Another new user

Started by Stormfalcon, November 30, 2006, 05:50:30 PM

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*Stygian makes a quick, horrible wail before...


...his head blasts off in a nice, slimy explosion, blood spattering everywhere. His body detatches from the ceiling and falls limp to the floor*


Wow, Stygian provides snacks now?

*busily munches*

llearch n'n'daCorna


Needs more salt. Not nearly bitter enough....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Argh! Can't you wait and check that I am actually dead, and that my body's not regenerating?

You're probably going to get pretty sick too. Unless you've a fondness for alkalines, metals and complex, poisonous compounds, that is.

*tentacles on the Ronin's head*


Oh. Um....sorry..... *pats pieces of Stygian back into place*


Quote from: mini-lion on December 01, 2006, 04:23:30 PM
i swear these introduction topics are getting weirder every time ( not that its a bad thing )


Introduction topics are always weird. It's traditional.


"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

nyomnyomnyomnyomnyom, yummy alkalis.

Just covering all the bases, as it were...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 30, 2006, 06:27:31 PM
Hi, you should watch out for peeps and stuff...  Especially the box. :paranoid  And Bill, he's pretty nasty, too.

*First smite.* :mwaha

grrrr..that's MY area!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: LionHeart on December 01, 2006, 05:56:10 AM
*appears in a flash of blue light*

Another new person? They're coming out of the woodwork...


Hi! Welcome to this place of strangeness.

Leave your remaining sanity (if any) at the door, in the secure storage provided, and remember to hang on to your claim ticket if you want it back.

Beware of those who would steal your soul, especially if they should be of the boxy persuasion, and any baked goods presented by squirrels.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy the insanity your stay.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

Thanks.  Now would you kindly inform this newbie of this concept of sanity?  I'm not entirely sure, since it's been a while back, but I think it was that thing I concluded was overrrated and left it sitting in the corner, gathering dust. :D  Thanks for the warnings on the other things.  I do believe I still have some tatters of a soul left, so I want to hang onto those, and gotcha, no baked goods from squirrels.

At least this forum hasn't brought out any apes to greet me.  Yet.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Stormfalcon on December 02, 2006, 11:52:54 AM
Thanks.  Now would you kindly inform this newbie of this concept of sanity?  I'm not entirely sure, since it's been a while back, but I think it was that thing I concluded was overrrated and left it sitting in the corner, gathering dust. :D  Thanks for the warnings on the other things.  I do believe I still have some tatters of a soul left, so I want to hang onto those, and gotcha, no baked goods from squirrels.

At least this forum hasn't brought out any apes to greet me.  Yet.

Sanity? What makes you think any of us have any idea what it is anymore? :-)

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears