Ram Search (not pc related)

Started by Amber Williams, December 03, 2006, 05:56:11 PM

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Amber Williams

I need to find a link to a particular comic. It's called Ram...basic story: Super-hero furry dude.  Had a nifty swoosh symbol.  Anyone know what I'm talking about? Link please? :3

Thanks in advance.



Actually, it started on that site, then it became a Pay to Veiw comic, the first might be lost, but the other might not be...

Jim Halisstrad

Gah, I know Ram was done by the same guy involved in Fur will Fly and that one mars cop space (chupa)thingy.  (*edit*  Surviving Mars)
net search :o


I think Brian stopped doing RAM.  At least I think that's what he told me, not sure though. I'll ask, next time I see him online.

EDIT: Yeah, it's gone. He got tired of all the work he had to put into it, and everything has been removed from the net.
Sorry, kids.
