Stirring Up Chaos (OOC, Call for Interest)

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 01, 2007, 10:46:38 AM

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Sirius Griffon

Right now I have a thin idea for an rp plot, but itwill hopefully flesh out as time goes. Mainly, I just want to roleplay here a bit *laughs* But heres what I do have.

In the realm of Median, Order has been restored. Chaos lost its battle, and Order has reigned unchecked for a good several thousand years. Yes, Order and all that is sparkly and good are upon the land.

Trouble is, without chaos the land had not grown. The smallest acts are seen as chaotic, and bad, and are put down immediatly, harshly. Good is absolute. Anyone seen doing something remotely 'bad' is 'corrected' almost immediatly. The forces of chaos were beat down so badly in their last war they cannot do a thing. Progress on quite a few things has completely halted, the people are growing to become lazy sloths.

Things need to be set right.

And so, the last force for Chaos comes in. She had been away on a trip with a friend, Leona deBezna, feline shapeshifter and child of Chaos. Well, creation really. But thats another matter. Seeing this world and knowing what has to be done, she puts out flyers to wherever her powers will reach, into other worlds, other planes, asking for those who wish to help stir a bit of chaos with her.

Median will never be the same... and its a good thing.

So theres the rough plot outline. Ideas, charrie bios of those interested, anything is welcome to be discussed. :3 I would definitly like to see whose interested!


Charries and Rules

I dont keep many rules, mainly because thats no fun. But there ARE a few rules! Mainly common sense folks.

1) No godmodding
Of course this should need no explanation, but no controlling another persons charrie without the permission in any shape, way or form. It will NOT be tolerated.

2) Swearing
Swearing will be allowed (its a charrie trait sometimes) But please folks, use this reasonably. :)

3) Keep it organized ;) 
Yanno, keep the OOC comments in seperate parenthesis, so we dont get confused!

Now, when it comes to charries, ANY kinds will be accepted. Order has been around for quite some time, and you know they wont go down easy. If you have demigods, godesses, incubus charries, whatever, its alright. Anthros, humans, roobots, it doesnt matter. But remember, all charries should be balanced with weaknesses too no matter their age. No charrie is invulnerable.

Also, please remember at seieng some of those fliers a few 'herotypes' will probably see them and try to stop the chaos, thinking it best. In other words, Chaos, good, its all welcome here! Keep the plots going ;)

Now then, we need a template dont we for charrie bios? So here we are then!


Place of Origin:
Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!):

Appearance (Ref pics would be adored here too!):


(This section is optional, to keep better track of things. However, it is classified information and should not be ill used ;) Use your heads remember please!) 






Okay, I think this should cover it! *Breaths a sigh of relief*


I'd be very interested in this, what sort of thing do you want for the character profile.


I'm the same as Miaka. I'm very very interested in this rp, but like Miaka i'd like to know what you want in the characters bios. :3

Sirius Griffon

Miaka, Gareeku, I edited in the info as requested, please let me know if you have any more questions, and thanks for the interest! :)


Hmmm. Mix of scifi and fantasy, huh?

I say that because of the character options, of course.

Sirius Griffon

Well, the flyers were sent towards any and all worlds possible, so if you had a scifi charrie it certainly would be allowed, you know?


Probably a good idea to try and keep all roleplaying constrained to the same planet, possibly even the same continent. Promotes player interaction and allows them to hear "locally" about each other's movements (if sufficiently good/bad, of course). Not to say they can't go chasing each other off the planet and onto other planets, that is. :P


Name: Gareeku Manoko
Nicknames: Gar', 'Ku, Greek
Age: 25
Species: Wolf, Being/Incubus halfbreed
Family: Mother (Alica Hannack, vixen succubus, alive & living in Harkhun, Furrae), Father (Siriso Manoko, wolf Being, deceased)
Place of Origin: Harkhun, Furrae
Alliance: Chaos

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 200lbs
Build: toned, muscled and athletic, but not overly so. He posseses very handsome features, although he, out of his often-appearing modesty, does not consider himself to be that handsome.
Eyes: blue
Hair: Medium length black spiky hair; spiked out up and back, save for near the front where various bangs of hair of various length cascade down his forehead, styled in a slight middle parting (though they do not extend further than eye level). (The hair is similar to Jin Kazama's from the Tekken series of fighting games.)
Fur Colouration: white with black-tipped ears and tail.
Distinguishing features: He has a visible x-shaped scar between his eyes.
Clothing: Gareeku wears a deep blue sleeveless Gi, accompanied by a black belt, a pair of sandals strapped to his feet, and a pair of red fingerless gloves in the same style as the ones Jyrras wears in the DMFA comic. As well as this, the wolf also wears a brown hooded cloak, his face becoming hidden from view when the hood is put up.

Normal form:
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Feral Incubus form:
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

History: Gareeku was born to a Being father and a Succubus mother, and is oddly enough a rather unique creature, in that while he does not possess the wings of a cubi, he does share a few of their traits, such as the lifespan and heightened senses of a cubi. Despite this, Gareeku is still a Being, and so shares their needs for food, drink and sleep.
After leaving SAIA, Gareeku's mother met Gareeku's adventurer father, an arctic wolf Being named Siriso Manoko, and soon fell in love with him, conceiving a child soon after they were married; Gareeku Manoko. Gareeku had a relatively normal upbringing with two loving parents in a small town where various races lived together in harmony, learning martial arts and the art of magic from his father from a young age. However, Gareeku's happy life would soon change. When he was 16, the boy discovered that his father had been brutally murdered by a group of demons who had ambushed Siriso as he ventured out on a quest. Swearing revenge, Gareeku carried on learning the ways of combat while taking care of his grief-stricken mother up until he was 18, when he ventured out on his first quest, learning of a group of demons that were terrorizing various nearby towns
Upon arriving at one of the towns, Gareeku came face to face with the group; the same group that has murdered his father. A long and hard battle commenced, the demon group shocked at how powerful what they considered as the "lowly Being" was. Eventually Gareeku managed to slay the group, though the cuts and bruises scattered all over his body, including his x-shaped scar on his forehead, showed that it was by far no easy victory. The battle would be the first of many in Gareeku's career as an adventurer.
When he was 21, Gareeku returned from a quest to find that his mother had disappeared. Fearing the worst, Gareeku set out to travel the world to look for her. Eventually, he found that she was still alive, much to his relief, and was residing in the Cubi town of Runegrove, Gareeku choosing to continue his adventuring career as he knew she was safe from any attack while she lived there.

