reason to."
Cog resumed reading. "In any case, I think we should talk to the shade before making any judgments here."


Kerag lays down starring at the sky he suddenly felt sleepy so he just fell asleep on the roof

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel had been only half listening to the conversations away from her quiet corner when she heard Cog say something about talking to Sebastian. She remembered something as he spoke. Mel reached into a pocket and removed something small before getting up from the desk and walking to where the wolf sat. Her light crystal bobbed along after her like a slow bloated firefly.

When Mel got to Cog's chair she waited for him to look up from his reading and acknowledge her. When he did she made a small polite bow before speaking. "Sir. I heard you say you were going to speak with Mr." She paused, realizing Sebastian had never actually given his full name, "with Sebastian. When you do could you return this for me." She held out her hand and from a silver chain dangled a small silvery-glassy looking tube with silver fittings.  "He gave this to me earlier and I do not wish to be accused of stealing family artifacts." Mel set the little magic tool down on the stand beside Cog's chair and returned to her own seat to resume her research.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The bat didn't answer Bambi's words immediately. She breathed heavily once, a few moments passing before she spoke smoothly and silently.
   "Silence and ignorance is better than burdening others who cannot possibly help with your problems. And as long as the world is as it is, there is the chance of escape." The bat turned around, and glared at PBH with eyes like glowing coals, seething anger, guilt and sadness.
   "Trust though, is the sound of death. Friends, I've never really had. And I would not wish any I did have my company anyhow." Her voice was low and cruel.

   The spider-woman hissed and clacked her sharp teeth at them. Cogidubnus' words against her she found completely unwarranted.
   "I told you, I did not put you into a mess! I never wanted anything to do with this place at all! I would never have come here, were it not for my orders!" she snarled, wriggling up and setting her back against the couch.


"And we believe you, for the most part," Jeremiah said soothingly, shooting an annoyed look at Cog, "He's just grouchy. However, it occurs to me that you are owed information as well here," the frog adjusted his hat slightly and brushed an imagined bit of dust off of his sleeve, "Madam, you attacked us. You had a veritable storm of altered arachspearians in tow and were ranting and raving about our awakening the lady. After being subdued Stygian as you call him, who's his current sex because of the effects of your spiders, removed an object not unlike a live coal from you," he leaned closer to the spider woman, partly for effect and partly to see her reaction to what he'd said, "Do you remember any of this?"


Cog looked oddly at Mel and took the tube from her hand, nodding. "As you say. I'll go find our esteemed hostess." he stood, and shot another look at the spider woman. "Of course, madam, but forgive me if I do not believe you." Cog said, and stopped for a moment. If he was wrong, he was perhaps being too hard on someone who indeed did not know better. On the other hand, he also knew better than to jump into a fight with only half the story. That one had bitten him very hard before. He nodded his head at the woman. "I don't believe you, but neither do I believe everything the bat says. Perhaps explanations from all sides are in order." He finished, crossing the room and opening the door.
He had no idea where Sebastian had gotten off to, but tracking the bat wouldn't be that hard. He took a deep breath, and headed left. Just follow the smell of liquor, he thought, and made yet another left, the smell of cognac growing stronger.

Prof B Hunnydew

Cog spy the tan cat- girl coming towards him, then PBH blinks and bows her head as she moves to the side of the hallway and lets Cog pass as she points out the room Stygain is in..

"Her Majesty, the bat is busy feel alone and sorry for herself..  That "She has many problems, which I or anyone else wouldn't be able to understand or help her with ." type mood.  I'm not sure if she's right or wrong about that, but I find just having someone to talk to, and help sound out your problems, can help you to a sounder solution.  I am off to find the ferret, and maybe you can talk some sense into the Bat.. Good luck" says PBH

PBH continues on to the kitchen, and starts look for the ferrret.


It was not hard to follow the pleasant scent of the cognac, at least not to Cog's finely honed senses. Following the strength of it, he arrived at the second floor in a hallway outside a just barely open door, behind which emanated the dim, warm light of a few candles, sorrowful and almost dismal musical tones sung by a low female voice, and the smells of ink and ash, of blood, licqour and a slight hint of what he had come to recognize as drunkenness.

   The spider-lady slumped and sighed, her face becoming more wearied and tired, and more downhearted for that matter. She leaned on the couch in a way that looked uncomfortable, but was probably the best she could manage.
   "I've told you that I don't recall anything," she said, and looked at the frog resignedly and glumly. "You're going to keep this up, aren't you? Why? I'm just doing a job here. If I fail, someone else will come and dispose of me, and do it instead." She said all of that in the same melancholy yet matter-of-factly and level tone, even the part about disposal.

