DSE: Chapter 1 | The Beginnings [The Show Hits the Road] [RP]

Started by Arcalane, November 10, 2006, 06:18:44 PM

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Despite himself, Sebastian gave a slight smile when the lizardman left the bridge. He was a brute, but an amusing one. He guessed that was more than redeeming enough.

   As usual, Sebastian felt Thirvith long before the Deverai actually entered the bridge, even before he smelt hir and almost before he heard hir steps. The comm officer's strong psi signature made his senses tingle and lit him up before his "vision" like a christmas tree.
   "In tha' case I retract my form'r statemen', an' demand on behalf of all tha' people present, it woul' seem, tha' we be on our way now. Anythin' to git off o' here. 'Sides, I think tha' at least Ricko here will agree wi' me tha' i's better to ge' this done with as fas' an' efficiently as possible. E' doesn' seem tha' much of a bother."


"Kkkt, yes," Rickardo nodded shakily, quickly turning away from his screen, "Many here have hypothisized that there may be hostile conditions on the planet, so speed would be a good idea. Go in, recover this cargo, leave." He turned back to his workstation and began querying the computer for more info on this planet. Again.


There's not much information to be pulled up about the planet, other than what you already know, as the system is still quite unexplored, being one of the 'borderworlds' in this particular sector.

Amta 1 Datareport
Atmosphere: Oxygen/Nitrogen Based, Trace Toxic Elements.
Surface: 70% Water, Varying Terrain.
Overall: Light forest, hilly regions. Limited polar caps and few mountains.

lucas marcone

Ian strolled down the hall singing to "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al himself in his native tongue. Just before he hit the second chorus he made a quick right into the men's room. After finishing his business he serveyed the room. "Dirty mamals....i clean and clean and clean and they leave it in this condition?!? mayhapse i just dont clean it for a month? Heheh they'll come whinin'." He then washed his hands and exited, but not before missing a free throw from the first stall door.


Locklear examined the information currently known about the planet and his tail twitched about, "That is certainly very revealing.  It does sound rather quaint, I would think that this little mission will be at least interesting.  This ship is so very confining, I would ever so much like to walk upon cool grass and trees."

The Valallian's ears twitched, "do we have any data on what is causing the 'trace toxic elements'?  Are we seeing large amounts of particulate carbon and pyroclastic glass?  Is it carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides along with amounts of sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide?  What are the constituents of the toxins?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Kkkt. I have been trying to find out more from this idiot savant machine for a while, but what you see is what you get," Rickardo said as he typed in the query again in the eternal computer users hope that repeating yourself slowly works on computers, "It may very be caused by whatever cargo this ship was carrying. Kkt. It breaks open in the atmosphere and the cargo is vaporised by atmospheric friction, thus spreading it all over the planet. Or it's completely unrelated," he shrugged.

lucas marcone

Ian appeared in the door way. "Well let's not sit her gabbin' away like like grannies in a knitting circle. Let's get down there accomplish out main objectives and get.....PAIED." With the last word he made the universal signlanguage for money. "Quite frankly i need some clothes without hole in them and my quarters could use some referbishing as well." He walked across the room. "Besides this infernal machine is getting....well a little too cozy." He put special emphasis on the word "cozy" wich implied "prison". "Well?" He asked "Shall we get started?"


[Take in mind your primary objective here is to survey the asteroids, not have a field trip. :P]


Angel stretched out. She could feel the marks from the console she had been leaning against.

"So... How long till we land?" She asked. If she was lucky she would have time to exercise some before she had to get ready.
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((Well, since no one else has posted to take the job I guess I'll take the reigns.))

"Long enough for everyone to check their personal hazmat suits and gear, Miss Angel." A subtle, yet authoritive voice answered from the bridge's entrance. Joshua crossed the short distance to the captain's chair without even looking up from his dataplate. The anthro-cat looks up from the plate as he takes his seat and addresses the human scientist directly. "We appreciate your offer. We'll be happy to investigate the crash if possible. If you would be so kind as to transmit any data you have about the ship's port calls prior to the crash and its intended destination." He asked politely with a courteous smile.
"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss? If not, then we will let you return to more pressing matters. We can notify Athure directly if we find anything involving the lost freighter." He added, watching the scientist's reactions carefully.


"The freighter is too old, and we don't have it's name or L.D.C* so I'm afraid what you see is... well, what you get." The scientist checks a clipboard and jots something down. "Nope, that's all I have to cover. Should I inform Athure that you have decided to investigate the freighter?"

"Just remember, the asteroid belts should take priority over the freighter. The outer belt doesn't look too promising from our remote scans, but the inner belt may contain some useful minerals and ores."

((*A ship's LDC is somewhere between a serial code, barcode, license plate and registration code. Each ship's LDC is unique to it.))


