Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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"This is much to take in..." Mister looked around, reached out and rested one hand against the bark of a nearby tree. An apple tree. The master was always saying that if he was expected to have plants everywhere, they may as well be plants that can provide a snack, "I am... am... I require a drink. I expended a great deal of steam in defending the manor, and need to refuel. Would you gentlemen like anything?" He clasped his hands together tighter, shaking slightly not only because of the currently sporatic flow of steam through his systems, "The master kept the wine celler well stocked, and it would be unwise to let every drop of that go to waste before I... Leave." He forced himself to say it. It wasn't abandoning the master. It wasn't even being salvaged. He was to continue the master's work.
"I would never be able to defend this place from this Brotherhood alone. The only course of action that will keep the estate safe would be to aide in the fight against the organization that has come for it. I will go with you, and when your goal has been completed I shall return to my duties. It would be... Proper."

Prof B Hunnydew

In Jackson's Office

An otter woman in her earily thirties wear a doctor's labs coat comes into the office with a tray of fresh baked cookies.

"Okay Chief, I finished fixing up Pippin's chest and Mara's arm is saved and most in important, Hart got me some chocolate chips.  So What is next?  Did you get my medical bag?  It has been a week, somebody should have been able to get in my apartment.", Asks Dr Joywaves chatty. 

She was still nervous with these rebels, she would heal anyone.  Yet, she had to help some wounded rebel, before she knew the Brotherhood was on his kneels, and his rebel buddies rush in to rescue her with the poor wound kid.  She took a bite out of a cookie, yummy, finally something that will really calm her nerves.

"Cookie, Chief?" asks the doc.

Ryudo Lee

The rebellion member rubbed his chin a bit.
"I have an idea.  How about we station some men here to keep an eye on the place and keep it up for you.  We can use this mansion as a meeting place, or an impromptu HQ, and you can be free to come help us out.  Sound fair?" He asks.


Jackson nodded to the doc and opened his desk drawer.  He pulled out the medical bag she had asked about.  It had been thoroughly checked out.
"There you go, came in this afternoon." He said, making a passing motion to the offer for a cookie. "There's a new set of recruits out front.  Check 'em out.  It's a pretty diverse group, so you'll definitely be on your toes.  I'm assigning you to them as their field medic.  We'll get you set up with whatever supplies you need, just ask.  Go get them checked out while I put the finishing touches on the briefing for their first mission."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Mister bowed yet further. "That would be ideal. Thank you, good sir."

lucas marcone

Josh walked up to the building he had heard about from a rebel. he go him to mention it to him after asking how to join. "excelent." he opened the door and proceded inside. i hope this is better than that fals lead i got from that other guy. nearly escaped with my hide on that one.

Prof B Hunnydew

What is the world coming to?  Thought Dr Sally as she look over the motley crews of anthro, creatures, and cyborgs or robots?

"Hi, all, I've got cookies for anyone, who good for their medical exam." announces a smiling chubby otter woman doctor in the doorway.  She has long black hair with grey and white fur.  She looks abit overweight due to her full frame filling out her labcoat.  She is carrying a small medical shoulderpack and a large plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  

"The Chief wants me to check you all out. So who is first?  Come on  The cookies are still warm?" the Doc teases them with a hot chewy cookies as she walks in.  *sniff* "YummY"



"Is this strictly necessary?" asked Dorcan.  He seemed rather alarmed.  "I mean, you don't even have a baseline physiology to compare me against, do you?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "The 'Chief'? You mean Phoenix? Did he assign you as our medic or something?" Jexx asked. Jexx then glanced that the still bizzare looking, and quite unnerving, multiwing person. "I guess the Project Fusion info will have to wait. And what's your problem anyway? You scared she's gonna rip... all four of those wings of or something?"
  The smell of the cookies wafted into Jexx's nostrils. "Wow. Those cookies sure smell good, even to me. And here I was thinking my nose was so clogged up with Brotherhood blood that I'd never be able to smell anything again. I supposed I'll go first, then?"
  That's when Jexx noticed that the side door of the warehouse was open again, and someone was standing there. "Um, Exo?" Jexx said. "Is this another recruit?"

lucas marcone

josh stood there with an odd look of puzzlement on his face. "who's with the what now? exams? i thought i was done with those when i graduated!"


Without hesitating, Griffith said "I'll go."
Griffith, who had been in the military for half his life, was used to routine examinations.
The bloody hell's up with those guys?


