Northern Winds [NC-17] (IC)

Started by Stygian, April 14, 2007, 05:42:12 PM

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3 (33.3%)
Holy shit, best get moving!
1 (11.1%)
1 (11.1%)
Time for the rooftop chase!
4 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 7


Stygian stopped humming, but didn't so much as flinch as beside that. His face just settled into jaded seriousness as he looked elsewhere for a second, and then back up at Mel. That she would have to aim for the panthress too, despite what she should have seen back at the bar... He had seen women as outspoken before, but never in such words. He wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be of the Namaeah clan, or some other more hedonistic ones. He just hoped she wouldn't turn out to be too asmodian in her desires. Of course, it was probably a front, but every good lie held a grain of truth, and in her case it sounded like it might be enough to make a timeglass.
   "I think we have sufficient time," he sighed back to Mel, ceasing the stream of thoughts of crazed demons running through his head. "If the cavalry does decide to show up, you can count on us to hold them off. At least for a time. If all they're going to throw around is fire magic, we're perfectly fine, methinks." Those words caught the attention of the bartender, who slowly came up and over to them, and gave them all a not wholly unfriendly look, but one that meant serious business.
   "If you're going to cause trouble you're gonna have to leave, or at least go outside. We're mostly warded, but only the staff is permitted to perform magic here," she said, placing a hand on her hip and giving them her best piercing eyes, especially Stygian. She looked strong for a girl, and those eyes were sharp, hinting at danger. The bat smiled at her, in a gentle way, not a condescending, as he made sure.
   "Of course. But it won't go that far. We'll make sure. Trust me." If he was trying to use his looks then his charm didn't seem to work particularly well against her, because she only frowned the slightest and then looked them all over again, before she turned and pushed the door behind her open and went into the back. Stygian sighed and closed his eyes for a bit, and then muttered something.
   "Right. Let's go out then. Better to be safe than sorry..." he said, which was true. And if it looked like the hyena was bossing him, then she could go screw herself and so could anyone else who thought so.


When Somber complimented Mel, Richard snickered. When she continued in that vein with Aisha, however, he outright cracked up.
"Sounds like a plan," the zombie cackled, nodding in Stygian's direction, "Besides, methinks some of us have spent enough time in bars for tonight. Any more of this and I'll be carrying my jaw home in my pocket."


Keaton listened to everyone's conversation and scheming without any significant contributions, silently ordering one last beer for herself and carefully sipping it as she listened in. Intoxicated or not, she still had her heightened senses to fall back on. At first things seemed normal enough; people demanded to know as to why their drinks back in the now-ruined bar had been so violently interrupted. Honestly, Keaton wanted information as well, although she was placated somewhat by the alcohol she was currently guzzling.

That was when a snow leopard entered the room, clad in conservative, but classy apparel. Keaton was half-tempted to tell her something rather sarcastic when she finally recognized this snow leopard--and so did Stygian, who rose to his feet and hugged her ('What the FUCK?' Keaton thought) in an uncharacteristically welcoming gesture. Unfortunately, Keaton was less thrilled to see the snow leopard. Keaton was never one to forget a grudge, and she had quite a grudge to hold against Mel.

To stifle a derisive grunt, Keaton gulped down a mouthful of her beer, noticing that she was nearly finished with her booze.

When Somber's attentions happened to flicker over towards her, Keaton couldn't help but smirk a little. She wasn't a homophobic sort, being bisexual herself. And she rather found Aisha's irritability amusing. Greatly so, as a matter of fact. She had lost a great deal of self control thanks to the alcohol she had previously consumed, so she couldn't help but release a small snicker from behind her gloved hand. "Ehehe..."

Finally, Keaton swerved around in her stool and climbed off of it after gulping down the final drop of beer, tail giving a perfunctory flick behind her. She adjusted her belt a little so it hiked further up her waist along with her pants, which were slit up the sides and held with crisscrossing bands of leather, then looked to the rest of the group.

What a wonderful little team they made, she thought sardonically.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel nodded. "I'd better hurry then." She moved to a quiet table at the back of the bar. She sat and took a moment to prepare herself to search the information hoard. The sheer amount of information made it feel rather like drowning. With a deep breath she reached out and magically connected to the hoard. Anyone looking towards her would only see a slightly sleepy looking woman nursing a drink at a quiet table.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian got up from his seat, and walked mellow-faced out through the open space and into the hall, pulling his coat on and walking out. Well outside, he settled on the steps that led up to the entrance and pulled out that slim cigar that he had been denied inside, lighting it off a silvery lighter. Snapping it shut, he took a long pull and breathed out a stream of bluish smoke, solemnly scanning the dark woods that lay out before the villa.
   Inside, after a short wait, Cogidubnus muttered something and then settled in the hallway. They were going to need a guard there as well, and he was much too clever to go out into a wide open space with only a blade against foes that most probably had much longer range capabilities. True, his sword was far from the only trick he had, but honestly he would rather wait for the right time. And it was not certain that they would have to fight yet.