Angel smiled. ''Miss Angel.'' It sounded so ... civilian and feminine. She never thought of herself as a civilian. Maybe... Nah, focus on the mission.

''Maybe we could split up?'' Angel said. ''One team takes the shuttle to check the lost ship. The other scans the inner belt.''
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"I do not believe it is a good idea to split into two groups, asteroid scanning will require full-time rotating shifts of on-call personnel and will not be as efficient if we have half-crew.  Besides, a simple salvage mission should not take long."  Locklear commented as he absentmindedly tapped a claw on the communications console, he looked up and noticed Verain.  "I suppose you need your seat back Thivirith."

Relinquishing the communications console, he took up station at an auxiliary console and added one last bit to the discussion, "Whatever is chosen, I can pilot the shuttle as I am very good at it!"

Locklear operates the console and begins a number of busywork relate tasks to occupy his time.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Ehh... what he said. Sides, if we split up, I wouldn't be able to enjoy y'all's sparkling personalities." Miles turned to the captain. "If you need me, I'll be doing a check-up on the shuttle, just in case."

lucas marcone

"Can we just get the mission going already....." He looked antsy."I know it will take some time but...i have to have this money soon or...." He trailed off. Bills were pileing up for his family on his home world, and the landlord was threatening eviction......But ofcorse he would never let them know that.


"Kkkt. Splitting up may be wise, as those who don't have skills that would be useful on this mission should probably remain and watch the ship. Of course, that is only my impression of the matter." There are Dangerous Things down there, and I am in the company of those who may very well seek them out of sheer boredom. Not good.


"H'lo, Captain," Miki says with a mild smile as Joshua takes his seat. "Oi don't suppose you 'eard moi request? Oi was jus' considering us getting some fresh food while on-planet. Oi for one would 'ppreciate it, and Oi volunteer to hunt it down if we get the 'Okay.'"
/kicks the internet over


"I'm one fer' agreein' with Fluffy here," Sebastian said, walking over to stand beside Joshua and eyeing the navigation chart. "But I don' see the purpouse of spli'in' up when we could jus' go slower on the run-in an' do a cuttin' maneuver."
   He moved over, and indicated his suggested route with a finger. He pointed beside a rather large asteroid cluster, the kind that sticks together probably from sheer gravity or else some magnetic or nuclear effect.
   "Tha' way we could use the gravity of e' to sling us into smooth orbit. If we maneuver well, tha' is. An' I trust Locklear's abilities." He did, in fact. But it was also a bit of the scientist's recommendation that played in, and even more of his own reluctance to leave anyone behind where he could not keep check of them. That way, someone might try and ditch and leave him behind.
   "How's the debris in tha' area?" he asked.


Joshua nodded to the human. "I'm well aware of our primary objective. We can notify Athure ourselves if we find ourselves able to investigate. Thank you for your time, DSEV 1 out." Joshua motioned to Coms to cut the transmission.
Leaning back in his chair Joshua looked over the system chart on the screen. "Agreed Mister Kodayn, splitting up is not an option right now. Besides, a global scanning in search for a single vessel that crashed a good hundred years ago could take just as long, if not longer, then the survey." He rubbed his chin for a moment as the others conversed and offered suggestions. Joshua raised an eyebrow at Miki and smirked. "Need I remind you Mister Ree about my rules on eating anything as yet unidentified."

"As for earning our pay, I think it best to complete the surveying mission as quickly as possible. After at, we know we'll get paid for that. We won't get paid for the ship if we can't locate it, or if there's nothing let to recover." He spoke eyeing the path Sebastian had indicated and gave a short nod as he thought. "Mister Miles." He called after the human engineer. "The message probe they loaded onto us, do we have the supplies to refit it? If possible, than I want you to pull its current memory-bank and install a sensor and broadcast array. After that, you can check the shuttle; I want to use it to speed up the belt survey."

"Helm." He said turning his attention forward. "Plot a course through the asteroid belt, that way we can get a feel for conditions in the actual belt. We'll take up orbit around Amta I for bit, get a first hand look at it as well, then we'll return to the belt and our primary mission."



"Long enough for everyone to check their personal hazmat suits"? That doesn't sound long. Better get going.

"I'll be in my cabin." Angel said and left the bridge. She could check her 0-G suit, it would protect her from any toxic. On the other hand it's so slow on the ground, even with servos. Better check on the filter packs first, see if they are any good.
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"Right, sir, will go do just that". Miles left the bridge, and headed for the shuttle for his inspection.

lucas marcone

Ian didn't need to check any thing his spicies had gained a cirtin resiliance to toxins during their industryal revolution. Even so he wasn't totaly immune, so he went to go get his gas mask. He liked to collect trinkets of the great war like the reptilian gas mask and the mamalian military uniform he never seemed to take off.

