
Started by slayer8765, February 28, 2007, 09:29:57 PM

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I don't know if this is the right board. But i was just wondering if anyone has any advice for someone is is thinking of starting a webcomic.? I already have a website set up.
Thank you.

Tiny crested flint

When you get the thing going, don't burn yourself out with a breakneck update schedual.

What would it be about (whatever it is, go with your strengths)


I am going for a form of random stck figure comedy.

Roureem Egas

A bunch of one-shot gags? It'd better be as good as VG Cats, Garfield, or something you'd see in the newspaper. Even then, they sometimes follow some sort of arc. I don't often see comics like that lasting for a long time. Another thing you can do to make it live is to improve your English and be sure you have good art skills. :P


Alright. I put an example of one of my drawings on another site that i am working on but it is the only thing i have on it so far. at this adress.

I have never used a hyperlink before.


QuotePosted by: slayer 
I have never used a hyperlink before.

"Today you are a man."

Seriously, not too bad of a drawing. Hardly a stick figure.


thank you. that was just my main page my web-comic is going to be on a completly different website my friend made.


First rule of advice: Don't ever listen to RJ's advice when it comes to comics because she is a big failure at them.  :<


Quote from: Roureem Egas on February 28, 2007, 09:56:48 PM
be sure you have good art skills. :P
He said stick figures. He's doomed >.>


It's a step up from sprites, though.


Carful Bill..Dmoon is like Alucard..Minus the vampirisim or son of Dracula bit


well i may even get rid of the whole stick figure project and go with a different form of art style now.