Self Portrait and Pyramid Head

Started by Josh Massa, June 20, 2007, 12:13:31 AM

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Josh Massa

The first one is a self portrait of myself I drew in my Art2 class
The second one is a picture of Pyramid Head I drew when I was bored and couldn't sleep.
Hope you like them.

Jim Halisstrad

Any thread with Pyramid Head gets a gold star in my books.

However, why is the Great Knife on fire?

Josh Massa

Woot! Gold star for me, lol. What do you think of the picture? Nicely drawn?


As I had said, I was rather bored.


Nice to see anthor PH fan on board...

Josh Massa


Watch out for Styigan....He can tell you alot >:3

Josh Massa

Haha. In your opinion, what are my strong and weak points of those two drawings?

Josh Massa

AHHH! I'm trying to scan a picture of Gir that I drew but my friends scanner is messed up! Rarg.