On Vacation

Started by Suwako, June 27, 2007, 02:44:02 PM

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Just so you people know, you know...  :B

Going tomorrow in the afternoon
I'll be back on the 30th of July or something  :U

While I'm away I'll probably have limited access to computers for the 1st 1/3 and after that I dunno.

I'll miss you people, and your crazy / nice / trollish(?) / mean personalities

( Still isn't sure if it would have been better to not have wasted a topic on this, but it wouldn't have been very nice to just disappear without a word as well so... the best out of two evils it was, yes.)


See ya' when I see ya'.  Have fun. :)

Josh Massa

I wonder if I'm the only one who noticed that he spelled "Vacation" "Vacantion"


I wonder if you're the only person who cares. :T


Quote from: Josh Massa on June 27, 2007, 05:18:59 PM
I wonder if I'm the only one who noticed that he spelled "Vacation" "Vacantion"

yeah, erm sorry about that. It's because in dutch it's spelled 'Vakantie'

and yes, the nerves are making it hard to sleep...

Josh Massa

Haha, no big deal. I'm upset and I tend to be a spelling Nazi when I am. Where are you going on vacation to anywho?


Hungary after that I'll be home for one day and then I will go to the Tjech republic.

In 5 hours I will be at my school staring at the bus taking me to my place of despair  :U


AYEE! Well, maybe it isn't that bad. Good luck for you.