"Statement: Do not move."

Exo turned to face the interloper, moving to stand in front of him, optics switching to red, then dark blue, then orange.

"Scanning... two weapons detected, 9 millimeter caliber handguns, outdated design and model, plus cybernetic enhancement to arm and eye. Function unknown."

"Query: Why are you here?"

Exo folded it's arms and looked down at Josh sternly.

Prof B Hunnydew

"If I am to heal anyone of you.  I will need a baseline of each of you are now.  So, I have something to fall back on,when you boys and machines play too rough with you toys." remarks the Doc.  "but some of you may need a mechanic more then a medical doctor.  Now, I can reconnect cyber-limbs to the body, but I can't fix the robotic in the device."  

"Now, I am Dr Joywaves, and yes the rebel commander ask that I join your team on a field mission." said the doctor as she pullout her medical scanner.  She place her hand on Jexx's read his vital signs and then his whole body.  Only after the quick scan did the Doc notice the newcomer.  She hands two cookies to Jexx and turn to the newcomer.

"Oh, Has the Phoenix seen you yet?" ask the otter of Josh. as she turn to Griffin. 



"Very well," said Dorcan unhappily.  "But," he added as the doctor began to scan the others, "do you think you could possibly do mine somewhere more private?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"who?" the wolf said still rather confused at all the goings on. "so i before i can chew gum and kick ass i have to have you fondel my good parts?" josh liked to joke "in the name of science i will submit to you will devil woman." he said.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Private?  Why?  Jexx here is done and all I need was to touch his hand and chest while a sweep my medical scanner across him" stated the annoyed Doc.   "I don't Fondel the good "parts" of anyone while I am working unles they are blown off  And you mister "macho jerk" can wait over there and no cookies for you"

She turns to the Human, Griffiin, touch him on his shoulder, waist and his legs and her touch tingles a little as she scans him from head to foot.  "My My such a healthy one you are. You are the baseline of Baselines"..  "Okay the Next Carbon-base lifeform,please" saids the doctor as she hands Griffin three cookies.


lucas marcone

"jokeing aside can i just get this overwith so i can speak with your leader?" josh was getting annoyed.


"My culture has a taboo against reading people's vital signs before the vulgar gaze of the public," lied Dorcan.  "If you insist we can do it here I suppose, but..." he waved his hands in a futile gesture.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"I am sure we can work something out Mr Bastfull?  Once I am finished with the rest, we can go to my "office"" said Doc Joywaves... "I can give you all nicknames, all day, unless you guys want me to call you by your really names."


lucas marcone

josh sat down frusterated.

OOC*logging for the night*


"Thank you," said Dorcan, sounding relieved, and then furrowing his brow at the doctor's following remark.
"I realise that not all of us will have files," he began, "but I had thought Mr. Phoenix would have given you our names and descriptions.  Be that as it may, my name is Dorcan.  Dorcan Ja'Fell."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: lucas marcone on June 19, 2007, 08:15:02 PM
josh sat down frusterated.

OOC*logging for the night*

Sally goes over to Josh, and touches his shoulder and sweep her scan over him.  "You are done, and the Chief will be here shortly, have a cookies" said the doc as she hands over a cookie.  

"Sure I have your files, all but Mr Macho, but it is polite to introduce yourselves." said the Doc



   Jexx looked down at his handcannons. If this Dr. Joywaves is calling that new frisky wolf guy 'Mr. Macho', what would she call him? Cannon Boy? Mr. Armcannon? Jexx quickly snapped his head up at these thoughts. Best to intervene now before she slaps something ridiculous on him.
   "Um, instead of giving me a nickname, just calling me 'Jexx' is perfectly fine with me." Jexx said loudly.

Prof B Hunnydew

Thank you Jexx? and You can call me Doctor Sally, or Sally when I am not working, that is when I am not walking around with this bag." the otter says with a cheerful voice and pointing at the medical pack over her shoulder


lucas marcone

josh was feeling more comfortable. raising his index and middle finger up as if raiseing his hand in class he said. "Josh. im Josh. and all my magi friends family and those who befriended and protected them were killed by this "brotherhood" and now the phrase an eye for an eye applies." Josh sat there feeling justified in his reasons for revenge. he also knew thats all he had to say. then he bagan to eat the cookie. "thank you marm."


