If you were to travel to another country... ( an Activities discussion)

Started by KarlOmega1, May 10, 2007, 05:42:11 PM

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Quote from: Darkmoon on May 12, 2007, 09:15:49 AMOh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was an actual concentration camp in DC. Next time, they'll have to use the real items them have around to educate the public instead of just slapping some fake stuff together.

I'm just relating my personal experience with the Holocaust Memorial Museum.  I'll admit that I saw it shortly after it first opened when I was much younger, and I think it's changed since then, but I didn't come away with anything that I didn't know from a book, and it didn't really make much of a personal connection.

They might do well to have some films running constantly in a side atrium, like  Claude Lanzmann's Shoah or Stephen Spielberg's Holocaust survivors' testimony.  Maybe they do, now.

My point in bringing up the museum at Auschwitz (which I saw well after I saw the US one) is that I have been to Holocaust museums that are very powerful; the US one just didn't affect me very much.

Also, if you don't live in Poland, it's something to see If you were to travel to another country...

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


*shrug* I dunno... I like to just wander around for a few days, find a nice cafe/restaurant near where I'm staying on the first day, look up a couple things that seem worth seeing...
Hop on a bus, see if it goes anywhere intesresting... Not understand important announcements on trains... :rolleyes

I went to London last year on a trip with my high school... it went fine, despite everyone getting sick, but I don't really like going with tour groups. I had two hours free time per day, and most of that was spent finding/eating lunch. Maybe a little shopping. I'd just prefer to have my own schedule, so the plans are flexible.

Where I live's pretty boring unless you're interested in the American revolution.
I can't think of much else that's tourist-y up here.


Of course, if you like the most obnoxiously loyal sports fans in the US...  >:3

(Love Boston)


 :rolleyes tell me about it. For a bet at some point, I almost had to wear a yankees hat around Boston for a week... SO glad I won.

There's a possibility of my going to India for about a month in a year or so. For the sake of being on-topic, anyone know anything that I should try to get done while there?


Quote from: Miaka on May 12, 2007, 09:35:12 PMThere's a possibility of my going to India for about a month in a year or so. For the sake of being on-topic, anyone know anything that I should try to get done while there?

Where in India?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?