Now 25 years old, Gareeku receives a mysterious letter. Reading it, the wolf finds that whoever has sent the letter wishes for chaos to be restored to what appears to be another world altogether. Raising an eyebrow, Gareeku nearly gets rid of the letter when a vortex suddenly appears, sucking him in and transporting the adventurer to the world the letter speaks of; the realm of Median...

Weapons: Gareeku's only weapon is his katana, which is constantly at his side, although he is able to use other weapons as well. Originally belonging to Gareeku's father, the blade possess the essence of light magic within it, causing the blade to glow slightly when the magic within it is used. Magic can also be poured into the blade, making it a much more devastating weapon.

Abilities: Aside from his skills in martial arts, Gareeku also possess the ability to cast magic. Although he can use many different types of magic, such as fire and ice, Gareeku is most skilled in casting light magic. As well as this, Gareeku is able to use soul energy, which is more powerful than magic, but is also more draining as it draws power from the user's very soul.

However, prehaps the most dangerous ability Gareeku possesses is his Feral Incubus transformation, which is triggered when he either experiences extreme rage, or when he is close to dying. In this form, his eyes change in that his irises turn to a yellow colour and the white turn red, with the pupils becoming slit-like. As well as this, a set of wings and a set of headwings appear on his back and head. In this form, Gareeku gains the same abilities a full-blooded Succubus or Incubus would posses, yet he becomes more animalistic and somewhat evil in nature, due to the darkness that lies within him taking over his mind in the transformation.

Strengths: Using his magical abilities as well as his fighting skills, Gareeku is a force to be reckoned with. He is also extreme loyal to those he cares for, including his allies and friends.

Weaknesses: Sometimes Gareeku can be too trusting, and at times he can be too suspicious. As a result, the wolf has known to be caught offguard due to this trait. Sometimes, if he finds a fight too easy, Gareeku also become somewhat cocky. While this doesn't happen very often, it still happens, largely due to the incubus blood within him.

Another large weakness within Gareeku lies in his uncontrolled transformation. In his "Feral Incubus" form, Gareeku's personality turns to one of almost animalistic ruthlessness, as well as becoming significantly darker. As a result, Gareeku has the potential to attack innocent people should they get in the way.


Holy hell, yes. I'm up. Now, I can't do my bio right now, since I'm short on time, but trust it to be there shortly and as extensive as G-man's...


Name: Eric Kile
Nicknames: Old fur, Killer, Savor
Age: ?? (Looks to be about in his 70's)
Species: Panther, Nine-tail Fox Hybrid
Family: Father (Cid Kile), Panther from the Order that in the middle of battle fell in love with May... Mother (May Bladehorn), a Nine-tailed fox that was about to kill Cid but that showed a little compassion to the almost dead Panther in front of her. Wife (Kaaren Kile) a White tiger, that Eric met when she was out on an errand. The first time he let eyes on her he new she was the right one. Kids (2 boys, 2 girls) Where born in a nice house away from civilization. Currently unknown on the where abouts of them.
Place of Origin: Unknown (didn't really know what this meant
Alliance: Neutral

Height: 6'1" when standing up strait.
Weight: 150lb.
Build: His build is of and older man of a great strength. He no longer looks like he is of greatness anymore but still is built enough that he could win in a fight but it would take it out of him
Eyes: His right eye is green, his left is brown.
Fur Colouration: He has black fur that is slowly going white, the tips of his ears, tails, paws, and muzzle are a deep red that haven't show any discoloration
Distinguishing features: He has 9 tails 5 fox tails 4 Panther tails. Mainly he has only three out at any one time. Usually he will have one Fox and 2 Panther tails and the 2 Panther tails rap themselves around the Fox tail.
Clothing: He usually wears a undershirt with a outer shirt that depicts one symbol or another on the back. His pants are ones that look like they were made for him because of his tails. Both the undershirt and the pants are white.

(Sorry don't have any pics yet of him)

Being born on both side of the conflict, it was difficult for him to understand. At a young age he found out that he was very special in many ways.  The first was the ability to control the 4 main elements to his will. Because of his long life time (thanks to his Mom) He spend a lot of time honing his skills in them. The second was the ability to heal fast to anything except for Copper. Copper he has never been able to hold because of his weakness to it. As he grew older, He left to find a new life among other that might not see the world as he does. He had finally found a place in the forest where he found a wife and settled down and had 4 kids. But because of his power both sides were willing to do anything to get to him. First the Chaos had killed his parents to find out where he was. Before the chaos had found where he lived, the order got there first. The order trying to get him to their side but it was too long and drawn out. When the  Chaos finally came to the place, the place of peacefullness turned into a battle field. To make sure his family got out alive, he gave himself up in exchange of leaving the battle but before a deal was struck the Order in senseless battle had killed is wife in front of his eyes trying to protect their young.  In sadness of this, he made each of his kids run to the nearest city and try to be taken in by good families and they did as they were told... He has never seen them since. But as he turned around in rage at the order and Chaos, He made the ground shake beneath them and the air surrounding them close up to the point that they could barely breathe. On that day he had killed everyone in sight of him without mercy. Now beings years from that point in time and himself being older, he sets out to find his kids that he sent away.

Weapons: He carries with him a very different staff. His staff was made from the wood of his home with different symbols of them to tell different things. Most of his other weapons come from his abilities.

Abilities: Being able to control the the 4 elements to his liking. Fast healer.

Strengths: When he is in wide open spaces to let him uses and be in tune with the elements he uses.

Weaknesses: Copper, He is burned just at the tounch of the metal. Any child or Women that are defenceless we will help no matter what.