Morgan sighed as the doctor professed a need to examine everyone via scanner, most standard scanning equipment could not detect his alloy lacing or internal implants thanks to sufficient shielding and radiation absorption, but invasive medical scanners find everything, from the traces of old injuries to cerebral implants.

"I suppose if you must, you may perform your scan on me.  The name is Morgan."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Baiye winced a little - Oh joy. Being the only female around (save the good Dr. Joywaves) was rather embarrassing, even if it was only reading vitals. Woo Hoo.

"I suppose I'm up after Morgan... Baiye's the name. Baiye Whytehawk." She smiled half-heartedly and fingered the tips of her hair, slightly nervous.  "And if you need anything regarding the mechanical state of affairs, I'd be glad to assist. And I can also assure you that Gid, that's him, doesn't have any problem to speak of - save personallity. Gave him a thorough check last week." She motioned towards the dog, who sat with a vacant expression on his face at her feet. Apparently he was testing local wireless connections.

He sprang back to life rather suddenly, his ears flicking back and forth.

"I am long overdue for a defrag..." Baiye shoved him with her foot at this point, rolling her eyes. "But I can do that just fine on my own."

Ryudo Lee

The rebellion man gave Mister a friendly pat on the arm.
"Alright.  Let's get you to HQ and have you looked over." He said.
The other rebellion members came back from their hunt.  One of them snapped a salute.
"The enforcer got away sir, but we plugged the zealots." He said.
The one talking to Mister, who appeared to be in charge here, nodded.
"Very good.  I want you guys to stay here.  See if you can't get this mess cleaned up, and make sure the Brotherhood doesn't take this location.  I'll send some more men here to work with you." He said.
The others saluted him and headed into the mansion.
"Don't worry about them." The remaining man said to Mister. "They'll do their best to make sure nothing happens to your home.  Now, let's get going."
He lead the way to the rebellion vehicle, and as they walked, he spoke quietly into a radio.


A rebellion member entered Jackson's office.
"Sir, we've got another recruit.  Seems he's a magic user.  Calls himself Josh." He said.
"Very good, we'll get him filled in and..." He said, and stopped short.
Jackson listened in on his headpiece and nodded to himself.  Looks like there's something special coming in.  Well, that's all fine and good. 
"Hmmm, looks like we've got yet another one." He said.
He gathered up the papers he had been working on and headed out to the main area where everyone was gathered.  Once there, he looked around as the doctor did her work.  He located the new face and approached him.
"Josh, right?  I understand you're a magic user.  You, of all people, will probably be one of our most important members, specifically for your unique abilities, and as such you will have to be protected.  So I will assign this group here to your protection." He said, motioning to the rest of the group.
He straightened up and took a few steps back.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, since it appears you've all decided to stay, I'm ready to brief you on your first mission.  Before we get to that, does anyone have anything to say, or does anyone have any questions?" He asks.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   "I do have one thing to say, or ask." Jexx spoke up. "When we talked earlier, I got the gist that you really have absolutely no idea what Project Fusion is at all. I however, do have a few details." Jexx gestured to the one called 'Dorcan" that Jexx will probably never stop thinking of as the bizzare, multiwinged guy. "He inquired about it while you were gone. I told him I would wait until you got back. But since quite a bit has been happening, and we are about to leave on our mission, should I tell you about it now, or should it wait for some other time?"

Ryudo Lee

"What we do know about Project Fusion is very little.  It's some kind of new implant technology that is so intricate that it's difficult to tell where a person ends and the machine begins.  Beyond that, we have very little.  What information you have will be greatly appreciated.  We have a little time, why don't you share what you have?" Jackson says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx thought for a moment. As he thought, the Rebellion heard little more than just a name. Jexx wondered just how much he should say.
   Jexx decided to tell them all the details he knew about the project... excepting how he fit into it.
   "You are about half-right, Phoenix, about the new implant technology bit. But it wasn't just that. It was a top-secret Brotherhood experiment that involed slowly relacing a person's entire body with mechanical parts. But the nail of the experiment was that it couldn't just be any person." Jexx paused again. "I really don't know exactly what kind of person they needed, specifically, but... I did find a few, just a few, references to...magic. But I really, truely, honestly have no clue as to what that would really mean." Jexx added quickly.
   "And that's all I know about it. And like I said, I'm very eager to find out more, probably even more so than you Rebellion guys."