it's a winter wonder land!.....OF HELL!

Started by lucas marcone, February 05, 2007, 06:58:28 AM

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lucas marcone

this morning i awoke to the worst possible senario for a trailor owner to wake up to in mid centeral PA. the hot water lines froze, and we were out of kero(the heat and life blood of our home). on top of that its in the negitives in ferenheit with wind chill. and its motha f***** MONDAY! God have mercy on my soul.




i just sent my wife into -11 degree ferenheight wether at six in the morning so she could go to work. this is drastic change, not two weeks ago everyone was complining it was unseasonably warm and the snow wouldnt hang around. perhaps it isnt that the winter is getting shorter, its just starting later and will probably hang around later too?

QuoteYou jane, me frozad
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Yah, Winter sucks. :<

My friggin' bedroom window is COVERED in ice. :dface I can't see ANYTHING...'cept ice. And now I keep wondering if my window's not even gonna be there anymore when all of the snow and ice melts. :U

I'm already confused 'cuz my window is a friggin' thing of ice, and all of the other windows (Even the one that's like, 2 feet away from my window) are fine.

...I blame global warming.

lucas marcone

every thing is now fine we got a batch of kero yesterday, the pipes unfroze the same day; probably because of the 20 degree day, and i got a two hour today delay due to nut shrivleing coldness, so i got some good sleep.


Well, at least you're out of the worst of it. In New York it's still freezing, and we don't even get enough snow to play with. Just trudging out to school bundled as best we can, loosing feelings in our extremities. Then, of course, is gym, where they make you wear a T-shirt and shorts in a large, heatless room with huge, 1/8 open windows. Dammit, for this sort of freezing we should be able to go sledding  :<


*drags frozen wifesicle in from the car* mmmm, viking flavored.

i remember reading "to build a fire" when i was still in middle school, and what stuck to my mind is that they listed off the temperature where your spit will freeze before it hits the ground. does anyone remember what temperature that is?

QuoteSolutions are not the answer
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on February 08, 2007, 03:54:03 AMi remember reading "to build a fire" when i was still in middle school, and what stuck to my mind is that they listed off the temperature where your spit will freeze before it hits the ground. does anyone remember what temperature that is?

-50F, IIRC.  (Not that -50C is that far off...)

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