Abel : I just realized some one is getting married and didn't tell us.

Started by GabrielsThoughts, February 15, 2007, 11:54:59 PM

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I was looking at page seventy when it dawned on me that Abel's girlfriend is looking at wedding Gowns, and bluw things in a catalouge. Does this mean that Abel's mother is a seamstress, or something more romantic that I completely overlooked is going on in the background that Amber may have glossed over, or didn't mention.?

And Abel wouldn't be a maiden, that's just wrong...
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Well that can be answered by only by a few people...Amber or Abel himself

Amber Williams

I'll let you in on a little secret. Hennya's race tends to not celebrate marraige in what we ourselves would consider traditional. She's actually going a bit off on a loop and getting married according to more being customs...which is closer to our own.  Which is really one of the reasons she went to May for advice. However, as such, she's not exactly 100% understanding the terminology in customs. 

Madd the Sane

Probably why  she called Abel the "Bridesmaid".  Whether or not he will actually be one, on the other hand...
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


When my Mom remarried, my brother and I (6 and 4) were the ring bearers.... actually, we thought we were the "ring bears", but everyone though it was cute, so they didn't correct us :P


I was in a relationship with a girl for 4 years... determined we made better friends than a couple... a couiple years later My brother and I were the Ushers for her wedding. (Was it weird? No, but I think I finnally got her husband's respect). She's like a sister to me really (don't read into that).

that's about it for my personal wedding participations.


Lawl. S'okay.

But if you want to go in Ye Olde Furcadian Bestiary terms, she'd be a Serp. But I highly doubt anyone cares. xDD


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 16, 2007, 12:01:25 AM
I'll let you in on a little secret. Hennya's race tends to not celebrate marraige in what we ourselves would consider traditional. 

Hmm, explains the engagement ring for Hennya's head-tentacle. Could be a tradition among her species.

~Keaton the Black Jackal