The Sage of Nox (Chapter 5&6 up)

Started by Manawolf, April 20, 2007, 02:59:00 PM

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Well, might as well show off some of my work.  This is from a few years ago, but it should still be good.  This is a parody of "The Wizard of Oz" for those who might be wondering.  It was an idea I had for a time, then decided to do for my Fiction Writing class in college, and it got me a B+ in the class.  Without further ado, enjoy.  Comments would be appreciated.

The Sage of Nox

Chapter 1:
The Young Sorceress
A young woman sat in here room where she was hunched over a large tome.  The book was written in runes that most would have difficulty deciphering, much like the young woman as she massage her forehead with the slender digits of her hand.  Her hand proceeded down over her face, past her green eyes and fair complexion.  She threw back her head, rotating it slowly, and the bones in her neck snapping back into place.  She shook out her long blond hair that was pulled back into a ponytail that whipped about from the hold of an amethyst purple scrunchy, the longest strands nearly brushing the floor behind her chair.  She stretched her gangly limbs, the white silk fabric of her pants straining slightly.  The same could be said for her matching top.
   Her eyes darted to the window.  The white sun was still shining in the sky, but her eyes were already drooping.  She looked around the stone room, then back to the desk where the book lay.  Her eyes were nearly closed when something wet nudged her leg.  She looked down to her side and saw the eyes of a muscular greyhound with ash grey fur.  She cracked a smile and rubbed her companion's head.
   "Why do I stay here Spike?"  She asked the canine, "Why do I waste my time reading moldy written in long dead languages.  All they talk of are mundane spells, at least the ones I can actually read.  I've wasted the last 7 years of my life at this academy, and all it has gotten me is guff from the humans, belittlement from the elves and condescension from my teachers.  I've learned more testing my magic first hand than I ever did reading these nonsensical books on spellcraft."
   She lifted up her hand and opened her palm.  The air above it flickered and flames spread across her palm, licking the skin, yet causing no pain in the girl's expression.
   "I'm almost tempted to burn these to save future students the trouble," She then closed her hand and the fire was snuffed out, "But the librarian would have something to say about 'destroying her precious archives.'  Ugh, I just want out of this place, see the world, and become the greatest sorceress that ever lived; but that is merely a dream as long as I am trapped here.  Sigh, in any case, I guess I should return this book."
   The girl rose from her chair, shivering a little from the open window.  She took a thick, emerald green cloak off a hook on the wall and put it on.  She closed the large book and hefted it up in her arms, her hands clasping it at the base of its spine.  The book opened on her and a sheet of paper fell out.  Following its descent to the floor, she carelessly put the book back down and knelt to pick up the piece that had fallen out.  She stared at it, seeing the edges were frayed, yet not as dark a yellow as the pages of the book, or even the same size.  She turned it over to find something written English.
   "Finally, something I can actually read," She said turning to her dog Spike, "Let's see, 'Twinsor's Journey.  Adventure, danger, and wonder lay ahead, for those who read what this scroll says.  Note: Reading this and the above line out loud activates the spell.'  Wait, what?"
   The page became stiff in her hands and began to glow.  The scroll shot from her grasp and began flying around her, a gust of swirling wind surrounding her, increasing in speed with every second.  The girl shielded her eyes while Spike lay at her feet with his tail between his legs.  The wind picked up the papers upon her desk and they spun around her like a tornado.  The room began to blur as her arm protected her eyes from the scraps of paper that flew too close.  After several seconds, she could feel the vortex beginning to die down.  The papers began to slow and eventually drifted to the ground.  The girl uncovered her eyes and saw a cloudy sky, roving hillsides and a dirt trail before her.
   "This doesn't look like the academy, Spike," She said looking at the dog at her feet.

Chapter 2:
A Gal and Her Mutt
   The girl looked out across the countryside.  She could see the dirt road leading to a farm in the distance.  She turned around to find a small town behind her.  The granite buildings were drab in the light of dawn, their roofs covered in dark, wooden shingles.  The town square could be seen from the entrance to the village, marked with a well in the center.  The square (or circle as it were) was pocked with overturned carts and broken barreled, the streets littered with dirty fruits and chicken feathers.