Minutes later he entered the bridge with his gas mask on, it resembled a WWII american gas mask but it was elongated to fit the reptilians.
"So think it'll catch on as the new trend?" he asked jokeingly.


Sebastian had just slid away from the bridge in his usual manner, fetching what hazmat gear he had. It was a military piece and consisted basically of a mesh underlay, reinforced and padded vest with studs and a powerpack and filter mounted over his shoulder, a characteristically smooth-faced helmet with only some chin-mounted breathing slits and no visible eyes, and gloves and boots and some pads all made from the same dark metal and mesh as the rest of the suit. Over this he put his other clothes and black coat, and made sure that he could loosen gloves and boots quickly. There probably wasn't anything on that planet toxic enough to even bother him, but he wanted to keep up pretenses.
   Returning to the bridge, he stood against the wall again, holding his helmet in his hand and waiting for Miles to return and for the go signal.


Miki grins broadly. "You make it sound loik Oi've been beggin' to eat Xenos all over th' place. Oh well, t'was just a thought."
With a cheery, "Protein supplements, ahoi!" and a cheeky eye roll, he gathers the tool box he put down earlier and exits the bridge to continue the errand he postponed. About half a second later, he pokes his head back in for a final parting comment. "Oh, roight! If we do end up goin' planet-soide, Oi'm willing to go down."
He vanishes from soight sight, his toolbox clanking as he goes.
/kicks the internet over


"I just hope this does not turn out to be just another bug hunt."  Locklear batted his tail out of the way as it appeared to take on a life of its own as he checked out the shuttle's flight systems from his remote terminal on the bridge.  He began feeding it data and attempting to prep its systems as much as possible to aid in scanning.  A real flight check would need to wait for Miles to arrive and give it the expert checkup.

Locklear swung around and handed a datapad to the captain, "This is the basic shift roster for asteroid scanning that was drafted by the computer.  We could probably run longer shifts and rely on mass sensors to detect valuable inclusions instead of deep core scanning each and every chunk of rock as corporate wants."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


After Miles had finally found the black binder containing the procedure checklist, he proceeded to board the shuttle to run pre-flight tests. The messenger probe task had already been properly delegated to a subordinate. Miles went through the checklist, and ran a diagnostic test on the main flight computer.


After checking the filter packs Angel decided to go with her own suit so she went back to her cabin. After managing to get the heavy suit out of the locker she did a quick check to see that the power supply was fully charged and that the air filters were clean. After putting the suit on she turned her attention to her weapons.

Hammer rifle or or handgun? She thought to herself as she tried to figure out what the chances where of meeting something with good body armor? It didn't see too likely so she attached her sidearm to her hip and put the rifle back in the locker. As she did that she saw her explosives. Thinking that they could be usefull if they had to force their way into the lost ship she put some in her pockets before leaving the room.

Lets see if the others are properly equipped. She thought to herself, hoping that she wasn't in the company of amateurs.
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Rickardo sighed, getting up from his seat after plotting aforementioned course through aforementioned astroids. The captain had said that the crew couldn't split up, which meant he was to be brought along for this.
"Kkkt. Ten minutes, please. To prepare." With that, he went back to his quarters. One didn't change parts in the presence of others.
Now then, there's the breathing collar. Too bad that couldn't be used for that rebreather. Things could be dangerous, so I'll put on the arm with the built in sonic stunner. Different legs, for running away... He finished screwing the last limb into place, felt the pressure locks release to allow circulatory fluid to the new parts, and examined himself in the mirror. He now had a thick collar around his neck, an extra knee joint facing the opposite direction of the first, and the fingers of his left arm were looking a lot stiffer than he used to. He grabed a box of new coverings for the stunner and placed them into one of his exoskeletons "pockets."
Well, I look suitibly ridiculous, but at least not completely helpless in the event of unforseen peril. Perfect.


Joshua accepted the data pad from Locklear and nodded as he scanned over it. "This looks good, though I'm hoping we won't have to resort to extended shifts. We should be able to actually cut the scanning time by using the shuttle." He handed the pad back to Locklear. "As for the scanning itself, make sure to account for mass/density ratios; and we should scan the occasional small rock every so often. I would like to collect actual physical samples if we could, but we're just not equipped for it."
Joshua glanced up after a few moments and smirked at Ian. "It's very becoming of you." He chuckled as Sebastian silently returned to the bridge. Clearing his throat the panther sat back in his chair and regarded the image of the planet.
"If the probe works I want you program it to survey the planet's surface for anything that could be a crash site." He addressed Locklear. "I know everyone's looking forward to going planet-side but I want as much info on what's down there as we can gather before landing." Joshua smiled slightly. "Who knows, we could get another bonus for any reliable information we can bring back about the planet itself."