Travels with a Kitsune (always open) [Chapter 3: The gate of water]

Started by Kitsune Ascendant, November 21, 2006, 12:49:22 PM

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Kitsune Ascendant

nim: <not just to war. To victory! but before that, we need to stop by a dimension where I know this guy. If we're going to be fighting a war, I want us bringing manpower and firepower. DM, if you want to stop by your place to grab some of your forces, that'll be fine too. >
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Crystal pauses for a sec. "If you need any help on stopping that army, There is a guy i know that can help." He walks up to Nim and lowers himself down. "Here, this will tell him everything. Where to go for him, well..." He tells you a place in another world pretty accrultly. "Just watch out he is a little crazy." Then Crystal walks off into the tavern like place.


DM looks at Nim as though the suggestion was completely insane. "... More... force?!"

K2 speaks up, "It might not be a bad idea."

DM thinks for a moment, stroking his chin. "But I'm still the most powerful, we're not really lacking anything. I don't think we'll need to evacuate any areas, either."

"But just in case, maybe we should bring some allies, like Damia."

"I guess a head-shot from a half-mile couldn't hurt..."

"And if we bring Kageri, every dead soldier is an ally."

DM shudders at the thought. "Man that's creepy. I hate zombies!"

He ponders over the prospect some more, then figures it'd be best to get an ally or two. Besides, he needed a large piece of quartz, and maybe a couple extra weapons from his base. "Alright. We'll go. I wonder if these Zeta waves  count as metaphysical..."

Kitsune Ascendant

nim: <meh. I'll the scientists figure out that one. > *a green crystal appears and floats over to dm*
<take this. It'll get you to where I am instantly. Now, do you have your own methods of getting back to your dimension, or do you need a portal?>
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


he sighed. he disliked Zombies. whether they were organic or reploid like what sigma did with his T-virus knock off were some thing he'd rather not fave. they like wily's bot armies could only do about one thing at a time and then  they rarely did it well.  they were mindless with no growth or imagination. this was independent of them being alive or dead mind you. when passing through one world the living zombie population had gotten so bad that the world had developed a defense in the form or a middles aged make called obvious man. but that was beyond the point. he  decided that while he was well power in his current form he would likely need more power flight and  space capability in the new world. 

It decided touches his belt E is instantly derobotized and falls the the ground for a few moment weakened and panting with the sudden energy loss. in his hand resides what looking like a crystal weapon but it was more that that. it was a focus for his new human from. when he could focus enough to used it. he wondered absentmindedly what End and hyper were doing in there world their world were he picked up this tech. he remember the Zombies that End had stirred up and shivered. they do had be living zombies left over for a bad time in Prague but that was not something he wanted to remember. He struggled to his feet his digital powers seeking to awaken but he held them back. better to concentrate on  being alive and remembering his power- abilities in this form first..

E walks up to Nim changed but still very much the same. he  smiles at the squirrel fox with more  then a little confidence. " well so were are off to build our army? do you think i should wait here of should i scout the dimension ahead and rely the information  back to you? "

I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

topher chee

   Topher looks to the others.  "So, erm, do we have any leads on moonsouls whereabouts?"  After asking the group he looks at each of them with a sudden expression of shock.   Each had their eyes glazed over and they looked as if the had just been stupified.  In an attempt to gain their attention, Topher starts to juggle balls of fire.  He hums aloud circus music "Da da dararararara da da, da dararararara da da...."

Kitsune Ascendant

mina <um... oh, hey tophar. Sorry, I guess the desert can be a little hypnotic. Anyways, we don't have leads, per se. What we do have is a very unique lack of leads. I can tell for a fact she's not in this dimensional layer. Thus, the hunt for the nexus keys. > *enters the tavern, and starts looking for the small but unique signs of a pilot familiar with broken space*

*nim opens a portal to a world of high tech wonders and some of the best weaponry in existance, splitting the portal so that DM arrives in his dimension where he needs to be*
[upon arrival, nim gets the attention of one of the robots with a sharp bark, then sends a burst of thought that is, for lack of better words, encrypted]
(narrow band to the robot)<me and my friends need access to the wargrounds.>
robot (narrow EM band that nim is sensitive to) <authorization code accepted. designate friends and a transport will arrive shortly>
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

topher chee

  Topher blushes as he now feels embarassed for his actions.  He follows mina quickly as she enters the tavern


epsilon Follows Nim and DM without speaking. he wonders what all is going to happen but is confident in his abilities should the need to use them arise.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Crystal follows Mina into the tavern as well. Once in he looks around to see the look out of what is around him. "pisst. Mina whom are we looking for?"