(And how is that)


Name: ? (Has gone by a number of names, none of which is true. Presumably, his original is Sebastian Koenig, but even that seems uncertain)
Nicknames: Stygian, Styg, Oscuro, Diritas...
Age: ? (Once again, it's very hard to determine. Conflicting evidence point to either in his sixties, or more than two thousand)
Species: ? (Okay... bear with me. This is very hard to describe. There are no things even remotely close, however you see it)
Family: A sister (Scarlette) and a father (Magnus)
Place of Origin: Dyssea (Alternate Earth-type world of different but reminiscent history and further advancement along time into the early 25th century)
Alliance: Evil

Appearance: His most common appearance is that of a six feet tall, athletically built and blond man of his mid twenties, handsome, with an oval yet hard-lined face, wedge-like jawline and a slightly dimpled chin, straight nose and green eyes with a mix of blue and grey thrown in. His hair is moderately short and he looks like he weighs about two hundred pounds, with barely any fat to speak of on him. He has two slim scars in his face; one on the bottom of his right cheek, the other over the right side of his lips. Having the ability to shapeshift quite freely though, he will often take a form that is more convenient under circumstances. His voice is usually deep and melodious, and his speech prudent, but direct and scathing in a way that underlines his manners and that enhances the impression of his nature and power.
   Stygian's true form has not yet been revealed. Few eyewitness accounts of it exist, and none are reliable. Supposedly, he is the image of a Fallen, a terrible shadow and a great beast of some kind in the same. Most points to that he would hardly look much like the classic interpretation of such a creature, but the information is conflicting.

History: As with other information about his existence, Stygian's past is a dark haze. All that seems certain is that he was very much human up to a point, before becoming what he is today, and that he then began wandering the world in search of something. It seems that he's even become aware of and has visited other worlds and even other existences.
   It is not certain exactly how Stygian attained his power. Most points to that he made it himself using some forbidden method or technology, however that does not explain the other occurrences of powers much like his own in nature on his world that have sprung up over the years. Most prominent of these powers seems to be one who calls itself The Trinity, which Stygian seems to share some connection with, and also to hate with a searing passion.

Weapons: A pair of massive Dyssean handguns of his own make that started out as a mere modification on a common model, but have since somehow changed quite considerably. These fire living bullets made with his own blood, and somehow don't seem to run out of ammo quite as often as they should.

Abilities: A multitude of them, all of which tie to the darkness inside of him. Stygian is a powerful shapeshifter, with acute senses, great physical power and cruel and unusual abilities. He has proven capable of such acts as supernatural strength and speed, blending into and moving through shadows and "hiding" his own mass from existence, sensing emotions and thoughts and thought-reading upon contact, possession, forming lesser creatures from himself and many other creative uses of his dark powers. There is a clear limit to them, but as with everything else to him Stygian has taken measures to keep the exact nature and measure of his powers a mystery.
   A rumour that has a surprisingly great level of credibility is that Stygian is not the one that uses the darkness that lives within and empowers him, but that it would somehow be the other way around...

Strengths: Stygian is perhaps the most fearsome all-out attacker you could ever find in a normal combat situation. His defense is almost all about evasion and speed, not soaking up amounts of damage but rather rendering attacks useless. His offense though, is well-directed and extremely powerful, and even if it sometimes is short-ranged he easily overcomes this through mobility. He is not one for making massed damage, but prefers to strike with precision. However when enraged he is quite capable of taking on a multitude of opponents simultaneously, and leveling his surroundings with speed. One of his most useful other traits is that Stygian has intensively trained himself in using his power to counter or avoid both magic and psionics with astonishing results.
   Apart from his direct combat prowess, Stygian is also an accomplished spy, assassin and actor. He seems educated in mostly all fields, thanks to his good memory, but more focused on practical or popular knowledge, though he can show surprising levels of comprehension in both abstract and concrete at times.

Weaknesses: His powers are affected or diminished by light, and he cannot perform any light magic whatsoever. In a dark environment he is an extremely dangerous opponent, as he can meld freely with the surroundings, but when clearly visible or even worse, exposed to intense light, he is far more vulnerable. Extremely intense light or radiation is also quite effective not only for reducing his defences, but for really hurting him, as is electricity, which can both stun and damage him. One has to mind that he is powerful and quick enough to counter most direct attacks though.
   Stygian does not have any direct immunities at all, with the single exception of mind control, only very high resistance to many things. Essentially a great enough amount of anything will beat him into submission if he cannot find a way around it. He has been outrun, overpowered and outlasted before. Outmaneuvered though...

Quirks/personality: In between his moments of overwhelming creepyness, Stygian is quite the image of a somewhat sad and decadent intellectual. He has a dark sense of humour, smokes and drinks, and has a way of seeing things from a sort of cynical and twisted perspective. Still, he likes to liven up his environments when he can, and loves both parties and great events. He is a great actor, and a pretty damn good musician, being both a good guitar player and a magnificent singer, and also playing some piano and violin. But he also enjoys stillness and quiet, and harshness and fighting too. In a way, you could say he likes the contrast of a varied life, and if he had to choose just one side of it, he probably wouldn't be able to.
   Stygian very much enjoys things that are dark or creepy, or even directly evil, but only in a thoughtful and conscious way. He loathes reasonless cruelty and brutality, deeming it unintelligent. And sometimes one can actually see that there is a hint of goodwill still left in him through his actions. His honor is very important to him too, and things that dishonor him put him down very much.
   Stygian has a great liking for any sort of powerful or well-engineered machines, especially motorcycles. His favourite motorcycle brand is Ducati. He also likes art, classic romantic music and rock, his favourite artist being H.R. Giger and his favourite composer being Richard Wagner, even though he does not share much of his favourism for brass music.

(For those who have trouble visualizing, imagine Eddie from Guilty Gear XX on speed...)


Name:  Eric Valen
Nicknames: E, bot man
Age: 3?
Species: stolen robot body
Family: Albert Wily, Erebus
Place of Origin:  subspace?
Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!):
Neutral.  Very confused E tries to be on his own side as he tries to recall his past
Appearance (Ref pics would be adored here too!):
that of the robot forte

Following the advice of an entity that called it's self his brother E entered the Lab of one Albert Wily and was promptly caught. there he spent months being contained channeled and prodded until he had a chance to escape. that chance came when his brother entity told him of a weakness in the field holding him, were if he increases his power output by a factor of 300% he could break free. upon breaking free E still needed a form in order to ensure his escape.
To this effect E has stolen a spare body as well as the plans for the replacement bodies for on of Dr. Wily's Robots by the name of Forte. he has few memories past his first months in captivity with Dr. Wily. he would have been caught again save that the mad Doctor was busy building a boy to house his energy state. E unwilling to be mad captive escapes into the fortresses energy system and from there found the plans for  machine that builds spare bodies for Wily's robots then downloads their memories into them with the main body is destroyed. copying the plans  E then ordered the machines to build him a copy of the best balanced but strong body in it's data banks. when the body was done  e downloaded himself into it using his only energy to  power ups and  fuel the energy core and escape.

during his escape he met with both a blue robot that seemed  bent of destroying the fortress and the owner of the original body. the two were in battle when he stumbles upon them and  they looked at him in seeming shock. he escaped the fight and stumbled into the lab of the  creator of the blue robot. after a few scans and upgrades and system changes to make him different form the other robot that the blue robot was fighting he was told he could stay if he wished. he fought a few battles with them then left for reasons of his own. the saw him off as he somehow  dissolved form their would without teleporting

since then E has traveled to places at random trying to find out who he was and who he is becoming.  he has gained some new tech not all of which is compatible with his stolen body and his companion entity known to hims as Erebus.
(This section is optional, to keep better track of things. However, it is classified information and should not be ill used  Use your heads remember please!) 