   The girl proceeded into the town, spotting people peeking out through half-open shutters and cracked open doors, which promptly shut when she looked to them.
   "Hello," She called out, "Can anyone tell me where I am?"
   "Go away," A muffled voice said from beyond one of the doors.
   The girl glared, but then turned as she picked up the creaking of a door as it swung fully open.  She turned to see a stout but well built individual step out, a sneer on his bearded face and brandishing a hammer in his hand.
   "So you're the one controlling those beasts," The said pointing his hammer at her, "Get out of her and take them with you, witch."
   "Who do you think you're talking to, dwarf," The girl responded, "I am Karen Sumner, a sorceress."
   "I care not what your name or title is.  You must be the one controlling the demon hounds of yeth."
   "You have one standing next to you right there."
   Karen looked to see her dog, Spike.
   "Spike is not a yeth hound.  The darkness is playing with your eyes, dwarf."
   "If that be the case, then I suggest you find yourself a place to hide."
   The dwarf receded back into his home and slammed the door behind him.  A moment later a chorus of baying howls could be heard sweeping over the town.  Karen looked around but could see nothing.  She snapped her fingers and a quarterstaff appeared in her grasp.  Suddenly, a pack of five hounds soared from over the rooftops and landed before her in the town square.  They stared at the sorceress with glowing red eyes, their mouths drooling with anticipation.  Other than the eyes, they looked almost identical to Spike.  They leapt at her simultaneously with jaws agape.
   In response, Karen stretched out her hand and shouted, "Fireball."
   An orb of flame shot from her palm and collided with the center hound, resulting in an explosion that sent the others hurtling in all directions.  Two of them collided with the sides of houses; another went tumbling in the mud, while the center one lay upon the ground sizzling.  The final hound was thrown into the air, but quickly readjusted itself and went flying back toward Karen.  The sorceress blocked the hound's jaws with her staff, but was knocked off her feet and pinned beneath the beast.  She struggled to hold it off, and was relieved when Spike took his own jaws to the hound's leg and tackled it off Karen.  The hound snapped at Spike's ear, causing him to yelp and let go.  The yeth hound took off into the sky, leaving its pack behind.
   Karen let out a sigh, then an ew as she pulled herself from the mud.  She got to her feet, and saw that the back of her cloak and ponytail were covered in mud.  She opened a pouch on her sash and took out what appeared to be a lumpy bar of soap.  She ran the tip of her staff over it, and then tapped her staff against her cloak and hair.  The soap glowed and lifted from her staff, turning into a mass of bubbles.  The bubbles passed over her hair and cloak, the mud disappearing in their wake.  It was then she heard the sound of cheering rise from the town.  She looked up to see people pouring out of their homes.  Men brought rope and bound the legs of the fallen yeth hounds while women took the sorceress up in large hugs.  Karen noticed that all of them barely went past her waist in height.  The crowd in front of her partially subsided as a short, well dressed man with sleek black hair walked up to her and shook Karen's hand vigorously.
   "On behalf of all the people of our small village, I would like to express my deepest thanks to you, great sorceress," The halfling said bowing to her, "Those accursed hounds had been plaguing our town for the past several nights and we feared that we would never get rid of them."
   "Oh, you're welcome," Karen said a little puzzled, "By the way, where am I exactly?"
   "Why, this is the village of Morrix, in the land of Nox."
   "Okay, do you know how I can get back to the Academy of Magic and Spellcraft?"
   "I'm afraid I have no idea where that is, miss, but I know someone who may.  Go south along the muddy trail.  At the end you will find a mountain.  At the top of that mountain is the Sage of Nox.  If anyone knows where a place of magical study is, it would be him."
   "Thanks, I suppose there's no time like the present.  Glad I could help.  Goodbye."
   With that she left the town of Morrix with her canine companion in tow.  She looked back and saw the people of the town waving to her until she was out of sight.

