The Honor Circle (IC) [Fa Teen, for language]

Started by TheGreyRonin, February 17, 2007, 10:39:16 PM

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Stygian's eyes widened before they narrowed, and a smile slowly spread across his lips. He looked over his glasses, peering amusedly at the creature. The thing spoke. It was intelligent. And it was not so alien, after all...

   Slowly, something almost like the slithering touch of the Queen's 'voice' faced it, a snaking and writhing thing that seemed very close to it, yet counterpointed it, meeting hers. It was less cold than hers, less icy and hard and slimy, and instead more... viscous, warm, and venomous.
   "You know. You understand. That is good." Stygian's grin deepened. "Though I think that you would be surprised. Immortality I seek no more. No..." he seethed, smiling pleasedly at the thing. "But I am very welcoming to power. A pleasure to meet you, Queen..."
   The man lifted the glass to his lips again, and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them again after taking his sip, they were pitch black, only a small, dimly glowing iris in each one and nearly no pupils there at all.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: TheGreyRonin on April 12, 2007, 10:34:52 PM
"You will feed the hive." the voice slithers inside the furry player's mind.

The pool player raises one eyebrow. "To who?"
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

Ian stepped into the circle and streached his leather coat creaked as he did so. "So you wish to be freed from so much of your money? Far be it of ME to deny you." Ian said sauceily yet in a jokeing tone. He pulled his guns from the fabric holsters on the inside of his coat around pocket height. He swung his gleaming stainless steel guns he loveingly named Akroma and Phage to his belt quickly loading hes rubber bullets. the only diffrence of his guns was the color end cap to their stocks. Akroma was a blueish white while Phage was a greenish black. "Whenever you're ready." Ian said cooly to Tock.


Tock strode over to join Ian in the circle, taking another sip of his drink. "Now then... Seeing as I am the one who has been challenged, I determine the rules? We fight to either the knockout or the forefeight, whichever come first," the constuct bowed with a flourish of his sword-hand, the one holding the drink, as the arena grew to about the size of the average gymnasium, "And the best of luck, good sir!" With that he charged towared Ian, the heat ray on his shoulder glowing as it powered up and the haze of a spell in progress enveloping the webbed radar hand.


 The Queen's mental presence snarls in the pool player's mind, then withdraws from both. The shift in her interest is perceptible, however; her massive head actually turns slightly towards the duel beginning in the circle.

Risky taps her empty glass on the bar for a refill, then turns it upside down on the Flit, who starts doing mime impressions. "Thanks," she says as she takes her fresh drink from Stalker, then turns and eyes Stygian and the Queen. She shudders, then downs half of her drink.

"Feeling better?" she asks Keaton. "He's not much on personailty, but I can vouch for his hangover cures." She draws a mint-green cigarette from a pocket and lights it off her fingertip, puffing out a small cloud of smoke.

Stalker takes the glass off of the Flit, who has turned an amazing shade of purple and falls over on the bar, giggling and wheezing. "You do know I'm standing right here."

llearch n'n'daCorna

The pool player grins, and goes back to his game.

(OOC: yay, holiday. See you all in a week...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

Ian ran circleing Tock in a clockwise(haha) manner. He took pot shots at the glowing things, one each, knowing that they were dangerous; but he didn't expect them to hit. "Mind telling me about that metal THING everyone is so interested in?" Ian said to tock. he had just entered and knew nothing of previous happenings.


"You refer to the Queen?" Tock replied conversationally, wincing slightly as the bullet narrowly missed his heat ray, "Some manner of extraterrestrial nobility, from what I hear. The barkeep seems to dislike her." He held out his webbed hand, palm outward, and pushed. A green-tinged haze spread outward toward the gunslinger; it was a simple spell that transfers kinetic force over a great distance. If Ian was in the path of it, it would hit more like a shove from a giant hand than a punch.

lucas marcone

Ian just entered it's range as it was cast and it hit his left arm and torso sending him spinning around in a pirouette like fashion. He stadied himself and said to Tock, "Ok,  just asking". Ian started to carefully aim a shot for Tocks midsecion.