Arm buster infinite ammo
mystery sword infinite use self repairing
Aws Adaptive weapon system. copies and adapters weapons for his used
special weapons
Soul body.  10 uses for up to and hour each use  before depleted and recharge is need.
remote mines 50 standard.
thunder wave 30 uses before recharge
homing missiles. 25 uses before recharge
frost tower 100 unchanged uses 20 charged uses.
burn wave three hours at full power max before recharges is needed.
rolling shield protects again weak attacks or can be used as a bolder

can breathe in air, water or space.
can functions for days without rest.
double jump.
limited flight when merged with support unit
auto recharges( slowly) and repairs when not in battle.
kinetic  shield absorbs some of the dames of being attack and turns it into special weapon energy. (about 30%)
Spare body.  no one knows how many spate bodies his machine is capes of making or where the machine is located but in the unlikely even that e is  destroyed a spare body appears near the location of his demise and he returns to life so to speak.
super mode ( use of chaos energy and order stabilises necessary in order to achieve this forms ( sonic world chaos emeralds and power rings needs. not likely to see as  he does not carry either with him)_
Dark god mode gains power that has yet to be measured for a time part technology part well maybe magic no one is sure E becomes near unstoppable as his body is engulfs in and Aurora of dark energy and his ego grows exponentially. but it has a downside as it destroys his body while in use. it is a self sacrificing move that often ends in eviction form the world in which it is used.
multiple lives( er bodies)
has robot strengths and limitations
multiple special weapon slots
support unite (Gospel)
subtanks 3 out of 4
robotic weakness . Emp's , tiger traps,  spikes. over powering his body. depletion of spare body materials. lava, drop of 50 meters or more.  overriding his physical body
( i e hijacking his body via hacking magic spell or what have you. effect are always temporary though.
normal weakness
banishing spells. does not use magic. lack of past memories. gets confused easily when not in genocide mode. can not tech set when robotic.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I want to join, but don't know whether or not to stick with the same character I've been using for the other RPs I'm in. Descisions, descisions...


Up to you B man. i have multiple forums that i can use but i stuck this one to stop the confusion.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

(laugh) Hey grab Aisha and me and we can just move the Lounge over.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Sirius Griffon

Gareeku: APPROVED!
Snuggles: APPROVED!
But please keep in mind the original Chaos versus Order conflict in Median's realm happened a very long time ago if it is the world of Median Eric starts out in.
Stygian: APPROVED!
E_Voyager: APPROVED!

Hmmm... quite the powerful charrie roster already, should prove interesting! (And quite messy! *laughs*) Boogeyman, feel free to join with whatever charrie youd like, same for everyone else. The more the merrier as they say, plus, more chaos!

Oh wow, I suppose I should use this time to post Leona's bio. x-x Im such a slacker!

Name: Leona deBezna
Nicknames: Ash, Shifter, Nona
Age: Undetermined. Children of chaos tend not to keep track, but its estimates to be slightly over two thousand at least.
Species: Child of Chaos (Shifter)
Family: Mother/Creator: Eris, Goddess of Chaos
            Older Brother: Zetsumei (Zetsy :P)
            Older Sister: *Cant remember currently, be back later on that*
            Younger Brother: Force
Place of Origin: The Void, Ivalice (in a vague sense, her first home)
Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!): Chaos. She really could never be anything else.

Appearance: Leona is a feline shapeshifter, meaning she can take on any feline form. But normally, you will find her in the form she was created in, that of a human woman who now looks to be in her early twenties, sometimes late to mid teens. That age and appearance she can shift to suit her, although its an ability never used.

Leona is a short girl normally, 5'3". She bears golden eyes, which seem far too golden to be usual. short to barely past her shoulder length hair grows wildly every which direction around her face (its length depending on mood!), and she has teeth which seem a slight bit sharper than most.

Clothing wise, again, it shifts to fit her mood. But she always wears a pair of green and brown, knee high combat boots.


A long time ago, Leona was created as the third of four "children" by the Goddess of Chaos and Discord, Eris. Eris, embittered for being imprisoned by her sister Arianna, had devised a devious plan. Eris herself couldnt leave the realms, but her creations could! So Eris crafted these four and trained them with the intention of going down into the worlds and spreading chaos, weakening the worlds for conquest. And in the meanwime, Eris would have Arianna be the one imprisoned with the energy being slowly taken from the worlds. It was a perfect plan right? How could it go wrong?

But something did.

Leona was teamed up with her older brother. Zetsumei (who she affectionatly called Zetsy!) and sent to the Final Fantasy Tactics world, Ivalice. Armed with her nose, claws, and the Leo stone to boot, it was Leona's task to gather the remaining holders of stones, the Zodiac Braves. Only her task was slightly different than the nomral. She was to find those Braves and defeat them... allowing the demons controlling the stones, the Lucavi, free once more to help her in terrorizing the land. And it might have worked to, had Leona's nose not led her to an unmentioned, 13th Zodiac. Serpentarious as the stone was called, was held by a young man named Ramses deBezna. After showing him how to use the powers he held (But not quite fully explaining her mission to him :P) he agreed to come and journey with her to find the remaining Braves.

But adventure has a way of bringing two hearts closer together, and with these two it certainly did. Through trial and mistrials, injury and near death, these two started to trust each other... and something more. Soon Leona found herself feeling guilty over not being completely honest with him and told Ramses everything. (Not in one sitting mind you! :P) Together, they came up with a new plan. Instead of ruling the worlds through chaos, theyd gather the Braves and lead the land with them.

