Hey there!

Started by Temiree, February 16, 2007, 11:51:24 PM

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Hey there. I am new to the forum and I am...not sure what to do first. o_O Don't worry, it's usually this way for me. :P

Anyway, my name is Steven, sixteen years old, from Winnipeg in Canada, and I am an anthro artist. :) I like art, auto racing, and video games. (Battlefield 2 and Halo 2 on Xbox Live, also play Nascar Racing 2003 Season online)

Nothing much else to say. :P Just want to introduce myself. :D Here is an example of my artwork is anyone is curious:

If anyone wants to see more, feel free to see my art page over at DA. http://www.temiree.deviantart.com

See ya all around!

PS: Someone here may recognize me....


Oh, hello.

Umm... I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to warn you about things :)


Quote from: Kasarn on February 17, 2007, 12:16:13 AM
Oh, hello.

Umm... I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to warn you about things :)

Did I do something wrong, or is it for my personal safety? :P


Personal safety :)

It's like all the usual greeters went to bed early or something...

Roureem Egas

It's done for the hell of it, but I won't be doing it since I'm lazy.  ;)

Anyways, welcome to the forums.


Quote from: Kasarn on February 17, 2007, 12:18:35 AM
Personal safety :)

It's like all the usual greeters went to bed early or something...

Oh I see. xD

@ Roureem Egas: Thanks!


*guitar solo* WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! WE GOT... erm... Threads about bottems and lots of emotes and stuff...?

Bah. Hell with it. Welcome, insert name of new person here! *Checks card* Temiree! Welcome Temiree! Right then, a bit of advice. Chibi dragons are bad, and should be fended off at the first sign thereof with a heavy stick lest they grow to an infestation, forumites are not trustworthy, doubly so for chibi dragon forumites, the roleplay threads are fun so long as you obay the rules, and play nice. Since nobody has warned you about accepting gifts yet, please enjoy this large, easily tampered with bottle of grape juice. Have fun!


Chibi dragons are not bad, but stay very wary of the shadoooowsss...


Welcomes welcomes....Hope you enjoy your stay here other wise...Watch your first step! Its a lulu!

Tiny crested flint

Whoa, :U Stygian just greeted/warned you!  And in RED!
You should feel tremendously Honored/Terrified dang it!  You lucky little creature.

Anyways, I'm Dens, You're awsome, this forum will suck out your soul (but in a good way), and the thing was on fire when I got there.  Not my fault.

*notices you play Nascar Racing 2003 Season online*  ♫♪Oh BIIIILLL♪♫

If at any time I am not understandable, IGNORE ME!


be glad you can pen art.
I cant do crap except watch the veterans chat it up
and say unsettling stuff.
welcome to the board :)

Jim Halisstrad


I greetz you cus I gots no life..

*waves* Enjoy your stay, don't make the newby greeters scare you. :-3

I could always give you a stick, it will be wet but it would still have a better damage a second rating than your current weapon...


Greetings. :) I am 7 Itos Atio, Monitor of Installation 00.

There are many things to look out for so please memorize the locations of the emergency exits, the fire extinguishers and the nuclear safe bunkers.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Oy, Tems. Good to see ya.


Welcome, Temiree! We hope you'll enjoy your stay in the insanity, and that with another NASCAR fan on the forum we will soon band together and realize our destiny to make this the shiny, chromed, 12-cylinder, turbo-charged, flame-spewing forum of SPEED!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!

Or just bug Haz.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Welcome to the sanity.

Erm. There's something missing from that - mind you, there's something missing from most of the posts here, so I wouldn't worry too much. I would, however, suggest that you keep an eye out for anyone warning you about anything to watch out for, as the people warning you are not to be trusts, and should be watched carefully.

Especially Styggyboy. He's downright nasty.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*Gives Timeree a mobile greeting.*  Isn't National Broadband Access internet wonderful? :3


-deadite voice- JOIN US! >=D
Seriously though, welcome to the forums.
https://www.weasyl.com/~boximus<br /><br />My Weasyl!


Quote from: Action Jesus on February 17, 2007, 01:19:31 PM
-deadite voice- JOIN US! >=D

But yeah, welcome aboard.  You can draw better than I can, so no worries there...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thanks for the great welcome guys. :) Wish I could reply to all of you, but didn't except such a warm welcome. :P

By the way, Bill knows me from the realms over at TBK if anyone is wondering. ;) I doubt he knew I was a furry though. xD


Bill is evil, Boxman is evil, Darkmoon is evil... or just misguided

Fear the forums. I hope your furryness can save you, else all is lost. You could reply to all of us but that would only cause a chaotic senseless posting spree with no meaning behind it what so ever, whats taking you so long? :P Oh and... .. .. *de-railed*


Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on February 17, 2007, 04:05:07 PM
Bill is evil, Boxman is evil, Darkmoon is evil... or just misguided
I resemble that remark.


Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on February 17, 2007, 04:05:07 PM
Bill is evil, Boxman is evil, Darkmoon is evil... or just misguided

I'll be sure to carry my holy water with me. ;)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: BillBuckner on February 17, 2007, 04:07:35 PM
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on February 17, 2007, 04:05:07 PM
Bill is evil, Boxman is evil, Darkmoon is evil... or just misguided
I resemble that remark.

Likewise, although that's no big surprise...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yay! More fresh meat/victims/partners in crime/sacrifices to the Dark Lord Zorc!

Hello hello, nice to meet you, Temiree. :3 The name's Keaton the Black Jackal, but Keaton, KBJ, and "Oh my God You're So Freaking Stupid" is also appropriate. In fact, I believe the last one fits me the most. I am also a fellow artist, so it's great to see another artist around here. Hope you post your art sometime, as the sample you've provided looks awesome.

Well, that's it for my too-long welcoming post. See you around the forum!

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Oh, and btw, NASCAR sucks. :3


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on February 17, 2007, 09:17:59 PM
Oh, and btw, NASCAR sucks. :3

NO IT DOESN"T LIAR. *cries in corner*


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 17, 2007, 06:30:27 PM
Yay! More fresh meat/victims/partners in crime/sacrifices to the Dark Lord Zorc!

Hello hello, nice to meet you, Temiree. :3 The name's Keaton the Black Jackal, but Keaton, KBJ, and "Oh my God You're So Freaking Stupid" is also appropriate. In fact, I believe the last one fits me the most. I am also a fellow artist, so it's great to see another artist around here. Hope you post your art sometime, as the sample you've provided looks awesome.

Well, that's it for my too-long welcoming post. See you around the forum!

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Thanks for the great welcome. :3 I enjoyed reading it. But yeah, I'll be posting my art here whenever I complete anything. Just a note ahead of time, don't insult my hands. I know they look bad. xD


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hi! Welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Leave your remaining sanity (if any) at the door, in the secure storage provided, and remember to keep your claim ticket.

Do not trust the talking box. Ever. Likewise, avoid the squirrel-borne muffins, the mows, and those who attempt to warn you away from those of us who feel we have a duty to warn new people of what to watch out for.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy. Oh, and that is really impressive art there. I am definitely going to check out your DA page.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity