cool painter vid

Started by Shadrok, January 26, 2007, 12:25:17 AM

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I was looking through youtube and came across this and thought others mite like to see it.



Jim Halisstrad

Where's the boobies?

(J/k that rocked the hiznouse)


Nifty. :)
I've seen dudes like him in real life in the city. It's even more impressive that way because it takes a good deal longer (leaving you longer to wonder WTF he is doing).

Aisha deCabre


Now that is impressive.  You gotta wonder just how long it must have taken to master that skill.  I remember seeing something similar back when I went to Vegas for a few days.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*nods* I've seen it too, in Rundle Mall.

It is indeed impressive, watching a work take shape in front of your eyes.

I've even bought a couple of those pics myself - I have one of them hanging in my living room.

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