Easier said than done... and her family definitly wasnt happy with THAT one. Eventually Leona ends up getting a visit paid to her by Arianna, who tried to explain to Leona the truth in things. How the many centuries of Eris's teachings (Eris would tell her kids some very nasty things about Arianna as one might imagine) were false... and why Eris was banished. Confused and angry, Leona went to Ramses for advice. This all led to Leona's new desicion. She had always hungered for a home... it was what Eris promised to create amd what the children never had. But Arianna claimed that Eris liked to create worlds and then destroy them. Would Eris destroy their eventual home in the end?

They would defect... but they woudlnt side with Arianna either. They would be neutral! Yeah, they could continue to journey, just for them. Unfortunatly for the two of them, when all 13 Zodiac stones were finally gathered there was a great explosion of power. The two of them were sent to yet another world...

Where Leona's Zodiac powers didnt work. Ramses was used to this, hed lived his whole life before meeting Leona without them. But Leona near panicked. She was used to hers, having used it almost every battle in some way or another. But eventually, she became used to relying on her other abilities and powers.The two of them in this world became sphere hunters, seeking special spheres from the temples. Theyd give them to Arianna's heroes in the end, and there. Still neutral right? Right!

On the way, Leona came to a crossroads. She was met by her younger brother, Force. Now Force, a very nice guy who seemed to almost always smile, was ready for battle it seemed. Leona made the promise that if she defeated him she could move on... but lose and shed have rethink things through. After an intense, long, and complicated battle she emerged on the winning end and the two continued.

However, as their journeys and lives unfolded, Leona discovered even a zodiac demon doesnt live forever. She was left a widow, and since then hasnt taken up anotehr husband and keeps the last name even. Indeed, she has stayed loyal much to her motehrs chagrin. She did mourn harshly for a time, but after meeting an old friend started to travel, journey again.

Many years later, she finds herself visited by Eris once more. Her mother, it seems, wishes to have Leona help a world in need of a hero. At least, that was how Eris out it, and after hearing the story Leona decides to help. Eris, delightened, appoints Leona to be this realms new bringer of chaos, and helps 'recruit' more to the cause...

Weapons: Claws: Leona has a pair of claws that have three golden blades and are surrounded by golden fur. They kinda resemble a lions paw really, and she has called these blades Ryu and Thenshin just because she likes the names.


1) Sliding: This power is basicly the power to slide between worlds at will.
2) Leo: Leona has the ability to basicly become any kind of feline she wishes at will. A process that in the beginning of her training very long ago was slow and slightly painful, she can do it now in the wink of an eye. Sometimes, so fast few see her actually shift. Which, in itself, iois quite useful. Note however, that lost limbs would translate between forms.
3) Scent: All of Eris's children were gifted with better than human senses, but Leona was specially created with her nose in mind. She can sniff ANYONE out, no matter if they are miles away, or even stones. If you need something found, shes the one to do it! In combat, that skill can be used to sniff out weak spots and use them to her advantage.

Leonas quite the agile battler, and flexible with the forms at her disposal. She has found in recent years that her form isnt limited to feline ones, but that otehr forms are slower and harder for her to shift too. In battle she can plow through enemy weakspots using her nose to dive her claws in. She can also find the weakspot of any battlegrounds and use that to her advantage.

Also, since she was originally created to live in the Void, her system works differently then  most. She doesnt need air, of food, or water to live. Although she finds she very much likes the taste of food, and air helps her system work better. 

Weaknesses: Her defense is lacking, and should a limb be lost it can ake some time to replace. Also, overpowering smells have a profound effect upon her. Also, if she ever tries to use healing spells of any kind they have less than desired, chaotic effects. She can use attack magics, however these are channeled through a variety of stones she carries, not her own body.


Anyone mind if I get in on this fun?

Name: Cogidubnus Mith'lome
Nickname(s): Cog
Age: 280
Species: Were (Human, Wolf)
Family: Father: Eruantien Mith'lome, and mother Rawiya Lon'an
Place of Origin: Aspira
Alliance: Neutral


Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 185lbs
Build: In good shape, but seemingly of a mild constitution.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Neck-length locks of a silver color.
Fur Coloration: When he has it, he is of a gray color.
Distinguishing marks: Although not possessed of any scars or other marks, he can often be recognized by his hat and glasses, which he is seldom apart from.
Clothing: He wears a suit of sorts, of solid black, and of seemingly too large a size. The suit is finished with silver buttons and lining, and his glasses are rimmed in silver. He wears comfortable, black shoes, and his jacket is a little too long to be considered a proper jacket, extending just a little past the middle of his thighs.

   Cogidubnus was born approximately 200 years ago in the land of Aspira. His early history is largely unknown – left only in his memory, and to those other who remember. We know the names of his parents, and the area of his birth – we also know that he discovered his own lychanthropy at the age of 15.
   He has had a largely unremarkable history, excepting for his life-long study of the art of the Sword, and some unusual and unfortunate incidents concerning a rogue wizard. This has left him with somewhat a distaste for magic users. Cogidubnus wanders around much as he feels fit to do, settling down to teach some youngsters how to swing a blade when cash is needed, and moving on when he can.

   Cogidubnus's only true weapon is his Katana – a very well-forged item, it has served him for many years. The hilt and scabbard are black, and finished with silver.

   Having had ample time to master the strange energies in his body, Cogidubnus can use the wolf to give himself strength and speed – and his eyes are always sharper than they should be: his senses are very acute. His long study of the martial arts has allowed him to harness the lychanthropic energies in his body in a way they were not meant to be used – and he has learned how to physically manifest the energies in unique ways. His more mundane skill is his incredible ability with his sword. His steel is sharp, and with his quick-draw technique, swift indeed.
   Many of the rumors concerning lychanthropes are merely legend – most specifically, silver does no more harm to a lychanthrope than steel. However, a few of the other legends are true – he once made the mistake to try some wolfsbane tea, and nearly died for his efforts. The full moon legend is only partially true – he has since learned how to control himself during that particular time. And, most certainly, the rumor that lychanthropes are limited to full-human, and full-wolf, are completely untrue. He has a third form, in which he takes on the form of an anthromorphic wolf, of similar proportions to his human self. In this form, he is of a gray coloration.

   One-on-one, Cogidubnus can usually slaughter a single opponent. He is inhumanly quick with his sword, and he has multiple tricks up his sleeve for those whom steel cannot cut. He carries multiple protective charms on him, usually of a light-magic nature, and he can use his internal energies to create bubbles or waves of force – depending on many factors, it can be powerful enough to crush an opponent.