   Outside, the rain had stopped falling, and the dark clouds were just above the mountains in the distance, having unveiled a starry and clear sky that simply called out for gazing. The wind was nearly dead still, and in the dark bats flapped and darted every so often in their chase of prey, their squeaks barely noticeable in the great emptiness around the castle's spires.

Aisha deCabre

"Yeah, we probably would have to talk to her," Aisha agreed after hearing Cogi's statement, and watched him walk out of the room to look for the bat.  She figured, hopefully, it wouldn't be long enough before the curses were lifted.  The panthress couldn't tell from what time it was really, but she still knew they were well into night.  By this point, things were quiet enough that it was possible to get sleep in...hard a thought as it was in a haunted castle.

She regarded the pseudo-arachnid with a little pity though, after her statement.  So she recalled nothing.  Caught in a trap of the mind and of life, for who knew how long.  Who would be able to tell the woman that over 150 years had passed in the place since the events she was speaking of?  The panthress just shook her head, somewhat tiredly, and left the others to the business of interrogation, taking another stroll around the library's shelves...even placing the one she found back where it had been before, in a single hallowed space that had collected so much dust, out of simple respect for the years seen by the documents.

Aisha then took a spot back to a table nearby, leaning her upper body on the surface.  While they were waiting around, and being quiet, there was no reason for her to be standing around much.  Just a catnap.  Get some energy back. She smirked to herself and closed her eyes, though her ears were tuned to the living and tired voices echoing across the walls.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel heard the spider-woman's last statement as she was walking past to retrieve one of the crumpled books she had been looking at earlier from the pile. "Your boss doesn't believe in hurrying. Sebastian was quite certain he had been imprisoned for 164 years. I assume your imprisonment was a similar term."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 Cog nodded at Hunnydew and gave a sour grin. "Yes, well, I don't know if sense is the right word. Maybe a boot in the ass." he said, before stopping at the somewhat closed door. Manners first. He knocked on the wood, and simply let the door open itself. His eyes adjusted to the darkness easily, and after quickly looking around he leaned against the wall to the side.
Sebastian seemed to be having a grand time laying on the bed and looking at the wall. He cleared his throat, and dropped the silver tube he had been carrying on the desk next to him.
"If you are quite done sulking, the others were wondering if you might rejoin us." He said flatly. "The dragon wanted to give you back the item you loaned her. It's on the desk." He pushed himself off the wall, and walked a little closer to the bed. "I hope you are feeling better, sir, because we can't afford anyone else being harmed because of one of your panic attacks."
Cog looked at the desk where a few candles flickered, and passed a hand over some of the writing that Sebastian had been doing. He quirked and eyebrow as he scanned it.


The spider-woman dropped her lower jaw so low that one might have thought it might unhinge. Her eyes tinged first with incredulity, and then when she realized there was no reason for disbelief, with fear. She looked like she was about to cry, and made sort of a sound in her throat before speaking.
   "No. That can't be..." she tried, unconvincedly.

"...the most profound thinking I have ever had in my life, and yet it feels as if it has been for nothing. The immediate turn for the worse and enmity that I sensed from these adventurers proves this, as does what I did to Azazel, even if the decision might have been warranted by the situation. I can not believe I have escaped the attention of the families, and I do not for a second doubt that they will seek me out if they catch word of my escape. And so, it would seem that my imprisonment has been for naught, just like my transformation was.
   Now, I am to search for that glimpse again, and I only hope that I can find some alternative way to rid these adventurers of their recollection, or me of them. If only they could be persuaded or contracted with trust. But a Dragon alone, and an Icewing at that, is great enough a risk that such a solution cannot be. Or, as usual, that is my belief."

   "Having fun reading my notes?" the bat asked, rolling over to the side so she could focus her still black eyes and their fiery irises at Cog. In the light of the candles they really glowed, reflecting the coloured light. They also gleamed a bit more than he remembered.
   "No, you're probably having more fun ridiculing me. Please. Be my guest. It's not as if being sealed away for sixteen decades and then released only to be trapped and turned, and then insulted for faults that are not mine deserves a bit of consideration. We all have our little problems; I'm sure being pointlessly snide will solve all." Her voice was scathing and sharp, as she sat up and glared at him. "I mean, my pain really does not measure with yours..."