Chapter 3:
The Straw Haired Boy
   Karen trudged down the Muddy Trail, her silk pants hiked up almost to her knees and the ends of her cloak and staff held up in her hands, as far away from the wet dirt as she could keep them.  Spike moved nonchalantly.  They continued until the road forked at a wheat field.  Karen stepped off the road onto the grass before the wooden fence surrounding the field, wiping away the mud that had caked onto her sandals.
   "Uh, Hello?"  A voice from behind the fence asked.
   Karen and Spike looked up and saw a young man standing before them.  He wore a pair of faded blue jeans and tan boots, along with a white T-shirt under an open red vest.  The ripped off sleeves of the T-shirt did nothing to hide his muscular arms, which were slung over a staff with two blades on either end behind his neck.  They boy stared at her with olive green eyes and a puzzled expression on his lips.  He scratched his head of blond, spiky, straw-like hair.
   "Is that what I'm supposed to say when I see someone?"  He scratched his head, "I can't remember."
   "Yes," Karen answered, "It is customary to say hello when you meet someone.  You also tell them your name.  Hi, I'm Karen."
   "Oh yeah, my name, it's..."
   "You can't remember your name?"
   "I guess so."
   Karen raised an eyebrow.  She hopped over the fence and stared into the boy's eyes.
   "Okay, you honestly have forgotten your name.  Hold on one second."
   She stepped behind the boy and flipped up the back of his jeans.
   "Bryan Wolfberg, huh?" She said leaning back and looking at the boy's face.
   "Why, is that what it says?"  Bryan asked trying to look back over his shoulder.
   "Yes, now what are you doing in this wheat field."
   "Uh, I think I was keeping the crows away, or something."
   "Not very decisive are you?"
   Karen put a hand to her face, shaking her head.
   "Alright," She said looking up at him again, "You are coming with me."
   "I am?" He asked his voice almost cracking.
   "Yes, you obviously aren't doing anything, and I could use someone to help me through this strange land.  I've never been in such a place, all alone, no one to make me feel safe."
   She inched closer to him.
   "I suppose-"
   "Great, I'm on my way to the sage of Noh, know which way that is?"
   "I believe it's North of here.  You head down that road," Bryan pointed to the right, where the path leads into the woods.
   "Then let's get going."  Karen said taking hold of his hand and hopping back over the fence.
   "Whoa," Bryan took hold of his swallow as it rolled off his shoulders.  He nearly tripped as Karen tugged him over the fence, his long legs stepping over it in a single stride.  He wasn't sure what he was getting into, but that wasn't really news for him.

Chapter 4:
The Steamed Knight
   Karen, Bryan and Spike walked down the trail, their shoes (or paws) squelching in the mud.  Karen started to lag behind as she struggled to free her sandals from the slimy soil.
   "Why is this trail so muddy?" She asked Bryan as she stepped off onto the grass to wipe her feet.
   "It could be because we just had some rainfall last night," Bryan said looking to the sky, "And the clouds haven't really let up that much since.  By the way, why did you choose me to accompany you?"
   "Because I'm realizing just how dangerous this place could be.  Plus, not that many people know how to wield a swallow without cutting off their foot.  I thought that you would make a fine escort for me."
   Spike began to whimper.
   Karen leaned down next to the canine and whispered, "He's just back-up.  If this land has yeth hounds there is bound to be worse things around here."
   "Well, I was trained by my father oh how to use it.  He also told me to use it only to defend myself and others."
   "Exactly, you are here to protect me, but right now, I could use a rest."
   "I think there's a cabin around here, further into the woods."
   They proceeded further into the woods, passing trees of oak, pine and other varieties.  The clouds overhead began to part, and shafts of light pierced through the sea of green leaves.  Karen stuck to the grass, but almost slipped several times from the slick blades
They eventually came upon a clearing in the woods and found the cabin...or what remained of it.  The smell of burnt wood hung in the air, and wood chips littered the ground.  The top was nowhere to be found, and the interior of the cabin had been reduced to black charcoal.  The soaked remains shined in the sun light.
