Kid whines on plane, gets booted off, is the new Satan

Started by superluser, July 15, 2007, 05:22:30 PM

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lucas marcone

aridas slow down and think it through..... that was a logical explination not gibberish. but i will attempt to simplify it further.

instance 1. in the plane. we don't know how the kid acted, but we have established that a 19 moth old is in fact 19 months old and there fore is a precotious young toddler. think about every kid that age you've met. how many of them would you put money on to sit in one seat for a long period of time with not much to do? how long could YOU sit in a seat quietly with not much to do?

we may not know what went on in that plane but llearch being a father himselfhas more experence than most in this forum in this particular area.
QuotePersonally, I think kids are just fine. The only time my son has been a problem is on the 12-hour flights, two of, back-to-back. And that's just because it's a long, boring flight, there's not a lot he can do, and there's only so much tv he can watch before he gets bored and starts fidgeting.

Since he's reasonably active, he tends to get bored easily. Last time, he spent much of the time doing round trips of the plane - walking up and down because he could, and because, I think, he was testing how the turbulence affected his balance. That and seeing what everyone else was doing...

*shrug* I've had him throwing up every time we took off - now, that was a hell flight. I remember him heaving his cookies, back when he was 18 months or so, and the attendant asking us (while holding a screaming, vomiting child at arms length, frantically looking for things to have him throw up in, or to clean up with) "Do you want your meals now?" And when we asked for something to clean up with, they brought back paper towel. Not towels, towel. Just the one. For a puddle that was a good two feet across...

The kid has his problems to deal with, as well. At 19 months, you can't ask him to swallow, to release the pain in his ears, from the pressure change. There's noise all around, which you can bet is not his normal situation - many parents seem to feel that they must keep silent for the kid to sleep; oddly enough, this rebounds into a child that wakes up at any noise at all. (heehee, I remember being at my mother-in-laws, which backed onto the local volunteer fire station, with son asleep in bed in the next room when the siren went off. That thing is audible 90km away, and he didn't even blink. We couldn't even talk through it without shouting. *grin*) He may have been woken early to get to the airport, where he's been stuck in a queue for two hours or more, and can't run around. So he may well be tired, grumpy, and bored before he even sits down on the plane. And his favourite toys are probably packed, as well.

Add these together, and any child will be fractious. It's just the nature of the beast. *shrug*

if you want my imput on the plane scene look at the previous posts. and i too have (some) credit by helping raise most of my cousins.

instance 2 (this is where you quoted me.) i was speaking of when the kid was in the studio after the fact.

Quotenormal people dont like the hot lights and cameras in their faces. and what they show is just the set the real building is more like a dusty factory. he wants to find out what this place is where he can go and what he can do. when they try to keep him fron doing these things he become scared and confused.
i was talking about how people point at that video and scream about unruley kids. this behavior is NORMAL for a 19 month old.


But the problem is that people are stating different things than what I SAW happen.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on July 17, 2007, 09:31:00 PMBut the problem is that people are stating different things than what I SAW happen.

If you were on the plane, I do apologize.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

lucas marcone

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on July 17, 2007, 09:31:00 PM
But the problem is that people are stating different things than what I SAW happen.

what exactly did you see? is there an alternate version of the video?



Quote from: ilpalazzo on July 19, 2007, 02:51:41 AM
I would've kicked the kid. I hate brats.

What Eowyn types- dddddddddrrrrrccc
What Eowyn says- Diaper chaynge
What Eowyn means- I have a present for you
