OK... I'm planning on doing a DMFA fan Fiction. Might need a little help.

Started by Madmann135, April 16, 2007, 12:31:26 PM

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OK.  I like to wright out a script so that I don't get things lost.  I have much information on DMFA but it probably won't include the very ammuzing slap stick comedy.  More like situational  Naruto/Bleach brand comedy.  The script is just milestones that I want accomplished.

Here is the script, tell me what could be improved.
The new charactors are Lance Strike (my online avatar Tiger/dragon charactor) and his battle AI AVA (which is in a Pixi like frame in the first scene, frames are bodies that she can switch from at will).

-Lance & AVA enter lost lake and wait for Jyrras.
-A trio of Demons enter and start a rucak which Lance promply takes care of (first fight scene).
-Lance spots Jyrras, holds up an advertisment for lab assistant, uses AVA's frame as his credentals.
-somehow Lance convinces Jyrras that Lance and AVA can live with Jyrras and Lorenda because Lance is not with a place to stay.
-Lance does many around the house chores including cooking all the while working in the Lab with Jyrras.
-Lance rebuilds the Grif-Mech but with improved specs and Griffin defenses that will make it a better carrior.
-(currently blank need inspiration)
-Lance is found out not to be of their world and with the help of Jyrras and his teck Lance finds a way to get back home.

I want something to do with Kira in there, maybe a little headbutting between the two's opinions and wills but I can't think of something that would fit in there properly.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


One of the things I try to avoid in mine is interacting with Amber's characters.  IIRC the sole exceptions have been Fa'Lina (who is pretty much unavoidable if your character is a 'Cubi) and the Dark God incident (which I have regretted ever since).

With Fa'Lina I've avoided direct speech, or else tried to model her on what we've seen in the strip.  It's not perfect and perhaps I've made her too formal for the main part, but I'd like to think I haven't manhandled her too badly.

For the Dark God, I'm sticking to the excuse that there may be several creatures which call themselves that so the Oracles may simply have got confused over which is which...

I believe RJ is really the one to talk to if your aim is to make a good fanfic.  That, and study the original material with almost fanatical diligence...

(Superluser, we are still waiting patiently for yours...  and also for the next episode of Sid's Unseen Path series...   >:3)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 16, 2007, 12:46:31 PM
One of the things I try to avoid in mine is interacting with Amber's characters.  IIRC the sole exceptions have been Fa'Lina (who is pretty much unavoidable if your character is a 'Cubi) and the Dark God incident (which I have regretted ever since).

With Fa'Lina I've avoided direct speech, or else tried to model her on what we've seen in the strip.  It's not perfect and perhaps I've made her too formal for the main part, but I'd like to think I haven't manhandled her too badly.

For the Dark God, I'm sticking to the excuse that there may be several creatures which call themselves that so the Oracles may simply have got confused over which is which...

I believe RJ is really the one to talk to if your aim is to make a good fanfic.  That, and study the original material with almost fanatical diligence...
I totally and completly 100% agree.


Grief... If I can't interact with Amber's charactors then I will have no story.

The only reason I had this story in mind was to make a Cameo of my charactor, have a little fun in Jyrras's lab and that would be the end of it for Lance would go away.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 16, 2007, 01:04:22 PM
Grief... If I can't interact with Amber's charactors then I will have no story.

The only reason I had this story in mind was to make a Cameo of my charactor, have a little fun in Jyrras's lab and that would be the end of it for Lance would go away.
Don't let grouches like us stop you from havin yer fun, if you want to make your own little story feeding off DMFA go right ahead.
Not much we can do to stop you.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 16, 2007, 01:04:22 PM
Grief... If I can't interact with Amber's charactors then I will have no story.
The only reason I had this story in mind was to make a Cameo of my charactor, have a little fun in Jyrras's lab and that would be the end of it for Lance would go away.

Ultimately it depends what your aim is.  If it's a comedy for example, you'll have a lot more wiggle-room than it you're trying to make a serious story that's as close to DMFA as you can make it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 16, 2007, 01:54:08 PM
[Ultimately it depends what your aim is.  If it's a comedy for example, you'll have a lot more wiggle-room than it you're trying to make a serious story that's as close to DMFA as you can make it.

Pretty much that. It depends on weather or not you want to keep your story in canon with DMFA. If you want your story to seem like it could actually be part of the comic, then you will want to avoid character interactions as much as possible, unless you are 100% sure it would still work.  Or, if you just want to, you can screw canon to hell and do whatever you want, and still have a serious story. Or you could just make it a comedy. It is entirely your call, but you must make note that it is based off of Amber's DMFA if you post the story anywhere but here, like on deviantart.com.


