Best Chat of the new year.

Started by Sin Ominous, January 14, 2006, 11:34:58 PM

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Sin Ominous

11:06 PM
Spig: Heppe berfdhey!
D'Moon: hehe, thanx man
Spig: Get anything good?
D'Moon: Poker chips
Spig: heh. That's a gamble. :p
Spig: *rim shot*
D'Moon: more like *brick*
Spig: XP
D'Moon: haha, maybe even *airball*
Spig: lol
Spig: Kinda dribbled on that one. XP
D'Moon: yeah, you did
D'Moon: gonna fine you for traveling
Spig: Hey, that's foul! :p
D'Moon: okay, I think we're done. I'm not gonna take this full court.
Spig: gahh! You tend to do that on that goal. :p
D'Moon: That was unecessarilly rough, man. Very unsportsmanly.
Spig: okay okay
Spig: Before I become a basket case. :p
D'Moon: now apparently we're just going balls out
Spig: I'll net you more where that came from. XD
D'Moon: I really need to coach you on this game.
11:15 PM
Spig: Don't hate the playa.
Spig: Hate the game.
D'Moon: I think you're in just in possession of too much jealousy for an MVP like me.
Spig: Did you have to work overtime? :p
D'Moon: naw, I got benched early
Spig: (damn. I can't think of any more.)
D'Moon: hahaha I win. And the crowd goes wild.
D'Moon: I made it past the final four, down into the finals, and I am the champion.
11:20 PM
Spig: A winner is you.



(does a victory lap)

Oh wait, that's Nascar.