Tock twisted out of the way, but he most certainly wasn't fast enough to dodge a bullet. No, He thought to himself as the missile grazed his side, This shall be more a matter of relying on poor aim and predictability on his part. "Anytime," the cursed clock replied as he brought himself in close to start using his saber hand. His strikes weren't unlike those of a fencer, fast and precise.

lucas marcone

Ian seeing the shift in the range of combat holstered his guns and took out his knife. "How do i beat something that can't be hurt in the sensational sense? You really did it this time tech boy." Ian thought to himself as he spun a kick to Tocks mid section near where the rubber projectile had hit.


The kick sent Tock staggering back. He threw himself back into the fray by firing off the same spell again, this time behind him at a 20 degree angle with the ground. It launched him toward Ian, bringing his sword back into play again. I cannot let him get me at long range until I'm certain that I'll have the chance to bring my ray into play. The weapon was still charging, humming menacingly.

lucas marcone

Ian was caught by surprise and rolled out of the way, but he managed to toss a flash bang granade infront of Tock. He flipped down his sunglasses from his forehead. " LET THERE BE LIGHT!" he shouted. he was notroious for this tactic on the streets and that phrase permenently blinded many foe in the back allies he was used to. but those had places to climb and places to hide.


Tock staggered backward, flailing. He was not truly a robot, just a haunted clock, and his eyes did work much like that of a human. Clever. Now I HAVE to either get him to back away or do so myself, or he'll pummel me as I recover. Well, if I must do so it shall be on my terms.
"And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."
That green haze enveloped his hand again as he lazily traced an arcane sigil in the air. It traveled up his arm, to his shoulder...
"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place," it traveled down his torso, growing more pronounced and faster by the second.
"and let the dry land appear..." Tock raised his foot, the haze culminating on the sole of his shoe...
"and it was so!" With that, he brought the foot down, forcing several thousand neutons of kinetic force into the ground in a single stomp. The ground for seven feet around cracked and rumbled, knocking Tock from his feet (although he still managed to not drop his drink). With any luck, my foe followed me to the ground... He thought, as part of his porcelain face cracked against the floor.


Watching the fight in the Circle, Stalker was amazed at the level of skill being displayed. "That was a nice move, using his weapon for propulsion," he said to no one in particular.

He glanced at the Queen, felt a small response, then turned his attention back in time to see Tock shatter the surface of the circle. His eyes widened; he hadn't expected that much power to come from the automaton.

Risky leaned back against the bar to watch the fight, a drink in her left hand, cigarette dangling loosely between two fingers of her right. "Rat's got some spunk to him too. He'd make a damn good recruit."

lucas marcone

The force sent a roll through the ground wich broke under Ian snapping him sharply ten feet in the air. he landed on his rump with an audible thud. "F***!" Ian cursed getting back up "My ass! OWWWWWWW!" with one hand on his rump  he put his knife away and grabbed his gun with the other lucky for Tock it was his off hand. he fired a flurry of shots in his direction. one maybe two looked like they were headed for Tock.


Tock rolled out of the way, one of the bullets hitting the ground near his leg. Hm. Shards of stone from the impact. That shall require repairs. He got to his feet and used his spell to move himself again, this time further away so he could finally use that heat ray he'd spent so long charging. It blazed out in a sweeping arc toward Ian. The ray worked not unlike a magnifying lens, and dealt a similar amount of damage. Against a living target it would be painful, but do little in the way of real damage. Primeraly it was used as a tazer, to blast the foe with heat when they did something you disliked and control the fight.

lucas marcone

Ian tucked and rolled as the beam swept over him. "You bruised my tail bone you tin can now let's see what I can do to YOU!" Ian charged right for Tock. Haveing put his gun away he got out his knife and final flash bang grenade. "SURPRISE!" He threw the flash bang grenade close to Tocks feet. he was way too close to avoid the blinding effects but if Tock didn't move outside the "margin of error" he could do what he had to and was willing to take that chance.


