[Art] Raist got Ink'd! (12/14/2007)

Started by Fuyudenki, September 07, 2007, 08:38:25 PM

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Let the thread die?



eh, I'll look into it later.  Walking animation, now!  whee!

really, though, re-drawing doesn't bother me much right now.  I got assigned as the lead artist of our 3-man team because I like doing this kind of stuff.

And I'm the only one on said 3-man team who actually can draw.(the others will help with coloring later on.)

I'll look into it.  A lot of my justifications for the "He looks really over-muscled" complaints have been that he's a special-forces guy, and early in the game, he's taking out armed and armored grunts with his bare hands.

Think I'll call him "SF Guy" until we come up with a better name.

In any case, it'll be easier to think about what to do after I've done the walking, running, and pushing animations, which I need to have ready for our next demo.


UPDATE which I don't think really belongs in the first post.

SF Guy is convulsing!!!

Newest revision.  I kinda like it.



OK, so I decided to toss the standing animation on the back burner for a while.  Here's the first draft of SF Guy's walking animation.

Yes, it's been a while.  My team probably isn't too happy with the delay, either.

Comments, criticism, all welcome.  Yes, I know it looks a bit odd.

The head's going to be smoothed out a bit.  I know, his skull is doing something funny.  I'll fix it.  I also know the jump from "facing forward" to "facing backward" is a bit awkward.  Again, I'll fix it, though in this case, it won't be as intuitive.

The important part is, I've got a walking animation for my team's demo next week, now.  Now, I just need to do a pushing animation, and draw a finalized Standing animation, and it'll be all set.  Anything I do after that's gravy!

llearch n'n'daCorna

The face is turning a bit much, I think.

Face and shoulders, perhaps. As it's currently set up, it looks like he's not walking on a single line, but overlapping his steps. Watch when you walk, your feet tend to land on either side of a line - take, say, a painted line in a carpark - it's about 3-4 inches wide, and when you walk, your feet tend to stay that far apart. So as you walk, the inside of your right foot lands about 3-4 inches to the right of the inside of your left foot.

If you're walking on a line, your heel and toe are in line. That's uncomfortable, and forces your shoulders to swing back and forth to balance it.

The way that your char is walking, he's putting his -right- foot on the -left- of the line, then putting his -left- foot on the -right- of the same line.

Or, at least, so it looks to me.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yeah.  So I drew this partly as practice, partly as an example, and stuck it in another artist's thread, which has now been closed, and is being mined for minerals.(We need more Vespene gas!)

However, I decided since it didn't completely suck, I'd toss it in here, too.

Fox and Wolf(link, 'cause it's a larger image, and I don't want to clutter my thread up with big images.)

Apparently, either nobody cares what Raist does in his thread anymore, or I made a completely uninteresting poll.  Humn, I'd thought at least Techmaster-Glitch would vote, since it was inspired by one of his favorite games.

Ah well.

I've got other stuff on my machine at home, I'll put it up when I get to it.  SF Guy is taking a break, but I still need to make Jumping and Pushing animations before tomorrow.  Then, I'll finish the Standing, and redraw the Walking.  Or maybe I'll redraw the walking, and then draw Pushing.  Anyway, time for a new nonsense-poll.


Quote from: Raist on October 08, 2007, 07:02:08 PM
which has now been closed, and is being mined for minerals.(We need more Vespene gas!)
You. Win. :)

And sorry about not seeing the poll. I actually haven't been in the Tower of Art much recently, and thus did not see this. But thanks for the poll! I did just get in my vote ;) So you've actually played it? You are awsome. I must visit this thread more often, this I swear. :giggle


The problem with making a new poll is that it doesn't count as a new post, so there's no way to know if there's a new poll or not without visiting the thread.  I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to only visit threads with new posts.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 08, 2007, 07:08:41 PM
Quote from: Raist on October 08, 2007, 07:02:08 PM
which has now been closed, and is being mined for minerals.(We need more Vespene gas!)
You. Win. :)
Hello, Bank?  Yes, I'd like to cash a check.  One Internet, please.  Tens and twenties will be fine, thanks.

And sorry about not seeing the poll. I actually haven't been in the Tower of Art much recently, and thus did not see this. But thanks for the poll! I did just get in my vote ;) So you've actually played it? You are awsome. I must visit this thread more often, this I swear. :giggle

heh, yeah, I caught that just before I changed it.  Were you the "You loon!" vote, or the "Topato!" vote?

It's good.  It's like Ratchet and clank, with robots and somewhat less character development, but the whole "it's ROBOTS!" feel is pretty cool.  Glitch really needs to talk more.

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on October 08, 2007, 07:10:17 PM
The problem with making a new poll is that it doesn't count as a new post, so there's no way to know if there's a new poll or not without visiting the thread.  I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to only visit threads with new posts.

Well I always post before I edit my poll, so you've got no excuse.


I was whatever vote said that there's only one Metal Arms game :P

And I can't belive I missed out on most of it. I am berating myself, and am now going to make sure that I don't miss out on anyone's art anymore. (Or polls ;))


Quote from: Raist on October 08, 2007, 07:11:24 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on October 08, 2007, 07:10:17 PM
The problem with making a new poll is that it doesn't count as a new post, so there's no way to know if there's a new poll or not without visiting the thread.  I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to only visit threads with new posts.

Well I always post before I edit my poll, so you've got no excuse.

Oh... well, I actually did get a chance to see the poll you had before you made this new one, and I had never played the game, so I didn't have a reason to vote.  If I did, you would have just gotten another 'Topato'. ;)


Quote from: Raist on October 08, 2007, 07:11:24 PM
It's good.  It's like Ratchet and clank, with robots and somewhat less character development, but the whole "it's ROBOTS!" feel is pretty cool.  Glitch really needs to talk more.
Yes, he does. The one thing that I was most disappointed in that game was that they constantly hinted that Glitch was a Morbot, but never actually did anything with it, other than those "Morbot Artifact" powerups.

In the level where they bring Dr. Exavolt back to the Command Center, and he turns out betraying them, this is what I imagined happening:
First, Glitch actually shoots the bastard, instead of letting him vanish inexplicably into thin air between screenshots, his optic lights turn from blue to red, a small explosion, and Glitch is suddenly a 20-ton walking deathmachine on a vengeful rampage.
That's how I would have done it :giggle


Oh yeah, I forgot to comment on your arts. xD

To b honest, the wolf looks more like a fox, and the fox looks more like...  Dunno.  Though it does remind me of Renamon. :/

Sienna Maiu - M T

You're right! Renamon is totally the vibe I was getting from it!

Yeah, that's how I would draw wolves too... and sorry about not visiting your thread, I was just daunted by unknown reasons and forces about actually reading through whatever you might have posted, and at those times I didn't really feel up to posting anything of real value on your pictures, figuring I'ld look at them later when my posting could actually be of use.

I find your walking hilarious, and the second standing seems pretty good, you've hammered out lots of the crazyness. Hyperventilating one is interesting.

Oh look... I just read through your first post in the thread and it really is supposed to look like Renamon. Interesting...
And as always, PICTURES!!! Referrences help you to learn and grow. Use them.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 09, 2007, 10:51:01 PM
Oh look... I just read through your first post in the thread and it really is supposed to look like Renamon. Interesting...

Oh, so it seems.  Well then, I now know to check the first page for every update. :)


Sienna: no worries.  I think last couple of weeks were just slow for everybody.  And you have to excercise your ninja skills to post, anyway.

Hazmat: yeah, I'm putting new info in the first post, and linking to the post where the image is, now, just like everybody else does.  Couple of extra clicks, but it's got some important advantages, such as helping focus the discussion, and keeping all of the image links in a single, convenient location.

Anyway, yes, since Remanon was the only anthro cartoon fox I've really seen who I thought looked decent, I blatantly stole the style they used to draw her.  It was only after I had a fox cross my path on the way from school back to my car that I realized just how close the design actually is!  Foxes have very triangular faces.

In any case, that's the last furry picture you'll see out of me for some time, as I'd like to practice on my own for a while, and they aren't showing up in my comic yet.  Not counting OOC strips.

Sienna Maiu - M T

:U GASP!!! How did you know about that?!?!

(Okay, seriously? Where'd you go and get an idea like that from?)


You've mentioned it before.  And I've resorted to the same thing, at times.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Perhaps so, but we all know that I would fail as one in any case. Oh yeah, and, "Oh look! An obvious distraction Eagle!"


nobody's posted here for at least 14 days, but I understand I get a bit of leeway, since it's my art thread, so...


Yeah.  So.  Thread's been empty for a while.  I haven't drawn anything for a while.

So I drew something, to stay in-practice.  Thinking I may take it to finish, but we've all seen how well I finish drawings.

Blatant ego-trip!

One or two of you have probably seen my webcomic.  Well, that's the guy we're following right now, except in the comic, he's currently 14, and in this sketch, he's 17.  Yes, he's also me.(in a kinda-sorta way.)

Not sure about the face.

Or the far hand.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Sorry... I kind of do that to threads. Kill them I mean.

Yeah, I understand that about the kind-of sort-of, quite a bit in fact... Anywho, I like the picture, but I agree that something is weird about it. I don't know what to tell you to do about it though. I think it might be because you have a realistic-type head structure, and semi-realistic other things, but the facial features just don't seem to match up. I'm thinking that they're not quite realistic enough. On a second look though... the right eye has a strange angle in proportion to the face. It is too high.

let me go make a sketch.

Oh my gosh, done. Isn't it magical? You can tell I spent a lot of time and effort on it. and love, don't forget love.

*laughing* hope that helps at least a little.


You didn't kill my thread, I did!  By not posting anything!

On to bigger and better things, I think you're a little right, but not quite as much as that line.  I think I'm going to soften the expression a bit, so that instead of scowling, he's just kinda smirking.  More natural expression.


I think his left eyebrow being a considerable amount bushier may have something to do with making his left eye look higher than his right.  Also, you could try moving his mouth to his right a bit; right now it looks like it's on the side of his face.

Sienna Maiu - M T

oh I don't know, I kind of like the expression the way it is, it kind of seems to suit him, like a serious kind of guy.
I still think I'm right about that right eye though, the angle, not so much as the placement, gives it a sort of two-dimensional feel. If you keep the eye where it is, but just change that angle, I honestly think it will help.


Back at his old tricks, Raist is.  Necromancing his thread again, Raist is.

Yeah, so anyway, I've been tweaking an older model again.

Boobs and butts.  (Safe for all but the strictest work)

I think I've done more in 3D than I have in 2D.

Also, her bum looks more square than I'd like.


Very good, raist, and remember, Necromancy should be left to professionals!

Did you poly that from scratch>


Professional Necromancer, that's me. 8)

100% scratch.  It started as a cube.


Ugh, box-modeling.  You have my praise, good sir.


Holy tube-inflated tent! from a cube!? can you give us a time scale?


think this one's been about 8 months, but I've rebuilt most of it twice.

Let's say about 3 months, averaging an hour a day?