Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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I don't think i've ever spoken to you before, but its great to see you're ok. :) Nice to finally meet the guy who created the rp. ^.^


Greetings, Lee. My best wishes to you, and my hopes that you don't mind that I introduce my more villainous alter ego to the story.

Cheese Foxlee

Closure! It is good to hear from you Lee. Hope to see you around more often.

Cheese Foxlee

Stupid slow internet cause double posts.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cheese Foxlee on December 25, 2006, 01:36:59 AM
Also, I was hoping that Llearch would be willing to join. 

I wasn't in the original, I won't be in this one.

Two reasons: One, it's not my bag, and, as such, it doesn't interest me, and that would mean I'd be dragging the whole play down. And that's bad for everyone else playing. Secondly, I lack the time to think about this.

After all, I've already got work, the wikuwiki, keeping up with the rest of the forum, more work, leading my team at work, persuading my bosses that I need more manpower to do the things that have been on my todo list for the last two years, keeping my home network running, looking after my 4yo son, upgrading my web server, and a few other things that escape me right now to do.

Erm. Yeah. I'm pretty fully booked already. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Cheese Foxlee

Ryudo Lee

One of these days I'm going to sit down and read what you guys have done to my old RP.  :3

Seriously though, for whoever's running it, I can give you a run down of what I was going for and you could go from there.  E-mail me or whatever if you want the details.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

topher chee


Wow, Ryudo lives!  Now I need to find more old furcadians... Ashtar Rose, Cesair, Poladora, Klass... oh wait Klass didn't like me... well, anyways... yay!

Nice to see typed text from you again!
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

topher chee

haha no I didnt know snuggles.  Sorry.  But anyways this would be a good time for us to join the others, hopefully they'll come and help out.


topher chee

haha, yea, we'll have to wait and see

Aisha deCabre

(Poke) Well at least one of us acknowledged your little signal.   :3  But see what y'all can't do on your own for the moment...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

Okeedokey.  It seems it'll be a battle.  And its not Magic Stygian! haha, its an elemental.  It natural


Nevertheless, it's an energy discharge. Stygian doesn't make differences like that, primarily because he regards things from a very scientific perspective and doesn't think of magic like you do.

topher chee

well then thats perfectly understandable


Okay, Topher; good news, bad news time.

Bad news is that I think I just caused a huge dent in your plot arc. I apologize for this.

Good news is that I am an expert at making dramatic plot twists (such as the one that got him there in the first place), so I can make something go wrong, if you want to keep that prticular sub-plot going.

And RyudoLee, Dai Sti'ho (that means ‘hello’). I am not on errantry, but I greet you nonetheless.

Cheese Foxlee

Topher has been out of town for the last few days,  but he should be posting soon. I'm surprised he didn't mention it to anyone.


Mwaha. Plot twist all set. I hope you don't mind me taking control of Slevrani now, Joat. I also would like to know what she knows about the fallen.


The who?

[[No, The Who is a band.]]

I meant ‘who are they?’, Sylver. If I am to answer his questino, I must know what he means.


*Looks embarrassed at the typo* Yeah, Sylver, questinoes are like questions, only questionier.



Ya know, the fallen and shattered and what the hell Angel.


Slevrani came from the same dimension Sylva came from at about the time she came. She knows nothing of it.


Well, dang. That makes her a lot less valuable to Stygian. Once he finds out, he'll probably use her as quickly and much as he can, and then "get rid" of her. But there's a good enough chance he'll hand her over to Rei too, if you want me to.

topher chee

Alas, my dear friend Cheese is correct.  I hadn't planned on going at first, it was all sorta last minute.  No time to get on the comp, ya know.  As for what Pan was saying, that'd be an easy rescue, of course wheres the fun in just teleporting.  You adventurers decide what is best.  I'm cool with whatever as long as I get to investigate the angel^^

So I dont double pooooost........

I did what I could, I can always go back and change it up.

Aisha deCabre

So is teleporting what y'all are doing now?  You know, the group didn't HAVE to split up if you were able to employ that... :sweatdrop
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


So now we've got to hunting high and low all over the place? -_-;

topher chee

-_-;  Stupid bugs.

To keep from double posting...

I've been gone for the weekend, this should be how it is for a while just to give ya'll a heads up.  I dont usually have access to a computer on the weekends until Sunday night.  Other than that school just starts tomorrow again so.....I'm preparing to get hammered with homework.

topher chee

just to renew this post so it isnt forgotten.  PAY ATTENTION PEEPS!!!
I'lll delete this double post once people respond. :)
Wouldn't that suck if I got in trouble^^
Please Damaris dont kill me


I will be the first to respond....

Anyway Because of her blinking she wouldn't have the spell effect her.


[Pretty soon, Sylva’s probably gonna end up running out of magical energy at the rate she’s casting spells.]