Just another noob saying hi

Started by AlucardRose, November 22, 2005, 06:11:47 PM

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Just saying hello to all to of the active members here. If I accidentally make a post in the wrong area of the site, do not go crazy on me because this is my first day of posting. Just be mature about it.  :|

Jorge D. Fuentes

Welcome to the Forums.
Enjoy your stay here.  We're a nice bunch... most of the time.  :P

Destina Faroda

Welcome to the board, AlucardRose!  Do you mind if I call you AR?  Or just Rose?
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

That sig is a little large for my taste. Other than that, you seem fine.



I'm still fairly new as well, so I guess from one noob to another,


Xuzaf D

Quote from: Darkmoon on November 23, 2005, 10:10:17 AM
Large, but cool lookin.
I always thought it tacky to have a signature larger than the average post.

Destina Faroda

Around here, that could apply to everyone's signature. ;)
Sig coming...whenever...


Yeah, we aren't exactly known for our wordiness.


 I am pleased to see so many active members and I thank you all for the attention *tear* Dont worry, my topics will soon match the awesomeness of my signature...Its good to be concise  ;)


i have always found the term noob to be the 16 year olds way of saying "look at me i'm pretending to be elite"

welcome and all hail in non-n00bness


Well, really, noob is supposed to be reserved for those people that are new and act like morons... as opposed to the long term morons that post at most forums, or the short term intelligent people.


dude. are you sure about teh awesomeness? we flooded the destroyed icon at least 20 times.... well, kyam alone. anyway..... lol.
that brings things up... i am another noob saying hi. you remember my thread, lol.