Bad writing poll [Final Fantasy VII and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith spoilers]

Started by Destina Faroda, October 28, 2005, 10:35:46 PM

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What was the following quote in response to?

Vader killing the younglings in ROTS
1 (33.3%)
Sephiroth killing Aeris in FF7
0 (0%)
1 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
I don't know.  Cheese!
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Destina Faroda

Sometimes I browse the message boards of GameFAQs, IMDB and the like just to see what people have to say.  I found this gem by a poster who in one of the forums.  And not it's not me.

I am objecting to the loose policy of using this whenever somebody on the writing team says "hey, we need to show that this guy's really really really really mean, maybe we should have him screw a bunch of babies and then eat them, man that's mean! That should make up for the complete lack of character development up to this point." It does nothing for the character... it just shows the idiocy of the writer....

Now what do you think this poster is talking about?
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

I say both even though I have no idea what happens in RotS. Yes, it was "the best one," but I refused help it's damn ratings at the box office because of the first two. I don't think I'll watch anything in theaters related to Star Wars anymore.


I saw the third, only because I saw the first two stupid ones. Felt bad not seeing all three just for my own needs. It was the best of the three, but that realyl isn't that great a standard to measure on. Now, if it had been as good as any of the original three, even the marginally aight Jedi, I woulda been please, and maybe even seen it twice. Pity.

Destina Faroda

Joseph, that's how I felt about Episode One when it first came out.  The amount of hype for that game disguised as a movie was simply absurd and I only saw it because my parents broke down and rented it.  The Phantom Menace just plain sucked.

Darkmoon, I thought RotS was okay and while the acting was a bit stronger than in Episode Two, the writing took a nosedive.  I am of the minority, but Attack of the Clones, especially the IMAX cut that trimmed some of the unnecesary footage, was easily the best movie of the prequels.

Sadly, though, that quote is applicable to that pivotal scene in Final Fantasy VII as well, although I'll admit both Aeris and Sephiroth were far more developed than their counterparts in the previous choice.  In fact, I think that's what makes FF7's "let's make the player hate Sephiroth" moment.  It only made me hate the writers at that point for such a botched attempt at player manipulation.  You can't write a character a sympathetic one moment then turn around and make them uber-evil at the drop of a dime unless it's within the bounds of that established character.  Half the game/movie's over by that point.  You're too late.
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

Funny. I hated Phantom Menace until I saw Attack of the Clones. Episode two was all politics and set up for things we already knew from the first movie: there was a clone war and Anikin was in it. Is this somehow news? The only point of intirest in the whole movie was finding out that the clones and Boba Fett are one-in-the-same. Then they killed Jengo... which leads to the problem that plagued the first two movies: all of the new villians that actually had a story were killed.
