Late Comic Today

Started by Darkmoon, January 01, 2006, 03:51:40 AM

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Will be up round noon CST. I just got home from work, at 4 AM, and the last thing I have the energy for is coding the pages for the comics. Sad thing is, the comics are done, I just don't have enough energy.

Update tomorrow round noon, then again at midnight, as per normal.

Finks need sleeps.


Lets give you energy *shoots D'moon up with Red Bull*
Hahahaha now make thirty seven comics :mwaha

Destina Faroda

How about you make them and we say Darkmoon did.

*thinks for a minute of the consequences*

Oh wait...
Sig coming...whenever...


If I maneged to do the comic it would be of fair quality, and some what funny no consequences would be had.


Mmmm, Red Bull... Sadly, Red Bull buzz only last for about 15 minutes... then I need another one...


Buy and Drink in bulk, kinda like Frankie.


Then I have to pee every 15 minutes...


At least you will be awake


And in the bathroom. Not a bonus.