Kitsune Ascendant

mina: <not anyone specific, though there are a few that have helped me before. ah, he's here. I was wondering if I'd see him. C'mon, you'll like this guy. Hey, Garrick!>
*an older man, in his late sixties with graying hair and very thin hair walks up, a laid back adorning his face. While somewhat more thin and less muscular than in his prime, he has kept fit.
garric: well, if it isn't my favorite squirrel-fox. I take it these are your friends?

---meanwhile, with nim
nim: <welcome, my friends, to the war zone. This place is somewhat like a place called the lost library. Due to some downright broken timespace, it's not just larger on the inside, it's infinately so. Instead of books, though, it has weapons, spaceships, and the like. In fact, there's not a single machine of war invented that a version hasn't turned up here. Some genius figured out the structure that the layout followed, and so the better you know what you want, the closer to one of the things they have here you can get. Access is understandably restricted very heavily, and most who are allowed in are further restricted to their tech-level. I and mina are two of only ten beings in this layer that have access to the entire thing. >
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Epsilon looks around." i've seen of these this before. in old dark's vault. adamantly some the the tech his is more advanced of others is less." looks at a missive battle ship the reminds him of a zentrati (the aliens in Marcos) cruiser. and shivers." i'd hate to fight some of these weapons i see here though"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Inbound! Bombers!" Omega yelled over the chaos.
"Great, what else could happen?" Mars sighed, shooting a soldier's head.
"Umm... that would be..."
"Me." A dark, sinister voice announced from behind him.
"Shit. Hey Spring, how've ya been?" Mars cheerfully asked turning around, only to have his face grabbed by Spring's other hand, "What the..? Get off!"
"Like my new toy?" Spring asked as lights flashed before Mars.

Next thing he knew he was in the spyder on top of Nim in the war zone. "What the hell? Omega, what happened?"
"No idea, I'm working on it... there!" Then he was back in Umal.

"Thanks for the info." Spring smiled, throwing Mars on the ground. He punched the air, causing a dimensional rift and jumped through, Mars quickly followed.

[Back in the War Zone entrance]
"I demand access to this facility." Spring bellowed.
"Access denied." the guard bot responded.
"Let's try that again..." Spring sighed holding up a shining silver crystal, "I demand access to this facility..." Spring said, annoyed.
The robot cocked it's head and looked at the crystal. "... Access approved."
"Thank you..." Spring smiled, entering.

Kitsune Ascendant

*Nim, sensing the crystal spring used, sends out a broadcast*
<We have a security breach! all capable center on gate 52-B! Activate countermeasures!>
*with these words, nim jumped in a small but powerfull starfighter keyed to telepathic commands, imprinting his own keys on it so that someone else couldn't interfere with it. Within a second force fields had sprung up around everything in the war zone, each one more than capable of repelling spring no matter what his capabilities were, cutting him off from any of the weapons or ships. Guardian robots with much more sophisticated robots appeared almost instantly*

You are in violation of code 17-D. Surrender yourself or be destroyed. This is your first and final warning.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


[110 feet in the air...]
"Umm, Omega, where are we?" Umal asked.
"Well, apparintly Silent Spring got hold of a Neural Scanner, so he found out where your freinds were, Mars followed him. Our current location is D-000, an unmapped Dimention, and Co-ordnants are 40,120, altitude, about 100"
"And why are we 'about 100' feet in the air... again?"
"You got new legs, remember?"
"Barely. Can I live through this one?"
"Yes, now you can. Anyways, Rad. level is at aprox. 70% leathal dosage, he's here."
"Well, let's get ready."
"Altitude 89 and falling... 80... 70... 60... fif..." Umal slamed against the invisible force feild.

Spring notices the force field as it activates. "Eh? A force feild? How primitive." Spring smiled. "You know, the funny thing is, they don't protect you from what's already inside." He punched through the air causing a rift in time-space to the other side of the sheild and walked through. His Uranium canisters started to glow, "Get ready for a nuclear meltdown!" :mwaha


Epsilon sees whats going on and sighs.  more violence more conflict. when he's gone to sleep so that the others could take over he thought he he would find piece. "Tekksetter" the human transforms and in his place stands  the  cyber being that is Tekkaman Epsilon. he knows that his power is rusty but he's still ready to fight. he wonders if his defense can still stand up to  a blase measured in mega tons. "do we really have to do this" asks the cyber being as he pulls out  his  weapon.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Kitsune Ascendant

*as soon as spring was through to the other side, the force field's secondary effect kicked in, throwing him back out and several yards past while shorting out some of his systems. As it happened, nim arrived at just that moment.*

You should know better than to attack a place that has access to the defensive technologies of every single civilization, plus the improvements of each up to a millennium into the future. By the looks of it, you must be that spring character we were told about. I was hoping we would have a more climatic showdown, but you're almost infinitely out-gunned here. Then again, you could do this the way of the recurring villain.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


"Shit!" Spring yelled as he was catapulted past the shields. "No matter, I can be... resourceful." He said activating a green crystal in his hand.
Suddenly a shot rang out from atop the force field, Spring withdrew his hand just quick enough to dodge the bullet "Ya know, this is getting really annoying Spring." Umal yelled, sniper rifle in hand, sliding down the shield.
"Be careful, his canister's at 55% critical, do not use destructive force!" Omega told everyone.
"You allways has been observant Omega." Spring smiled, clenching his fist, the crystal glew brighter. Nearby, a small cache of nuclear weapons started to leak Zeta radiation.
"Radiation leak! Get out of there!" Umal yelled
"Warning: Current radiation exposure level near critical!" Omega announced
"I'm gonna' need some help!"