- -

The gravel crackled under Illat's feet somewhat louder than it did under the figure that walked beside him, heading through the dark up against the structure far behind the trees. The heavy reptile idly scratched his chin with his clawed hands under a gloomy expression, keeping his eyes level and his gaze straight ahead. Though they could not hear them, both were aware of other figures running swiftly between the trees on either side of them, they too headed for the villa. They had arrived together, after all, and all had the same task.
   "You just stay in line and do your thing, Edge. And keep out of my way. I won't hesitate," he said, and the other man, a black-furred feline with sharply contrasting blue eyes and blond hair, didn't need to see his expression or ask anything to take him seriously. He'd seen what the reptile did to the bar back in town.
   Quickly, they were coming up on the Dragon's Grin. And once there, things would hopefully go quickly too.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was barely aware of her surroundings, swimming as she was in information. With long practice she pulled the threads until Illat Morris's came to the front. She traced the trail of his most recent prison term. The crime and conviction seemed quite normal but then there began a stream of appeals, each more unbelievable than the last. And each and every one, including the final pardon and prison release were signed by Judge Astrid Raethe. Mel decided to go a bit further afield and see what she could connect to that name.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The dusky feline grinned, white fangs gleaming in the moonlight as the two moved towards their marks.

"It's a good thing I had this suit warded, then. It would be a shame to ruin such fine material in friendly fire."

The jaguar adjusted his jacket, well-tailored to showcase his muscular, athletic physique. He was black on black from head to toe save for a band of gold adorning the tip of his tail, three gold earrings in his left ear, and the locks of stylishly cut golden hair that fluttered in the wind but somehow never flew out of place. The silk-bound hilt of a sword sheathed in black lacquered wood peeked out over his right shoulder.

"Just leave enough to identify for the bounties this time."

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


The gator harrumphed loudly and cast a distraught glance into the trees. He didn't know why that damn demon had hired all these people, let alone three 'big-game' bounty hunters, to go after these people. If he couldn't bloody well blow them up with one bomb, he'd just have to try one more, and go after them one after another in the ensuing mayhem. And this 'Edge' guy didn't really seem his type either. Truth to tell, he thought the man a wimp. A sissy.
   Be that as it may, they had a job to do. And the pay, five percent of which they had all received up front, was promising.
   It seemed even more so, and just as suspicious, to Kennith, as he jogged between tall trees together with a host of other mostly black-clad figures, each carrying a gun or other long-range weapon. All bounty hunters or ex-soldiers, they had been hired quickly and suddenly with the promise of a great deal of risk, for a great deal of money, and then immediately been sent out with fairly simple orders. It was what most bounty hunters called a 'Meat Job', because that's essentially all it was about. No thoughts, no specifics; all that was needed was meat to 'meat' the targets. And if the job proved too hard, then you were, mostly, dead meat. Some called it 'Scram' instead, because you hasted together and if you failed to perform, that's what you had better do afterward. But a job was a job, and seeing how other jobs had barely existed in these parts before this one for someone as he, it was either to take it or leave it. The down payment would buy him a ticket out of town and a good few days of lodging and food if it turned out bad.
   The mansion came within sight up front through the trees. Lit dimly by some few lanterns, it was three large buildings of thick, hard wood, stone and tiles, with curved slanted roofs and red walls that looked mostly silent and calm. But the lights were on, and the bike and car they had been told about were there. There was no mistake. They were inside.

- -

Stygian breathed deeply on his cigar, sitting in the chilly wind on the steps with his coat billowing a bit, not bothering to close it, just waiting. But he didn't look up when he caught the first hint of movement in the darkness; he merely twitched his ears and took the half-smoked stump out from between his fangs, and then stubbed it out between two fingers. Rubbing them together, he kept his face down as his mind raced, trying as hard as he could to make out all the figures headed for the mansion with his senses. There seemed to be quite a lot of them.
   Out loud he thought, focusing his mind in a practiced way to overcome the natural obscuration of his darkness and make it 'ring out', hoping that Mel was not too busy inside to hear him; We've got company.


After listening to the others talk some more, Gareeku had decided to go out, standing out near the front door with his arms folded as he looked out into the night. He didn't feel like sleeping at that time, which was suprising considering the amount of travelling the wolf had done in recent times.

To the side of him a few metres away was Stygian smkoing a cigar. Gareeku stayed silent as he continued to look out into the night, starting to mull over the night's events in his head. Yes they had seen off the bounty hunter before, but who was to say that he would not find out where they were currently staying? If that was the case, then they would just have to see it through.