Karen snooped around and as she found a burnt corpse laying on the scorched floor, the flesh still sizzling.  The skin had been seared off of the head and hands, and his robes were thoroughly singed and he had a large hole in his chest.
Karen was distracted by the sudden barking coming from Spike.
Karen turned to see Spike and Bryan kneeling at the end of a path of torn up soil that began 10 feet from the cabin.  She stepped forward, glass crunching beneath her sandals as she hopped through the hole in the wall.  She stood next to Bryan looking down.  Her eyelids lifted at what she saw.
Lying before a redwood was the body of a young man.  His entire front was covered in soot, yet appeared completely intact.
"How did his body survive the blast?"  Karen asked.
"You're asking me?" Bryan said sincerely.
"Well, let's see if we can find out."
Karen began a low chant, pointing her staff towards the body.  The end began to glow blue, with energy swirling about the tip.
"Water Wash," She casted.
A stream of water shot from the staff and flowed over the body.  It ran all along the body then poured off into the dirt, taking the soot with it.  Karen raised an eyebrow to what was uncovered.  The man was encased in a metal skin, with a various bolts holding the joints together.  It wore wig of white hair, along with a pair of gauntlets covering its entire forearms with a sizable buckler near the left wrist, a breastplate over its chest and down its torso, a pair of worn olive drab pants held up by a leather belt with a sheath that housed a sword and two metal boots on his feet.  Upon its back was a duo of metal pipes.
Karen squatted and stared at the belly of the metal man.  She ran a finger along the side and noticed an odd depression.  She tugged at it and it swung open to reveal a small compartment.  Inside there appeared to be a thick wick.
"So what is it?"  Bryan asked.
"It's a steam golem," Karen said with wonder in her voice, "My constructs professor back at the academy had one that was built by dwarven engineers, but it wasn't half as well constructed as this.  If I remember what he said about steam golems, this should be the pilot light that needs to be lit for us to activate it."
"Do we want to do that?"
"Steam golems are some of the greatest constructs of this world, and will protect their masters with every bit of their immense strength.  This is an opportunity I can't pass up."
Karen chanted once more then snapped her fingers.  A flame danced upon her index finger, yet she showed no sign of pain.  She held her lit finger in the cavity where the wick stood.  The fire spread to the fuse and grew bright.  Karen removed her finger and waved it in the air, the fire disappearing.  She looked at it to find it to be slightly burnt.
"I still need to work on that spell," She said before inserted her finger into her mouth.
She closed the compartment with her other hand and got back up, standing back.
Several moments passed, until a rumbling emanated from the body and steam shot from the pipes.  The golem opened its eyes and two red orbs stared up at Karen, then to Bryan, and following to the end of the swallow on his back.  The golem sprang up and tackled Karen to the grounding, his sword already in hand and against her neck.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"  The golem shouted.
Karen was struck with a mix of fear and bewilderment as she looked at the anger in the golem's metallic face.  Suddenly, Bryan boot took its place over Karen as the golem tumbled to the side.
"What was that for?"  Karen inquired as she rubbed her neck, "I was the one who revived you."
"Answer my question, bitch," The golem answer gripping its sword, "and tell that meat bag of yours not to try something like that again."
"(My professor's golem never talked, nor would it have such a mouth upon it) I am Karen Sumner, a young sorceress on her way to see the sage of Noh.  Do you have a name?"
"My master used to call me Avalon, but my friends call me Josh, if I had any friends.  That drunken sack needed to get out more often, although I suppose he won't be doing that anytime soon, unless you're a necromancer."
"Were you the one who blew up his cabin?"
"Hell no, the bastard was trying out a new fire spell with a bottle of boomshine in hand.  'They don't call it boomshine for nothing' is right.  I'm lucky to still be in one piece.  Then again, now that he's gone, I don't have to serve anyone."
"You certainly are an intelligent golem.  Did that wizard build you himself?"
