Wastelands, Bunker C-17 [IC]

Started by Arcalane, April 04, 2007, 06:05:28 AM

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"Right, my stuff..." Nick mimed scratching the back of his head sheepishly. It didn't actually itch, but with this personality thing the devil's in the details. Query: Johanna, where are my supplies?


[Jo, our major concern right now is food. If nothing else our little friend out there might be more familiar with the terrain than any of us in here and Fahlburg SatNet is still a bit wobbly thanks to the Enterian Electrical Aerospray that's been interfering with the reception for the last six years.]

[The Fahlburg Security Institute, in all their glory, decided not to give us decent maps of where other bunkers are located. We have the locations of several other Civilian Bunkers, but no locations on Military Bunkers. I can understand their concerns as they would not want an easily-raided Civilian Bunker like ours to be containing important military information.]

[Whilst I doubt the Directorate has plans for immediate resurfacing, SatNet is still working and shows Fahlburg Central Command as being more than a little damaged, but I don't think it's dead. I've been watching it for several days now, and it's a real hotspot... with the radiation levels dying down I expect the rest of the Chalen Protectorate to start moving in because they're all a bunch of dirty scavengers and have probably been waiting a long time to get their own back on Fahlburg Central Command.]


The `tech gestures towards a pile of weather-proofed sheets in the corner and returns to his work.

Paladin Sheppard

Vehicle Bay

Sitting on the ladder to the passinger compartment, Eph watched as everyone did their things.


Spork nods and grabs one of the sheets from the pile, after checking that it is the right size he rolls it up and finds a second sheet of the same dimensions before grabing some elastic fasteners to go with them.
With his newly acquired items, Spork heads back to the chosen truck and climbs into the front compartment.
After managing to squeeze the sheets up and onto the roof, he begins straping the rolls of tarpaulin down next to the hatch out of the way.

With the sheets and paint job done, spork considers what else needs to be done before leaving...
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Vehicle Bay

Probably in the storage room, armory and med bay. Unless you asked for it to be delivered when you sent the request forms, in which case it should be here any moment now. Johanna replied to Nickolas.

"Those who have nothing else to do can follow me to the entrance and greet our visitor." Johanna said and began driving up the ramp that went from the vehicle bay to the entrance.
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Paladin Sheppard

"We have a visitor Jo? We going out hard, or just talking?" Ephrael played with the clip holing one of the pistols as she stood up, a strange glint to her eyes...If you could see them behind the mirrored glasses.


"Like I said just moments ago..." Johanna said with as much irritation her voicefilter could generate (not much in other words). "She is from the Chalen Protectorate but wants to surrender. She shows signs of dehydration and will not make it anywhere without help. I suggested that we could give her water if she helped us scavenge and since none of you objected I assumed that you approved."

Johanna could partly understand why people ignored her reports but this was important information.
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Paladin Sheppard

Looking sheepishly at Jo, Eph apologised. "Sorry Jo, I wasn't listening the first time, I'll go with you."


Spork hops down from the top of the vehicle, landing next to Johanna and Ephrael with a soft thump.
"I will accompany you. 
However accepting such a person into our group is dangerous, I do not approve of such action.
But if the Overseer deems it necessary, then I can not disagree."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"I'll be along in a bit, I got stuff to fetch," Nick clambered down from inside the vehicle and went down to the storage room. Thank you, Johanna.

Storage room

Nickolas nodded to the guard outside the door as he entered the Storage room. He was a robot; he wasn't exactly likely to nick anything. He figured he'd stick with the basics, for the most part. Bandages, pain killers, suture and field surgery kits, disinfectant, and medicines for most common sicknesses likely to be encountered. As an afterthought he also grabbed a few vials of antivenom; there were a few venomous snakes native to the region, and wished to take no chances. Before leaving, he remembered to check the pockets of the coat he always wore to help humanize him to patients. A handful of lollypops for younger patients; not necesarily meant for this demographic, but could at minimum be good for a laugh. My owner's manual. A disc with a few personality resources by Mark Twain and Ray Bradbury I've been meaning to go over. Lint. Box of band-aids. Right then. He double checked the bag into which all his medical supplies had been placed, slung it over his shoulder, and was out the door confident that anything that wasn't in the bag he had built in.
As he left the Storage he went over Jo's list of weapons again. The idea of carrying a weapon, a tool meant for causing damage that he was a tool for repairing, was worrying. He looked down at his metal hands for a few seconds, and reached a conclusion. No guns.
With that, he began making his way back to the rest of the team.