Looking towards the darkness with a more focussed expression, the wolf wasn't sure of it, but he thought he had sensed something. Was it just his imagination? Gareeku wasn't about to take any chances.  With one hand on his sword, gripping the hilt, the wolf listened for any sign of another presence...

Mel Dragonkitty

We've got company. When the signal came that the mop-up team had arrived Mel reluctantly let go of the information she was tracing. She hadn't had time to find much on the judge. It would have to wait. She returned her focus back to the room. Most of the group was still at the bar. "They're here," she informed them as she stood and retraced her steps to the front of the building. As she walked through the empty reception area the neat business suit changed to a long grey suede coat and high grey boots and her white fur darkened to match. She met up with the wolf swordsman whom she hadn't yet been introduced to in the hall. "What are they up to?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha rolled her eyes, mostly due to the fact that some of the strangers in the bar were more amused than anything right now, and she moved away from them.  True, the panthress never minded working in a group, but there was still the fact that she didn't have to like it.  Especially if nobody was going to be serious.

She stood back for a while and considered ordering a drink from the bar, though there was the possibility that the group was going to have to move soon.  She watched Stygian as he walked out, Mel go into a far corner of the bar, and Cogi walk out into the hall.  Her eyes narrowed as they glanced out the windows briefly.  The tension, she knew, was rising into the air with every second.  Aisha believed that Gareeku too must have felt it, watching him leave after a moment as well.

The panther considered following, remembering whom she was stuck with in the bar.  Her head shook.  Guess you can't blame some for wanting to be light-hearted after THAT.  But still, being in hiding with us puts them too on the death list.  Her mind was still trying to reap the reason that they all seemed to be targeted.  And just shrugged it off, for they would get the answer anyway if Illat came again.

Nobody could take two steps however before Mel came forward, addressing them.  Aisha's ears pricked.  "Here?  Already?"  She growled slightly.  If they work faster than this, nobody's getting ANY sleep.  The panthress nodded to Mel and also made for the exit, waving everyone along.  As she walked, she changed the color of her cape back to pitch-black.  It was always best to be in the shadows.

And plus if there was going to be a skirmish, Aisha was going to make sure to be one of the first to make a hit.  Not take it.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Richard stopped laughing at the mention of people being here. From the direction the conversation had been going in a minute ago, they probably didn't mean the pizza boy. He stood up and followed a good distance behind Aisha, so that if they were ambushed they would have their hands full with the better fighter who got there first. He was unarmed save for a handful of spells and his attributes as a zombie. Most of which revolved around it not being quite so bad if he lost an arm. Greaaaaat...


Cogidubnus looked up as Mel strode into the hall, followed by Aisha and Richard. The panthress and the undead ape didn't stop, however the now somehow gray feline did, and as his manners were Cog rose to his feet when he was adressed. He made a leg and swept his hat, smiling at her and handling his sword to the side fluently.
   "Cogidubnus Mithlome, miss White," he said, smiling, "whether that be your true name or not. A pleasure to meet you." He did not take her hand, as it was not the time and she did not seem the type, even though she was pretty and. But she was still the bat's friend, or so it had seemed, and that probably meant that he should keep on his toes around her. She didn't smell unpleasantly or sound it, but she seemed... chilly, somehow. "And I do not think that I can answer that question. You had better confer with the bat outside."
   With those words he put his hat back on and moved up, opening the door and admitting them out.

- -

There were at least twenty of them in there. That was bad. Heavy, smothered steps, metal clinks and no creaks, and rough breaths. That meant soldiers. Bounty hunters wouldn't make a maneuver like that, nor would they hurry in that way. Now, he had no thought of getting caught up in a pincer maneuver, and mere soldiers could do little against him, but if he stayed he'd get caught up nonetheless. And to counter getting flanked or trapped, one headed for the quickest single way out. It was bad that he couldn't tell if they'd thinned and set a trap to one side though. Or whether if they had brought some surprises with them.
   Slowly, Stygian stood up and straightened his coat. His right ear swiveled back against the door when it opened, but he didn't turn his head. He just kept his eyes forward as they began to cover with black veins, his irises glowing dimly.
   "Take whatever side you wish. They're not waiting for us. Though I suggest you give each other just enough space and no more..." he said lowly back to them over his shoulder, still looking forward, and then moved down the steps, starting to walk to one side. The breeze from the sea made his coat flutter a bit, and he flexed his fingers in between the wrappings. He probably wouldn't need to use his guns, but still...


The dark jaguar smirked. He didn't have to be a mind reader to know what the gator thought of him. Not that it mattered--indeed, that attitude played rather nicely into his plans. The feline stopped in his tracks as the light from the inn became visible through the trees. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and cocked his head as if listening for something.