I don't believe I'll allow myself to be blinded again, thank you. The clock thought, looking squinting his eyes shut and looking upward, distancing himself yet further from Ian with his little magical multitool again. Time to bring out the big guns. Opening one eye a crack, Tock looked back at Ian after the flashbang had obliterated his hearing and twisted the cap on the drink still clutched in his saber hand, so that the paper umbrella was wedged between the edge of the cup and of the cap. He then hurled the drink in Ian's general direction and focused his heat ray on the umbrella. The little, flammable umbrella, with one end leading into a drink made of jet fuel.
Almost as an afterthought, he hit the deck. Anything standing when that went off wouldn't remain so for long.

lucas marcone

Ian lunged at where he though Tock would be but ended up with a face full of dirt and jet fuel (if you know your myth busters you'd know it takes more than a flame to burn unvaporized jet fuel). Frusterated Ian lay there regaining his vision and composeing his next plan. the jet fuel however had gotten in his eyes. "GAH....F*** it BURNS i give!" Ian hated to say it but he knew he couldnt fight much longer with jet fuel in his eyes with out risking blindness.


Tock nodded once and half-limped over; he'd damaged his leg over the course of the fighting, either from Ian's shot that sent stone splinters into it or from overexerting himself when he stomped. He reached down to help Ian up.
"Well played, my good man. I never saw those flashbangs coming."

lucas marcone

"Ha Ha very punny." Ian smirked as he got up trying to rub most of the fuel out of his eyes with his forearm. From what little Ian could see the fuel had eaten some of the plastic pices of his sunglasses. "Well thats another pair down." He tucked them into a back pocket till he could find a trash can. "Thought for sure your curiosity would make you look down."


 At the bar Stalker mixed up a fresh drink for Tock, and poured a beer for Lucas. "Decent fight." he said. "Some interesting use of strategy."


Tock thought for a second, then laughed heartily, "I didn't even mean to make that joke. You can buy a new pair with the money you just won. After all," The clock's laughter wound down to a chuckle, "I may have won the fight, winning your initial wager, but you got me to spill my drink. I still owe you ten dollers! And thank you, good sir," he added in responce to Stalker's compliment, "And perhaps a higher alcohol to fuel ratio in this one?"

lucas marcone

Mostly blind Ian felt his way to the restroom to flush out his eyes. He really should have checked for those gender marker things. "EIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEK" "GET OUT OF HERE YOU PERVERT" "I'll get him out!" There was an audible series of thuds beatings and poundings.
Then he exited the restroom with a band of girls behind him waveing. "sorry for the misunderstanding Micky!" "I LOVED Night on Bald Mountain!" "When are ya gonna ditch Minnie?!"

lucas marcone


 Stifling a snicker, Stalker turned to Risky. "It seems we have rabid fangirls..."

Her eyes narrowing, Risky stubbed out her cigarette on the bar. "Right." Heading over to the bathroom, she pointed excitedly at the ladies' room and squealed, "OMG! Look who just went in!"

She herds the girls inside, and a second later a blinding flash comes from around the door. Risky walks out alone, brushing ash off of her uniform.

Stalker winces. "A tad harsh?" Risky shrugs, resumes her place at the bar. "Screw 'em if they can't take a nuke."

llearch n'n'daCorna

The pool player snickers to himself, and mutters something about checking his pocket for his bottle of SPF-15000+ sunscreen...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

Ian noticed Risky was eyeing him unpleasntly. "What i had to do something! I mean what would you have done?!"


 Risky shrugs. "Fangirls are like cockroaches. Except for that whole "can't survive a nuclear explosion" thing."

She looks at Stalker. "I hope the bathrooms are shielded, or I'm not going to be the only person glowing in the dark here."