   One-on-more than three, however, Cogidubnus tends to get overwhelmed quickly. As well, he has a few of the weaknesses that lychanthropy gives him: wolfsbane is a very effective poison against him. He is weaker when fighting in a full moon, as he is also having to fight the urge to transform, unless he is already in full wolf form: in this case, he has gone mad. He will kill anyone and anything close to him.


Name: Jack Spades
Nicknames: Jack of Spades
Age: Body 19, mind 3000.
Species: Feline, Free mind
Family: (closest) Ace of Spades, Maria Sandra Angel
Place of Origin: Olympia, Installation 00
Alliance: Neutral

Appearance: Jack has straight, brown hair that stretches half way down his back. His fur is dark grey with a hue of brown and together with his often dark clothes this makes his light green eyes stand out more than he likes. He usually wears a tight, armless t-shirt that won't get in his way and a pair of dark blue jeans. You can also expect to see a lizard clinging on somewhere on Jacks body, usually on his shoulder or his back.

Jack in his Feline body.

Jack in his free mind form.

History: Jack is a free mind, he has no real body that he was born with. This makes it very hard to track down his past since he has for 2500 years been borrowing mindless bodies. However, it is known that he began his life about 3000 years ago somewhere in the Halo sector.

Apparently his first body was that of a human and his mind was very much influenced by these early 200 years. This means that he thinks of himself as a human. Unfortunately a 200 year old human is quite uncommon in the Halo sector and he was advised by his creator to leave his body. Since free minds are very curious, Jack did not oppose this suggestion but instead moved on to an alien body. It was as a part of this alien race that he discovered Installation 00 which he frequently visited until the MSA found it 300 years ago.

Jack was given a human body by the MSA and in exchange he helped them excavate the Installation. It was during this time he came in contact with Ace (of Spades) and he was later one of the nine founding members of Twenty of Spades.

Jack's team was sent to monitor the events in Median. He is currently operating solo, observing Chaos.

Weapons: Jack brought none lethal weapons for this mission. A staff, a sort of Taser and sleeping drugs. The Taser has a magazine with five lethal shots that can be used in an emergency.

Bullet time: As a free mind, Jack does not only have the abilities of his current body. He is not so bound to time which means that he can speed up or slow down his perception of time.
Neutralisation: Jack's lizard can nullify energy field such as magic. The size of the affected area may vary but it usually stretches out 3-4 meters.
Healing: ... sort of. Magic has never been Jack's thing but he is a fine combat medic. He has a variety of antidotes and drugs and even his own defibrillator.

Strengths: Jack in extremely quick and aware of his surroundings, catching him off guard is not easy if he suspects something is up. It's even rumoured that he has a telepathic bond with his lizard so that he can see through it's eyes when it's sitting on his back.

If he is forced to fight he will try to put the opponent to sleep using his drugs.

Weaknesses: When there are more then two enemies around things get a bit tricky. He wants to avoid killing anyone so he will usually try to run and hide, forcing the opponents to split up to look for him. If you don't get distracted and stay together, there is not much that Jack can do against you.

As I mentioned earlier, free minds are very curious and if Jack is unfocused he can easily get distracted by shiny things.

Quirks: Not many and most of those he has are inherited from his current body. In the one he currently has he will often use "Nye..." when he dislikes something and "Nya!" when surprised or astounded. One of his standing quirks is that when he is bored he will take out a Jack of Spades and play with.
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Count me in, Griffidy!

Name: Adrian Mneme
Nicknames: N/A
Age: N/A (She's dead... so age doesn't really count).
Species: Undead/Spectre
Family: Vash Seau (dead, brother), Flora Nimp (dead, mother), Shawn Rel (dead, father)
Place of Origin: Matteu
Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!): Chaos

All of the little spheres jingle! Also, the material is mainly leather, with a bit of 50% wool and 50% cotton mixed in.

History: Adrian Mneme once lived within a chaotic world itself. Her contient only had two charted cities, countless dangers, and unmarked territories. While the land itself harsh, her small town, based off of the plenthora of travellers coming and going, was kind. It rarely snowed, but rain and wind was almost always expected. Adrian's father worked at a smithery, her mother an herbologist, while her brother hadn't been seen for years. Adrian herself studied to become a priestess, and would have made it. That was, until her brother came, crazed by the Arts he had so long studied. With him he brought his Beasts, that lurked only at night and glowed as fierce as day.

During the days where the Beasts roamed, but nothing else was of threat, Adrian would wander the places she wasn't supposed to. During these days, she ran into one of these Beasts, and fled into a forest. In the forest, she tumbled into a ditch, ladden with briars, which cut and blinded her left eye. The Beast left Adrian alone, who managed to crawl out and return home sorely. There, she used a few of the books her brother left behind of the forbidden Arts to try and heal her eye. It back-fired, however, granting her with the power to see peoples' thoughts.

Adrian, by chance, met up with Leona deBazna, a traveller. The two were fast friends, and with the help of Galriel Armon, they battled against Vash Seau's impending threats. He succeeded in killing Adrian once, to which Gale sacrificed himself and ressurected his friend. Adrian fought on with Leona, in his name. Vash also killed his family, beating down the two friends further and further. With the help of one final ally. They vanished Vash, though not without a price. Adrian was left with her face skinned, and her body weak. So much so, she died, despite Gabe -their final ally- pleading her not to. Adrian didn't leave the Realm yet, binding herself as a ghost.

Leona left, and for what seemed an eternity the two were seperated. Until the Other Realm began beckoning Adrian, trying to pull her back. Desperately, the spectre found Leona. With the help of another Immortal who calls herself Disease, they fixed Adrian's problem with a simple ribbon. Adrian found how Leona's years hadn't been good to her, and stuck by her friend. Then, they began questing together, beginning with Disease's request to find out "why the sky stopped listening". Along the way they met up with Morbid, a peculiar girl with the soul of Charna stuck inside her head. Morbid led the way East, and after stopping for lunch, they made it to the source of the reason. It was unfixable, even by Disease's attempts.

So they took off again, to which Morbid/Charna got ill. Leona took Morbid/Charna to the nearest town as fast as possible, and the group rested, waiting for their member to recover...

Their party lasted long enough, though Leona left again. Morbid and Adrian parted ways, saying it wasn't the same without their third member. Adrian found the flyer soon enough, immediantly setting off to find her friend and the world Median...

Weapons: Bow and arrows (main), small knife (rare), fists (rare).