"Alright, big guy, they're on their way out. If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to be out of the blast radius."

He leaped towards the trunk of a large tree, coiled up, and pushed off, propelling himself upwards into the branches. Vaulting over a heavy bough, he disappeared into the foliage... with not even a rustle of leaves to betray his presence.

+ + +

A black-suited wolf weaved through the trees, jogging behind the motley company of hired meat. An old scar crossed his left cheek, and he wore a most serious expression. The tension in the air was thick enough to taste. When the mansion came into view, he took cover behind one of the larger trees. He held his weapon at ready--an ornate crossbow of dark wood and brushed metal gilded with arcane silver runes--and waited for the rest of the crew to get into position. He kissed the silver band on his ring finger for good luck.

He kept the enemies in his sights while they exited the building. A barely audible twang and a whoosh of air were all the warning they received as the first bolt flew towards its target.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Richard had been keeping toward the back of the group, hoping to not have to wade into this unarmed. Naturally, the crossbow bolt lodged itself halfway through his shoulder. Yanking the projectile out and snarling something to the effect of "alright, who's the smartass?", he channeled a quick ice spell through the bolt and hurled it back where it apparantly came from, the spell propelling the bolt far more than a throw would normally allow as well as flash freezing whatever was unfortunate enough to be within 10 feet of whatever it hit.


Apparrently, no one was in the mood to answer the baboon's request, for the next moment the smatter of gunfire came from the woods, muzzle flashes lighting up the trees, and a salvo of heavy bullets smacked into the wood next to him. He was far from the only one they aimed for though; bolts whistled through the air between bursts of gunfire, as shapes ran up and took cover next to the trees and behind bushes. A few ran up on the left side, where the other set of stairs up on the balcony surrounding the villa were located, intending to shoot down it against the adventurers. And what was worse, a few bursts of magic and a crackling sensation signified that someone, or most probably more than one on the mercenaries' side had begun throwing magic around. Shards of ice and balls of what looked like glowing mist streaked through the air against the mansion. It all seemed mostly like suppression fire though - they were trying to push the group back and away so that they could be more easily cornered.

   Stygian didn't wait to respond from the clear ground in front of the villa. Suddenly loping in his steps, he was at the edge of the trees in three long jumps, before the armed men could arrive there, and quickly leapt up between branches to get behind the line of their attackers. They would have excellent cover from those trees, but it was dark and between them, they wouldn't be able to see him before it was too late. Smirking, he hopped over to another branch, landing on his hands and not even planting his feet before swinging over, gently falling to the ground and planting his feet with only a small thud. The man he had landed behind jerked around, but before he could do anything there was a wet crunch, and he fell without having gotten his heavy knife well into his palm yet, his head twisted round in a decidedly unhealthy way.
   The bat breathed out, eased his arms and shoulders, and then turned, stalking out his next victim already under the trees.

   A spattering sound rapped in Cogidubnus' ear, and he instantly threw himself to the side and tumbled over, grabbing his sword and moving it so that he could immediately and unhinderedly get on his feet and leap up. He ran for the end of the balcony, knowing full well that the only way to get out of being encircled as they were was to hit hard and press out on one side. Bolts zipped past him and another salvo threatened to take his arm. Luckily, the wolf was a whole lot quicker in his moves up close than nearly all opponents expected. With a swing and using his sword for a counterweight, he turned and spun, drawing the blade up and slipping past the bullets by a hand's breadth, sparks flying up from the ones deflected off the gleaming metal. There was a rasp as he drew the blade from its scabbard, and then somersaulted down off the balcony, taking cover behind the stone foundation and between buildings as quickly as he could.

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha stepped out into the supposedly calm evening air, she had kept back for a moment between the door and the porch, then sidestepped to a corner of the inn while keeping her ears and eyes as well-adjusted as they could be in the dark of night.  Stygian's instructions were heard clearly enough, but Aisha was paying attention to the trees and the unseen.

She only hoped that she had blended in well enough to be one of those unseen.  A shift of light, a quiet step...and she was in her practice.  Absolute silence.

Her ears swiveled, counting any misteps that were made by the hunters, whomever they were, and her eyes widened.  Just how many of them ARE there?  She started to sidestep back around to the porch, gauging the positions of her comrades, though that wouldn't be easy if she had to watch the enemy too. Perhaps if she could find a way to the roof...

That was when she caught something that would have otherwise escaped the ears of the untrained.  Aisha's head swerved around to see a bolt having lodged itself into Richard's shoulder.  She smirked as he sent it back in retaliation, and gripped the handle of her boomerang, back pressed firmly against the wall.  This was the crossfire that would start the battle.

At the very second the other side sent a barrage of bullets, arrows, and magic, Aisha dove for cover and went up the nearest tree, the noise of her scrabbling strategically drowned out by the heavy, loud sounds of fire.  Her friends, she hoped, weren't too scattered out.

"Ah!" she growled quietly and gripped a branch, nearly missing an arrow aimed downward to her head.  She had chosen an occupied tree.  Before the hunter could shout as to the position of one of their targets, however, the edge of her boomerang was against his throat.

"Silence," she hissed lowly, and made a quick motion of her wrist.

By the time anyone heard the thump of a bloodied body falling to the ground, Aisha was skirting between the building and the edge of the woods, narrowly avoiding the rapid firing everywhere at the others and perhaps at herself, a glare hidden under her dark cowl as she chose another spot.

If they don't know there's a fellow bounty hunter on the list, they'll know soon.  I hope this spot is high enough.  See how THEY like being sneaked up on.  And how long I can keep this up.

Her boomerang was still hovering in the air, a short distance away so that she had control, but still a good enough distance that they might have a bit of trouble finding the true source.  A motion of her hand and a mutter of the incantation placed on her trusted weapon, and it flew from that spot--as if it had been thrown from there--towards another target.  If the ones on the balcony could be picked off...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


From the moment that the soldiers' attack started, Gareeku was off. He moved with intense speed, unsheathing his katana as he ran, holding the blade in one hand while summoning up energy in the other. As he did so, his demonic-looking eye glowed a deep crimson, and as the soul energy in his palm came into view, one could see that, instead of the normal white colour that the energy displayed, it was now tinted with a light shade of red.

Before the first soldier knew what was happening, the wolf was upon him. The last thing the soldier would see would be a flash of steel, before the blade found it's target, severing the soldier's head from his body as his headless form slumped to the floor in a pool of blood, Gareeku's face showing no emotion as he carried out this brutal manoveur.

Not stopping there, the wolf turned towards another soldier that was nearby. Before he coul raise his gun, Gareeku's sword came down on him, severing one of his arm beofre slashing his neck in the blink of an eye. Not looking back, the wolf was off again, leaving the dying soldier gurgling as he laid in a pool of his own blood.


(Sorry for the long delay.)

The lapine's snowy ears had turned towards the door, picking up the dozen of minute sounds of movement.  Consequently the first bursts of gunfire made her wince.  "I hate guns..." she said through her fangs.  "I hate their noise.  I hate their lack of finesse.  I hate how they make the air taste."  She picked up a heavy wooden chair with one hand.  "Most of all, I hate when some one shoots them at me!"  She yelled as she swung the chair hard at a window.  She siezed the shadows in the room, snuffing every source of light she could as she calmly walked leapt out and to the side.

She wasn't one for direct attacks.  Instead she moved into the darkness beneath the trees, her keen hearing picking out the being's ragged and overexcited breaths.  They would be their last as the ivory furred demon tore them out.  Of course she didn't let them die slow.  After all, that's what eviceration was invented for... to scare beings into primal terror.  And there's nothing better than to find your companions danging from trees like holiday garland, now is there?

One by one she moved along the flank of their line.  She predicted the real challenge would be found closer to the center.  So for now, she was a shadow filled with the noises of wet tearing sounds and dripping silence.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel cursed and ducked, she hated bullets. Off the steps and into the flowers beside them, shifting size and shape again so that it was a little grey housecat slinking through the spring buds and still-skeletal bushes. Then the spells started, this was her kind of fight. Someone wanted to play with ice, her own element. A quick spell stopped her opponent's ice in midair, turning it to join her own fusillade of frigid daggers tearing apart the concealing foliage. The misty comets were a little harder to turn since she didn't have time to figure out what they were, but quickly enough many were flying back towards their origin. Now it was her turn. Ice, fine like sugar, thick and driven towards the intruders on a heavy wind. A sandstorm only colder. It would lose some of it's strength going through the wooded area but it was still blinding and had the advantage of sticking to anything warm in a miserable cold layer. At the center of the scouring storm Mel moved, shifting once again to pale snow leopard form, hunting for the other magic user.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"They're here."

From where she stood, Keaton froze altogether in the middle of a languid stretch, her head snapping in the direction of where the voice had come from. Mel. "What?" the jackal asked, steadying herself against a chair. "You have to be kidding me. They're here NOW?"

Apparently so. Chocolatey eyes narrowed slightly from over the frames of mismatched glasses, shifting attentively toward the forest located somewhere beyond the window. Green leaves encrusted the tangled branches of the towering tree trunks--perhaps suitable for housing and concealing harmless avians or other animals, but they would make adequate camouflage as well. Keaton knew that from experience.

