Sexism, Racism, etc.

Started by WingedMayhem, March 22, 2006, 12:48:12 AM

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Is it possible for a guy to claim sexual harrassment in the workplace? I was just wondering. Cause women claim equal rights and all. So it should be right for a man to sue a woman for sexual harrassment. Also reguarding custody battles. Why does the mother almost always get the child? I think that if a father loves his kids enough he should be able to claim his children.

Also another thing. I think its wrong for people to call people white. White is almost a general term used to describe anyone of European descent. And also for Black people to say all white people are descended from slave owners or people who enslaved them. Slavery ended a long time ago. I don't understand why alot of black people generalize and hate all people of light skin tone for that. I am not white I'm Italian-American. But yah don't tell me that we should have to deal with BS because all people are equal now. Just because your ancestors suffered doesn't mean you are. And it also doesn't mean someone else's ancestors WERE slave owners. My ancestors were suffering in Italy as well. Darkmoon's were Jewish so of course they suffered. In life all races and all people suffer at one point. Its the way of life. Without suffering, we can't have solice.

This is just my take on the whole thing. I'm not trying to offend anyone. But it seems like the problems mostly exist and come into play when either feminists and activists use the past as an excuse to be racist or sexist and in some cases, use that to their advantage. I think we all need to love each other more and stop focusing on what we are and start focusing more on who we are as people. If someone is a nice person whether they are the cliche` white male or the minority then thats what counts. If someone is judgemental, predjudice, or closed-minded to the point where they inists on being right then thats what makes society a horrible place to live in.


I see no reason why not. Guys can get harrased too.

Destina Faroda

I was going to debate your points one by one, Byron, but I instead stopped because I realized that all your complaining boils down to the same question -- "If we're all treated equally, then why is this group complining about treated differently?"  But the truth is on every point there is nothing even resembling equal treatment.

You think it's "wrong for people to call people white", but then you talk about "black people" this and "black people" that?  Talk about inconsistency.

I think the problem is the fact that people like yourselves want to people to believe everything is fine to maintain the status quo.  It's easy to ignore the effects of sexism, racism, and other forms discrimination, then label anyone who wants to improve things as whiners.  It's like you're saying, "We have this standard and we want you to conform to it even though you know you can never conform to our liking and we'll always say what you're doing isn't enough."
Sig coming...whenever...


the worst thing to happen to my family.( being mexican-american) was the tortilla famine of '03.  I couldnt make myself a breakfast burrito with my top ramen. yes its good. Im gonna go make some.


I'm in a minority myself. Having a learning disability, people are constantly misinformed and labeling me as "retarded". Nobody could really understand. So the way I look at it is if someone is gonna discriminate me then hey it happens. I am in no way a conformist at all. I have actually a very unique way of thinking which usually makes me alot of enemies actually.


you may have a learning disability but damn your sentences flow well....... I'm a bad note taker...... meow.


If you wanna screw with an Irishman, just shout "Irish Potato Famine."



Luckily I'm Scottish so I say Hells yesh.

Xuzaf D

I'm part Dutch, Welsh, and Sicilian. You'd be amazed how few can find all three on a map. (hint: the map is of Europe).

More realistically, I'm just a honkey from central NY.