Just when he's thong this could be resoled without  overwhelming destruction.,. Epsilon ran a scan for Zeta radiation effect on his physiology as he was not sure how it would affect his aliens cyberwear. " You know him best Umal. give us a plan"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"We either have to short him out using an EMP or infiltrate his hardware, either way he still has a chance of recovering" Umal yelled over his sniper rifle as he tryed shooting Spring, only to have the bullets suddenly stop a foot away and drop harmlesly on the ground.
"Options: Magic-Based Energy Destabilitaion Device, EMP grenade, AI Link, or we could freeze him." Omega suggested.
"Always did want to test the Cyro. grenade, alright." Umal thought
<Alright, here's the plan, you all distract him while I try to find a stash of my Cyrogenic grenades, I'll throw them, releasing a gas that freezes on contact with air, unfortunantly, the material is indestructible when in it's solid state, so we'll have to put him wherever the high security is in this place.> Umal announced telepathicly.
"Omega, activate the endorphine pump."
"Warning: extended use may result in pernement muscle injury." Omega chimed, "But then again, you knew that." There was a small whirring and he was gone in an instant.


Epsilon knows the in his current forum no of his weapon well maybe the volttekker could produce an sizable Emp. but sitting here worried about E should have stayed in charge or not. it was just a waist of time to worry. a single enemy was hared to fight then a fleet of them but the battle had already begun and he had his strategy.

Epsilon decides to take the offensive. the area int not sized for  hypersonic speed but he can still  fly at a few hundred miles per hour and still maneuver.  blade ready Epsilon flew at  Spring  whipping his blade try9in to  cut him in half or at least slice him from his back mounted  atomic pile. with the revers stroke should the fist strike miss.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Crystal moves foward and brings up his hand. "Yes, I am Crystal. It is very nice to meet you. Can we have a seat and something to drink... My leg is killing me." Geasuring down to his leg.


Spring grinned, "Fool," He muttered.
             -Disarm Kenetic Sheild
             -Kenetic Sheilds disarmed
Spring did a 180 right before impact so his canisters recived the entire blow. The hole caused a massive surge of Zeta radiation, causing all electronics around him to short curcit, as well as mutate organic cells two times faster than gamma radiation. "I suppose a thank you is in order."

"Uh oh!"
"What is it, Omega?"
"Sudden surge of Zeta waves. And they're..."
"They're what?"
"Moving..." Omega said bleakly
"'No leathal force', isn't that what I told them!!?? At least there was no explosive yeild."
"True, however, one of your allies short curcited due the radiation."
"If we get to him, I could lend him my nanoids."
"There they are!" Omega yelld as Umal's cyber eye pointed to a pile of oval, blue items.
"Good, let's go!" Umal said shoving them into his Q-cube.
"Endorphine pump needs recharging."
"Guess I'm back to normal speed then..." Umal said, running back.


Epsilon watched the move but was unable to  stop the swing of his blade in time. he swing Nealy splitting the canisters in half.. realizing what he did Epsilon immediately co his body glowing with a energy form his chest he draws in much of the radiation and radioactive material along with the much of the air around him and  it is compressed and converted as it becomes fuel for his weapon the Volttekker. the minimum charge time was 3 seconds but  for sure a weapon but epsilon wanted to be sure to draw in as much zeta radiation as possible before he unleashed his attack.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Spring paused, looking at E
       [Scanning opponent...]
       [Oponent shows absorbsive properties]
       [Suggested course of action: Control]
Spring held out his silver crystal again, glowing much brighter than before.
The robots stoped, staring at it, as if expecting something.
       [Cyber-control crystal active]
       [Attempting to infiltrate AI...]

"Endorphine pump's back online, activating..." Omega announced. Umal was gone once again.