Unconsciously closing her hand around the marble nestled in her back pocket, she glared through the misty glass of the window, then darted after the group after Stygian. Cold air rushed into the yellow-black face of the jackal as she bounded over the stairs, loping after the group with her hand over the handle of her mace. Not as fast as she would've preferred, as the inebriation hindered her senses, but she was still tolerant to consuming such a great amount of alcohol. Then she felt it: the presences of several others, dappled behind the foliage. Muffled by layers of alcohol-induced intoxication, but still there.

She realized it just as soon as an arrow flew right into Richard's shoulder. He plucked the projectile out of his flesh without so much of an expression of pain (damn Undead) and flung it back toward where it came from. It was after this happened that hell broke loose. Gunfire exploded from the trees, showering upon them in a relentless blitzkrieg. Yelping, Keaton jumped off to the side, drawing her mace from where it was strapped on her shoulder.

She took cover behind a tree, carefully slinking around in search of the nearest assassin. Quickly she found one of them: a young deer, his antlers barely coming in. A toothy smirk spread over Keaton's lips, outlined with ebony lipstick. Clenching her free hand, Keaton started to concentrate, feeling the shadows beneath the deer writhe and boil noiselessly. Even drunk, Keaton could still manipulate the darkness to her will. He wouldn't notice it until it was too late. Slowly, she began to bring her hand up, orchestrating the shadows to move with it until a great, thick wave was curved over him. It started to sharpen, refining itself, spawning immense, stalacitite-like teeth in its great mouth, then, just as the deer whirled around, realizing the presence of something towering over him, it pounced upon him.

There was no sound other than a smothered cry. It swallowed him up like a miasmatic maw, then dove back down, flattening back into the ground as quickly as it had devoured him. If done efficiently, it would leave no trace of his disappearance--not a drop of blood or a shred of flesh.


Grinning ferally to herself, Keaton vaulted over the skeletal bushes, disappearing behind another tree with another dark spell circulating in her palm. This was going to be fun.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


There was a cry among the lines of the soldiers, then a rapid exchange of commands, and then they turned, beginning to bunch up and fall back against their middle, while the other end of the line swept in and turned their fire. The hyena ducked out from the porch and shouted something snarling at the adventurers, but it was hard to hear over Mel's snowstorm, which was effectively beginning to turn the trees into great popsicles or something of the likes. Still, it didn't seem to bother the mercs too much. At least, not the three groups immediately visible. Two mages were withholding the storm there, no doubt. The snow seemed to just run off and around two of the groups, as if around an invisible orb. The third one though, was protected by something that looked like a great semi-spheric shield of fire. From within, the ragged voice of Illat rang out loud, as he peered with unblinking eyes out over the clearing.
   Then, he found his target. Quickly, the alligator muttered something, and then raised his palm to the sky. Magic concentrated and coalesced for a moment in a great mass, before he swept his hand out. Instantly, the ground erupted in a shower of fire and exploding earth and rock, headed straight for Mel.

   Stygian turned his back as he felt the incoming snowstorm. He felt some clear grabbing at the shadows around, meaning that Keaton and that demon had gotten to work. Not that he minded much, but the feeling of someone else just tugging at them like that was always awkward. And they were using quite a lot and putting a lot of power into it. If he hadn't been too busy keeping his coat up as he moved through the damn squall, he would have shook his head. Instead, he grumbled and just pushed on, levelling his steps as he came upon the last stray merc, a large mustelid of some sort. He rounded a tree, and the man flinched for a second and brought his gun up, firing off a burst. Stygian was already out of his aim and to the side though. A swift kick smashed the man's hand asunder, and he screamed as the gun fell from his grip. Not for long though; the bat was a master at kicks, and his other foot whipped up in a perfect roundhouse arc against the man's head, crushing his neck and sending him quite a few feet back.
   Leaning forward a bit to balance against the wind, Stygian then ducked behind a tree as quickly as he could. With a sour grimace, he looked around to the side, as if that would have given him a better view of Mel. Quietly, he cursed. She was good at what she did, but if she was going to throw snowstorms about just like that...

   The soldiers had turned up and formed a half circle, and their fire was coming in hot now. Those not affected by the snowstorm still couldn't see their targets very well, but they didn't exactly have a hard time just firing into the melee. Some of them hesitated, of course. However, a cloaked figure flowed up behind them, and murred in a low voice.
   "Don't concern yourselves. Fire." The figure nodded against the storm, and the soldiers exchanged quick looks for just a second, before they opened up.


As Keaton dropped her prey, she felt the sensation almost like hands stroking over her skin as another will touched the shadows around her.  The reek of blood and bile reached her nostrils as a girl sushed quietly in her ear.  Shifting her veil, Somber appeared before Keaton in her full demonic glory.  Her ivory fur and form fitting armor lay beneath a chill coating of blood.  Gore covered her arms all the way to her shoulders and a sanguine mask covered her features.  She grinned, her eyes solid slowing red orbs as she looked up at the Jackal.

