Angantyr's Mardukh+theChosen finished their first record

Started by Nimrods Son, September 05, 2007, 07:05:18 AM

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Nimrods Son

Hey everybody!
I've been whining alot about me bandmates fleeing the ship and causing its sinking, right, but hey, I don't need 'em wonkaz!  :B
Cause this is what I did alone!

Please check it out if you're into indie pop/rock things...
I'd be glad to receive a feedback from this grand community :eager


Awesome... I'm checking this out now.  In an interesting coincidence, I've just finished my fourth :P

What equipment did you use to record yours?


'Allison' is my favourite so far.
'Along the shore' is good too.  Is that a mellotron you've got doing the strings there?  (I'm hearing what could be a tape dropout towards the end of the track though...)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Nimrods Son

Hi Tapewolf!
There's lots of different equipment involved.. as for the strings, they're strings. We've built up a proper string section (though the girls actually never came around when we had a gig, so it's a fact widely unknown), and they dismissed me from their lives in the meantime.
Most of the recordings were done using logic, recording directly onto HD, or via some massive tape machine (3 or 4 "), and then onto HD. The mixing was done with Ableton Live 6.
The recording desks I don't remember, since this is a conglomerate of recordings we did over three years' time, but we had a huge protools desk and an SSL desk.

The mics were mostly RODE, AKG D 112, Sennheiser MD 24, plus (yikes) Shure S/M 58.
The few synthie parts are from our beloved Waldorf Q+. I played Career ES 335, Epiphone LesPaul Custom, Fender JagStang and a Yamaha classical guitar. The amps used were Marshall TSL 100, Guyatone, Yamaha JX 40.

As for effects, most that are heard on the tracks are guitar floor pedals, like Boss HM-3, Boss BF-2 (my favourite), and Zoom GFX-707; plus the Boss CS-2 compressor.
Room reverbs etc. are different plugins from Live.

I hope you find these infos useful ;)
Hey, thanks for listening! I'll check out your record today, too!