Mind-Speech: Adrian's strongest ability. She can read peoples' thoughts, and cast her's out to their mind, though vowed only to with permission.
Heal: Her second-strongest ability, Adrian can heal wounds quite easy, though disease and mental illness are beyond her.
Protect: Not as strong. Adrian can cast a small shield in front of herself and an ally, only able to protect one, though.
Frost: Not strong. Cast a small bit of frost... it's rather weak, but could give frost bite if ignored.
Goddess' Arrow: Medium-strength. Imbune an arrow with frost, making it stronger and its impact harder.
Undead Treatment: Meaning she can become transparent/non-existant at will, and travel between planes (worlds) while stuck to the Living Realm.

Strengths: Adrian is very fast and agile, and just as well her endurance is top-notch. She can swiftly slide out of the way of a blade, and just as quickly counter with a spell. Her ability to defend is just as admirable as her exact aim. Adrian's magic is fierce, even if she's stronger in the healing magics more than the battle magics. Her loyalty is absolute, and she cannot be swayed from a decision once it's decided.

Weaknesses: Adrian is physically weak, and cannot take much damage done to her. She also cannot deal much damage with brute force. Her offense is lacking severely, and is also extremely squeamish to the sight of blood. Her fears often over-ride her courage if no one is there to snap her out of it. Also, Adrian's outfit is quite loud, what with all the jingle-bells on it, and can't sneak around easily.


Here's my first attempt to make an RP character, if there are problems with it, speak up.  Wow, another undead person jumped in before me!  I think they did better though...

Name:  Vincent Fringe
Age:  18?
Wieght: 0, 187 pounds at time of death
species:  Ghost, human
Family:  Deceased
Place of origin:  Alabama U.S.A. (alternate universe)
Alliance:  Neutral/balanced

Appearance:  (for those who can see him)   A transparent 6' 4" tall muscular white human wearring a black t-shirt and grey slacks which match his blue-grey eyes though they are hidden somewhat by his glasses and long curly hair.

History:  Growing up as a teenager is hard, but growing up in Alabama makes it nearly impossible.  Despite the odds, Vincent managed to become what many thought to be impossible, a well-muscled geek.  His main device for this was his parents' home gym and library which was always well-stocked by the two history professors.  His bombardment of history information lead him to make one of the the best observations of his life, that the concepts of order and chaos must be balanced in order for advanced thought to occur.  This revelation, however could not prevent the worst from happening.  Iran had finally managed to developed it's first nuclear device and as any foolish religion based government would do, it used the device assuming that their god would protect them from the repercussions.  Needless to say, the resulting nuclear war destroyed the world and Vincent was one of the unfortunate innocent souls to become a casualty.

Once again, Vincent spat in the face of fate (thought he did not know it) and rather than die immediately, his "soul" for lack of a better term was scattered across the cosmos by the nuclear detonation and began to re-assemble for an unknown amount of time.  When Vincent finally began to regained "consciousness" he found himself in an abandoned library.  It was there that he discovered that as a ghost, he could not interact with ordinary physical objects(namely, opening books).  He then left the library to see if he could learn anything more about his current state of being and learned he has, though he feels as though there's always something more to learn.

weapons: none

Strengths:  invisible, intangible

Ghostly form:  As a ghost, Vincent should not be able to be seen or heard except by those with the devices to do so (spirit sight, various electronic devices keyed to find "spectral energy," those kinds of things)
A dead helping hand:  Vincent has the ability to "possess" for lack of a better term weapons, giving them the ability to hit and damage spirit beings (works with missile weapons too, the wielder has the ability to use spirit sight/hearing if the wielder is mortal)
Physical detachment:  As a spirit, he can't be killed or harmed by normal physical means.

Weaknesses:  Holy weapons (weapons that are blessed or possessed) can kill or harm him.  He can't be on/above/below consecrated land though he can inhabit a weapon entering the land, if he leaves the weapon(or it is destroyed) he is instantly evicted from the land.  He has no weapons to fight against other spirit beings with.  He can't seem to possess anything but weapons.

quirks:  Will often make bad puns and jokes as a situation demands (based on his "real world,"  so characters may not understand them).  He likes to play games, though he usually loses.  Enjoys caffeinated beverages a little too much.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Valynth on January 05, 2007, 10:01:07 PM
Wow, another undead person jumped in before me!  I think they did better though...

Nonesense, Adrian's simply been in various other RP's, that's why her history is so long.

Vincent's will get longer too, the more you update it and the more you RP. Tehee, another spectre! So exciting. I like the aspects you put into the "possession" of objects. They're nice twists. I don't think anything has to be altered. Although, I wonder if he were to possess a living person, what would happen to their "soul"/conscience? Would it be thrust out or what?

Just askin' from curiousity~


I have the answer to that, he can only possess weapons and his own morality would keep him from possessing a person in the first place(unless as an act of last resort).  As he grows much older(to the tune of a few hundred years), he might pick up more abilities, but I'll, at the very least, insist that he can't possess a conscious person.(hey, even possessing an unconscious being is hard)
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


*nodnod* Makes sense! Heh, he seems like a good person ^.^ I like how a "few hundred years" is considered "older", the time-growth is so different than a mortal's. Makes me feel weak x.x;

Sirius Griffon

Vincent: APPROVED!

Wow, nine charries already! Hmmmm... alrighty, Ill keep this up for a few more days before starting the first thread, sound good guys?


Sounds great. Gives me enough time to get the ref. pic for my character scanned before I post his stats.


Whah...! So many dead people... and I'm one of them, admittedly, though it doesn't show. I'll be posting a reference pic soon enough.

Just a suggestion, to get to understand your characters better; Do they have any few particular oddities, quirks or just little habits or preferences that you want to share? There wasn't a specified section for that in the character description.

Mine smokes, has a complicated lovelife, can't stand children crying, sings remarkably well, and has a great affection for tea.


i could post a fewer but the are almost all sprites and screen captures that i have more of less. and i should know that at this point in his live Eric has not acquired any furry form.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Stygian on January 06, 2007, 12:51:36 AM
Whah...! So many dead people... and I'm one of them, admittedly, though it doesn't show. I'll be posting a reference pic soon enough.

Just a suggestion, to get to understand your characters better; Do they have any few particular oddities, quirks or just little habits or preferences that you want to share? There wasn't a specified section for that in the character description.

Mine smokes, has a complicated lovelife, can't stand children crying, sings remarkably well, and has a great affection for tea.
But dead people are so much fun to RP.

Haha, those're good questions...

Adrian Mneme loves scaring people, can't stand smokers (haha, sorry Stygian) or alcoholics, is abnormally curious and though has good intentions, usually ends up creation a lot of chaos.


Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 01:01:28 AMBut dead people are so much fun to RP.

I see dead people...



The bandwagon needs to become a badwagon. Less neutrals, more chaotics! >:3

Time for a tanker.


Name: Hadrianus Fidelis
Nicknames: Hadrian
Age: Apparent; 30-40 / Real: 300+
Species: Gene-Boosted Human
Family: None of Note
Place of Origin: Unconfirmed
Allegiance: Evil/Chaos


Rounding out the evil faction, Hadrianus is similar in appearance to a Chaos Space Marine from the Warhammer 40,000 series. He is a brute, no doubt about that, and stands at around 2.74 meters (8.98 feet) when he has his powered armour on. It would not be inaccurate to say that he is not possessive of the best looks - and although it may not be wise to say it to his face, you probably wouldn't get that close enough anyway. His armour bears no significant identifying marks, so it is difficult to tell which legion of Chaos he may have belonged to. It is, however, a dark red colour, with gold trim, similar to to this, albiet with a helmet.

Hadrianus is supposedly from, as mentioned before, a Warhammer 40,000 system. Warp accidents are not uncommon, so it is likely that he found his way to Median by pure accident. Since then he has been on the loose, causing havoc and spreading chaos wherever he may pass. He has been on Median for several weeks now, and has already had the chance to lay waste to a couple of outlying villages, but is hell-bent on finding bigger, better guns and maybe a nice tank too. So far, the forces of Order have been too busy quashing other "more important" threats, but public opinion seems to point towards the fact they're too scared to take on what news reports are describing as a huge man in armour, acting as if possessed by a demon.

Fortunately, he isn't possessed by a demon.



Hadrianus' favourite, the chainsword. Horrendously messy, but he likes it that way. Uses a high-powered motor and advanced metals to slice through metal, flesh and bone. It tends to get blood absolutely everywhere though. Fortunately, Hadrianus has little concern for cleaner's bills. It has a one-and-a-half-hand grip, so Hadrianus can either use it one handed, or with both hands. It is bastard sword to greatsword sized for normal humans, and swinging it is quite challenging, much less holding it still whilst the chainsaw blade guts someone.

Unsurprisingly, Hadrianus has a flamethrower. He brought this with him, and it does not seem to require reloading nearly as often as it should. It projects searing gouts of flame up to 4 meters in length from the end of it's barrel. Things tend to catch on fire quite easily when subjected to it. Hadrianus wields it one-handed, often accompanying his chainsword as he charges into battle.

It goes without saying that Hadrianus is very strong. Whilst not quite capable of tearing someone in two with his bear hands (with his powerarmour on, however, is another matter entirely), that won't stop him from breaking most of their ribcage with a well-placed punch.

Hadrianus has 3 "mindsets", emphasised versions of emotions combined with behaviour. Each has it's own bonuses and penalties. Hadrianus cannot switch straight from Focus to Berzerk or vice versa, and cannot instantly switch back or flick back and forth in a matter of seconds between each mindset.

Hadrianus is very focused and organised in this mindset. His attacks are mostly finesse and style, with swift killing blows and impressive accuracy. They lack significant punch of Berzerk, however, relying on timing and precision to get the job done. Hadrianus often uses Focus when he is trying to, for example, make a headshot on someone several meters away, whilst using a handgun. He may also use it to neatly dispose of several enemies in a careful, measured manner. Focus may also be used when Hadrianus is more vulnerable - such as out of his armour.

Hadrianus' standard mindset. No major penalties or bonuses. Neutral is the default, and what Hadrianus will switch back into after he is done with either Berzerk/Focus.

Hadrianus' most terrifying mindset. When he changes to this mindset, his attacks are all about doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. They lack the style and grace of Focus, but are much more bloody and powerful. Berzerk is usually used when Hadrianus is tackling large crowds of enemies of low threat. He may completely ignore use of both his chainsword and his flamethrower in this mode, using only his hands and feet.


Hadrianus is incredibly strong thanks to both geneboosting and his armour. He can easily pick up a human-sized being and toss them a good few meters without breaking a sweat. He can put dents in heavy plate armour and rip open bulkheads if need be whilst wearing his armour.

Hadrianus is also incredibly tough and does not know the meaning of the word fear. He is practically impossible to hinder with most weaponry. One is best off employing anti-tank weaponry against him.

For something so big, Hadrianus moves surprisingly fast as well. He has inhumanly fast reflexes as well. He is one person you do not want to get into a melee fight with.

Hadrianus is bright enough (barely) to wear his helmet. No easy headshots for you!

Finally, Hadrianus heals and recovers from wounding, etc. quite rapidly.

Hadrianus lacks subtlety. Why sneak around when you can charge in there and spread their guts all over the floor? He is also blunt and to the point in conversation, and does not hesitate to speak his mind, even if it is for the worse. If he's threatening to rip your arm off and to beat you to death with the wet end, he probably will.

Also, he lacks significant long-range abilities, and cannot use many things designed for standard human-sized beings. He's either too big or too strong to handle them safely.

Hadrianus is not the brightest of fellows. Also, he does not pack many special surprises in terms of armament or abilities. He does not know any spells or similar abilities.

Due to Hadrianus' size, he is not built for normal human indoor environments or vehicles. He doesn't mind riding on top, though. Especially if he gets to shoot at anything he wants.

Hadrianus is reliable in a fight. He'll do what he's told, but he doesn't understand the meaning of the word "overkill". If he's told to, say, destroy a car, he will destroy that car. Even if he has to spread the parts over a 50 meter radius just to make sure it's really dead. He also enjoys shooting things, causing pain and suffering, and spreading the remains of his enemies over significant distances.


A note on Jack's free mind form.

QuoteJack can leave his body at any time but his free mind form is very limited physically. In this form he can travel between worlds and is even more free from time since he has no chemical reactions that require time to happen. However, if he looses his body it is not so simple to get a new one.

Unlike ghosts or spirits, a free mind can not posses things. The normal way for a free mind to get a new body is to wait for a friend to revive a dead body after it's previous owner has passed on. By occupying this new body the free mind will inherit it's skills and some of the memories that may still be laying around.

It is possible for a free mind to share a body with another mind but it is uncommon and not recommended.

Hope it's OK... :blizzard
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