
Started by Darkmoon, August 27, 2005, 09:00:28 PM

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When I get in a posting mood, it's hard to keep up. Trust me.

As for getting different titles, all it takes is posting. The more you post, the higher you go.


None of this makes any sense other than darkmoon being as long winded as ever.  Besides, I find it much more strange how much negative karma one could accumulate in such a short time.


I think as it goes:

0 - 4 posts: Proto Slime
4 - 9 posts: Slime
10 - 19 posts: Flea Man

Mageknight Locke

but, but but i just wanted to be special :cry


You are, In two post you're be a Renfield.

Mageknight Locke

i am now, but i want to be a bloody vampire, vampires beat the turd outta everyone else


There's better than Vampire ;)

Mageknight Locke

vampires are just the coolest though, dhampires can be  :crucify ied for all i care


naw, there's better than Vamps on the list, and it's not halfvampire spawn shit.


How about I smite you...WITH MY HAMMER OF GOD

Mageknight Locke

what the hell is a reinfield? anyway ive been turned into the uber annoying enemy of cv! answer me darkmoon!


I just used the list of stuff Jorge came up with, with some minor mods.

Renfield is the human servant to Dracula.


Wow, this thread is random. I have no idea what I am right now.
EDIT: I'm a bat? Ok.


A very talented bat it seems. I didn't know bats could type.


I wanna be the best.





Mageknight Locke

 :mwaha im second only to DM in number of spams... i mean posts


You're doing wuite well, but will never beat the master.

Destina Faroda

Nope, I know I can't beat you so I won't try.  I'll just pack as many words into my posts so that I can have the highest substance to post ratio.  I'm having too much fun now to rant though, so all you'll get are silly posts like this for the time being...

...I guess the whole point of this is to say you are the Spam King.  Here's your crown.  Just don't forget to hide the tape that holds it together.
Sig coming...whenever...


Oh you see, post-whoring is only good if you actually write real content when you do it.

Jorge D. Fuentes

I'm only posting this because I like to see the "On Fire" topics.  :P
As for Rank... I'll always be low, 'cuz I'm nowhere near Post-Whore King potential.


Quote from: Jorge D. Fuentes on September 08, 2005, 08:06:35 PM
I'm only posting this because I like to see the "On Fire" topics. :P
As for Rank... I'll always be low, 'cuz I'm nowhere near Post-Whore King potential.

Yet you have 65 posts already =P That's more than me, and everyone knows I can be a post whore at times!


Well it's been a long time since I was the post whore king of old. But I got that old feeling again :bwaha


Energy drinks always make me want to post more. ^_^

*posts like crazy while drooling*


I wish Red Bull was cheaper.


Rockstars are 1.99
Red bull 1.49

Red bull has a better taste yet you get more with rockstar

Red bull and Orange juice rocks ^_^ *hic*

Mageknight Locke

i just love the ol' coca'ine cola, that makes me bounce off the walls


I drink so much coke It's like water to me.
Does nothing but parch my thirst.


Actually, I burned out my adrenal glands to the point wher caffeine doesn't effect me. I drank far too much of it in my youth. Now, I drink Red Bull if I need the pick up. The weird shit they throw in there works.