Keaton said nothing during the intense interrogation of the spider-woman, instead opting to linger off to the side and leaf through a book she had squirreled from her upended gathering of books which had spilled off of the collapsed table. In reality, she remained quite detached from her halfhearted reading, only turning a few pages every five seconds to simulate any form of attention while she, actually, listened acutely to everything the spider-woman had told in response to the others' questions.

So it seemed like this spider-woman had more of a connection to this Sebastian character than she had originally surmised, and even more interestingly was that, according to her accounts, he was not to be trusted. This came as no revelation to Keaton--her observations about his prowess in dark magic had unnerved even her, only exacerbated by the abilities she had witnessed beforehand in previous battles.

What really fazed the spider-woman was the realization that she had been sealed in the castle for longer than anticipated. Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable, Keaton averted her eyes toward the door, wondering when Professor Hunnydew and the recently-departed Cogidubnus were going to return with Stygian.

Considering the relationship between Stygian and the spider-woman, however, she wasn't sure if she entirely WANTED that to happen...

~Keaton the Black Jackal


 Cog grinned slightly at Sebastian's riposte. He stopped reading the notes, and again leaned against the wall. He'd hoped she had been working on something to do with a cure, but alas. "My pain? Good sir, you beg the question, why would casting magic fret me so?" He leaned forward, and his shades slid down his nose somewhat - and his eyes glittered a dull yellow in the light. "What's more, you think magic has been my only trial?" His voice grew quiet for a moment. "The full moon can be cruel indeed." He leaned back again. "It's not the point. You say you were imprisoned for 16 decades, a time in which a lesser creature might have gone insane. A trial, for certain, and one I don't mean to belittle. But yet, you try and kill the one who helped set you free! So you don't like dragons?" he said, raising his eyebrows once more. "Even I would not be so stupid as to kill a wizard who freed me from magic! Especially one who would then try and help turn me back to my correct gender."
His toned softened somewhat. "We're all on edge, and I'm sure the cognac has done little to calm you. But we need you, and without this obsession with trying to silence us, or this fear of us. If we wanted to harm, we've been in better positions to do so."
He motioned to the door. "Whenever you're ready, good sir."

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH reaches the empty Kitchen, and find a bottle red wine unopened as well as a mess of some dirty dishes and some cooked food left uneaten.  Signing, PBH opens the wine and drink a couple of shallows, coughs, and then takes another hit of the wine and finally puts the cork back.  Signing, PBH cleans up the food and dishes, as she searches the dark kitchen corners and then adjacent room of any sign the ferret girl.



The bat's eyes widened slightly as she watched his eyes gleam, and then narrowed dangerously.
   "Out of all the people... Dragons, cubi, what seems like bounty hunters... and now a were?!" she said, angrily. "You don't seem to realize why I attacked her. Not really. Tell me then, werewolf... What are dragons most reputed for, out of all things?" The bat moved over the bed and strode up close to the wolf. Cogidubnus was two inches taller than Stygian had been from the very start, and now those two had been increased to nearly four. But the look and tone more than leveled out the way she had to turn her face up at him.
   "Most would say power, but that's not it. Skill, intelligence and prowess plays in there too, so there are even beings who could rival great dragons for power. No... What signifies dragons is greed." She hissed that last word with contempt. "They hoard, they gather and they exploit. The Icewings, I happen to know, are particularly ravenous for information. They're monglers of it. And what goes in their hoarde may well end up in the clutches of some close clan. I don't want any information on me to spread. Anonymity, save for what I allow, is my wish. And privacy is my bloody right!" she said, snarling the last word and poking Cog in the chest with a clawed finger. Then, she snatched her notes from him and turned, flipping a few pages and then setting the notebook down on the bedside table as her comely face took on a solemn look.
   "What I think of you personally has no say. It is a matter of security." And it's cost as many dear ones as it has saved, she thought.

   In the next room, sitting bent over a table, the pretty little ferret was staring at her hand with whited out eyes, looking utterly confused and afraid. When Bunny entered, the mustelid turned her head against her and blinked, before voicing unsteadily.
   "Who... are we?"


