Movie Cliches

Started by Xuzaf D, March 03, 2006, 12:35:09 AM

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Xuzaf D

What are the most annoying movie cliches to you? Let's start with the horror genre since that seems to be one of the worst offenders of derived crap.

- I'm going to go shower with no lights on in my menacing log cabin miles from civilization.


There's a menacing killer on the loose. Do I take the machete, the pictol, the shotgun... Oh hey, the flashlight!


Hmm...the victim is running and slips, as always, and the killer is taking their sweet time walking around
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Xuzaf D

"This is isn't funny, STOP!" - I geuss her friends commonly play the "hey! I killed your parents and left them on the couch" joke often enough...


the captain of the police force is always black.


There's always one black dude. Always. And he's tough, and uses ghetto slang.

Xuzaf D

... before getting eaten...


The villain, no matter how intelligent, fast, or strong, will somehow fail to be able to kill the teeneage virgin beauty queen, and will die by the dumbest of methods that anyone with half a brain should have been able to avoid.

Xuzaf D

The villain/monster wears fetish gear for no reason.


Xuzaf D

Cops and other enforcement officers can't shoot worth crap, and if they can the monster thing is bulletproof. Even if all the police die a horrible death it won't matter compared to the death of pot smoking Billy. Poor pot smoking Billy...


More important, no one can shoot at the heroes and actually have it hit. If they do hit, it'll just be a graze or something livable. If it's more than a graze, than the hero did something to deserve an actual death, like fucking, smoking, drinkin, etc.

The heroes, on the flip side, could take out an armada with half a clip and one eye open. They are that good at shooting.


And thats why I hate Mission impossible.


Or just about any other action movie ever.