Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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Ryudo Lee

The soldier gave Josh a pat on the back.
"It is overwhelming, but that's where we really shine." He says. "Uh, what would Jackson say... um.  Oh yeah.  Don't get disheartened at the size of the wall in front of you, but instead look at it as a challenge for you to tackle, and scale it.  That's the way we live, day to day."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Okay, sir," said Dorcan.  "If there is a place for me on this mission, I shall equip myself."

Dorcan chose a pair a stunguns and some backup power packs, since the only thing he was sure would bring down a Zealot was a sonic at maximum intensity.  He also borrowed a portable oscilloscope from the lab and some tools, stuffing them into the side-pockets of his backpack along with the spare gun.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   When Dorcan asked, "Are you sure you're okay?", Jexx's gaze snapped up and breifly fell on the rebellion sergent. Jexx shut his eyes tight and shuddered. The he opened his eyes and said,
   "Yes, of course. I'm absolutely fine. Why do you ask?"
   Jexx listened in on the conversations. He was dissapointed when they said that the main goal would be stealth, but perked up when they said to kill Brotherhood goons as quickly as possible if they were spotted.
   "I think I can help with this. Killing Brotherhood goons quickly is my best specialty. I'll be stealthy with you guys, but if we get spotted, you got nothing to worry about. These cannons-" Jexx held his handcannons up, "-have never failed me."
   Then Jexx just started at them, and smiled slightly, as if lost deep in mildy amusing thoughts. "It's just so ironic...every time I look at them..." He whispered to himself.

(OOC: whether or not anyone hears his last line, I'll leave up to you guys ;))

lucas marcone

"I'm going to grab some silencers." Josh said getting up and pattin his hand guns.


Dorcan glanced at Jexx nervously.  There was obviously something wrong with him, much as he was reluctant to admit it.  Still, if he doesn't want to discuss it, at the end of the day it isn't my business, he thought, before snapping back to the present as Josh spoke.

"Guns?" said Dorcan, looking at the wolf in mild surprise.  "Do you know how to use those?  I thought you came from a colony that practiced the Old Ways.  And are you sure those would be enough against Brotherhood armour?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"Yeah I do, but some villages developed technology to a point before decideing it was takeing a turn of the worse. I mean do you know how hard it is to find ammunition?! These things are practicly antiques." Josh grabbed his bag and came back and sat down beside Dorcan. He then pulled out two silencers. "I actually found a way to make ammo for it, but im SOL if i loose a clip."


"It might be an idea to trade those in for some Rebel gear," said Dorcan, "since it probably uses the same gauge as the Brotherhood.  You'll have a better chance at getting ammo for it than those."  On an impulse, he took one himself and a selection of ammo to go with it as a precaution.

"I believe I'm ready, sir," he said to the sergeant, donning the backpack and squishing his headwings into the cap once again.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"Oh don't worry, I yoinked a rifle from you guys a while after we got back."Josh looked at dorcan. "I better get out of this alive. I don't want to have an awkward moment in heaven. You know when I meet her and she's all like 'Why'd you stand me up?' and I'm all like 'I died' and she's like 'LIES' then she kicks me in the nuts."

Ryudo Lee

The sarge looked at Josh and merely shook his head.
"Just let the men know when you're ready to head out." He said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


The kid actually thinks he would be going to heaven.  Morgan thought to himself.

"Whenever you are ready to go gentlemen."  Morgan stated, he appeared a slight bit impatient.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Josh shouldered his bag and stood up. His equipment shifted in his pockets and bag. "Ready and willing."


   "I got my cannons-" Jexx held them up, "-and I got my modesty." Jexx pointed to his black shorts, the only real thing he wears, aside from his three spike collars and black glasses. "I don't need anything else. I'm always ready for anything."

lucas marcone

"You sure you don't want to put anything more on? I mean a half naked man with 'hand cannons' walking down mainstreet might not be the stealthist man." Josh said.


"Depends what kind of stealth we're going to use," Dorcan pointed out.  "If we're going to walk down the street in broad daylight pretending to be tourists or something, that's going to be a problem.
"If the plan is to reach our target totally undetected, then it doesn't matter what we look like, and I could probably get shot of this ridiculous thing," he said, pointing at the cap.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

Meanwhile back in the Lab

Doctor Sally was check up on her patients, or she was catching up with Chad.   

Okay Sally so you forgot how cute he was....   

Bill the security guard was getting annoyed with all the tests and want to see some TV.  So, one of the lab assistance hook him up.  And a poodle report says...

"  Reports from the Fire chief say that the Hospital really has had little damage, and beyond the west wing and the 3rd floor implant clinic.  All the patients made it out with no injury, but we have reports of two people missing still.  The Brotherhood and the police has stated that they still investigating the fire but they feel that the Rebels are involved..  And they will hunt them down in the city and beyond.  Our good citizen are not to worried with the Brotherhood is hot on the trail of these evil rebel witches."