"HA! That codger barely knew how to brew his own liquor.  I'm glad to be rid of him."
"How can you be so heartless?"
"I'm a machine of cold steel, so sue me.  I'd say it was nice hearing your voice, sweetheart, but it wouldn't feel right."
Avalon began to walk away, his footfalls leaving impressions in the ground, when he began to slow to a stop, seeming to freeze in mid-stride.  Karen smiled as she strode over and stood before him.
"It looks like that water's causing you to rust up, and I just happen to know a spell that could help free up those joints.  So let's make a deal: you travel with us and I keep you going, or we leave you here and let nature take its course."
Avalon managed to squeak his eyebrows into a glare while steam shot from his pipes.  After some squeaking sounds he rolled his eyes.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Karen raised her staff and chanted once more, then tapped the end to each of his joints.  She knocked the ground with it twice and then put her hand to Avalon's chest.  A moment later, he fell into a stance and tested his lubricated limbs.
"Well, Josh, shall we go?"  She asked with a grin.
Josh glared again, but shrugged, "Fine, just tell meat head to keep his distance."
Karen and Josh shook hands and the four set out once more through the forest, back down the muddy trail.
"Wait, so my name's meat head now?" Bryan asked.
Karen just rolled her eyes.

Chapter 5:
The Maniacal Monkey
   Karen, Bryan, Josh and Spike journeyed deeper into the forest.  The trees began to hide the sky, throwing gloom over the adventurers.  The setting sun aided in stifling the light.
   "It's getting dark," Karen said pitting the hood of her cloak against a gust of wind.
   "What's the matter?"  Josh asked smugly, "Afraid of the dark?"
   "Unlike you we humans need to rest from time to time.  If only there was a cabin we could stay in," Karen threw a hint of sarcasm into her last sentence.
   "I told you, the old drunk was the one who blew it up, not me."
   "Maybe we'll find another cabin," Bryan suggested.
"Who would build a house this deep into the forest?"  Josh asked, "Don't you know what kind of creatures live here?  Basilisks, cockatrice and sphinxes."
"Oh, my," Karen said startled by a pile of animal bones on the side of the road.
"You'd have to be crazy to live out here."
No sooner than Josh had finished his sentence did a rock meet the back of his head.  A mass of blue fur followed and landed on Josh's back.  The blue creature opened a maw lined with square teeth and chomped down on the back of Josh's head with a ching.
"Gah, get off!"  Josh exclaimed as he ripped the thing off and threw it to the ground at his feet.
The creature landed on its head, its long, deep blue hair splayed upon the dirt road.  A pair of red shoes hung in the air above some frayed beige cargo shorts that held a purple shirt over its torso.  A skinny maroon tail flicked about in the air from a hole in its shorts.
The dressed monkey flipped over onto its feet, flashing a toothy grin.  It stared at Karen with a pair of dark shades, and then leapt for her.  Fortunately, Bryan plucked the monkey out of the air three feet in front of her, then quickly threw it to the ground and pinned it with his foot.
"What the hell are you?"  Karen asked bending down to better inspect the odd looking creature.
The blue monkey's struggling lessened as it stared at Karen, almost transfixed.  After a moment, Karen realized where the thing was staring and promptly straightened her spine.
"Pervert," Karen said turning away.
"Ah, come on," The monkey pleaded, "The show was just getting good."
"So you can talk," Karen said turning back to the monkey, "I heard not that many wild anthromorphs can do that."
"Humph, I'll have you know that I am quite intelligent for an anthromorph, and I am smarter than most humans."
"So what's your name?"
"Coke Römmer, genius and famous inventor."
"I've never heard of you.  What kinds of things do you invent?"
"Look past big foot here."
Karen leaned to the left and saw Josh looking around with his sword drawn.
"You're the one who created the steam golem?"
"Indeed, I created every single pipe, plate and hydraulic."
"He is an amazing piece of work, but why did you give him such a temperamental disposition."