Caden observed the rolling box for a few moments before falling in behind, he had heard what the AI had said, but chose silence as his response.

"This Chalen Protectorate female could be some type of bio-kamikaze unit, set loose on our territory to find surviving groups and eliminate them through biogenic plague they carry."  Caden commented in an off-handed way, "not that such things effect boxes on wheels."

Caden carried no weapon in hand, but his newly acquired plasma pistol and the P67K were holstered and available if needed.  As he walked behind the wheeled AI, he donned his sunglasses as he had not seen the sun in quite a time.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Caden's comment seemed a bit paranoid to Johanna.
"I find it unlikely that the Chalen Protectorate would use such weapons on targets that wouldn't effect the Fahlburg military." She said and opened the door to the entrance room. "But if you're really worried you could look for some hazard suits."
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Arnage, who had followed the group to the main entrance spoke up.

"HAZMATs are in storage 4, I could get them if you want. I need to get them anyway, my stuff's down there".


Dr. Nick finally caught up with the rest of the group, and was able to pick up on the gyst of what the others were speaking of fairly quickly.
"If I can offer a suggestion? If it's that great a risk, you can always send me," Nick pointed out, raising a finger, "Medbot here. If she is carrying some custom made plague I can detect it and wont be affected, and if by some blip on the far curve of probability it does I'm expendable." Technically true; his model was considered one of the more commonplace varieties of medbot.


Caden shrugged at the comment from Johanna, "I am still walking this way am I not?" 

Arnage commented on the location of HAZMATs, "It would be good for you to get your equipment anyways, the sooner the better to get out there and do our job."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Stopping at the bay doors Eph turned to Jo. "Can you crack these open?"


"Probably." Johanna said and rolled up to a controll panel. Cracking the security of door wasn't the hard part. The hard part was digging through all the files to find a way to circumvent the confirmation system in the controll center. After that, deciphering the codes wouldn't take long.

"It would, however be better to ask the Controll Center to open the doors for us." She added. "I assume Nick is going out first?"
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Do you know the first rule of scavening?  Know what everything is worth.  Not just moneywise.  Especially not moneywise.  If that is all you know then you'll end up doing nothing at all.  Everything was worth something.  Objects.  Information.  Lives; especially lives.  You had to know not only what they were worth to you, but to every one else.  That was the first rule of scavening.

Terra sighed as she rested against the turret.  She wondered just what was going on inside.  She hated not knowing.  Being too weak to defend herself... all right.  There were always things stronger than herself. Being too stubborn or slow, also things she could tolerate.  But ignorance was worse.  Not knowing what was going on was the surest way to be used.  To be screwed.  She pulled her hat off and rubbed out her hair as she looked at the door for the upteenth time before putting it back in place, tucking her sunburnt ears underneath the edge.  "Maybe it's like boiling water and stuff."

Ignorance had almost cost her her life the first time she'd gone into the badlands.  She'd come out of the protectorate and had immediately been swept up in a crew.  Scavenge crews were common, but perilous as she discovered the hard way.  The Fahlbergers had some truly nasty defense systems, and she had been brought along as bait.  "Go to that outpost and have a look around."  They'd watch for the turrets while she nearly got her head blown off.  Only luck had kept her alive.  Afterwards, the crew wasn't interested in splitting things six ways.  They dumped her in favor for a larger number.

"Always know the worth."  She muttered softly as she looked at the door.


Spork steps forwards after listening to the recent conversation silently.

"I will accompany Nick; One must never enter a potentially hostile situation on ones own, such a thing should only be considered if it is a distinct requirement of the mission."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"ats' right," Nick clapped his hands together (lightly; clapping with normal amounts of force didn't exactly produce a calming noise with metal hands), "Bots representin' C-17. Hoo yeah."


"So doctor Nick and Spork will go out first and make sure she is safe. Unless anyone else want to join I suggest you go now, we have kept her waiting for some time now." Johanna said and sent the codes to the controll center for confirmation.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


"I'll also accompany them, though I shall hang back and guard in case this person is hostile."

Caden indicated his current armed status as he announced his intentions.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


[Warning, Bunker Emergence Protocol Initiated. Stand clear of access bulkheads immediately. Repeat, stand clear of access bulkheads immediately.]

Floodlights lit up the courtyard outside, and several lights flared, illuminating the hangar brightly as the whole mountain seemed to shake.

[Access Motor One... Engaged. Access Motor Two... Engaged. ]

Slowly but surely, the shaking subsided, leaving just the loud humming of the massive motors, designed to haul the even larger bulkheads into the mountainside.