"Well then, my dear, perhaps next time you are nailed to a stick, we'll be sure to leave you there. With your privacy."
His mouth quirked in a sneer, despite his best efforts. "Really now. You are in no position to make demands of her. Do you think that if anyone really wanted to find you, they couldn't? At the very least, the spider woman seems to think someone sent her to kill you. So knowledge of your existence is, if not common, at least available."
The sneer faded from his mouth. "If you have such enemies that you have to be so paranoid, one would think you would need more friends, not less. The dragon is not here to confirm a target, anyway." He inclined his head. "No one deals in information if they can't keep a secret. She's promised you her silence, and under the circumstances, I think it's all your entitled to."
He eyed the cognac, but decided against it. He felt rather tipsy enough.


The frog's expression turned apologetic, "That's what I've been trying to get at this whole time, miss. That help probably isn't coming, or already did and is stuck as you were. Integrated into one of the curses on this place, or dead, or just never showed up. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you share another quality with this 'Stygian' in that neither of you are really in any shape to be picky about your allies. Save for the occasional really, REALLY old creature you're the only ones of your time period."

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH kneels and sit on her feet beside the girl ferret, and kindly looks at the ferret on her level .

"Well, I'm Professor Bambi Hunnydew....But you can called me Bambi, or Bam.  All my friends do.  I will get you something to eat if you like or I have some wine.  You had a hard time recently and I don't know half of it, but I will listen to you if you want to talk, or just be here for you.  Would you come with me to kitchen, and have some food?  I'll help you out as much as I can"

PBH offers her hand with palm up near the ferret arm on the table and waits for her to answer 


The ferret confusedly looked at the feline, not saying anything but simply looking blankly around her. She seemed completely disoriented, perplexed at her whole situation. Slowly, carefully, she took Bunny's hand. Her eyes widened, and she made a little yelp as she did, as if she was surprised that the touch was even real.
   "We... We think We can... What is this? Where are We?" she said, standing insecurely and letting herself be led.

   The spider's heart sank, as did her face. She slowly leaned back, looking as if she had gone numb, blind and deaf all of a sudden, or as if whatever had been holding her up until then had just been taken away in a heartbeat and left her limp like a ragdoll. Tears hinted in the corners of her eyes.
   "He couldn't have... We knew...! They trapped him here to keep him away...! We just had to..." she whimpered, fat drops beginning to trickle down her cheeks. "It can't be!" she said, both heartbrokenly and fiercely, looking at the frog with as much anger as sorrow. "You're lying!"

   "They had no need or knowledge to," the bat replied to Cog, and gave him a venomous look that quickly died down. "It was all supposed to hold me in place and slowly kill me. Still, they never really understood what I am. And they were good at keeping knowledge hidden. If no one finds out in long enough a time, I can slip away." She on the other hand did not have any compunctions against more cognac, and filled up yet another glass, sipping and looking over at him.
   "And I'm entitled to whatever I can bloody get out of her. There's no honor in this deal, just logic. That means I can squeeze her throat shut with all right if she gets loudmouthed." Her cheeks were flushed with anger and intoxication. "Morals has no part in it. Never has had with me. I don't do that. Nor do I do friends; they're better off without me."
   The bat slumped down on the bed again, drinking down and having another glass.
   "But you're right. She's promised her silence. And I don't see how she could break it anytime soon without me knowing. So she'll be condemning herself to death if she does. Maybe it'll work. For now, I intend to keep away and try and get this solved..." she said, and leaned over, sighing and looking at her hand.

   In the library, the group continued their doings. With the books and desks somewhat cleaned up, Mel was being somewhat successful in isolating the way the curses manifested, by embedding itself in the essence of the afflicted using their very own fear, loathing and hatred. It also seemed to have sort of clenched hold of the part of their mind that had to do with prejudices. The worst part of it, she found, was that it strengthened them and would be made irreversible if it were not removed soon. Just how soon, she did not know, but it looked like weeks or more probably days.

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH smiles at the ferret, and gentle leads her to the kitchen, She quickly fixes up some fruit, and meat plate with some bread.  As she warms up some soup.

"WE? mmm okay we are in a castle, in the kitchen?  Now, here is some food and"

** PBH pours some wine in two glasses and gives her one ***

"... wine or would you like some water?  Can you tell me, what you name is or are?"

PBH encourages her to eat the food but waits for the ferret to answer or eat as she sips her own wine..

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel disregarded the spider's ranting. If her research was right the spider was nothing but a distraction. She rubbed her tired eyes and sighed. No one was going to be happy with this. It wasn't as simple and easy as just removing the curse. "Keaton. Could you come check my work please. I think I've figured out the mechanics of the curse but I want someone else to proof my research." This wouldn't be easy on any of the victims so one of them would work the hardest to destroy the conclusions Mel had drawn.

