I met famous people!

Started by Hilary, October 15, 2006, 09:29:44 PM

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I met the lead singer from Scissor Sisters on a ferry to France back when I was 17. He was headed off to a music festival in Marseilles. Pretty cool guy.

I also met the Liverpool soccer team once. One of my dad's friend's got us tickets to a special gathering they organised after a match. Steven Gerrard is a cool guy. :)


Use the force you must, Jim!  >:3

I met Web-comic-artists at a con.
They were famous to me.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


a couple of people at animeboston last year... >> I met Mookie, and sat there and was awkward giving him art.
Hal Clement(I think that's how you spell his name...) tripped over me, and held me on his lap at a sci-fi con in Boston when I was three.
I also stole Kaibo(who the hell is this? Mom knows who he is, I'm too much of a young'un)'s potato chips. Again, when I was three.


My psycology proffessor knows Chris Angel personally, and she was an actress for the Star Treck experience at the Hilton, my mother shook hands with John Kerry durring his election campain, and my father met a pro football player named  Terry Tate  at a bar once... I haven't met any famous people or celebreties yet.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Oh yeah now I rember..I meet the famous Rainman himself..Kim Peek!