If by some chance you happen to find this....

Started by Nikki, August 05, 2007, 01:45:03 AM

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if you somehow happen to find this exact phone on ebay or craigslist or someplace that sells phones, please tell me. I really want another phone like this and apparently they do not make them anymore as they were a limited edition.

I'm practically begging you :C

Edit- found a picture of one that's purely black...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Reese Tora

What model is that phone? It'll be easier to find by that than appearance.
(not that I have any intention of searching for it myself, but you never know...)

Cool as finding an old phone you like using is, bear in mind that some service providers will refuse to activate older phones, and most networks are optimized to work with the 'latest and greatest' phones.
(I have experienced this where a provider my company was testing the network of would not activate the phones we already own, which are rather old.)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Faerie Alex

According to the pic (or the website where it came from) that's a Samsung A930. Google that and it'll come up with plenty of results, but I'm not sure about a red one (most seem to be black, one was silver). The model itself appears to be around a year old.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Ebay ninja! :mowninja

Edit ninja. Watch for the long URLs, mmkay?
  -- llearch
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


0w0 HOMG!!

....daaaang..only $105?...119.95 with shipping....

0w0 <333333

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


*Ebay ninja bows then disappears in a puff of smoke* :mowninja
Once upon a time I actually posted here.