The tall wolf (Ayino attention!)

Started by Stygian, March 02, 2007, 04:19:46 AM

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So, yeah. Story to this is that when I was kinda new here on the forums I talked to Ayino about his avatar and other random stuff. Eventually we talked about how he imagined his furry alternative would really look, and I whipped up a couple of quick sketches and sent him one, though it was crappy as a New Jersey turnpike. Then, I was such a dick that when I got swamped with things I forgot about the whole deal, and now when I just sat down and sketched with a lot of time on my hand and alcohol in my blood, I just remembered. So, I just whipped up this one, rather quickly; a beginning of what I imagined his fursona as if I just let my mind wander. It's one of him just standing in my favourite kind of pose, being generally taller than the rest of the forum... (6'4! Eyp!).

Needless to say, things still need work, but at least this one is a bit cleaner than that other shit. So, here's to you Ayino, coupled with an apology and the starting of a bit of an art thread for meself. I hope that you will all see me improve some...


oh, cool thanks dude! :-) I like it a lot.

It was a request anyways and thus it was up to you how long it would take  :)


Ah, at last - Stygian posts some art.  I'd like to see the finished version of that.  Apart from the eyes being a little penetrating and the more obvious fact that it isn't finished, I like it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hey, it's that non-female avatar you've always wanted!  No more confusion! :>

Nicely done, Styg.  I never knew if your avatars were drawn by you or not and now I do.  I'd like to see more, so don't let your art thread. die. ;)



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