"Nothing I could do about that.  The personality depends on the gem used to power it.  I knew it had a soul inside, but not one with a mean streak.  It actually goes with him quite well for him, despite the homicidal tendencies.  I suppose with the sage's help I could see about changing it, but we'll have to see if the sage will agree to that."
"Why wouldn't he?"
"I kind of stole it from him."
"Very well, you are coming with us to see the sage so that you can apologize for this theft.  No bad deed goes unpunished, and I'm going to see to that.  Plus, if what you say is right, we'll need your help with Josh."
"Hey, if it means I get to walk next to you, sweet heart, I'll accept that punishment."
Karen leaned over to her left again, "Josh, we're leaving, and the monkey's coming with us."
"What are you bringing that fucker along for?" Josh said pointing his sword at them.
"We are going to need him.  Until we reach the sage you are to make sure no harm comes to him."
Josh shook with rage for a moment, then relaxed his joints and sheathed his sword.  Bryan removed his foot from Coke and helped him up.  The five continued through the forest, unaware that they were being watched.
Chapter 6:
The Miasma Bog
Inside a dark room lay a crystal ball that glowed an eerie pink.  The faint light washed over a green figure sitting nearby on a throne.  Its hair seemed to move on its own.  A large tail snaked its way from between the figure's legs.  A pair of piercing red eyes gazed upon the orb.  Inside was the image of the sorceress and her companions.
The sun had already set, but Karen, Bryan, Josh, Coke and Spike all continued on through the forest, though Karen was starting to become groggy.  Her state of mind was then struck back to full consciousness when a pungent odor flooded her nostrils.  She clasped her fingers over her nose so hard she was close to ripping it off.
"Ugh, what is that smell?"  She said slightly muffled by her hands.
The others looked back, and then each took a whiff themselves.
"Ah, that must be the Miasma Bog," Coke said putting a hand to his chin.
"How can you stand it?"  Karen asked seeing none of them grasping their noses.
"Is it dangerous?"  Bryan asked.
"What, it's not that bad, at least not yet.  It doesn't get truly toxic till we get there."
Karen's eyes bulged, "We're actually going to the source of that poison gas?"
"It's the only way to the sage.  Don't worry; I know how to protect us from the fumes once we get there."
"I don't smell anything," Josh said looking at them slightly puzzled.
"That's because your nose is only cosmetic," Coke said starting to move again, "You can parade through the swamp all you want, well, if you want to meet the chuuls."
"Chuuls?"  Karen asked, not sure if she wanted to catch up.
"You heard of them.  Nasty crab suckers, bigger than a human and claws that could chop down an oak tree.  Then of course there's the black dragon."
"BLACK DRAGON?!" Karen's shout echoed throughout the woods.
"Don't worry, it's only a juvenile.  We could take it if it wakes up."
"There...there has to be another way.  This can't be the only path to the sage."
"Sorry, but it is.  The only thing to the East of it is a ravine, and the West leads to shark infested waters."
"Come on, don't be such a pussy," Josh said to the shaking sorceress.
"Grr, fine, but if I die, my ghost will be haunting you for the rest of your days."
"I can live with that," Coke said just before stopping in front of some bushes in the road, "Wait here, I'll be right back."
Karen, Bryan, Josh and Spike waited.  Spike had started to snort from the smell.  Bryan still had that clueless expression on his face.  Moments later Coke came back carrying a bunch of large flowers.
"What's with the bouquet, monkey boy?"  Josh asked.
"These are how we get through the marsh," Coke said handing one to Karen, Bryan, and then put the last one over Spike's snout.  Coke took a piece of string from his pocket and used it to hold the flower in place, "These flowers grant immunity to the poison gas.  It's how they're even able to grow in the bog."
"Well, if it will keep us alive," Karen put the flower over her nose and took the string Coke handed to her.  Bryan followed suit.  Josh just laughed, "Mr. Steam Golem can play scout since he won't be affected by the poison at all."
"He will have to watch out to the quicksand," Coke added, "If we stick to the path we should be fine."