Yay, fanfiction time!

Okay so I also am writing a fanfiction. It will involve my pink kitty character. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and can get along with everyone. Oh, and she's also the love child of Dan and Regina, which makes her a Cubi Demon with wings like Abel's (only blue feathers and the bat-part is pink). Because she is a hybrid she is ultra-powerful and is like a superhero in DMFA's world.

So the story will be set 40 years after DMFA's current timeline. It will revolve around her falling in love with Abel but Abel has a boyfriend (my other character, a dark, angsty byronic hero with long bishie hair). In the end Abel decides he is bi and they end up as a threesome. Then they combine to form MEGA-BISHIEZORD. The end.

But your story sounds good too. I mean, you know, not the GREATNESS that will be mine, but everyone's got to start somewhere, right?


Quote from: Kattuccino on April 16, 2007, 02:53:55 PM
Yay, fanfiction time!

Okay so I also am writing a fanfiction. It will involve my pink kitty character. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and can get along with everyone. Oh, and she's also the love child of Dan and Regina, which makes her a Cubi Demon with wings like Abel's (only blue feathers and the bat-part is pink). Because she is a hybrid she is ultra-powerful and is like a superhero in DMFA's world.

Yes, well it doesn't have to be like that.  I think of it as add-on levels for a game.  There's a whole load of badly-constructed and unimaginative dross but you also have miracles.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein?  Try Timegate.  The voice-acting is bad but the level design is better than the original game IMHO.

Doom?  Cleimos V2.  Filled with special effects that aren't in the original game, and they put a substantial amount of effort into sustaining their own plot.  The original game didn't really have one.
Or 'Bloodbath'?  They took the level titles and made levels that matched them.
The hangar is a hangar with maintenance pits and fuel barrels.  The chemical plant is full of machinery and vats.  The command centre has troopers watching screens.  The levels in the original first episode bore no resemblance to their names whatsoever.

I know of no sound technical reason why you couldn't have a fanfic that is as well-written as DMFA itself.  And may I just say that Sid's Unseen Path has been giving it a fairly good run :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



hmm... Make the characters and story as ambiguous as possible. that way it could be changed later so that you have the next Harry Potter type story you can ship off to a publisher and make billions of dollars.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Amber Williams

I think what some people (though some are more subtle than others) are implying that fanfiction can sometimes be an easy trap to fall into Mary-Suedom, or where it is just the author's own character hopping into the universe and a montage of them interracting with the various characters...or how the author views the various characters.

I wont lie in that I tend to be somewhat cautious in regards to fanfics because I've had first hand experience of one person sending me a fic that was basically nothing but their character putting Kria "in her place", and quite a few who went off and made assumptions about particular characters that are dead-wrong...but I cant say anything about lest I end up giving out spoilers.

And I'll be honest, your script sort of has some pretty M-Sue vibes to it.  Guy walks in, manages to best what normally is considered high-powered opponents, instantly makes good rappart with a particular character and moves in and gets buddy buddy with everyone involved, manages to upgrade the Griff-mech which is supposed to be super-high classified info and not something anyone in the world other than Jyrras likely has a field of expertise in, goes up against Kria in a "battle of wills" (With a ten to one that he either wins, or its some sort of tie but Kria walks away with a somewhat different outlook on things), turns out to be from a secret origin thus adding into the whole aspect he's something unique and amazing.  Granted, I'm not saying there is anything wrong if someone wants to make a personal fantasy story that involves their character being awesome in the DMFA world.  If anything I'm just saying be prepared for what will possibly be snark and a few eye-rolls from people.

Either way, it is not really something I'm going to get worked up over.  The most important thing I would say is that you have fun and enjoy yourself, and not worry too much about pleasing a large audience.  Cause if you did make an epic novel and tried to sell, then I could SUE YOU FOR TONS OF MONEY! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....


I'm writing a fanfic but it has nothing to do with DMFA and I'm up to chapter 3. Do what you do and put it up here and we all read it.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 16, 2007, 12:31:26 PMHere is the script, tell me what could be improved.

It's not too bad so far.  But there's not much so far.  The problem is that I don't see what your characters' motivations are, why Lance wants to be Jyrras' assistant, what possessed him to build AVA, anything about why the characters are doing those things.

Read up on some classic literature if you want some good inspiration.  Don Quixote and the Odyssey are great for showing how to get inside the minds of your characters.  Failing that, rent Man of La Mancha.  At the time of Cervantes, most books were of the form ``Percival did this.  Then he did that.  Then this other thing happened.''  Cervantes was the first to really explore what was going on in the mind of his characters, and to suggest that, for example, a few too many tales of knight-errantry might warp you into thinking that you were a knight,  even though reality remained something else.  And although Sancho Panza says he's always faithful to Don Quixote, his ulterior motives are always transparent to the reader.

There are no good versions of The Odyssey on film, but you might be able to get a passable abridged version, or even on tape.  Make sure that it covers the complete Telemachy, Circe, Calypso and Eumaeus.  Those are fascinating character studies.

Sorry.  Work on backstory, and characters' motivations.  I've given you some starting points for reference.

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 16, 2007, 12:46:31 PMOne of the things I try to avoid in mine is interacting with Amber's characters.

This is good advice.  I'll try to remember to take it.

Lorenda's current living situation is up in the air.  If you have Lance move in with them, that might end up dating the script to a very specific set of days, which will lead to some trouble if you want to keep continuity.  Contrariwise, you could always have Lance, Jyrras and Lorenda existing in the current day and tending to Elvis and JFK (dyed black) in a rest home in Texas.

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 16, 2007, 12:46:31 PM(Superluser, we are still waiting patiently for yours...  and also for the next episode of Sid's Unseen Path series...   >:3)

Yeah, it will probably be a couple more weeks before I get the first chapter up.  I got distracted by some programming, and then I got distracted by taxes (my state form is five times longer than my federal).

Since you bring him up, where has Sid been, recently?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?



Thanks Amber but there's one thing about my charactor that might explain how he bested them.  He's not your average individual, he's a bit of a trixter, can use unorthidox means of combat and has a way with computers.   If I do my story I'll give you a copy and you can tell me what you think about it, I will do my best to explain everything. 

I have a bit of a problem with slap stick comedy but If I go through and finish it I will do my best to keep the main charactor's personalites correct and try my best to add a good amount of comedy to it, but It's going to be along my wrighting style.  I love fight scenes so there's gonna be a few in there.

Also about the thing of me making a novel from this... if I was going to do a novel I would loose intrest after the first few pages and would not have the nerve to go after a comic.  To many issues amonst fans and the comic staff.

I don't know why I like that but I do

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


I'm also one of the people who's a bit reluctant to have the DMFA cast appear in my fanfiction. I did have Jyrras appear in a chapter once, but that bit was sucky and i'd rather forget it. Personally I like having characters other than the DMFA cast in my stories, mainly because i know that, in my hands, it would turn into a complete mess as I suck at comedy and prefer to write more serious stories. Ok, maybe I did cheat a little by having other people's characters in the story, but i'm lazy. Sue me.

But it's all up to you at the end of the day. Do what you want to do. I did, and I know there are people who don't like my fanfiction, but really, you should be writing it for you, in my opinion. All I'm basically saying is just be prepared to have people critcise it.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 17, 2007, 09:38:24 AMThanks Amber but there's one thing about my charactor that might explain how he bested them.  He's not your average individual, he's a bit of a trixter, can use unorthidox means of combat and has a way with computers.

Right, but why?  As the author, you can do anything, but it's typically a bad idea to do it to jigger the plot to come out the way that you want it to.  You should let the characters drive the story, not the other way around.

For example, in Breakfast of Champions, Dwayne Hoover finds a short story written by Kilgore Trout, which is supposed to drive him insane.  But there's no way that he can read the entire thing in time for him to do what he's supposed to do.  So Vonnegut (as the narrator) says that he made a mistake, and now he's making Dwayne Hoover a speed-reader for no other reason than making the plot come out OK.

That one was designed to be self-referential and funny, but you really shouldn't make a character be plot convenient unless you really know what you're doing.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


i've always been a little leery of fanfics ever since i had one such incident of my own, i won't go into the details, but he essentually wanted to not only to crossover to another comic (not DMFA, so don't worry), but ignore various universe settings, some basic ground rules i set out with my own at the time, and ignore some major plot points with mine as well..
Not to mention having both universes branch out into his setting, and his Author-Character fight killer werebeasts from mine, to inevitable defeat in a sheer act of mary-sue twinkism.
suffice to say both the other comic artist (Jakkal of Black Tapestries) came to agreement and pretty much shot him down on the idea..
either way, as i see it, using a universe to write a fanfic isn't too bad, as long as you don't try to interact with things that are part of the canon for whatever it is you're using the fiction for. Then it becomes a little on the iffy side in my opinion.

For this scenario of a DMFA fanfic, all i haveta say is that Furrae should be big enough for one to keep a fanfic and the main continuity of both abel's story and the DMFA proper separated enough so there's no character clashes.

that's just my two cents anywho.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: superluser on April 17, 2007, 11:32:52 AM
You should let the characters drive the story, not the other way around.
I think that only really happens once you reach critical mass.  CJP and 'Future History' are at the happy point where the character's personalities determine how they would react in a given situation - RP'ing as Jakob in the 'Furrae Chronicles' RP helped enormously.  Prior to that Jakob was mostly based on me, now he's branched off - which is as it should be.

And talking of Furrae Chronicles, I owe a huge debt to Gareeku because it was the way his fanfic panned out that persuaded me to give it a go myself.

Quote from: superluser on April 17, 2007, 12:40:28 AM
Since you bring him up, where has Sid been, recently?
Lurking, by the looks of it.

Quote from: Turnsky on April 17, 2007, 02:17:15 PM
As i see it, using a universe to write a fanfic isn't too bad, as long as you don't try to interact with things that are part of the canon for whatever it is you're using the fiction for. Then it becomes a little on the iffy side in my opinion.

For this scenario of a DMFA fanfic, all i haveta say is that Furrae should be big enough for one to keep a fanfic and the main continuity of both abel's story and the DMFA proper separated enough so there's no character clashes.

That's the way it should be done, IMHO.  Although as the others say, it really depends what your aim is - I've been trying to make mine as coherent with DMFA as possible.  If you don't care, and you're happy for people like me to come and say "DMFA doesn't work like that because" (and cite an example from the strip), then that's fine.  And as I say, if it's a spoof you get a lot more wiggle-room.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Amber Williams

Quote from: Madmann135 on April 17, 2007, 09:38:24 AM
If I do my story I'll give you a copy and you can tell me what you think about it, I will do my best to explain everything.

This is probably going to sound terrible and I apologize, but you probably shouldn't bother sending me a copy.  Not because I dont want you to write it, but really...I don't have much desire to read it.  Though this tends to go to all fanfics done so it isn't anything personal...I just don't really enjoy reading DMFA fanfics.  It's actually a bit awkward.

And admittedly, the idea of having to read one just to give feedback to the person kind of blehs me.  As I said before, if people get something wrong, oftentimes I can't really say anything without worrying about giving away spoilers.  The only example I can think of at the time is the last fanfic I was forced to read/feedback, Zedd's I think.  It's got quite a few things that I don't agree with in the least, but I don't have a desire trying to tear someone elses work apart just so it fits in my proper continuity.  But since I dont, it might leave the impression that I agree with things 100% because I read it and didn't force alterations.   And while some people may want me to, there is also the problem I might end up having to reveal more about the characters than I want to....and I really don't agree with giving spoilers just for the sake of their fic.

A few people have given decent advice.  The most I can give is write your fiction for yourself and your enjoyment.  Anyone who tries to write it with me in mind is only going to end up tripping over things.


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 16, 2007, 12:46:31 PM
I believe RJ is really the one to talk to if your aim is to make a good fanfic.

Aw, you got me blushing. :3

As for your fic idea, Madmann, I think perhaps that the interaction with the canon characters is too easy for you to do. The thing I love about Amber's creation is that she's left so much room for you to explore by yourself. You don't have to come in contact with the canon characters for it to be a fanfiction- your characters could be on the other side of the world dealing with their own problems and adventures.

Perhaps give that a little more thought- but it's your fic, so in the end, it's your own decision (unless, of course, Amber decides to smite you down for it).


That's true RJ.  I could even explore one of the 'clothing optional' cities yet my character has his problems and that's why he needs to interact with at least Jyrras.

And if Amber goes off and smites me I will try and coax Fluffy to get her in my retaliation.  Coax as in try and bribe with food. 
It is one of the fastest ways to a guy's heart. :chef

If that doesn't work I'll switch to plan 'B.'

Plan B - RUN!!!

If Plan B fails I'll switch to Plan 'C.'

Plan C - find refuge in hospital, put self in coma and think of a plan D


NOTE:  I've started, hope I stay interested long enough to finish it

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 19, 2007, 11:06:17 PMThat's true RJ.  I could even explore one of the 'clothing optional' cities yet my character has his problems and that's why he needs to interact with at least Jyrras.

And if Amber goes off and smotes me I will try and coax Fluffy to get her in retaliation.  Coax as in try and bribe with food.

It's smite.  Smite (present tense), smote (past tense), smitten (past participle).

Anyways, King of Hearts draws salacious pictures of the gang.  He may have an exception for knowing Amber or something (I don't know anyone), but I think as long as you're not writing stories that would get accepted to Penthouse Letters, you're probably OK.

Of course, I don't know, so I defer to Amber.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?