She arranged the books she referenced in order with her notes under them. Then she watched Keaton carefully as the girl looked things over. She wouldn't be pleased to read that the curse was feeding on her hatred to make her what she hated so logically the converse would be the cure. The next question was how did one reduce or remove the hatred the curse fed on?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The frog flinched at the spider woman's words; he felt like a right bastard for putting it that way, but it was a message he had to get across.
"I know this is tough on you. This place has been tough on everyone to some degree. Some of us had our species changed, some of us exhibeted strange and unwanted abilities. You've probably been hurt worst. However, it's true," Jeremiah bowed his head slightly, "If you need proof, just look at us. Our clothing; is it anything like your time? Bambi was here just a minute ago, you may have seen her carrying a weapon that looked like a bent iron stick; also something you wouldn't be familier with. I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but it's the truth. I have no reason to lie to you. After all, if I was on Stygian's side why would I only ask questions about him? I'm reserving judgement on many individuals in this affair, and am thus the closest thing to neutral. I'm... Sorry about what has happened to you, but I'm quite serious. Now..." My gods, I am a bastard, "What was it that you were supposed to stop? What were these orders?"


Cog nodded silently, and pushed himself up from the wall. "I understand – and normally, I wouldn't care." He narrowed one eye. "But in this case, I don't care if you don't see it as a matter of morals or honor. I do." he said, making his voice soft. "And so does everyone else who fought to free you." He tilted his head. "You could probably kill us, of course."
He reached for a hat that was no longer there and grimaced. "But killing the dragon, or any of us, would be unwise. I don't think anyone would miss me, but the others - I don't know. Someone might come looking after awhile. And imagine if you killed the dragon and the other Icewing dragons came looking! That might get complicated, yes?"
He shrugged. "I suppose it doesn't matter. You've made your decision." He again leaned against the wall and tapped a finger on her desk. "Something that might matter a little more is for you to stop sulking in here and help us in the library again. Drowning your sorrows in cognac isn't helping anything."
He raised a hand defensively. "Yes, I know, but I neither did I know I could help with the research at all then. What's more, I can see straight, which is more than I'd wager you can."
He again motioned to the door, making a somewhat ornate bow in it's direction. "Ladies first, after all."


The ferret accepted both the food and the wine, though as confusedly as with everything else. She picked a few pieces of food insecurely, and then tasted the wine, twisting her face a bit at the taste but drinking nevertheless. She looked up at the cat with empty eyes at the question.
   "...don't know..." she said, and blushed a bit.

   The spider didn't answer Jeremiah's question. She just hung her head and cried wordlessly, a low and painful weeping between sharp sobs that cut to the very heart of those who heard. Or, at least to those who cared, which under the circumstances seemed to be a lot fewer than might have been expected. The front of the crude and torn robe she was wearing was quickly pricked with wet spots from the tears that rolled down from her largest pair of eyes.

   Stygian's eyes fixed on Cog's as he spoke, the bat rolling the glass smoothly in her hand. The blonde chiropteran took in and pondered his words about morals, unwisdom and sulking. His perspective was as expected, as were his arguments. He really didn't think the same way the bat herself did, but she could understand him. His comment about seeing straight didn't go together with the time perspective. And she wondered just how easily he thought she could kill them, if he spoke like that. Slowly, she drank down another glass of amber alcohol.
   At his last comment though, she blinked. Then, she stood up and calmly walked as if about to head out. When she reached the wolf though, she made a lightning-quick jab against his gut, right to the solar plexus, and no more, planning on just letting him wheeze for breath.
   "No more of that," she said lowly and calmly. "You might think that it's the comments that I have problem with. But it's neither those nor the body. I've masked this way before on the job. But I've never been confined to it. So I'd much appreciate an end to the cheesy jokes."

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi divides the soup between them and pass a bowl of soup to the ferret with more bread... " Eat up and I will mix your wine with a little water if it is too strong for you."   PBH goes to get a pitch of water on the other table and returns with it on sit across from the Ferret..offer her some water into glass if she wants some.

"Sorry Gina is the only name I know for you, but I am sure there are others.  Gina, I am not sure what happen to you, but I have an idea what is going on in your head.   Can you tell me what you can remember or just tell what you can about you?  I'm will to be a friend to you, I think you will need to help if you are to make peace within yourself."
said PBH