All of them proceeded past the bushes and into the Miasma Bog.  The air was filled with a fog of green gas that bubbled up from the watery depths of the marsh.  The muddy path cut straight through, but disappeared into the heavy green mist.  Blue lanterns lined the path, their light hacking through gas.  The five walked the path, Josh leading the way with sword drawn.  Karen looked over her shoulder every five steps, but only saw Bryan's side.
   The trail twisted and turned through the bog.  Karen flinched every time she heard the gas bubbling up from the water.  After about an hour, Karen began to notice the path getting muddier and muddier, her footfalls squishing in the soil.  She looked to her right and saw one of the lanterns.  She gave a sigh and her view dropped down.  It was then she noticed there was no pole holding the lantern up.  Her eyes shot back to light.  She gave a glare and choked up on her staff.  She swiped it at the light and struck with a wet smack.  The light went flying and disappeared into the water.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about the will-o-wisps," Coke said watching the ball of light sink into the muck.
"Damn it," Karen said stabbing her staff into the mud, "Now we're lost."
"Well we have our scout to thank for that," Coke said pointing to Josh.
"Up yours ya blue haired freak," Josh said stomping over to the monkey.
Suddenly, the water around them began to rumble and three large creatures rose from the water.  Their carapaces were a mottled yellow and green.  They stared at the group with beady black eyes while snapping their huge claws.  Little red tentacles squirmed about from beneath their heads.
Bryan took the swallow on his back in his hands and held it before him; Josh raised his sword and buckler to the monsters, while Spike gnashed his teeth.  Karen stood with her staff standing in the mud.  Coke cringed in the center of the group.  The chuuls began to close in when another rumbling came, this one even larger than the last.  Suddenly, a huge black beast leapt from the water sunk its teeth into one of the chuuls before diving back out of sight.  Everyone, including the other chuuls turned to see.  Moments later, the creature rose from the water with a gigantic wave of water that splashed over everyone.  The creature stared with deep seated green eyes, its forward curved horns pointed at the group.  The lifeless body of the chuul hangs in its maw.  A spinal crest rises up alongside a pair of huge leathery wings.  It places its forward claws on the little mud bar, the weight nearly pushing it back into the water.  The two chuuls saw its brother and let out squeals before confronting the dragon.  The black dragon threw away the body and chomped at the left chuul, taking off its claw.  The other chuul clamped down on the dragon's right leg.  Water splashed everywhere and the fight soon turned into a frenzy.
"That's it, we are out of here," Karen said turning to the others, "Coke, do you have a compass?"
"I think so," Coke began rummaging through his pockets, "Here it is."
   "Which way is South?"
"That way," Coke pointed to their right across the water.
"Then that's where we go."
Karen rose up her hand and a gust of wind cut through the fog like a blade.  50 feet away was the path, right across the water nearby the monsters.  100 feet away they could see light.
"We have to swim if we want to get out of here," Karen before running into the water.  Halfway across she went into a butterfly.  Bryan leapt in right after her, his speed twice her own.  Coke hopped in and went doggie paddle.
"What about me?"  Josh asked.
"Walk along the bottom," Coke said keeping his head above water.
   Josh sheathed his sword and ran at the water.  He sunk like a rock, but his pace did not slow.  Steam bubbled from his pipes.  A rising flicker of light was pushed back down by his heavy foot.
They all made it across and helped haul Josh out when he managed to climb to the surface.  They ran along the trail for the light when the dragon crashed upon the path.  It crunched the remnants of its previous meal in its jaws before letting out a mighty roar. 
Bryan and Josh readied their weapons when Karen stood before the dragon, her hand raised palm up.
"Calm," She spoke in a calming, almost echoey tone, "Calm yourself."
The dragon stepped closer, its nostrils flaring out foul fumes.  It stared almost transfixed by Karen.
"We are but travelers.  We wish to leave in peace.  Please, return to your bog.  We shall cause you no more trouble."
The dragon snorted one more before stepping aside.  It strode past Karen, then the others before diving back into the water.  The boys looked back to Karen.
"You just need to know how to handle your adversities."