Outside, the noise and vibrations were just as bad, sand and dust falling off the massive doors in waves as the doors prepared to open. Though no sound could be heard from inside, what was happening didn't need explaining.

Several loud metallic thumps could be heard as parts pulled out of one another, grinding and twisting as the massive bulkheads prepared to open, various slats and rods on the inner side of the doors pulling back into the walls in neat, organized, but seemingly random sequences. One thing was for certain; the Fahlburgers made sure their bunkers wouldn't be broken into from the outside. They also made sure the things would take more than half an hour to open.


Dr. Nick simply stood there tapping his foot in mock-impatience until the door finished opening. Double checking that he had all his supplies, he made a quick guesture for Spork and Caden to follow him and stepped outside. He accessed a few files from the base as he walked, accessing what little data had been accumulated on this individual so far. The medical computers in C-17 weren't particularly powerful, but they were efficient. If a face and a name found its way into the bunker's database they automatically created a medical record of that person. Admittedly, there would be nothing in it until somebody put things there other than name and picture, but there were doctors who would regularly check the list of new names in the medical database and make the correct phone calls to fix that.
"Nice to meet you... Terra, right? I'm Dr. Nick, and I'll be the person making sure you're not out to kill us today," the bot said conversationally, holding out one hand. Keep things light, funny, and put the patient at ease. He was like that with everyone, seeing as everyone was a potential patient. It's not cold, unfeeling lump of metal 457782-B who's checking up on you, it's just Dr. Nick. Whether or not he actually was an unfeeling lump of metal was beside the point.


She stood clear as the doors finished their movement.  Damn... redundant much?  Still, when you're enemy used nuclear weapons with glee, it made sense.  As the robot emerged she blinked in surprise, putting her hands up.  "Woah.  I heard about Fahlberger autodocs but I've never seen one before."  Her eyes lit up as she leaned forward.  "Do you have any idea what you're worth?  Amazing."

She then came to and registered his comment.  "Yeah.  I'm going to kill you all with an out of date electronics kit.  Surrender or perish."  Finally she reigned in her scarcasm.  "It's just me, and I'm not interested in causing any trouble.  I just need water and radmeds if you got em, and I'll be on my way."  She rose up on her toes, peeking past him to check and see if there was anything behind him.

Paladin Sheppard

Oustside C-17

Using Dr Nick as a suitable distraction, Ephrael made her way silently to the side. Grabbing some handholds of the fence she rolled over and came up in a crouch after lightly touching down. She waited, but with her weapons holstered to see what the girl would do.


ooc: Sorry for being soo slow, my internets was realy messed up for some reason, my upload speed was faster than my download :P and could not even get google up...

Spork follows Nick outside and stands next to him.
He stares at Terra for a moment before scaning the surounding area in case she did not come alone..

"You will not be granted access to the bunker-main or its resources untill we have confirmed that you pose no threat to the population of C-17.
I would advise that you stand still, with your arms straight and out to the side.
Do not interfere with this doctors examination."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"Gonna examine me huh?  Fine.  Just don't take too long.  It's hot."  And she did what she would do had she been in the Protectorate; she removed her jacket and tossed it aside to be searched, and then without pausing removed her top as well.  In the protectorate modesty and embaresment were trained out of you.  Her slim, youthful body sported a dozen thin scars and knicks over her chest, belly, and breasts... but there was no missing the horizontal whip scars across her back.  She began to undo her belt and pants.


Caden had taken up a position a few steps behind Dr. Nick with a clear line of sight and fire between him and their guest, though he did not draw a weapon.

He raised an eyebrow as she took off her top and moved to remove her belt and pants.  From where he stood he could make out the small scars, a tough life she must have had.  He remanded carefully watchful, leaving the searching of her clothes to someone else. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Gaw, not that much. Couple thousand, maybe. Feels nice to know I'm valued, though," the medbot mimed scratching the back of his head again, like a shy child, "Oh, good idea," he straightened up and turned toward Spork and Caden, jerking his head in the direction of the aforementioned electronics kit, "Could one of you military types check that for things that go boom?"
"Lets not get ahead of ourselves, Miss," Dr. Nick raised a hand hastily as Terra started disrobing, "We've got a few less invasive ways of checking to begin with. How about we start with the blood test? bioweapons, rare and interesting diseases, all that good stuff," the medbot rolled down the rubber-like coating the palm of his left hand, revealing a layer of material lined with microneedles; they were comparatively painless, but each individual one couldn't extract much. Thus why they needed the surface area of the whole palm, "Now, where would you be okay with feeling a strange aching sensation for about fifteen, twenty minutes?"