Epsilon feels a pricking at his mind as he nears the limit of  his volttekker charge. Epsilon turns facing spring with his volttekker ready. all he has to do is call out Volttekker and the energy swirling in chest will reverse direction ready to course in a beam of super charged  plasma energy capable of disseminate large sections of space armadas. it was not as power of the and the mind controlled Reacter Voltekka but then he was not ready for that kind of power. Epsilon hesitates a moment before releasing  the power. this spring? was he human but the pricking in his mind grows stronger Epsilon pushed back with his mind and releases the power  "Voltekker" he cries out uncertain as to weather on not he truly wished to hit his target. this was no alien tekkaman but that did not necessarily mean that he was someone that deserved to be spared.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

topher chee

  Topher Chee smiles to the old man.  Not sure what to do next, Chee looked around for signs of MoonSoul.  There were many in the tavern, and the large ruckus started to drone Topher out of his surroundings.  He walked over to the bar and asked for some water.  The bartender gave him a disgruntled look, and Topher smiled hopelessly.  With a sigh the bartender walked to the far side a returned with a pint.


Shortly after his attempt to control E failed, Spring's canisters quickly recreated the missing section, stopping the radiation from spreading. However, by then, E was already ready.
"Ooh! Pure energy, thank you." Spring said as E fired. The plasma stopped within a foot of Silent Spring, and acted as if it hit a spherical wall.
      [WARNING Energy sheild at %90 overload, OVERLOAD IMENENT]
         -Reroute conduit 2974 to Canisters
      [Sheild conduit loop terminated]
         -Conduit reroute complete
The canisters began to glow with the intensity of a small star.
      [Canisters at %190 critical]
      [OPERATION: Armagedon is a go]
         -Initiate operation Armagedon
Large latches on Spring's canisters released, dropping them. "Well, congratulations, you get to be the first to witness my masterpiece. These canisters are past their critical state, gamma radiation is already leaking, a small internal explosive charge will result in an explosion with more force than a million Hiroshima bombs." He smiled, "Don't worry, I'm very capable of outrunning the explosion, as dimensional travel only takes me less than half a second. You on the other hand..." He grinned, "Well, I'll leave that to your imagination."
"Yo! Spring! Chill!" Umal yelled as he suddenly appeared within fifteen feet of Spring, Umal threw a cyro. grenade, only to have it bounce off of Spring's head, "That cold have gone better..."
"Ok, one, those were awful jokes, and two, you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a starcruser."
"Yeah, I get that a lot."
"But did you see where it was falling?" Omega interrupted, "Look up!"
"Huh?" Spring said, looking strait up, only to be hit in the forehead by it, freezing him and the canisters.
"Oh look! Cold fusion!" Omega joked.

Kitsune Ascendant

(ooc: that's what I get for disappearing. )
nim: <hey umal. Nice to see you. Now, unless that freeze grenade is more than a temporary fix, I suggest we get those to section plural z gamma. According to the computers, they specialize in zeta radiation. speaking of which, I'm going to disappear to the psionics section to see if I can't find a magical equivalent. We'll meet in a few hours. until then...> *a small crystaline badge appears* <this'll give you access to most of the areas. There's a special prison where you can take spring along the way. After that... Unless you took care of the invasion while we weren't looking, go with the others and pick out some weapons and ships. I'd recommend some good ground vehicles and a type-zeta mark XVII energy pack for epsilon. It should store enough to power one or two of those volttekker blasts.>

[back with mina]
mina : <order what you want, guys. Garrick and I will be talking for a while.>
*turns her thoughts to Garrick* <Moonsoul's been caught by an unspeakable again. We're hoping it's like the last time, just that one of them got too confident, but we got a trace on the first bit of its jump, and this one has enough power to hit some of the outer layers>
Garrick (using the same telepathic band) <Hmm... That could be bad. Very bad. The last time an elder unspeakable crawled out from the pit layer, we had apocalypses left and right. I'm assuming you came here because you need to reach the gate of water?>
Mina: <Of course. We're going to need to get there as fast as possible. You have anything?>
Garrick: <Yeah, I've got one of those Correlien freighters. But I'm only taking you there on one condition, and it's that you're bringing me along>
Mina: <Are you sure? You aren't as young as you were then>
Garrick: <You see how my kind age. This body may be old, but I've still got some fight left in me. But we have an hour or two before they finish repairs on my ship, so why don't you give me a proper introduction to your friends.>
Mina: <of course. Hey guys, over here!>
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


"Got it." Umal said, reaching into his q-cube, "But first, we have to seperate these two." He added, pulling out what looked to be Wind Fire Wheels, "These are superheated, just enough to melt a tiny section of the ice on contact. it acts much like scissors in that sence." He said, cutting out the canisters. "Annd... done! I'll take him to that prison and put this," he said, liftng the canisters, "In that section, what was it again?"
"Plural z gamma." Omega sighed
"Also, do you need any help, E? I could lend you same of my nanites if you need to heal, they replicate both organic and inorganic matter, so... Nonetheless, I perfer to use my own weapons of war, So I'll meet you here, k?" He said, trying to push the frozen robot, unsuccessfuly, "Erm, does anyone have a gravity lift I could use?"

[OOC: Example of Wind Fire Wheels]