PC problems blow

Started by WingedMayhem, April 15, 2006, 03:29:02 PM

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So yeah I was having PC problems with my hard drive. All I can say is that Seagate thankfully has excellant warrenty coverage on their hard drives and thank god for that. But yeah it sucks when you can't use the PC for a week and you have alot of free time on your hands.


Ah, well that's the time to buy a couple of magazines and spank the monkey. Nothin else to do.


For you to think of me doing that I don't know whether to be creeped out or slightly confused. Remember how you said I'd gone soft? Well yah Fink I've gone soft now in more ways then one. LOL Oh yah just to be on the safe side I hope people realize I'm kidding around. I'm not looking for some myspace politics.  :laugh I'm actually trying to be careful with what I say now. It seems things have been more tense then usual. Its like waving a peanut at an elephant then yanking it away. Then getting stampeded on. Well just speaking from my overall internet experiences anyways. Yah. I'll try and be more serious.

Destina Faroda

If you have free tme you could always read a book.  Books are fun.
Sig coming...whenever...

Sin Ominous

Destina Faroda

'Gasms sounds like a combination of gagging and spasms, both of which don't sound very fun.
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Sin Ominous on April 16, 2006, 01:33:57 AM
So are 'gasms.

Dunno what a 'gasm is, but I'll take an orgasm over that anyday =P

Sin Ominous


'gasm eh? Yeah, sound like some sort of allergic reaction... or a big hole in the ground...


No it is the ferociuos creature that lives under thyne bed.


Maybe could be a type of candy.......probably wouldn't taste very good.


No, but I hear it's an aphrodesiac.


Quote from: WingedMayhem on April 15, 2006, 03:29:02 PM
So yeah I was having PC problems with my hard drive. All I can say is that Seagate thankfully has excellant warrenty coverage on their hard drives and thank god for that. But yeah it sucks when you can't use the PC for a week and you have alot of free time on your hands.
Play some Castlevania games.