"Oooh... nice work."  She said as she looked at where the darkness had consumed the deer, "You had the void devour him.  Not particularly my style... but you pull it off quite nicely."  She said as she looked up at the larger canine.  "Looks like they've got some spellcasters of their own.  Wanna join me and circle up behind them?"  She asked with bloody glee.


Keaton ducked behind another tree, watching with piqued fascination as white dollops of ice cannonaded the forest and their besieged enemies. Possibly Mel's work, she determined--though she had no idea that the metamorphing dragon had any experience in the battlefield. Gripping her mace a little tighter and blowing some of the powder out of her dirty blonde tresses, she craned her body around so she could safely peer around the splintery hide of the tree she had taken shelter behind.

A strange, crawling sensation started to prickle over her skin. Keaton stopped any and all movement as the creeping feeling started to spread all over her body, eventually exacerbating as her nose caught the unmistakeable, malodorous stench of blood. Before her, the lapine Demon from before materialize in front of her, coated in thick, syrupy splatters of carmine and peppered with chunks of what appeared to be gunks of gore.

Keaton managed to hold back a yelp of surprise and slight revulsion as she noticed the blood. Not being in one of her more bloodthirsty moments, she was still aware of how sickening the substance was. "Way to sneak up on somebody," she said in a succinct whisper, but brightened somewhat when she was unexpectedly praised for her brutal act.

Absorbing her flattery, Keaton couldn't help but grin somewhat, her teeth gleaming. "Join up with you?" she repeated, then glanced off into the distance, where the spellcasters raged. After a split second of thinking, she looked back to Somber and her grin widened. "Why not? Count me in."

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel saw the bolt of fire and earth coming towards her. She pulled the storm inwards, compressing it into a wall of ice and air laced together with pure power. Depending on the relative amounts of power each put into the opposing spells this could make quite a show so she was simultaneously jumping backwards, away from the spot that the two would come together. As she was touching down she was already moving in a different direction, pulling together her next spell. If she could get to the side quick enough she might be able to get a shot at the reptile before he knew if she survived his bolt.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


A show was about the least of words that one could call the resultant impact. Traces of fire and steam sprayed out in great cascades, the two opposite spells hitting each other with great force, causing a shockwave and a boom easily visible through the mist it moved through. It hit right between Mel and the middle of the three groups, creating a thicker blockage of sight than the snowstorm had for a moment, before another wave of fire rolled through it and split it like a huge cleaver. Whatever the alligator was, he was not weak in his magic. Either that, or he had some tool of power to depend upon. An attack of that force, so quickly...

   The group farthest to the side pushed forward. Not blinded by the explosion caused by the clash of magic, they moved in a small row with their spellcaster, a man of unidentifiable species as he had some sort of decorated ivory-white helmet-like mask covering his face and a long, flowing black robe, at their front, with a shield ready for them.
   Then, to the side, there was a quick cry and a sound of metal on metal, before the black-coated wolf furthest out to the right from their side was promptly cut up. The next man turned, but unlike the other he didn't even have time to fire his weapon before a slashing, glinting wave tore him apart, small traces of electricity crackling after it. Blood spattered, and the man fell to the ground in two neat halves. Cogidubnus didn't even need to whip his sword clean before sheathing it, in a movement so quick that the eye couldn't keep up.
   However, then came the problem of the spellcaster, who promptly turned his attention to the wolf. Magic concentrated, and Cog readied for countering his next move.
   Before he could, however, something shadowy blurred just past the man. It was hard to see just what happened, even with Cog's eyes, but he thought he saw an outline, or an afterimage of some kind, and then the masked man fell, his chest pierced at several points. The three remaining men fired and struck with blades against the shadow, which just dashed between them, flowing and almost dancing in its moves. The first two had their necks quickly slashed open as it leapt past them. The third seemingly hit it with a set of bullets from his guns into the chest. But they only tore through shadow. The man didn't even have time to look before his rib cage was crushed and he flew twenty feet back, hitting a tree hard enough to break his spine.
   To Cog's eyes the shadow never stopped. It hadn't dissappeared two seconds ago before he heard Stygian's voice over his shoulder.
   "Nice swordplay, slowpoke. But unless you were intending to cut through that mage's magic with steel..." he said sarcastically. Then, sharply contrasting just moments ago, he calmly walked past the scowling wolf and against the rest of the battle. Cog remained silent behind him, slipping his half-drawn blade into its sheath and narrowing his eyes, and then ran along, apparrently taking more care to remain hidden than the bat.

   Past them all, bullets, bolts and balls of fire zipped. The second column seemed to be moving in. And from his perch, "Edge" could quite easily see it; unless the other mages and Illat could hold, and someone could turn the battle, they wouldn't make it.