"Oh my God  You guys are the Rebels!...."yells Bill.



Before Bill can finish his sentence, however, there is a faint hum, like a defibrillator charging up. The up until now silent and elusive warbot has reappeared, one armoured and crackling hand making for the guard's chest with it's fingers spread, ideally stunning him with an electrical discharge from the inbuilt shock pads. Plus if it didn't knock him out, the measured force of the impact would no doubt knock the wind from the poor bastard.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Exo, ah we are the good guys, we don't need to strong arm him like that. " says Sally as she checks the stunned Bill...

"Yea, you would be portraying what the Brotherhood wants you, rebel guys, to look ." relays Chad.  "The brotherhood is doing wrong and blaming you guys.  Don't add to their ammunition in the PR war"

"Nice to see you on our side" commends Sally
"Well, those implants don't stop you from remembering what they do in front of you.  It just makes you think it is for the best" remarks Dr Chad.



Dorcan's floppy ears stood up for a moment.  "Did anyone hear something coming from the lab?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Exo glances down at the guard. "Consideration: Perhaps, but it would be better if he came to this realization in a controlled environment. One finds it quite possible that an overreaction in such an environment could jeopardize our entire operation here, should he have managed to escape. I should note you have no place to talk with your own irrational antics that nearly put this entire operation out of business, Doctor."

"Thus whilst the most direct solution may not be the best in the long term, one cannot constantly be planning ahead for further endeavours. Panic is not an ideal outcome. Either way, he will live, if be somewhat unconcious for a while."


"I must have imagined it," said Dorcan.   "Anyway, if we're going, we'd best be off."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"Let's" Josh said making sure he had the last few pices of equipment he might find useful.


Morgan moved close to the sergeant and proceeded to confer with him, "alright sergeant, how do you wish to proceed into town?  Do you wish to do it on foot or by vehicle?  The last bit of the journey will be on foot at any rate, it would not be wise to approach the shack by vehicle."

Morgan waited for any input from the Rebellion squad leader.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"I'd like to go in by foot. They won't ever know we were in town till things go boom." Josh said "Just my two cents."

Ryudo Lee

The sarge turned to Morgan.
"That's up to you.  We're here to provide you with support.  You are still actively in control of this mission." He said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"I guess we are on foot and paw then.  Let's be off."

Morgan moved off with classic military precision and signaling.  Carefully he weaved his way through the densest portion of the forest until they reached the edge of town.  He directed the team through alleyways and back streets, remaining as unseen as could conceivably be possible with a pair of complete non-professionals that negated much of the rebellion soldiers' stealth.  At least Jexx could move quickly and as quiet as possible with his specialized maneuvering.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Unbeknownst to Morgan, Dorcan was not exactly a novice at stealth, having spent longer learning about it than the other had been alive.  Sadly much of what he had learned was no longer practical without his shapeshifting ability or cloaking spells, but he had nonetheless learned the basics of what might be termed 'Being stealth'.

Having become accustomed to the subtle differences in his new body, he was able to move very quietly when he wanted to, and so he padded after Morgan, his soft footfalls masked entirely by those of the others.  Ironically it was the disguise for his wings that hampered him the most.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The five soldiers assigned to them moved with a professionalism seen only in soldiers, though it was obvious that Morgan was more trained than any of them.  But their training was, in itself, effective enough so that they would be able to keep up and not sound like a flatulent hippo while trying to sneak around.

(Bonus brownie points for anyone who gets the reference.)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx was indeed quiet and unseen. When the team had gotten to the edge of the forest where it meets the town, Jexx had broken off and ran for a small building. He scaled it and began his above-the-streets method of getting around. He moved quickl and with a purpose. Every time he got to the edge of a building, he quickly peeked over to see if the coast was clear, pulled back for a second, then used his mechanical legs to jump to the next building, using his mechanical arms to grab on the ledge and flip over it. Soon, Jexx was on a building with the shed in sight. He activated his microcomms, looked over the edge to the shed, and prepared to report whatever he saw to the others...


Morgan guided the group through the town as best as he could, he endeavored to remain undetected by the local populous.  After a handy bit of sneaking, the small force reached the area of the shack. 

Security is apt to be a bit tighter since we were last here.  Morgan thought to himself.

"Here we are, the shack is just ahead.  I expect more significant resistance then the last time we were here.  We must be swift when we silence them."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Indeed there was more resistance.  A zealot was standing guard in front of the door, and was holding a light repeating plasma rifle.  He didn't see or hear Jexx jump on the roof, so it was obvious that he wasn't paying attention.
"Hey!  See anything out there!" A voice came from inside.
The zealot sighed and turned his head either way.
"Nothing!" He shouted back, and then went back to not paying attention.

From behind Morgan, one of the soldiers had his rifle up and aimed for the guard.
"I have a shot." He said quietly, and waited for the okay from Morgan.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!