As the battle raged on, Gareeku continued to cleave through soldier after soldier, moving with intense speed and agility as the wolf's form tore through the ranks of the opposition. No emotion, no sign of remorse for his killings, was evident upon Gareeku's face as the gleaming blade of his sword cleaved through limb after limb, torso after torso. He was a killing machine; no pity, no remorse.

As he continued his killing spree, his other eye seemed to change, his facial expression gradually turning from one devoid of emotion, to a fierce, almost feral-like snarl, as the once gleaming blade of his sword, along with his clothes and fur, turned crimson with the blood of his enemies. Soon both of his eyes had completely turned a dark shade of crimson. He had embraced the darker side of his being. The fearful looks of his enemies as he brought his sword down upon them meant nothing to him, only the sound of their lifeless bodies falling to the earth satisfied him at that moment; they would pay dearly for daring to attack him...

Aisha deCabre

As the arrows flew and the chaos continued, several flashes of silver caught the necks of a couple of remaining hunters before retreating back into the shadows.  Sometimes she deliberately missed, luring them into shooting to another general direction, perhaps right at their own comrades.  The conductor of the weapon still remained hidden, even shifting her position lest they'd spot her, until she knelt near the top bough of a tree.

Then, her ears pricked.  She could hear the shouting of orders, and see most of the soldiers starting to bunch up and fall back into a few different groups, some of them even away from her.  She could see why, as there was a massive amount of spell-slinging going on some distance away, though there was a blast of cold.  More splashes of crimson filled the air, and she could guess who the more violent members were.

Her expression however was dark.  The other side starts it.  We finish it.  Her eyes closed then, as if taking a silent moment, while her arm extended and the boomerang zipped back into her palm.  The silver surface was also covered in blood.  Dioses nos perdonen (Gods forgive).

Then, curious as to the melee going on where the spells were being thrown, the panthress took a look around before leaping onto a bough and rushing onto a part of the inn, near the balcony.  The color of her cape shifted to the colors of the building as she ran around, noting the groups converging against Mel, as well as where the others were...including a blackish blur, thankfully helping the group.  Then she steadied herself against a wall as the wave of spells collided, shielding her face instinctively.

Her eyes narrowed as she tried to look around the groups of enemies moving through, for Illat or anyone else leading the fray...If her side was winning, she was going to help make sure of it.  She prepared her boomerang for another flight, and released the bloodied sawblade into the air, against the crowds...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Hell in a handbasket, Richard thought, vaulting over the edge of the porch and quickly vanishing into some convenient shadows near the house. He continued on like that, darting from one patch of shadowy cover to another until he was almost right on top of group of soldiers that was still dazed from Mel and Illat's display.
What happened next would probably interest whoever had created the spells that resulted in the Undead race.
For instance, the spell was meant to create an army. One made up of disposable soldiers, yes, but they would recruit as they went along after a fashion. Sheer horror of what they faced would be a fair psychological blow to the enemy, and from there it was all a matter of heightened magical skill and uncomplaining undead muscle to win the day. The only thing that went wrong was the simple fact that nobody wants stupid soldiers, and the simplest way to make them clever was keep the original souls.
This is why one of those who made the spell would marvel at the speed of rotting limbs. Would be intrigued by the use of cover that most would not be able to make use of. What one could almost call the instinctive use of shock tactics as Richard reached out of the shadows to snap the first one's neck, the efficiency of his movements as he swung one arm to smash another's face. The rather clever use of ice spells to deflect a majority of their bullets with temporary sparkling twists and spires of ice, and his disinclination to acknowledge those that got through. They may even be interested in his fighting style, punches, kicks and headbutts that were never detailed in any way, practiced before any mirror. His moves were furiously focused desperation in the form of blows.
This hypothetical note taker would bemoan his refusal to bite or gouge. He would never use his teeth, or his nails. Everything else from the arm to the arcane was fair play, but not his teeth or claws. Bloody civilians.
He slipped back into cover. Picking himself up and this time watching out for slippery spatters left on the ground, the crept toward the next group. And all he could think was You know, it would be nice if I wasn't always surrounded by wackos.

Mel Dragonkitty

As Mel hid herself behind a tree to escape a flying ball of fire she changed her tactics. She wasn't the hero type, why was she playing at it when there were so many of them around? Stupid pride, she was forced to admit, the mages started throwing ice and she had to one-up them. A better idea was to change the game entirely if she could. Mel cast an illusion spell at the gator, as strong and persuasive as she could muster while dodging bullets and fireballs. If it was successful he should see what appeared to be the flash and whirl of a teleport then the appearance of a sandy desert all around him. Complete with hungry sand monsters nipping at his toes. He only needed to be distracted for a moment for one of the warriors to deal with him.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.